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Surrender to More

Page 24

by Rachel De Lune

  “What? Just like that? You’re so sure.” I say. It’s a statement rather than a question.

  “I am. Just promise to love me, be honest with me and trust me. The rest will come.”

  “Yes, just not yet. I’m still taking baby steps remember, and that’s just too much for now.”

  Luc makes everything sound so easy. Wrapped up within his protection I suppose it is. I know how I feel about him. I’ve never loved anyone like I love Luc. Why was I fighting something that felt so right? My heart was thumping hard and strong in my chest. I remember those little blips it let out as if it was nudging me in the right direction, trying to get me to listen all those weeks ago. My head hadn’t succeeded in guiding me to happiness. Maybe it was time I let go of my fears? If everything was on the table if Luc knew what he was dealing with and was confident, could I take strength from him?

  “You know we have a long way to go? I’m not suddenly going to mould into everything you want.”

  “You are already everything I want. I want us to stop fighting each other and give this a chance. A proper chance. Will you?” I could do that. It wasn’t a marriage proposal.

  “I promise. I love you, Lucas Clark.”

  “And I love you, Jessica Riley.”

  Six months later

  “Okay, bye dear.” I hear Mum hang up the phone and carry on playing on my phone.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes, he’s fine.”

  “Mum, it’s all good. You’ve probably spoken to James more in the last few months than if he hadn’t moved.” She leaves me in the front room to go and check on the roast.

  A lot of things have changed in the last few months, but I’m really glad that Sunday dinner with my folks is back on. And now I get to enjoy it with Luc as well. We’re not here as often as I once was, and I was happy about that. It turns out, so were my parents.

  “Mum, do you know when Luc and Dad will be back? I’m not entirely sure going to the rugby together is the best idea.”

  “They’ll be home when they are ready. Now, are you going to help me in the kitchen? I’ve cooked for Izzy and Seb as well, although you didn’t confirm with me.”

  “No, they’ll be here. Sorry, I thought I had.”

  I go to the fridge and grab a juice. Since the hospital and the stern talk from Izzy, which quite frankly was half funny, half terrifying, I’d stopped drinking. I needed to prove to myself, and Izzy, that I didn’t need it in my life. I didn’t, but I also wanted to prove that to those close to me.

  “We’re back!” I hear Luc call from the hall and go to say hi.

  “Funny to have a rugby game in the morning.” I quiz him.

  “You know how it is. Now, I’m starving. When’s dinner?”

  “When Mum dishes up. Drink?”

  “Sure. Whatever you're having is good.”

  “I’d like to say, for the thousandth time, I’m not a recovering alcoholic. You can drink around me without my world imploding.”

  “Juice is excellent.”

  “We’re dishing up. Are Seb and Izzy here?” Mum shouts through from the kitchen. It’s certainly more lively with Luc joining us. Right on cue, the front door goes, and Seb and Izzy walk into the hall.

  “Go straight on through, Mum’s just dishing up.”

  We all make our way to the dining table and squeeze in around it. Bowls of potatoes and veggies cover the table, and Mum sits the giant lamb leg joint in the middle.

  I sit back and watch as my family digs in, passing dishes and piling food on their plates. General chatter fills the air—there is no pomp and ceremony here—and everyone has a smile on their face. To me, this is what family is. This is what family does and I’m forever grateful I’m in a position where I can say Luc is a part of that.

  “How’s work, Jess? Found anything yet?”

  “No, I’m still looking. It’s tolerable. I miss Hannah.”

  “It’s been a stressful time, but if you’re not happy you need to find something else. I thought I’d never be able to find something new. I love the job I have now. You never know how things are going to work out.” Izzy’s radiant smile is infectious. She is the voice of optimism and I have to admit, she was in an awful position and found her way out. Now she has everything she’s ever wanted. I still have a job and a pay check. I can suck it up a little while longer until I find something better.

  The chit chat continues, and I tune out again. I knew I would have that Sunday evening dread soon—the one that signified Monday morning. Perhaps I could convince Luc to stay over and distract me. A grin spreads across my face when I think of the ways he could take my mind off of work.

  “Hey, that looks like something I want to know about. What’s running through your head, Princess?” Luc whispers to the side.

  “Oh, just hoping you can distract me tonight from my pre-Monday blues.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I can accommodate you.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting back in his chair, having hoovered his lunch. I look around at the table and realise while I’ve been stuck in my head, everyone else is nearing the end.

  “That was delicious, thank you.” Luc offers with Seb and Izzy joining in.

  “What’s up with you lot? You’ve wolfed down your lunch.”

  “Well some of us haven’t been lazing around all morning,” my dad retorts, closing his knife and fork after devouring his meal.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise watching rugby was such a strenuous activity.”

  He smiles at me and then gives Luc a wink.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  “Nothing. Simply acknowledging what Luc has to put up with.”


  “Oh, come on, we’re only teasing.” I smile at him and brush it off, but something is going on.

  “I suppose we better be off. Thanks, Mum. See you in a couple of weeks.” I kiss her goodbye and go and find Dad. Seb and Izzy had stayed after lunch as well, which wasn’t like them. “Come on people. We can’t stay here all day.” I find my bag and go to dig my keys out of it, but I can’t find them.

  “Luc have you seen my keys. We need to get going.”

  “Yes, and yes we do. You’re coming with me.” He takes my hand and leads me out the door and towards his car rather than mine.

  “I thought you could come to my place tonight?” I say, a little confused as to why he’s trying to put me in the Merc.

  “I won’t need to. Come on. Jump in.”

  “What’s going on.”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Hey, I don’t like…”

  The look he gives me over the roof of the car is enough to stop me mid speech. I’ve learned a lot over the last few months. One thing is I can trust Luc with all of me. And although the Dominant / submissive element to our relationship was firmly in the bedroom, it didn’t stop him being the person he was. Dominance was in his very nature, and I had learned when to argue and when not to. This was one of those times not to argue.

  I fold into the seat and watch as he passes my keys to Izzy who gets into my BMW. I force my lips closed and cross my arms over my chest. Luc gets in but doesn’t offer any ray of light as to why he's so demanding or why Izzy is taking my car.

  We head out towards the centre of Bath, and it becomes obvious we’re going to his house. I keep the puff of frustration under wraps and try not to over-react. Luc had pushed at every opportunity he has had to strengthen our relationship. He was all in. I was sure of it, and it lifted my heart to know that. I didn’t know when I’d be ready to take another step.

  He parks in his usual space and Izzy cruises into the spot next to it. Seb has followed in his car and Izzy skips out of mine, tossing the keys towards Luc and goes to Seb. She signals the ‘call me’ sign with her hands before they drive off.

  “Will you please tell me what is going on. I think I’ve done pretty well to stay quiet in the car.”

  “I know. Thank you. Come upstairs and we can t

  “Talk? Is everything alright?” His voice sounds off somehow, and my mind immediately jumps to panic. My stomach flips at the possibility that something might be wrong. Shit. I’d just thought about how great it was that Luc was all in with me and then bam, it’s not.

  I follow behind him as he takes the stairs to his apartment. He opens the door, and as I step inside, he throws my keys back to me, apparently happy now, to give them back. I walk into the main room and then stop dead.

  My stuff. Well, some of it anyway, is cluttering his pristine space. My laptop is set up on the table, a few pictures from my walls are propped against his walls. The kitchen has several boxes on the counter that Luc would never usually keep. I turn and head up to Luc’s bedroom. Sure enough, there is now an assortment of my belongings littering that room as well. Complete with suitcases and items hanging on the door to his wardrobe.

  I go into the bathroom and find a similar situation. “What…”

  I turn around, but he hasn’t followed me. I storm down the stairs and into the kitchen where he’s made me a cup of tea. In one of my mugs.

  “What the hell! You’ve moved my stuff here.”

  “I know.” His sexy smile is out in full force, and I battle not to be distracted by it.

  “How did you… when… is everything here?”

  “With some help, today and no, some of the furniture is on the way to a storage lock up until we decide what to do.”

  “What? I can’t move in. We’re not… I’m not ready…”

  “Yes, we are. Hell, I’ve been ready for months. I’ve been patient with you. It ran out.” He takes a sip of his coffee and stands, waiting for my next volley of questions or abuse.

  “Why did you do this? Couldn’t we have talked about it?”

  “No. I knew you’d struggle with the idea, and you’d find an excuse or a delay. I know you, and I love you. But I was tired of not having you in my bed every night. This way we can argue in bed, but at least you’ll be with me.” His words make my heart pound in my chest, and my fists clench by my side.

  “You don’t get to make all the decisions about us. This is a relationship...”

  He’s on me in a flash, his hand tangled in my hair, lording over me in a powerfully sexy way. “No, this decision was mine. You submit to me, and this is what I want. I don’t want you to over think or panic or worry. You trust me, and you trust this. I want you in my house, in my bed, underneath me whenever I want. Simple. Besides, you did say yes in the hospital.” His lips seek mine, and he kisses the last of my protests away as I melt in his arms.

  “Calm yet?” he whispers, still holding me in his grip.

  “I’m not sure. You might need to kiss me some more.” He obliges in the most delicious way.

  “Do I get my own key?”

  “Of course. It’s on your keyring.”

  “Seriously” I grin.

  “Seriously.” I wiggle out of his grip and go to retrieve my keys from my bag in the hall. Sure enough, a sparkly new key is on the ring next to all the others. My own key to his place. Well, our place now, I guess.

  Luc’s arms thread around my waist, and he pulls me in close to him.

  “Happy?” He asks.

  “Happy. I love you, Luc. Thank you for doing this your way.”

  “Anything for you, Princess. I mean that. I love you, too. Now, I want you upstairs in our bed and naked by the time I count to five or you’ll be submitting to my punishment. Go.”

  About Rachel De Lune

  Rachel De Lune writes emotionally driven contemporary and erotic romance.

  She began scribbling her stories of dominance and submission in the pages of a notebook several years ago, and still can’t resist putting pen to real paper. What ifs are turned into heartfelt stories of love where there will always be a HEA.

  Rachel lives in the South West of England and daydreams about shoes with red soles, lingerie and chocolate. If she’s not writing HEAs, she’s probably reading them. She is a wife and has a beautiful daughter.

  For every woman who's ever desired more.

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  More books by Rachel De Lune

  The Evermore Series


  Forever More

  A Little Something More

  Surrender to More

  More Than Desire

  Finally More


  Reminiscent Hearts

  The Break

  Cornwall Tides Trilogy

  New Tides

  With Charlotte E. Hart

  Innocent Eyes

  Devious Eyes




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