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Law & The Single Dad

Page 7

by Emma Nichols

  “What was that about?” I asked Evelyn as she stood beside me grinning.

  She pretended to zip her lips. “I promised not to say a word,” she announced. Then she added cryptically, “You’ve waited five years. I bet you can handle five more minutes or so.”

  “You’re probably right,” I agreed as I loaded the home fries into the warmer.

  “Where’s Avery?” Evelyn asked while glancing about. “I’m shocked she’s not in here.”

  “Bathroom. She has to pee every ten minutes.” I laughed quietly, then sobered. I wondered if I might have a baby or two with Leo one day.

  “How can I help?” Evelyn asked as I pulled more food out of the warming tray.

  “Could you help me carry some of these serving trays into the dining room?” I asked.

  “I’m coming to help!” Tegyn appeared suddenly in the room.

  Together the three of us brought all the dishes to the table in one trip. We sat down to eat and though I was trying to act calm, I felt like I was jumping out of my skin. Leo wasn’t making it any easier. He was so happy, so affectionate. Every other minute he was touching me, patting me, looking at me. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “What’s going on? You’re killing me right now,” I grumbled.

  “When was the last time you checked your email?” he asked quietly.

  Even if he’d have whispered, it still would’ve been too loud. The rest of the room had grown strangely silent as they tried to eavesdrop on our conversation.

  I sighed. “Friday afternoon. Why?”

  “Huh. Maybe you want to check again.” Leo suggested with a smirk.

  “Now?” I huffed.

  “Especially now. I’m pretty sure everyone is going to want to hear this.” He lifted a fork of scrambled eggs to his mouth while watching me.

  Slowly, I pulled out my phone, trying not to appear too eager. Naturally, the server was slow and I felt like the damn thing would never load. Once it updated, I started scrolling through, looking for anything related to the divorce. There it was. It came in around six on Friday, a solid hour after I’d left the office, determined to leave work there until Monday. I opened it and scanned the body of the email.

  “You signed it?” My eyes widened in alarm. “That was a terrible deal!” I shrieked.

  Leo laughed. “So open the attachment.” He waited patiently for me to do as he’d urged.

  I groaned, opened the PDF, and gasped. “This isn’t the agreement I wrote. This is…everything. How the hell did you manage this?”

  After scanning the room, and realizing everyone was staring, he announced, “So, I may have walked in on Sable and my lawyer having a nooner on his desk.” He shrugged. “And then the tables turned.”

  “Oh my God! What happened?” I reached out and held his hand.

  “Well, as you can see there, I have sole custody. I’m giving her three years of alimony. She keeps the condo. And…most importantly…we’ll be officially divorced in six weeks.”

  “How the hell did you manage that?” DeSean asked. “You forging some papers?”

  Leo laughed. “Not necessary. We’re divorcing Reno style. She’s there now. In six weeks, I’ll join her to sign the paperwork there and make it official.” He turned to look at me. “Wanna come with me?”

  “You’re inviting me to Vegas for your divorce?” I asked while shaking my head. “No. That’s…weird.”

  “You’re no longer her lawyer. There’s no conflict of interest. There’s no reason we can’t date. Come with me,” he begged.

  I rolled my eyes. “We have six weeks. Can we just see where we’re at? You could be tired of me by then.”

  “Bullshit,” DeSean coughed. “Sorry. Something in my throat.”

  Leo snickered. “You know, my friend is incredibly opinionated, and notorious for being right.” He leaned in closer. “He thinks we’ll be together forever. Don’t you, DeSean?”

  “Well, I don’t know why anyone would want to be with you forever, but if someone was going to do hard time, I believe your best shot is Lizzie.” DeSean grinned and reached for Tegyn’s hand. “I learned my lesson the hard way. Don’t make my mistakes. Don’t waste time. It’s too precious.”

  I blew out a breath. “So what would someone wear in Reno in July?”

  Leo waggled his brows. “It’s hot as hell. I’m hoping you wear very little.”



  * * *

  “You look absolutely beautiful,” I whispered in her ear as we walked over to Paxton and Avery’s house. “Try not to upstage the bride.”

  “Only you would think that. Avery is gorgeous, plus she has that whole pregnancy glow thing working for her.” Liz smiled up at me.

  “You look so happy. It makes you absolutely radiant,” I gushed. Normally, I was a pretty mellow guy. Get me around Liz, and suddenly I’m a damn school boy again filled with word vomit.

  “I have to tell you, I have rather enjoyed this dating thing. You’re pretty good at it,” she admitted as we strolled up their driveway.

  “What part did you like best?” I asked while mentally taking notes.

  She groaned. “Don’t make me choose! There have been so many special moments, like the other night when we laid on a blanket in your back yard while sipping wine and wishing on shooting stars.” She sighed happily. “Oh, and what about the morning you showed up at my apartment to cook me breakfast?”

  I laughed. “And it would’ve been breakfast in bed, if you’d have stayed there.”

  “You know, if you want to get in my bed, you don’t need to bring food. We are adults,” she reminded me. “We’re even allowed to date, remember?”

  “Are you worried over why we’re waiting?” I frowned. “I’m trying to be better. I’m trying to take my time and enjoy all the little things. I have some big things planned for us too.” I stopped before we reached the steps to the front door, turned Liz to face me and held her face in my hands. “I’m wildly attracted to you. Sometimes, being around you, I can barely breathe, I want you so badly. Your touch, staring into your eyes, you have no idea how you affect me.” I shook my head.

  “Show me,” she urged. “I mean it. It’s time. Show me.”

  I studied her face. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to look back on this with regrets.”

  Liz leaned in. “I’m going to make you regret not doing this sooner.” Her brows rose and there was no hiding the smirk on her face.

  I pulled her into my arms. “Okay. Soon,” I promised.

  She smiled up at me. “I guess until then, I’m just going to have to make you want me more.” Then she winked and scampered away from me while giggling and glancing over her shoulder.

  “Yeah. That’ll do it.” I loved when she was playful. I loved when she was serious and soulful. I loved when she bonded with my son and my mother. I rushed to catch up to her.

  “Oh, there you are,” she teased. “Let’s go to a wedding.”

  “Let’s get married,” I suggested.

  “Too soon. You’d have to get divorced first. And I’m not willing to commit if I haven’t taken the goodies for a test drive at least.” She shivered. “What if we’re not compatible? What if you can’t condone my freaky fetishes?”

  My brows rose. “Do you have freaky fetishes?”

  She threw her hands in the air. “I don’t know! We haven’t had sex yet.”

  The front door opened. “I’m sorry to hear that,” DeSean murmured, “but we’re trying to get ready for a secret wedding up in the house. Any chance you two could come in and keep the noise down.” He focused his attention on me. “I’m telling your mother.”

  “What did I do? I didn’t start any of this.” I chuckled. “And leave my mother alone. She has enough to worry about without you twisting this into some tale about fetishes.”

  “She really does,” Liz agreed as she looped her arm through mine. Then she shook her head at me. “Honestly, Leo, can you please check the fetishe
s at the door so we can be here for our friends?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll try, but you should know one thing.”

  We stepped inside and closed the door. Smiling, Liz wrapped her arms around my neck. “And just what is that?”

  I leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Weddings make people very horny.”

  Liz snickered, released me, and took a step back. “We’ll see about that.”

  DeSean groaned. “I’ve heard that funerals make people hornier. And if you ruin this wedding, Leo, I’m gonna kill you, and Liz can test that theory.” He wagged a finger in my face. “Got it?”

  “How can I ruin the wedding? Plus, Liz is in it, so it’s not like I can whisper with her during it.” I threw my hands in the air.

  “I don’t know, buddy. I expect you’ll think of something.” He shook his head. “Lizzie, is that boy treating you right?”

  She grinned. “Better than I’ve ever been treated before.”

  “Dear God, how low are your standards?” DeSean chuckled.

  “Not as low as mine, since I think of you as a friend,” I retorted.

  DeSean ignored me and pointed up the stairs. “You know where the master bedroom is. Avery is in there waiting on you.”

  I dragged her to the side before she could rush away from me. “Bye, gorgeous,” I murmured. “See you after the wedding.” Then I kissed her cheek and watched her make her way up the stairs, admiring the sway of her hips, and the way her tight skirt hugged her ass.

  DeSean elbowed me. “You’ve got it bad.” He snickered. “About time you fell for someone perfect for you.”

  “Well, it was bound to happen eventually, right?” I shrugged as I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my khaki pants.

  “Nah, buddy. You have a way of being stupid and sticking it out like a motha fucka.” He groaned. “I thought you’d never get divorced. Happy for you. Happy for Lizzie. And I’m really happy for Hudson. Little man finally gets to grow up in a loving family. Isn’t that all we want in this world?”

  I nodded solemnly. “It really is.”


  * * *

  “The ceremony was beautiful. Don’t you think?” I smiled and dabbed at my eyes while being grateful for the waterproof mascara Tegyn had turned me onto.

  “It was. Could you even see it?” Leo teased. “You couldn’t stop crying.”

  “Well, Avery is married. She’s pregnant. She’s raising his baby and they make such a beautiful family.” My eyes began watering again.

  “They do.” He pulled me into his arms. “You’re going to have a beautiful family too. You know it.”

  “Yeah?” I sniffled and looked up at him.

  “Yeah. I think we should take the first step.” Leo stared down at me intently, and I wondered what he thought this first step might entail.

  “Okay, I’ll spend the night. Stop begging.” I laughed.

  “Cool. Now…what if you spend all the nights?” He waggled his brows at me.

  “What does that even mean?” I frowned.

  “Move in with me,” he urged. “The house is huge. My mother loves you. Hudson adores you.”

  “Well, he’s easy to love. He just wants to play and be cuddled. I got that.” I shrugged. “Now, his father is one pushy bastard.”

  “I want to see you every day, spend every night wrapped around you. I want to build a life with you.” He blew out a breath. “And I know we haven’t even had sex yet, and I know I’m rushing things, but I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this. It’s our time, Liz.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I replied while I tried to process my reluctance.

  In the short time we’d been dating, Leo had been amazing. He was loving, devoted, affectionate, and romantic. Honestly, he was pretty much my dream guy. I’d spoken to Sable and quite honestly, even she had nice things to say about him, all while she took advantage of his generosity.

  I was still considering everything when the music started. When I glanced up, I realized Tradd Beckett was set up under the covered patio, playing one of his ballads. Paxton grabbed Avery’s hand and spun her around. Together they started swaying to the music. Looking around, Paxton motioned for everyone to dance.

  “Of course he knows Tradd Beckett,” I murmured to no one in particular.

  “DeSean knows him and introduced all of us the day Zara was born. It’s worked out pretty nicely so far.” Leo chuckled. For several seconds he stared wistfully at the newlyweds. “Can I get you to dance with me, at least?”

  “I’m definitely up for a dance.” I inhaled deeply as I laid my palm in his outstretched hand. There were tingles radiating through me at our touch and something about it made me feel comfortable and confident in what was growing between us.

  We made our way to the patio area, which had been converted into a dance floor. Soon, DeSean and Tegyn were beside us.

  “Hey, if you like this music, let me know. I can hook you up for say…a reception.” Then they danced away.

  Leo laughed. “I like the sound of that.”

  I blushed and looked away. After taking a deep breath, I murmured, “We should go get a drink.”

  “Yeah? Okay.”

  We moved toward the open bar and I added, “Let’s go with something light, like wine. Liquor makes me hot.”

  His brows peaked. When we reached the bar he signaled for the bartender to come closer. “Can we get the lady a Long Island Iced Tea?”

  I smirked. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get me drunk.”

  “I’m hoping I can at least convince you to spend the night tonight. You haven’t done it yet.” Leo smiled. “I’m not trying to be impatient, but you know how I feel. You know where I stand.”

  I nodded even as I wondered what I really knew. It wasn’t like he’d made proclamations of love or anything. Did I want that yet anyway? I turned and watched Avery and Paxton while they visited the clusters of guests strewn about their lawn. Inside the house, I could see Tegyn and DeSean kissing in the kitchen. There was no doubt that these couples were in love. Two arms snaked around me and Leo whispered in my ear. The music had started again. I couldn’t quite make out anything he said. So I turned and frowned. “I didn’t hear you,” I announced.

  He stiffened. “Nothing? Not a word?”

  Shaking my head, I admitted, “No. Sorry.”

  “Dammit.” He raked a hand through his hair.

  Obviously, whatever he had to tell me was something big. I braced myself, willing the bartender to hurry. A few sips of that drink might help both of us right now.

  Leo waved at the bartender. “I need a double shot of Jager.”

  The man nodded and quickly passed him the shot the same time he passed me my glass.

  Before I could even position the straw and take a sip, Leo had downed the shot and grimaced. “Okay. Here’s the thing, Liz. I’ve known you for a long time.”

  I nodded and glanced over my shoulder at the bartender. “Over here,” I suggested as I pulled us away from the crowded bar area. We moved several feet away, closer to the house, farther from the reception.

  “Liz, I don’t know how to say this right. Sometimes, I feel like the only time I’m really truly good at words is when I’m negotiating a deal for some corporation. Right now, I’m truly out of my element.” He blew out a breath. “See, I messed up before. I had feelings for you, real ones. I had feelings for Sable, lustful ones. And I should’ve stuck with you. I should’ve stuck with my gut and my heart instead of believing what she told me and showed me.” He ran his hands down his face before laying them on my shoulders.

  Leo was saying all the right things. Somehow, all of this was soothing my fears. Sure, I think I worried that he’d dump me all over again, but mostly I wanted to trust that this time, things were different with us. We were different people. And I really wanted a life with the man he was now.

  The song was winding down, but Leo seemed to finally be finding his flow. “Thes
e…feelings have been growing in me. I’m actually happy. And I know it’s because of you.” He took my face in his hands. “I’m really analytical. You know, occupational hazard.” His lips twitched as a smile played on his mouth. I was completely mesmerized. “Every time we speak, every time we text, every minute of every damn day, this keeps growing in me. It’s so intense that I could just burst if I don’t tell you.”

  The music ended. There was a moment of complete silence. Leo didn’t seem to notice.

  “I love you, Elizabeth,” he announced. He stood straighter as he realized the yard had grown strangely quiet. He glanced around and grinned. “And I don’t care who knows it.”

  Our friends cheered. Strangers cheered. The bartender was probably patting himself on the back. I had to be glowing as I reached out and wrapped my arms around his neck. This energy thrummed through me. I felt alive in a way I hadn’t before. And I knew it was because together, we could have a life neither of us had ever experienced. When I was sure I had his complete attention, I nodded my head and spoke. “Leo Ward, I love you too.”



  * * *

  “Are you sure you’re up to this?” I asked my mother.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I’m not that old, Leo,” she grumbled. “Go and have fun in Reno with Liz.” Mom smiled. “Hudson and I will be fine. You’re seriously only going to be gone for a few days. Your friends are close by if I need anything.”

  I took a deep breath. She was right. We were flying out on a Sunday, signing papers on Monday, and returning on Tuesday. “Is there anything you need before I go?”

  “Son, I have an iPhone and I know how to use it. I have apps to get meals delivered. I have apps to get groceries delivered. And if there’s an emergency, I know how to dial 911.” She groaned. “Get out of here. And don’t come back until you’re not married.” Mom laughed as she pushed me toward the front door.


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