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Law & The Single Dad

Page 8

by Emma Nichols

  Hudson was sitting in his high chair. “Okay, little man, Daddy has to go now. You stay here with Mimi. I love you.” I gave him a huge hug and planted a kiss on his forehead while sniffing his baby fresh scent. I’d given him a bath last night and rocked him until he fell asleep and I was damn close to passing out myself. The idea of being without him for two days bothered me, but Mom suggested they stay here because it was far easier to care for him in our baby-proofed home. She made a valid point.

  “Do you want me to move the pack and play down here so you can stay in your room and he can be with you?” I knew I was annoying her, but it was so much harder to leave them than I imagined.

  “Leo, for the love of all that is holy, go! You’re going to miss your flight. Don’t you have to pick up Liz?” She sighed. “I’ll stay in the spare bedroom upstairs. It’ll be fine. I’m only in my fifties, not my eighties.”

  “Okay, okay.” I held my hands up, palms out, in obvious surrender. “I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of you. You’ve been so good to me, so helpful with Hudson.”

  “He’s my grandchild and you’re my son. I want to do these things.” She took a few steps and wrapped her arms around me. “I know you’re used to going it alone with Sable, but if you’ve paid attention, then you have noticed Liz and I, we’re not like that. She’s quick to help, too. You don’t have to do it all anymore.”

  My shoulders sagged. I could almost feel the tension leaving my body. She was right. For the first time in five years, I was on the right path, surrounded by people I loved who loved and supported me too. “You’re right. Call if you need anything.” Then I gave them each one last kiss and bolted for the door. If I looked back, I feared I’d never leave.

  The drive to Liz’s apartment passed quickly since I was so lost in thought. I had a plan and it would be just like her to ruin it, but I thought I had a greater than fifty percent chance of winning her over. Still, I hoped my heart would rebound if she balked.

  As I pulled in to a spot closest to her building, I saw her lugging a suitcase out of the door of her apartment. “Don’t move!” I called out. Then I slammed the car into park and rushed up the stairs to her side. “I’ll carry this down the stairs. I know I’m late, but I had to make sure Hudson and Mom had everything they needed.”

  We started down the stairs. “That’s one of the many things I love about you,” Liz murmured. She had a strange look on her face.

  “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, Elizabeth?” I eyed her carefully.

  “I don’t know. Everything feels different today.” She frowned as she climbed into my car.

  I stuffed her bag in the trunk and then hopped in the driver’s seat. “I know. I think it’s because I’ll be single tomorrow.” I winked.

  “This has gone so smoothly. I think I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out. I’ve had my heart crushed by you before. Maybe it’s a good thing we haven’t slept together yet.” She shrugged. “This way, I won’t know what I’m missing if something goes wrong.”

  “What could go wrong? I spoke to Sable last night. She met a really nice old rich guy. I think she’s hoping to snag him before he dies.” I winked. Slowly, I reached out and rubbed her thigh. “We’re going to have so much fun. I have tickets to Cirque de Soleil tonight and reservations at The Capital Grille, unless you’d prefer to go to Sinatra’s. Whatever you want.” I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed the back of it.

  “The Capital Grille sounds perfect.” She smiled sweetly at me.

  In her eyes I read a combination of hope and fear. I expected as much. We’d had so much fun lately. We’d cook out at my place, or order in. A few nights, after we tucked in Hudson and made sure he was asleep, we left Mom to watch him and went to a movie. We’d done every part of the quintessential dating. I wanted so desperately to make up for our lost time.

  “Are you trying to wear me out?” she asked quietly as she turned to stare out the window.

  “I’m trying to keep you busy so you don’t think about bad stuff,” I admitted.

  “Well, you’ve squished nearly a year of dating into six weeks.” Liz laughed. “I’ve noticed, Leo. I don’t miss much. We’re lawyers, remember?”

  I nodded. “We are. We have a lot in common, you know?”

  “I do know. Is this the part where you push me to move in again?” She smirked.

  “Nah. I’ll wait until tomorrow for that.”


  * * *

  “We’re going to be late,” I mumbled. “And I don’t know why I’m so worried, since I don’t think I should even be going.”

  Leo sank down onto the bed. “You want me to sign the papers without you?”

  I laughed. “I think it would make a lot more sense. Who brings their girlfriend to their divorce proceedings?” Then I covered my face with both hands. “I can’t believe I said that. I’m a divorce attorney. I’ve seen it. I thought it was tacky. I can’t do it.”

  He stood, blew out a breath, and closed the distance between us in two steps. “Okay. But I don’t like leaving you alone in a strange place.”

  “It’s the Peppermill. It’s a nice resort. Plus, you went above and beyond on the room. I can’t believe we’re in the penthouse suite.” I was mildly annoyed he didn’t want me unattended, but mostly touched. Having him worry over me was lovely, especially since it was clearly a safety concern and not a jealous or possessive thing.

  “I have an idea. I’ll book you a spa day. You can get a mani-pedi and facial. I’ll be back in time to join you for a couples massage. After seeing Sable, I’ll need all the relaxing I can get.” He laughed.

  Immediately, I could feel the excitement building. As I worked to make partner at the firm, I rarely had time to spend taking care of myself. Especially lately, since Leo and Hudson consumed every moment of my free time. “Yes.” I giggled in excitement.

  He sighed in relief. “Okay. I’ll feel better knowing you’re having a nice time without me.” Leo shook his head as he dialed the front desk. “Spa, please. I’d like to make a reservation.”

  While he worked on that, I rushed to the bathroom to get dressed. I’d moved my clothes in there before I’d realized how late it was. We’d stayed out past midnight on a Sunday. I felt so decadent. By the time I exited the bathroom, he’d already scheduled my treatments.

  “Come on. I’ll walk you down before I leave,” he announced, holding out his hand.

  The moment I took it, I was struck once again by the feelings coursing through me. I think he felt it too, because a second later he had hauled me into his arms and started kissing me. His breath came out on my cheek in soft puffs. And the way his lips melded to mine had my knees growing weak.

  “This is real,” I whispered as we pulled apart.

  “Of course it is, Liz.” He crushed me to his chest. “Now, I need to really get those papers signed.”

  Ten minutes later, I was having my facial. An hour after that it was my fingers and toes. Finally, I was brought to the room for my massage and found Leo lying on his side under the sheet and blanket while he waited for me. I strolled over to the hook on the wall, and with my back to him, let my robe drop down my shoulders until it reached my wrists, then snagged it with one hand and hung it up. Wearing only my black lacy panties, I turned around and made my way to the table.

  Leo’s eyes were wide and he inhaled sharply at the sight of me. I smiled. “Oh, let me.” He scrambled off his table and pulled back the coverings for me to slide under. “By the way,” he began, “I’m officially single.”

  I snickered. “I thought you might be.”

  There was a knock on the door and two masseuses entered and the massages began. I laid there feeling so relaxed and calm, so confident and happy. I tried to remember the last time I’d felt like this. The closest I came was back in our study groups in law school. We’d talk over different cases we were assigned, share our arguments. More often than not, when I was done with my turn, I’d
catch Leo staring at me with such admiration, and he’d say something like, “You’re brilliant, Liz.” He always made me feel so special.

  The hands on my back worked out all the lingering knots and tension in my body. And when we were done, fifty minutes later, I felt like a new woman. My face was glowing, my fingers and toes were perfect, and now my body matched. As I slid off the table, Leo pulled me into his arms.

  “I hope you’ve had a wonderful day.” He leaned low to kiss me.

  I nodded as we broke apart. “I have. Thank you for spoiling me.”

  “Oh, the spoiling has just begun, I assure you.” He chuckled. “So, do you want to go eat, or do you want to go back to the room?”

  Tilting my head, I considered his words. “If we go back to the room, could we order room service?”

  Leo chuckled. “Absolutely. It’s tough when you have two urges that need quenching at once. Or is it just me?”

  Inside, I tingled. Holy crap. After weeks of waiting he was finally coming around. “Was it the papers?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Coupled with those panties.” He groaned. “I’ve been fighting a semi ever since.”

  We quickly dressed and exited the spa. Holding hands, we glided to the elevator and then made our way to our suite. As he unlocked the door, Leo asked, “What would you like?”

  Feeling incredibly emboldened, I responded, “You. My answer will always be you.”



  * * *

  This was the longest I’d ever waited to have sex with someone since I’d lost my virginity. We could only have our first time once, so I decided to make it as special as possible. I pushed open the door and ushered her in. When I heard her gasp, I guessed our room had been prepared according to my requests and grinned.

  Sure enough, there were bouquets everywhere.

  “What’s this?” she asked as she practically shivered in delight.

  “You are an amazingly complex woman. I wanted to buy you flowers, let you know how special you are, how much you mean to me. Only when I spoke to the florist, I had no idea what your favorite flower was, so I thought I’d go this route instead.” I took her by the hand and walked her around the room. The first bouquet we reached was on the desk. “I ordered you this sunflower bouquet with pops of purple because you have brought sunshine back into my life.”

  She squeezed my hand a little more tightly and stared up at me in wonder. “This one?” she asked as she pointed to the one all of six inches away from it.

  “The champagne roses? Oh, that’s because you make my heart bubble over with joy. You’re so funny, so easy to be with. You, Liz, are positively intoxicating.” I leaned over and brushed my lips against hers.

  She inhaled sharply and blinked a few times.

  “Don’t cry, gorgeous. This is a happy moment.” My brow furrowed.

  “Oh, I am happy. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.” Liz giggled. “So, please, keep going.” She gestured to the collection of wildflowers. “What are these all about?”

  “Wildflowers.” I sighed blissfully. “You make my heart run wild. I want to do things with you, go everywhere, see everything. I picture this amazing life. And if I had to imagine you as an animal, it would be a wild mustang.”

  Liz made a face. “I don’t see it. I’m boring. Uptight.”

  I laughed. “At work. It’s the job. At home? Around me and our friends? You’re so fun and free. It’s beautiful to watch. That’s why you catch me staring at you sometimes.”

  We took a few steps and she leaned her head on my shoulder. “Calla lilies. Are they for the stuffy me?”

  “No, they are for the elegant you. That’s one of the many beautiful facets that make up your personality.” I brushed her hair away from her face. “You can walk into a room and draw all eyes with your quiet confidence, the grace that makes me so honored you’d even give me the time of day.” I shook my head. “I seriously wonder how I ever managed to win your affection. I don’t deserve you,” I murmured honestly. “I hurt you once. I’ll never do it again. And I’ll spend every day of the rest of my life trying to prove it to you.”

  This time, when her eyes met mine, tears spilled out of them. “I believe you. And never doubt you deserve me. I wouldn’t waste time on anyone who didn’t.” Liz stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my lips. Then she sighed. “Tell me about the pale pink peonies?”

  I looked to the ceiling and blew out a breath. “I almost didn’t buy you these because I was afraid I’d have to explain them.” I reached out and gently ran the back of my hand over the petals. “Remember the pool party when we first reconnected?”

  Her head tilted. “How could I forget?”

  “Well, you bent over and adjusted your bikini top at one point and I had a glimpse of one perfect, pale pink nipple that has stayed with me ever since.” I shrugged, even as my cheeks grew warm. Liz simply stared at me. “Say something. I feel like a dick for looking.”

  Instead of speaking, she reached behind her and unzipped the sleeveless black dress she was wearing. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched. A second later it was sliding down her arms, and then finally pooling around her ankles. Liz stood before me wearing her heels, and matching black lace bra and the panties I’d admired earlier. My semi had morphed into a raging hard-on and I could think of nothing but getting both of us out of the rest of our clothes.

  “These nipples?” she asked as she removed her bra, dropped it on the heap of her clothes, and stared at me for approval.

  My mouth had gone completely dry and I had this horrible feeling, if I spoke, my voice would crack like some damn teenager. I nodded, no longer trusting my body not to give me away. I wanted to touch her so badly, but I had no idea what to do. Luckily Liz had that all figured out.

  She walked into my arms. “You have a serious choice to make here, Leo. You ready?”

  I nodded again.

  A smile spread across her face. “Talk flowers?”

  I blinked a few times. Flowers were nice, but I really wanted Liz more.

  “Or take me to bed?” Her brow arched in challenge.

  I held up two fingers. “Bed,” I managed to eek out.

  Thank God one of us was maintaining their composure. I’m just not sure why the fuck it wasn’t me. I’d never been like this with anyone else. This was part of how I knew we were real. The attraction was serious. The chemistry was insane. And every bit about our time together mattered.

  By the time she’d turned me toward the bed and backed us up to it, she’d managed to remove my shirt and was running her hands over my abs and up my chest. My pulse had quickened. My heart felt like it would burst from my chest.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Better,” I mumbled.

  Then she dropped to her knees before me. By the time she’d loosened my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and tugged everything, including my boxer briefs, down to my ankles, my cock was throbbing.

  She ran her hands up my inner thighs. Somehow, by the time I’d inched myself up the bed and she’d crawled up in between my legs, we were both completely naked. This woman was a most welcome surprise.

  Liz cupped my balls with one hand and began to work her other up and down my cock adding a little extra pressure at the tip. When she leaned over and took me in her mouth, I actually had to brace myself.

  “Come here,” I urged as I pulled her up my body. “It has been a while for me and I want to make sure you get yours.” I winked as I began to kiss her.

  Sex with Sable had grown so mechanical, I barely remembered what it was like to feel and cherish the experience. I felt like a builder breaking new ground. I’d done it before, but I was starting fresh, getting the lay of the land, so to speak, as my hands worked their way through her hair, down her back, around her waist, and finally one cupped her ass while the other massaged her breast and played with that perfectly hardened nipple. Gently, I took it in my mouth and sucked, allowing my t
eeth to gently scrape her skin. When I heard her moan in pleasure, I rolled her onto her back and intensified my actions.

  I ran a hand over her stomach, still flat from working too much and not eating enough. My hands soon found her hips, and her tiny waist. Releasing her nipple, I watched in fascination as it sprang back before kissing my way down her body until I found my head between her thighs. I wondered whether she liked this or not. Some women didn’t, and while I’d never truly enjoyed it, I’d damn well give it my all for Liz.

  My tongue flattened against her slit and I licked up all the way up to her clit. She squirmed and allowed me further access. I licked and sucked while my finger found her wet, warm passage. She was ready for me, so incredibly ready. I crawled up the bed and opened the nightstand, pulled out a condom, ripped the foil, and quickly unrolled it over my excruciatingly hard cock while Liz watched.

  The amazing part was I didn’t feel self-conscious at all. This felt natural and right. “You ready?” I asked as I rolled onto my back. “Take the top. I want you to set the pace. I want to be able to stare at your amazing body and look up into those gorgeous dark eyes of yours.”

  Nodding, Liz straddled me, and the moment our eyes met, she positioned herself without even using her hands, and slid onto me. We both inhaled sharply and grinned. “So big,” she murmured.

  “So tight,” I noted.

  She shrugged. “Well, I don’t sleep around. So there’s that.” Liz started kissing me and moving her hips. Even through the condom, the sensations were intense. And I knew it was because this time, my heart was deeply involved. I stared at her face and studied her expressions, the way she panted with her lips slightly parted as she grew more excited, the way she tried to break off eye contact and turn away.

  “Look at me, Liz. Let me see you.” I reached up and cupped her face.

  With a moan, she stared back into my eyes. I could feel her then, tightening around me, and this time she whimpered while she rode out her orgasm. When she was finished and collapsed against my chest, I held her in my arms a moment before her head popped up.


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