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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 63

by Nichole Allen

  He watched as she tucked the flier into her pocket but she didn’t approach him. She needed time and so did he. He needed to find out who the new Evan was and it wasn’t Evan Collier or Evan Mandelson, he was somewhere in between.

  The more he worked, the more invigorated he became. The fliers had worked for the few customers who knew him from the soup kitchen and soon, with word of mouth, he had clients lining up for help. He also had investors lined and he had his name and his reputation as a business tycoon to thank for that. He was pretty sure that people would see him set up shop in the scruffy streets of his grandmother’s neighborhood and follow suit. The rent was cheap and so were the business rates. He’d already located several empty factory buildings that were prime for use.

  He’d even employed a young woman, Jocelyn, who had fallen on hard times to work as his secretary; granted she was a bit too chatty but her knowledge of the area and people made her invaluable to his new business. He was no longer bored; in fact, he was more excited than he’d ever been in his life and that enthusiasm rubbed off on just about everyone. He’d even persuaded more people to donate to Scarlett’s charity, which had to be making a positive impact on her life.

  He was still missing something in his life but now he had identified the gap and knew that Scarlett was what was missing. She hadn’t contacted him as he’d hoped and he didn’t want to push her further away. He was surprised when an older woman walked in, hand in hand, with a small child that looked a lot like Darla, Scarlett’s daughter.

  “Evan Collier,” the woman said.

  “I usually go by the name Mandelson but I definitely used to be Collier,” he grinned but the butterflies were dancing in his tummy.

  “Darla, you go and make friends with Jocelyn,” the woman guided the child towards his secretary.

  “How can I help you?”

  “You can help me by telling me why my best friend is walking around like a zombie even though her charity has taken off to such a degree that she can give up her day job and concentrate on it full time, which has been her dream for, like, forever. You can explain to me why she’s moping around and staring into space when she should be dancing for joy?”

  Evan was speechless and he gaped fish-like for a few seconds having already turned beetroot red. What could he say? He wasn’t sure which of the many possibilities was responsible for Scarlett’s behavior. Was she pissed at him for meddling or angry because he’d forgotten her? Could she have feelings for him?

  “Just as I thought, another clueless male. Let me help you,” she said and he saw the cunning streak glitter in her eyes.


  When Evan turned up on her doorstep her stomach had flipped a one-eighty. She was amazed each time she saw him because he looked more and more appealing. His hair was doing its thing heedless of its owner’s combing and his blue eyes melted her to the spot. How could a man be so damn beautiful?

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t come back to see you and I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you after all those years but I’m here now and I want to fix it,” Evan said.

  “I don’t blame you for leaving when you were young; I’m just disappointed that you didn’t connect with me until now,” she said.

  She realized then that she had no idea why she was pissed with him. Was it because he left and got out of poverty without a second glance back? Was it because she had loved him almost as much as she’d loved her mother? Or was some part of her jealous that he’d made something of herself? She didn’t know.

  Scarlett opened the door wider to let him in and he sat at the kitchen table. She made coffee for them both. She wondered if she was annoyed with herself more than for him because she didn’t get out or if it was just because she felt what she did when he was in close proximity. She had often wondered what would have happened if they’d grown up through their teenage years together.

  “I really like you, not just the you from before but you now. The hot sexy woman who makes me want to be a better person just so I’ll be good enough for her,” he said.

  “Stop it already,” she said, slamming her cup down. “I like you too but I’ve got an agenda for this neighborhood and if I start dating Evan Mandelson, the billionaire tycoon with the reputation of making women’s panties fall off just from a wink, what do you think people would say? Evan, I Googled you. I wouldn’t be taken seriously.”

  “Scarlett, I’m changing. I am still Evan Collier inside and I’m meeting you halfway,” he said. “Just give me a chance because we owe that to each other.”

  “Okay,” she replied and the relief that flooded through her surprised her to her core.

  “Good,” he said standing. “Let’s start by having lunch at my place.”


  When Scarlett saw the beautiful Victorian house, it was love at first sight. It was stylish but had all the original features. It was the house she would have chosen had she had money. Evan could have afforded something bigger and grander but he’d chosen well.

  “I’ve always liked this style of house,” he said. “I’m not much of a cook but I had help.”

  “What are these? Did my daughter make these? Did you sweet talk Sylvia to help you?” Scarlett asked, picking up a ladybug cookie.

  “Yeah, I was a desperate man,” Evan replied, blushing.

  She felt her heart swell and she knew right then that her problem was her anger at herself, not him. Scarlett stepped closer to him and he tentatively wrapped his arms around her. She lifted her face up to kiss him and found that he was too tall. He reached down and lifted her so she could kiss him and she did. Her arms sought his skin and his warmth and scent were intoxicating.

  He lowered her to the sofa and, one by one, pieces of their clothes fell to the floor. She felt like a teenager again: following passion, following her heart. Evan’s body was perfect in every way. Not the skinny boy she’d once known but a man who worked out a few times a week with lean muscle and soft skin. She hadn’t felt this way for years. A sudden thought flashed through her and she sat up nearly knocking Evan off the sofa.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to get pregnant, again,” she said.

  “Not to worry,” Evan replied and reached into his wallet, pulling a small packet out. “Can we do it now?”

  His grin was infectious and she felt it right to her toes. Scarlett took the packet, split it and slid it onto him. She wasn’t taking any chances in that area. Evan leaned towards her and kissed her once more. She pulled him closer and he slowly and carefully brought her to orgasm. She felt like she was in heaven and when he joined her shortly after she felt something inside her snap.

  She had held her emotions tightly since her late husband hit her but she was falling hard for Evan and she didn’t want those barriers anymore. She didn’t want anything to stop them from getting closer. He felt like he was hers already and it scared her because she felt like she knew half of him but the other half was a completely different person, a person who scared her.

  “Evan, I am trusting you with my heart. If you break it I will kill you, don’t think I won't,” she said.

  “I won’t hurt you,” he said, kissing her hair.

  “And you can handle the fact that I’m a mother?”

  “Yeah, I met Darla this morning, and we had a blast making cookies,” he grinned.

  “Sylvia is a scheming, devious, little creature. Remind me not to trust her,” she said.

  “I’ll do no such thing. She loves you and she likes me,” he grinned.

  “Who wouldn’t like you? You’re all pink cheeks and innocent eyes,” she replied, and he vaguely remembered her saying the same thing to him many years before.

  “Can you handle the fact that I come with a past too?” He asked, biting his lip.

  “So, the playboy rumors are true,” she said, wrinkling up her nose.

  “If you want me I’m all yours,” he whispered.


  When Evan dropped Scarlett
off at the veterinary office for her last shift, she’d been excited and sad. Her life had changed since his company and a few others had donated large sums of money to her charity. She could now take a wage from the charity so she didn’t have to run herself ragged with two jobs and the neighborhood was starting to see the benefits of both of their combined efforts.

  He’d spent the week moving into his new home, dealing with business, helping at the soup kitchen and spending time in Scarlett’s arms. He knew she was still uncomfortable with his money and his status but when they were alone together, none of that mattered; he was still Evan Collier underneath. He’d also had to ask his secretary to screen calls from Grace. He was sure she’d get the message eventually but it might take a while.

  He had never enjoyed the publicity that went with the success. He’d avoided media coverage and interviews but he still found his name and mugshot on the front of the morning paper which his secretary had placed on his desk before his arrival. He blanched immediately because they also had a nice piece about Grace, an up and coming star with aspirations to be an actress. The report came across like he was some kind of vulture sucking the life source out of women and breaking their hearts. The worse thing was Scarlett had been named, along with her charity, and she had been called his latest victim. He buried his face in his hands and moaned.

  “I’ll get you a coffee with an extra shot,” Jocelyn called out.

  She came back in a few minutes with a steaming cup. She pulled her chair next to his and stretched over him to tap at his keyboard. The local news popped up and with it Scarlett’s stunning profile. After Jocelyn’s quick fingers flashed across the keyboard, he heard Scarlett’s voice. His heart had stopped in his chest and he’d forgotten how to breathe but none of that seemed to matter.

  “Vulture? Let me tell you something about Evan Collier or Evan Mandelson as you know him. When I was six years old, I fell off the swing and grazed my knee, badly. A six-year-old Evan Collier carried me home and washed the dirt off, then dressed it with plaster. He continued to look after me, confide in me, and make me laugh until we were ten years old. He lost his parents, and we lost touch but he is still that same little boy who cares deeply and wants to do the right thing. He has been volunteering at the soup kitchen, feeding those who have fallen on hard times,” she said.

  “Maybe he should just hand over some of his money,” a voice in the crowd jeered.

  “Even the poor have pride,” she retorted.

  She was amazing. She wasn’t just sticking up for his or her reputation she was publicizing her cause, their cause. She was clever, shrewd, and articulate. If he wasn’t crazy in love with her before then he definitely was now.

  “Isn’t she great? Evan, she’s a keeper.” Jocelyn winked and left the room.

  He grabbed his coat from the hook and threw it on while dashing for the door. Jocelyn said something about holding his calls but he ignored her and ran through the streets. The ten-minute walk took him about four minutes and by the time he had the news crew in sight he was glowing red and sweating.

  She saw him and raised her eyebrows. The news crew who were packing to leave stopped but he paid them no attention. He ran straight to her, picked her up, and kissed her firmly.

  “Evan,” she whispered against him.

  “I love you,” he said. “I love you, I love you, I love you. I have always loved you.”

  “The cameras are running sweetie,” she whispered, and he turned to face them.

  “I love this woman,” he yelled and then he let go of her and dropped to one knee.

  He hadn’t known what he was about to do until he was already looking up at the prettiest woman he’d ever seen. He had no ring or plan or even a clue as to how it would work out but he knew that he loved Scarlett and that he’d do anything for her. She was the only one for him.

  “Will you marry me?” he asked.

  “Evan Collier you are a fool,” she hissed. “But I can fit you into my busy schedule, okay.”

  He laughed and so did the news crew, which surprised him because he’d already forgotten they were there. Scarlet hauled him to his feet and they kissed again. She had just agreed to be his wife in front of a whole news crew and who knew how many viewers which meant that she couldn’t back down, she was his. He couldn’t stop grinning.

  “Now will everyone let me finish my last day at work? I actually like it here and I’m going to miss it,” she said.


  They had booked the wedding in the local church and Darla had done nothing but talk about her role as a bridesmaid. They had already moved into Evan’s Victorian house and their busy lives and businesses ensured that the hall would be full to capacity with well-wishers. Instead of presents they had asked for donations to the various charities they were now linked with and people were being very generous according to the fancy new website Evan had created.

  When Evan stood at the altar he had nerves in his tummy, not because he was scared to get married but because he was terrified that she would change her mind. The media had loved her and she’d managed to go viral on the internet so other local charities were now benefiting from similar schemes to the ones she’d set up. He was marrying a dynamic goddess and a savior of souls, including his own.

  The music started and he looked behind him. She was dressed in a beautiful cream empire line the local bridal shop had made specifically to make her look taller. She was stunning.

  Darla peeped around her mother’s dress and gave him a little wave; he waved back and then waited for her to join him. He was the luckiest man alive and it had nothing to do with financial success. His grandmother had been right but she’d placed her goals in the wrong places. He needed to make it on his home ground before he could be called successful.


  See the next bonus story at the next page!

  21 of 25 Bonus Stories

  Deliberate Encounter

  “I just can't believe it, where the hell was everyone when the cattle were stolen? This is the most ridiculous thing that I have heard in a long time, and it becomes worse because this is the third cattle robbery this month,” Jerry Stone shouted furiously. “How many have we lost?”

  “Several thousand head, Sir,” the foreman of the ranch, Ezekiel, said to him, cowering when he saw the way that his boss was furious. “We believe that the animals must be very far by now, especially if this happened early in the night.”

  “Gather all of the cowboys on the ranch because we are going to see if we can at least recover some of the animals,” Jerry said, pulling the brim of his Stetson low over his eyes as he went back into the house for his guns.

  He strapped a holster around his waist carrying a revolver on each of his sides and then grabbed his double barrel shotgun. He then dashed out to the back of the ranch house to the stables, where the horses were kept. He walked over to his horse, Mist, saddling her up quickly before getting onto the horse and riding out of the stable.

  “Where the fuck are these guys,” he said under his breath as he looked at his watch.

  As if they had been waiting for him, several cowboys burst from around the barn on horseback, all of them armed with guns. These were the men that worked on his ranch doing various jobs and Jerry knew that he could count on them for anything. They were loyal to him and had proven themselves many a time during all sorts of crisis. Jerry not only treated them as his ranch hands, but he also treated them like friends and equals, making them feel like a part of his ranch. Most of the ranch owners in the area treated their ranch hands with contempt and it was hard to see ranch hands staying there for very long before moving on.

  The stone ranch was one of the most successful ranches in the Montana area and that was because of the sound management and the effort that everyone put into their work. The major hurdle that they experienced was the cattle rustling and Jerry knew that he would have to find a way to stop it, or at least make the thieves scared.

  “We are here boss, how do
we tackle this?” Ezekiel and the other cowboys came and stood before Jerry.

  “Here is what we are going to do, we are going to split into three groups so that we can cover the whole length of the border of the ranch. We will ride into the wilderness, following the instructions of those that know how to track the animals. If you come across our animals, shoot to kill, and I repeat, shoot to kill,” Jerry said, before dividing the group into three with him taking the first group that was to begin right from where the animals had been taken. They then rode off in their assigned direction.

  Bearing that the ranch was also one of the biggest private pieces of land in Montana, Jerry knew that they would probably take a day or two to get any signs of the cattle, and especially since there were many streams and rivers to cross along the way, and if the rustlers had split the animals into many groups, it would become pretty tricky catching up to them. The worst scenario would be if the rustlers had come with trucks and parked them near the ranch so that they could transport the animals. The upside of this was that the animals were way too many to go unnoticed on trucks.

  “Here are some prints, I think the rustlers took off with the cattle to the west,” Sam, one of his professional animal trackers said as he studied the ground soon after they had crossed a stream. “And they can't be too far because these prints are still very fresh. There is a good chance that they had hidden the animals in the river to throw us off their back, and have just proceeded.”

  “Well, in that case, put your hands on your guns and let’s go,” Jerry said, leading the group in the search.

  They had been riding at high speed for almost an hour before they spotted finally spotted a cloud of dust before them. The dust seemed to be becoming more as they neared it.


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