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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 64

by Nichole Allen

  “Those have got to be our cattle, not the thing that we need to find out is how many men are with them,” Jerry said, bringing his horse to a stop.

  “That shouldn’t be such a problem, boss,” Sam said, getting off his horse. “I'll just check the ground and see how many horses are in the group by looking for their hoof prints.”

  Sam got to work studying the ground and the surrounding bushes and within twenty minutes he seemed to have come up with a conclusion.

  “There at least eight horses, and that makes at least four men on the horses. The only problem is that if they are Indians, they might even be riding on the backs of some of the cattle,” he said, straightening himself and dusting his hands.

  “That does not look too bad, since we are more than ten. We will attack them from all sides. Don’t forget, if the animals bear our branding, shoot to kill,” Jerry said as the cowboys arranged themselves into groups. Jerry and his group skirted around the cattle, riding at high speed. They were to ambush the rustlers from the front, taking them by surprise before the other groups also moved in.


  “There is only one person who can get rid of this cattle rustling for you, although we don’t really know how he does it,” the sheriff said to Jerry as Jerry gave him his statement back at the ranch.

  “Do you have any idea where I can get this guy?” these cattle robberies had become too much of a nuisance and Jerry was willing to do whatever it took to get rid of them.

  “He actually moved to the city a couple of years ago, but my niece knows where she can get a hold of him,” he arched his eyebrow, regarding Jerry.

  “Okay, and where is your niece, because as far as I'm concerned, we have never heard anything about the rest of your family?” Jerry pondered.

  “Well, she moved to Idaho, and from what I gather, that is where the guy moved to. His name is Cyrus Myers, and if we can get a hold of him, I think that would take care of all your problems here,” Sheriff Smith said. “I'll see if I can get a hold of my niece to see what she can do to help out. We are expecting her to come over in a couple of days, since she says that she misses home.”

  “I'll really appreciate that, Sheriff,” Jerry thanked the sheriff, shaking his hand.

  Jerry realized that ever since he had purchased the ranch, he had put all of his efforts into the ranch, even ignoring his own personal needs. At twenty-nine, he knew that he was growing old and yet he still showed no interest into being tied down by a relationship. There were many women in Montana, but none of them seemed to catch his attention the way that he would have liked, and so he had never made hits at any of them.

  It was now almost five years since he had bought the ranch with money that he had inherited from his grandmother when she died. He hoped that one day the right woman would appear at his doorstep and take control of his life, because he was tired of having to go and look for escorts whenever he was feeling horny. They always left him with a disgusting feeling in his gut after sex, and that was not what he was looking for.

  “Well, I had better get going, cowboy, you take care and let me know if anything else comes up. I'll give Olivia a call this afternoon and tell her to see if she can get a message through to Cyrus,” the sheriff said, walking to his sedan and getting in.

  Jerry waved at him as the sheriff backed out of the parking lot and sped out of the compound.


  “I'll see what I can do to get to him,” Olivia Smith said to her uncle over the phone. “Although I must warn you that I have no idea where to find him. I'll check with the listing in the city and see if I can get a hold of Cyrus. Just so you know, if I don’t find him on time, I'm not going to waste my time looking for him, because I really miss Montana.”

  “Thank you, honey, and I look forward to seeing you when you come, love you,” the sheriff said before hanging up.

  Olivia sat at her desk staring into the sky. She had moved out of Montana five years ago and she really missed it and everyone that was there. When she had moved to Idaho, she had thought that life would be a lot more interesting but after all these years of living there, she had finally come to discover that she actually missed Montana. She also felt very lonely because she had not yet gotten a man that would mesmerize her the way that she wanted, and wash her off her feet. She was hoping that maybe she could get a cowboy to settle down with back home so that she could begin her own family, before it became too late to do so.

  Olivia flipped her laptop shut as she wondered where she would begin looking for Cyrus. Her uncle did not understand that looking for a man in the city was like looking for a needle in a haystack. On second thought, Olivia pulled open her laptop again and decided to search via the internet if she could somehow get a location on the guy. The search showed several people with the same name, and she knew that she would spend the rest of the afternoon searching through the names, trying to identify the Cyrus that she was looking for. The last that she’d heard of him when she had moved to Idaho was that he had moved somewhere near the woods. From there onwards, she had not heard from him again. She wrote down all of the phone numbers that she got on the internet so that she would call them later on.

  “Hello, I'm looking for a Cyrus Myers,” she said into the phone for the hundredth time. “He moved there from Montana a couple of years ago.”

  Olivia was right on the verge of giving up and had decided that this was going to be the last call that she made.

  “Cyrus Myers,” an elderly sounding lady said on the other end of the line. “I think that he is the one that lived here in my house, but he left a couple of days ago and I'm not sure when he is coming back. Who should I say is calling him if he comes back?”

  “Actually, I'm calling on behalf of a sheriff of Montana, Sheriff Smith. He wanted Mr. Myers to go over and help him to sort out some issues,” Olivia said into the phone.

  “Oh my God, is he in some sort of trouble, because the young man is a very polite young man and does not look like the sort of person to brew up trouble?” the elderly voice said.

  “No, ma’am, he is not in any trouble at all. The sheriff just needs him to assist him with some work there, I think,” Olivia replied.

  “Alright, I'll make sure to pass on your message. And who am I speaking to?”

  “Olivia Smith, thank you,” Olivia said, hanging up and glad that she had that issue sorted out.

  She flipped her laptop shut and sighed as she leaned back in her seat. This was her last week working at the advertising firm and although she was determined to get back to Montana, she was already missing the place. The person that she would miss the most was Molly. Molly had become her best friend right from the time that Olivia had moved to Idaho, and they had grown more like sisters. They were both around the same age and most of their interests were similar, which was one of the reasons that they got along so well. There was only one difference between them. Molly was not the type of woman to hold back what she felt, and that included when she was feeling horny. She loved sex and would have it with different guys several times a week, describing every experience to Olivia in detail. The stories usually left Olivia feeling heated up since she also had some really pent up lust. Olivia knew that if she did not get a good fuck very soon, she was going to go crazy, because as each day went by, she found herself getting hornier and hornier.

  “Hey Liv, how about we go out for dinner?” Jake, one of her workmates at the firm poked his head into her office.

  “Not today, Jake, maybe some other time. Today I would like to go home and start packing my things for the journey back to Montana tomorrow,” she said to him.

  “Are you sure about moving back to the country, I mean, I thought that you had so much going for you here in terms of your career,” Jake looked a little disappointed that she was not going to dinner with him despite the fact that it was something that he had been asking her for almost every other day.

  “Yes, I made up my mind a couple of months ago,” she sighed as she s
tood up ready to leave.

  “Okay then, but at least pass by tomorrow before you leave so that you can bid us farewell.”

  “I surely can't leave without doing that, and besides, I will be coming back to visit you guys here, or have you forgotten that one of my best friends, Molly, lives in this state,” she said, walking with him to the elevator, where she pressed the call button.

  “I know that, the thing is that some of us are already feeling the vacuum in the office and you're not yet even gone,” he said sadly.

  “Hey, you don’t have to be sad, and I promise you that the next time that I come, we are going to go out on all the dates that you want, okay?” she consoled him just as the elevator door slid open.


  He had been out for the past couple of days and things did not seem to be working out very well for Cyrus. He was under intense pressure to get himself a mate, and especially being that he was the alpha male of the pack. There were many younger werewolves that had already gotten mates and they were putting him under pressure to also get himself a mate. Cyrus could not understand why he had not yet found a woman that he could bond with to the point of deciding that she was his mate for life. Maybe the key to his problem would be to go back to Montana and see if there were any female wolves looking for mates.

  The mountains there were sprawling with werewolves and shewolves and that was one of the reasons that he had moved from there to Idaho. He had wanted to go to a place where he could easily be made the alpha male. Everything had worked out well so far.

  When he had moved to Idaho, most of the male wolves had been wiped out by disease, and so it had been easy for him to easily come and take over as the alpha male. However, the males that had been young cubs had soon grown up and now they were the same ones that were challenging him for the alpha male seat. Most of them had already gotten themselves mates, and at times Cyrus wondered how it could be so easy for them to get mates. Cyrus knew that he had to get to know a female and then bond with her before he could declare her his mate.

  “Are you joining us for the ceremony tonight?” Alex, one of his allies and fellow werewolf said.

  “No, not tonight, Alex, I'm just not feeling up to it,” he said, his mind far off since he was thinking of going back to Montana so that he could get himself a mate.

  “I really don’t understand you anymore, Cy, this is supposed to be one of the most important nights of your life since the moon is full, and yet you are here telling me that you won't be able to make it there?” Alex seemed shocked.

  Whenever there was a full moon, it was their tradition to meet in the middle of the woods to perform their rituals. They would howl, have sex, fight and do all sorts of other things. Cyrus felt that this was going to be a challenge for him and especially since he had not yet gotten himself a mate yet. He usually got too horny watching the other animals having sex while he just stood there. Without a mate, you could not participate in the sexual part of the rituals.

  “Alex, you have got to understand that I am going away to a distant land tonight, and when I come back, I'm going to bring a mate with me,” he said to his best friend. “The next ceremony that we have, nobody will be able to challenge my rule anymore.”

  “Well, if that is the case then I'm behind you completely, and if possible, you could also bring along a number of single females for those of us that are still looking for mates,” Alex said as they walked through the woods, headed back towards the town.

  Their bodies had transformed slightly and they were both wolf and human being. Cyrus actually began to feel sort of excited at the thought of going back to Montana. He had so many fond memories of the place, and he even wondered if his childhood crush, Mia, was still there. He wondered if she had already been claimed by another male wolf, or if she was still single, because she was the reason why he was going back to Montana.

  “We will see how it goes,” Cyrus said to Alex as they stepped onto the main road leading to town.

  Their bodies turned back into their human form as they strode towards the house that Cyrus had rented a room in.

  “Cyrus, where have you been, my boy, you just went off without leaving me any messages as to your whereabouts for the past couple of days,” Shirley, the old lady that rented him the room said.

  “I'm really sorry, Shirley, I must have forgotten to tell you that I would be visiting my friend Alex for a couple of days,” he said to her, giving her a warm hug.

  “The next time that you know that you will not be around for long, make sure that you let me know. You young men nowadays have no manners at all,” she complained.

  “I will, Shirley. What’s new around here,” he said, stopping at the base of the stairs and turning to look at her when she was silent.

  “Well, there was a call that came in two days ago for you,” she said as he turned to walk back towards her since he had not been expecting any calls.

  “And who called?” he asked curiously.

  “Well, a lady called here and said that she had a message for you from a Mr. Smith, a sheriff or something of the sort in Montana. She said that he needs your help with something. I hope you are not in trouble or anything of the sort,” she said, reading a note that she had jotted down.

  “No, I don’t think so, the sheriff is an old friend of mine and there a couple of favors that I used to do for him,” Cyrus said as he began walking away. “Shirley, I would like to let you know that tomorrow I will be travelling to Montana for a week or two, depending on the nature of the business.”

  He was glad that the sheriff had reached out to him, because now he had a clear cut excuse for him to go to Montana just in case the old lady began asking too many questions.

  “Well, as long as you are coming back, I really have no problem at all. Right now you are like the only family that I have, you know,” she winked at him as he dashed up the stairs to pack up two or three items that he would need.

  Cyrus intended to get to Montana tomorrow before the full moon disappeared in a couple of days, because this was the only period that he could get a mate, when all of the wolves there also congregated for their monthly meet.


  Jerry got off Mist and tethered him to a post outside the sheriff’s office, wondering if the sheriff was in since the office seemed deserted. He then strode off towards the building, wondering where everyone could be. As he walked into the wooden building, he realized that all of the doors of the administration block were locked.

  “There ain’t nobody here, you might want to go and look for him at home,” one of the men detained in the visible jail in one of the rooms shouted.

  Jerry walked back to his horse. He really needed to find the sheriff so that he could give him an update on Cyrus. He wondered if the sheriff had actually remembered to call his niece so that she could track him down. Jerry was sure that the sheriff had so much going in his mind, there was a slim chance that he could have forgotten, and that would be tragic, so to say.

  “Well, Mist, I guess we are going to have to pay the good sheriff a visit to his house,” he said, untying the horse and mounting it.

  He rode off towards the sheriff’s house on the far end of the town. The sheriff had been living alone ever since his wife died a couple of years ago, and it made Jerry wonder how the man made it through his busy schedule and yet he still had his duties at home. As he pulled into the compound, he almost turned to go away, because he did not see the sheriff’s car, but on second thought decided to dismount and check to see if there was anyone. He walked over to the door and knocked. He was just about to walk away when he heard the door being unlocked and opened.

  Jerry's jaw almost dropped to the ground when a hot and sexy woman opened the door for him. She was dressed in a tight fitting pair of pants that showed off her sexy figure, and her blonde hair was pulled back in a bun. He had never seen her around before and he found himself staring at her, into her sexy blue eyes that looked right back into his.

” he finally managed to say.

  “Hello, can I help you?” she said in a husky sexy voice that made his body vibrate in the most erotic ways.

  “Er, I'm looking for the sheriff, is he around?” he asked as his eyes hovered over her, checking her out from every angle.

  “Why don’t you come in,” she said to him, moving aside to make way for him.

  As he passed by her on his way into the house, he caught a whiff of her scent and it made him dizzy with desire. She closed the door and followed him into the living room.

  “The sheriff is not in at the moment, but I'm pretty sure that he will be back at any moment,” she said to him, and he noted the way that she too could not seem to stop staring at him, and especially when she thought that he was not looking. “I'm pretty sure that you wouldn’t mind waiting, would you?”

  “Not when there is such a pretty lady in the house,” he smiled at her. “How comes I have never seen you around here before?”

  “And I have never seen you either, despite the fact that I lived most of my life right here in Montana,” she smiled, settling onto the couch next to him and looking at him as Jerry fidgeted on the seat uncomfortably.

  “Well, I've been here for close to five years now. I own the Montana Fold,” he said to her, his eyes never breaking away from hers, until she finally looked away from him.

  “I guess that explains why we don’t know each other. I'm Olivia Smith, the sheriff’s niece,” she brightened up, extending her hand to him. “And you are?”

  “Jerry Stone,” he took her hand, shaking it.

  As he held her hand, Jerry was sure that he felt a connection between them, something that had never happened to him before with another woman. He felt as if there was a current that had passed between him and Olivia and it sent a zing all the way to his crotch, making his dick shift around in his pants.

  “Well, it is a pleasure to finally meet you,” he said to her as she looked at him with confusion written all over her face. “The sheriff told me about you.”


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