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The Abduction: MFM Menage Alien Romance

Page 65

by Nichole Allen

  “No, you’ve got to be kidding me, right. I know my uncle very well and it is not like him to go around discussing people unless it is something that involves work,” she said to him.

  “Well, maybe it did involve work to a certain extent. You see, a couple of days ago, robbers came to the ranch and tried to make away with several heads of cattle. After we shot them down, I called the sheriff and he told me that you knew how to get a hold of Cyrus Myers. He said that Cyrus was the only man that knew how to deal with the robbers,” Jerry said patiently as she looked at him, her eyes widening.

  They talked for what seemed like forever, and Jerry found himself really liking Olivia. She was intelligent and focused, and he was glad to learn that she was still single. This was the first time that he had actually looked at a woman in a long time, and wondered what it would be like to be with her. Olivia seemed to have everything that he was searching for in a woman. Her sea blue eyes complimented her blonde locks and her breasts were the type that he felt as if he could touch and suck on for the rest of his life without ever tiring. He got along with Olivia very easily and within a short time, Jerry felt as if he had known her his whole life.

  “Well,” he finally said after almost an hour and a half with her. “It looks like your uncle is not coming any time soon, and since I have a ton of things to do at the ranch, I guess that I had better get going.”

  “I wish that you could hang around a little longer, I think I'm already beginning to like you,” she said to him as he stood up to leave.

  “Tell you what, tomorrow is a Saturday, why don’t you come on over to the ranch so that you and I can hang out together. I would like to show you around so that you can see the changes that I have brought there since you left,” he said to her, watching her standing up and standing still right before him, her breasts merely inches away from his chest.

  “Is that a date?” from the way that her eyes were dancing, Jerry could tell that she was excited.

  “We don’t get sexy women out here every single day, and so yes, it is a date. I want to make everyone jealous,” he winked at her, pulling her in for a hug and noting the way that she was trembling as they hugged.

  “You are such a flirt, I'm pretty sure that this is the same thing that you tell every woman that you come across,” she said as she pulled away from his embrace quickly.

  “Believe me, I wish that was true, but I think that you are the first woman that I've actually said that to in years, and that is why I mean every word of it,” he said as they walked towards the door slowly.

  “Well, I guess that you are going to have to make me believe that when I come visiting tomorrow,” she laughed, coming to a stop at the door as Jerry turned to look at her.

  “I'm really glad that I met you, I did not know that I would have such a nice time with a woman as lovely as you,” he said, looking into her eyes before his eyes moved over to her cleavage, lingering over her golden skin for a minute and making him wonder how her skin would feel against his.

  “Me too, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I will pass on your message to my uncle when he comes back home. He probably had some issues to take care of out of town, because he is never this late. At least he never used to get this late when I still lived with him,” she said as he pecked her on the cheek and then began making his way home.


  Olivia had been thinking of Jerry the whole time since he had visited. There was something about him that got her attracted in the most mysterious way. He was handsome, sexy, successful and best of all single. She had gotten along well with him better than she had with many other men that she had just instantly met, and while she had been around him, she had felt comfortable and just been herself. After he had left, his scent had lingered in her nose long after, making her unable to think straight. She could not believe the sort of effect that the man had on her, because right from the time that she had first seen him, she had felt something stirring deep within her, even prompting her to invite him into the house when she would naturally never invite people that she did not know into the house. Now she was looking forward to having him invite her into his house, and she almost couldn’t wait to leave the house.

  “I'm going to the office, honey,” her uncle said to her as he poked his head into the kitchen, where she was busy doing the utensils.

  “Have a good day, uncle. I will be stepping out for a while too,” she said nervously.

  “Where are you going?” he stopped, looking at her.

  “Well, Jerry asked me to go over and give him a visit so that he can show me around his ranch. I said yes,” she said, avoiding his glance.

  “Ah, from what I can see, it looks like you have finally found someone that you genuinely like, and that is a very good thing because I was beginning to wonder for how long you are going to remain single,” the sheriff said to her as she blushed deeply.

  “Well, you can't blame me, he is around my own age and actually very fun to be around,” she giggled.

  “Don’t worry, you don’t have to be shy around me, and besides, that kid is a very good kid, hardworking and all. I think that if you two were to get together, you would make a very good couple, you know,” the sheriff said. “Okay, you go and have a good time, but remember, don’t do what I wouldn’t do.”

  With that he was gone before Olivia could respond. The sheriff left her thinking over his words. He was really assuming things by already thinking of she and Jerry being an item. That was what she was hoping for right now, but she had no idea what was going on in Jerry's mind. Maybe he was just the regular flirt, flirting with anyone that had big boobs and a snatch in between her thighs. She pushed the thought out of her mind and then went about finishing up with the utensils.

  Olivia then made her way to her bedroom so that she could start preparing for the day of her life. For some reason, Olivia felt very self-conscious, the main reason probably being because she was so smitten over Jerry. She had never fallen for a man at first glance like this before, she was even afraid to think about it. As she removed her clothes to go to the bathroom, she stopped in front of a mirror to check out her body, realizing that it had been such a long time since she had taken the time to look at her naked reflection in the mirror. Her body had not changed much from the time when she had finished her college. She was still very shapely and the only thing that had changed about her were her breasts. They had gown a lot more rounded, filling up, and as she checked them out in the mirror, she realized that her nipples had pebbled, the tips pink with arousal.

  As she stepped under the shower, she felt heat surging through her body. She could not explain the horny effect that she felt, since it was never in her nature to feel horny over nothing. Right now just thinking of Jerry was turning her on in the most dangerous ways, and Olivia had the feeling that if Jerry asked her to surrender her goods to him, she would do it without even thinking twice. She eased her hand in between her thighs, slicing her finger through her slit and she realized that she was hot and wet. Her pussy was slick with her arousal as she began rubbing the finger over her throbbing clit. Olivia almost couldn’t believe that she was the one that was actually feeling this horny, because this was something that she assumed only her best friend, Molly could feel. She made a mental note to call Molly later on in the day to let her know how things are going for her.

  It was almost two hours later by the time that the horse drawn carriage carrying her pulled up to the ranch house of the Montana Ranch. Olivia felt both excited and nervous at the same time. Today she had not opted not to wear pants like she always did, instead choosing a mini dress that hugged her body nicely, showing off her figure in a sexy way. She also wore heels, but the thing that excited her the most was the fact that she was not wearing any underwear. She hated it when panties traced over the material of her outfits, and she also hated the heat that made her all sticky and itchy in between her thighs. The good thing about walking around without underwear was that nobody would have to know
unless she wanted them to find out, which was something that would never happen unless it was for Jerry.

  “Olivia, I nearly thought that you had changed your mind about coming over here,” Jerry opened the door of the carriage before she knew what was happening.

  “That means that there is still quite a lot that you do not yet know about me,” she smiled at him as he handed her his hand to help her out of the carriage.

  “Well, maybe I could start learning all about you today,” he said, pulling her into his arms for a hug as she stepped out of the carriage, making her feel like melting in his arms.

  “So, what exciting things have you got planned for us today?” she asked, pulling away from him quickly because she was afraid that he might feel the way that she was trembling and the way that she was feeling so turned on.

  “Why don’t you come on into the house with me first, and then from there I can tell you our agenda for the day,” he said, the mystery in his voice actually exciting her even more.

  She followed him into the ranch house, the whole while her heart beating like it was the end of the world. She checked out his physique from behind and realized just how masculine and shapely his body was. One could think that he went to the gym very often, and yet all of that muscle was probably from all the work that he did at the ranch.

  “Welcome to my home,” he said, waving to a couch. “Make yourself comfortable. Would you like me to serve you with anything, wine, juice, coffee?”

  “No, I'm okay,” she said as she looked around the tastefully furnished living room.

  “Okay, so, here is the deal. I finally got to talk to Cyrus on phone and he told me that he will be here shortly. We will go with him to the end of the ranch where the cattle rustlers came and went through, and he said that from there onwards, he would know how to deal with them,” he said to Olivia and she felt a little disappointed, since she had been hoping to spend the whole day with Jerry, alone.

  “Sounds good to me,” she said, hiding her disappointment.

  “Alright, if you will just give me a minute, I would like to change into something appropriate for the ride. I'm not sure if you are going to be very comfortable riding on a horse with those clothes, why don’t you follow me upstairs so that we can see if there are any pants or skin tights that will fit you,” he said, and it was then that she noticed that he could not seem to get his eyes off her white fleshy thighs.

  “How dumb of me, I totally forgot that we were going to tour the ranch,” she said, although she had worn like this purposefully to seduce him even though she could not admit it even to herself.

  She followed him through the house and up the stairs to what had to be his bedroom. It was big and masculine, a king sized bed in the center. On one side of the room, there was a bathroom and next to it a walk in closet. Olivia fell in love with the architecture of the room instantly. He led her into the closet, where he showed her a couple of shelves.

  “You can try and see if any of those will actually fit you. Some of those belong to my sister, and she rarely comes to visit me nowadays,” he said to her. “Try them on until you find something that suits you. In the meantime, I'll be in the bathroom.”

  It came as a pleasant shocker as he walked to the bathroom door and began undressing. Olivia found herself concentrating on watching Jerry instead of searching for clothes. His chest was huge and muscular, and the tan made him look sexier than ever. Olivia's heart skipped a beat when she saw him unbuckling his belt, pulling it out of his pants, before pulling them open and kicking them off. She felt the blood within her veins coming to a boil when she saw the outline of his cock traced against the boxers that he was wearing. She felt herself creaming up even more, her cunt watering with need.

  He continued to remove his clothes as if she was not there, hooking his fingers into his boxers and tugging them off. Olivia felt as if her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets when she saw his dick coming into view. Out of instinct, she rubbed her thighs together, her clit throbbing like it was the end of the world. Jerry's cock was thick and long, and yet it was semi hard, the head huge and smooth. She wondered how huge it could become when it was fully aroused, and the thought of how it could feel inside her heat made her gasp softly, prompting Jerry to look at her. Olivia quickly turned away from him and pretended to be busy searching for clothes to wear. When she looked back, he was gone and she heard the water in the shower turning on.


  Jerry did what he did on purpose because he wanted Olivia to know exactly what to expect when they went for the ride. He would have preferred for her to ride with just her mini dress on, but he was afraid that the saddle might scar her thighs, knowing how tender women’s inner thighs usually were. His dick was rock hard as he showered, and he had to stop himself from jerking it. He could not remember the last time that he had felt so aroused, and especially after he had seen through the corners of his eyes the way that Olivia had checked him out with lust filled eyes. He rinsed himself quickly and then made his way out of the shower as soon as he had dried himself. His dick was still rock hard as he tied the towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom, hoping that Olivia was still in the bedroom.

  “Did you find something suitable to wear?” he asked as she pulled her hand from under her dress quickly, fingers shiny with her juices and an embarrassed look on her face.

  “N-no, I can't seem to find anything suitable, why don’t we just take the carriage there, unless you don’t have roads going around your ranch,” she said, her cheeks flushed as she looked at the erection in his towel.

  “Yeah, I don’t think that will be a problem. I'm really sorry about this,” he said, brushing his hand over his erection as he looked at her. “I really don’t know what is happening to me today.”

  “Would you like me to come and take a look at it?” she had a naughty look on her face as she licked her upper lip.

  “Cyrus will arrive any time soon, but don’t worry, I'm sure that we will have all the time for you to take a look at it and see if there is anything wrong with it,” he said, walking over to her and taking the hand that had slid out of her skirt.

  He sniffed at the shiny fingers, the scent of her arousal going straight to his brain and sending a message to his already aroused dick. His eyes never left hers as he licked the finger dry, lavishing every moment of it and loving the taste of her desire.

  “Mmm, that tasted much better than I had imagined,” he said, licking his lips before lowering his lips to hers and kissing her lightly on the lips, noting the fire that was burning in her eyes. “Don’t you worry, I promise to make it up to you.”

  Strength seemed to seep out of her body as they made their way out of the closet. As Jerry began to get dressed, Olivia sat on the edge of the bed, and he could tell that she was probably dying to have him inside her already. He loved the fact that she was craving him the way that she was even though it made his dick pound even harder with need. He changed into a pair of jeans, a khaki shirt as well as some boots to finish off his look.

  “Come on, Cyrus might have already arrived,” he said, taking a hold of her hand as they began making their way out of the bedroom.

  They made their way down the stairs and headed to the living room. Jerry's housekeeper walked into the living room just as they did and announced that there was a guest at the gate saying that he was being expected.

  “That must be Cyrus, Sheila, let him come in, and then I would like you to pack us some picnic lunches and a nice bottle of whiskey. We are going out to the ranch,” he said to her as she hurried out of the room.

  Moments later, there was a knock at the door and when he opened it, there stood a man, about the same age as he was. He was dark and hairy but very handsome beneath.

  “Hi, you must be Cyrus,” Jerry said to the guy as he waved him into the house.

  “And you must be Jerry,” the man said, although Jerry could see that the man’s concentration was on Olivia, who had not even looked at him
as she fidgeted for something in her handbag, pulling out a tissue a moment later.

  “Sure come on in, and am I glad that you arrived just on time, because Olivia and I were just about to head off to the ranch. I promised her a tour of the ranch today,” Jerry said. “You are a very lucky guy to have a girlfriend like her.”

  Jerry did not know how to respond to that compliment, and so he chose to ignore it, because he did not want to reply to it. He looked over at Olivia, and she had turned pink as a blush swept over her face as she looked at Cyrus. Cyrus greeted her and then Jerry told him to wait while the housekeeper packed up their picnic lunches for the ride out.


  His werewolf instincts immediately picked up the scent of arousal that Olivia was feeling for Jerry and it made his own lust burst to life. Being a werewolf, he did not have to touch or sniff a woman to know that she was feeling horny because her scent wafted through the air. As they set out of the house armed with a basket of lunches and some drinks, he felt his dick shifting around in his pants. His animal instincts were probing him to shift into a werewolf so that he could fuck the daylights out of this hot horny woman, and he had to give it his all to prevent himself from shifting.

  “We will have to take the carriage since Olivia here cannot get onto a horse dressed like this,” Jerry said as he led them to a baggy that had been hitched up by some of his ranch hands.

  “That’s alright,” Cyrus said, wondering what Jerry and Olivia would think if they knew that he would have preferred to sprint through the meadows all the way to where they were going.

  They got into the buggy and Jerry took the reins, with Olivia seated in between the two men. There was space in the back of the buggy, but there was no way that Cyrus was going to miss out on the action that he had a feeling was going to take place in the front. Olivia immediately leaned into Jerry as soon as they journey got underway, and Cyrus could smell her scent of arousal becoming even stronger, prompting his dick to start becoming harder and harder in his pants, until finally there was a tent in his pants that he desperately tried to conceal with his jacket.


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