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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

Page 12

by Pandora Spocks

  He saw the reluctance in her face and gave his best reassuring smile, eyes sparkling. “Come on, Jessi, it’ll be fun.”

  Slowly, her smile spread to match his. “Okay. Let’s do it.” She went upstairs and quickly changed into her swim suit and beach cover up.

  On the way to the surf shop, Judd stopped by his place to pick up his paddleboard and gear. He let them both into the townhouse and Jessi waited as he bounded up to the second level.

  “It won’t take me a second to load my stuff into the truck,” he called from upstairs. Jessi clutched her hands together anxiously as she surveyed Judd’s living room. Everything was neat and tidy. She didn’t know why that surprised her.

  You just think about the stereotypical ‘bachelor pad,’ she supposed.

  Crossing the room, she saw that the view from the sliding glass doors was breathtaking. She imagined what it would be to wake up with a view of the ocean every morning.

  “Almost ready,” Judd said, returning downstairs wearing aqua board shorts, a white t-shirt, and a Marlins ball cap. A pair of black Oakley sunglasses hung around his neck from a black strap.

  He held up a small black cube. “I want to try out my new GoPro while we’re out there today,” he grinned.

  Five minutes later, they were on their way north, heading for Blueline Surf and Paddle on A1A. They rented gear for Jessi and declined the offer of a lesson. “I’ve got it, man,” Judd smiled to the clerk.

  Jessi was surprised to find that they were going to put into the river right next to Guanabanas, a local outdoor dining hotspot just across the street from the surf shop. “Afterwards, I’ll buy you a cocktail,” Judd promised.

  After a brief orientation, Judd helped Jessi onto the board and gently pushed her out into the Loxahatchee River. “Am I supposed to wear the life jacket?” Jessi called back to him, indicating the ocean blue PFD currently resting on the nose of her board.

  “Can you swim?”

  “Of course!” she returned.

  “Then you don’t have to wear it. But you do have to have it with you, it’s the law.”

  Judd smiled as he watched her wobble slightly. She looked hot in what was actually a modest blue tankini, her auburn hair clipped up and off her neck, the red highlights gleaming in the sunlight. He could only imagine Jessi in a bikini. Did imagine it. Then tried to think of something else, before she noticed his arousal.

  Sighing deeply, he clipped the GoPro to the bill of his cap and paddled quickly to catch up with her.

  When their hour was up, they returned Jessi’s gear to the shop, and put Judd’s things back in the truck. With Jessi’s white beach dress back in place, they wandered into Guanabanas and found a small high-top table in the bar area. A lone guitarist was playing Jason Mraz covers on the tiki stage.

  Jessi ordered a Cat 5 hurricane while Judd opted for a local brew, and they chose a few appetizers. After the server left, Judd pressed the button on the GoPro. “So, Jessi, what do you think of paddle boarding?”

  Her grin was stunning. “I loved it! It was so much fun, and way easier than I ever thought.”

  He leaned into her and held the camera at arm’s length. “Well, you had a kick-ass teacher, so...” They both laughed into the camera.

  Deciding that he had enough footage for the day, Judd shut off the camera, and he and Jessi chatted companionably about the day’s adventure.

  During a lull in the conversation, Judd wrinkled his brow thoughtfully. “Was Graham much of an outdoor kind of guy?”

  “Graham?” Jessi chuckled. “No. He wasn’t really into sports and things. He was something of an academic.”

  Judd looked thoughtful. “What about you?”

  “Me? Oh, I don’t know.” Her gaze was far off. “I remember once I took the kids camping. They wanted to go so badly, but Graham just wasn’t about sleeping outside, you know?”

  She laughed lightly. “Not when there are perfectly good air-conditioned rooms available.” She stirred her drink with her straw.

  “But you enjoyed yourself today?” His gaze was earnest.

  “Oh, God yes. I’d love to do this again.”

  Judd gnawed the edge of his thumb thoughtfully. “What other things have you always wanted to try, but never have?”

  Jessi shrugged and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know.”

  He watched the flush creep up her neck, but stayed quiet, waiting for her.

  She sighed when she realized he was going to remain silent. “I guess...I’ve always sort of wanted to try scuba diving.” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

  Judd grinned broadly. “We can make that happen. I’m certified, and I know an instructor. We can get you out there in no time.”

  “I don’t know, I mean... Maybe I should try snorkeling first.” Jessi blushed and slugged back the remainder of her hurricane.

  He nodded. “We can do that, too. Anytime. You know, we don’t have to just work all the time. We can get together for fun.” He lowered his voice. “As your Dom, I’m supposed to push you, to help you grow.”

  Jessi looked up at him shyly. “Yeah, I know. It’s kind of exciting.”

  His grin was dazzling. “This is good. This is really good.”

  BACK AT JESSI’S, JUDD took Buddy out for a walk while Jessi waited on her knees in front of Sir’s chair. She hadn’t bothered to change from her swim suit and cover-up. Judd was still wearing his board shorts.

  Reflecting on their time together, she sensed a change in their relationship. The day had been different from any they’d shared previously. They’d been out together before, at Square Grouper for example. But that had always been to cap off some chore they’d done around her house.

  Today, there’d been a level of intimacy they’d shared while burying her box in the backyard. And spending time together on the water had been exhilarating. She wasn’t sure whether it had been the activity...or the company.

  Watching Judd, shirtless on his board, paddling and maneuvering along the river had been...well, suffice it to say, she felt the longing that stirred deep within her soul. Not to mention in her nether region.

  He’d held her, what, a dozen times or more over the past several months? She knew the strength of his arms, his shoulders, his chest. But to see him today had been breathtaking.

  She’d seen the way other women looked at Judd while they enjoyed their afternoon together. She’d felt their sideways glances of envy. In her mind, she couldn’t get over the fact that she was with him. That he’d chosen to spend his day with her. And that they’d share more intimacy later in the form of knee time.

  “You were great today, little one. I’m so proud of you.”

  She’d been so lost in her thoughts, she jumped a bit when he spoke. He chuckled lightly and stepped into position in front of her, right foot between her knees, resting his right hand on the top of her head. Jessi sighed and lean her head against his thigh, adoring the strength she found there.

  “Such a good day, little one. Almost too bad we have a spank coming.”

  Jessi tried to suppress a grin as he took her hands, helping her to her feet.

  Judd raised an eyebrow ominously. “Is that a smile, little one.”

  She giggled softly as she leaned over the arm of the chair, burying her face in the leather cushion. “No, Sir.”

  “You know, if you’re liking your spankings too much, we might have to come up with something else.” He smiled down at her fondly.

  “No, Sir,” was her muffled response.

  Judd pulled down at the skirt of her beach dress, stretching the white knit fabric over the backs of her thighs, as he smoothed his palm over her ass. Sighing as he desperately tried to rein in his thoughts of ripping aside her swim suit bottoms and plunging himself into her depths, he began to pepper her bottom with sharp smacks.

  “No need to count, little one, we’re changing things up tonight.”

  Jessi, to her credit, kept up with him, altering her breathing to accept the pain h
e meted out. When he paused, he could feel the heat rising from her tortured ass cheeks. At that point, he used the wooden spoon he’d picked up in the kitchen to give ten more sharp strokes. By the time he’d finished, she was mewling softly.

  “Alright, little one, enough for now. You took your spanking very well. Come let me hold you.” Judd sank into the leather chair and pulled Jessi onto his lap, holding her tightly to his chest. As she sniffled against him, he stroked her back soothingly and murmured softly into her hair.

  If anybody saw this, they’d probably call the police, he considered. Only someone familiar with BDSM would ever understand the intimacy here, her need for the pain, my need to receive her submission.

  Yeah, but how long can you keep doing this platonically?

  That was the real question, wasn’t it?

  When her tears subsided, Jessi looked up at Judd through damp eyelashes and smiled. He smiled back. “Everything okay, little one?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Everything is fine.”

  Judd gently stood Jessi on her feet and stood himself. “Well, I think I’ll head on home now. It’s been a good day, Jessi.”

  She followed him to her front door. “Thank you again. For everything,” Jessi told him, rising on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

  He stiffened as she did. “Don’t,” he said quietly.

  Eyes wide, Jessi stepped back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”

  His soft brown eyes pleaded with her, his voice quiet. “It’s hard enough, Jessi. This,” he waved his hand vaguely, “arrangement we have.”

  Restlessly, he ran a hand through his hair. “Under different circumstances, I could really fall for you.” He smiled sadly. “I’ll see you next Saturday, Jessi.”

  With a shaky hand, she waved as he drove away. His admission stunned her. She knew she was attracted to him, but it felt wrong. She’d been widowed for less than six months. You didn’t just come out of a twenty-five-year marriage and jump into a new relationship. What would that say about her commitment to Graham? Why had he put her in this situation?

  I CAN’T BELIEVE I SAID that, Judd fumed. She didn’t mean anything by it, for fuck’s sake, it was just a kiss on the cheek. Now I’ve made her feel uncomfortable.

  “Shit!” He banged on the steering wheel in frustration. “I need to get laid.”

  Back home, Judd fired up his laptop and headed to FetLife, grateful when he saw that Kit was on. Five minutes later, the pair agreed to meet for drinks the following Friday night.

  Chapter 24

  Jessi peered raptly at the screen of her laptop. The offices of Sea Star Celebrations were housed in a converted 1920s bungalow not far from downtown West Palm Beach. The living room served as a reception and waiting area. Jessi’s office had once been the home’s dining room, while Sarah occupied one of the two bedrooms. The other bedroom was used for files and storage, as was the tiny detached garage in back.

  “Jess?” Jessi had just finished ordering the programs for a wedding when Sarah stopped in her doorway.

  “Hi, girlfriend!” Looking up, Jessi frowned. Sarah was pale and there were dark circles under her normally sparkling blue eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, I just suddenly started feeling awful. My head hurts, and I’m cold and achy. I’ve got about half a mind to take myself to the urgent care.”

  “Cold and achy sounds like that flu that’s been going around. How about if I drive you to urgent care?”

  “No, I can make it. But if it’s the flu, I don’t see any way of making that baby shower Saturday.”

  “Don’t give it a second thought,” Jessi reassured her. “I’ve got the shower covered. You go, see a doctor and get some medicine. And get some rest, for heaven’s sake.”

  By the time Jessi got home, Sarah had texted her to say that she indeed had the flu. She’d been prescribed some medication, and had been sent home to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of sleep. Jessi promised to pop by the following day with chicken soup from TooJays.

  That evening, Judd called from work to chat. “Hey there, Jessi, how’s it going?”

  “Not bad, actually. I’m feeling pretty productive today. I got to work early and I got a lot done. We had another handful of bookings, too, so that was good news. The only thing is,” her tone shifted, “Sarah’s sick. She went home early today with the flu. Which means I’m covering a baby shower on Saturday.”

  “I see. Is that a bad thing? Not about Sarah being sick, obviously, but the shower?”

  “Well, of course I don’t mind helping Sarah. God knows, she’s been there when I’ve needed her. But in all honesty, I hate baby showers. All the squealing over little baby clothes, all the dumb games they want to play. But it’s at the Jupiter Beach Resort, so at least it’s a nice venue.”

  “That’s just down the road from me,” Judd pointed out. “But I’ll be at your place working on the dishwasher situation.”

  “I know,” sighed Jessi, “which is another reason I’m not too excited about the shower. But it can’t be helped, I suppose.”

  “I suppose. But I always look forward to working with you on a project.” Judd sounded distant.

  Jessi decided to change tacks. “How about you? How’s your week going?”

  “Oh, you know...” Jessi thought he sounded a bit down. She heard him sigh. “We’ve scooped up a lot of drug overdoses this week. I mean, a lot. I’ve been on 18 hours, and Gomez and I have picked up—what, five? And that’s just us. When I think about the whole county, big picture? And those are completely preventable tragedies. It’s discouraging sometimes.”

  She realized she’d never stopped to consider all the horrific things Judd must see in the course of his work. “Wow, Judd, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

  “Shit,” she heard him mutter under his breath. “I don’t mean to burden you, Jessi, I’m okay. Just a little tired, I guess.”

  “You’re not burdening me, Judd. I care about you. You’ve helped me so much, if there’s any way I can help you, even if it’s just to listen, I’m so happy to do it.”

  He paused for a moment. “Thank you, Jessi. That means a lot.”

  “You’re welcome. How much longer until you can go home?”

  “Uh, let’s see, what time is it? What day is it?” he laughed humorlessly. “It’s Thursday night. If all the stars align, I should be able to go home about lunchtime tomorrow.”

  “Will you get any sleep tonight?” she wondered.

  “I’ll try. It will depend on any calls that we get.”

  “Well do that. Get some sleep. Then when you get off work, you should do something fun. You know, just to clear out the cobwebs.”

  “Are you topping from the bottom, little one?”

  Judd used his best Dom voice and Jessi giggled, imagining his arched eyebrow. “Of course not, would I do that?”

  “You might if you thought you could get away with it,” he joked. “A Sir’s gotta watch his ginger sub.”

  “You know it!” she quipped cheekily.

  “Ah, Jessi, it’s good to talk to you. But I’d better go. You have a great night.”

  “Okay, Judd, you do the same. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  MUCH TO HIS RELIEF, Judd’s evening passed uneventfully and he was able to get a full-night’s sleep. It wasn’t until the middle of breakfast that he and Alex received a call. According to the dispatcher, a two-year-old child had fallen into the family pool.

  Judd felt a knot in his stomach as Alex pulled the boxy red truck to a stop in front of the address they’d been given. A man met them as they got out of the truck, frantically pulling them towards the back of the house. “Please, hurry, my baby fell into the pool!”

  Pulling along the gurney loaded with gear boxes, Judd and Alex followed the man through a side gate into the backyard. At the edge of the pool, a woman sat holding a small girl, both of them soaked to the skin. The woman wailed as she rocked the child. “My baby!”

  “Ma’am, let us ta
ke a look,” Alex said gently.

  “Marisol, let them have her!” the man urged. “They’re here to help.”

  She allowed Alex to remove the child from her arms, and he and Judd knelt on the pool deck, the child on her back between them. Alex and Judd exchanged a look as they began to take vitals on the motionless little girl. Feeling no pulse, Judd immediately launched into CPR. He noticed that her skin was cool, but he told himself that it was because she was wet.

  He moved aside to allow Alex to affix the AED pads to the child’s chest. After the shock was delivered, they watched as the monitor remained flatlined. Judd resumed compressions while the machine recharged, and again leaned back, hands in the air as the device delivered a second jolt.

  “Nothing,” muttered Judd, applying compressions once again.

  Alex retrieved the backboard from the gurney and Judd stopped his compressions long enough for them to roll the child onto it, and they placed it back on the gurney. Judd resumed CPR as he and Alex walked the gurney to the truck and slid it into the back.

  “Okay, mom and dad, we’re going to take your little one to the trauma center at St. Mary’s. You guys follow us.” Alex’s tone was firm and calm.

  After he fitted an oxygen mask over the child’s face, Judd continued administering CPR.

  Alex glanced back at the anxious parents, then back at Judd. “Farris,” he said softly.

  Judd kept his eyes on the child. “I’m not stopping.”

  Alex sighed and closed the back door, heading to the driver’s seat. Eight minutes later they pulled up to the emergency entrance of the hospital. Despite Judd’s efforts, the little girl remained motionless.

  Alex opened the back door, and he and Judd removed the gurney. They were met at the door by the trauma team, including Stacy, an ER nurse they often met when handing off a patient.

  “Thanks, gentlemen, we’ll take it from here,” the petite blonde nurse said, taking over CPR from Judd.

  Shortly after the team disappeared through the swinging door, the distraught parents arrived. A patient liaison was sent to meet them, ushering them into a Quiet Room.


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