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Irish's Destiny

Page 28

by Erin Osborne

  Keegan is extremely beautiful. Even covered from head to toe in bruises she was the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. She doesn’t even realize it. She’s got the same chestnut colored hair as Whitney and Sami with eyes the color of warm chocolate. In my opinion she’s too skinny, but I can see that she’s been putting some weight on since she doesn’t have to worry about where her next meal is coming from. Keegan is kind, willing to do anything for anyone, and she loves my daughter. I can see it in her eyes when she thinks no one is looking. There’s a sadness and longing there too when she does things with Kasey. She wants to be a mom she just hasn’t ever been given a chance to settle down. I’ll make sure that changes.

  Kasey and her have been in the kitchen for a few hours now. Walking in and seeing her covered in flour is about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It shows how carefree she can be and that she gets completely involved in whatever task she’s working on. Keegan doesn’t care what she looks like or what anyone thinks of her. To me, that’s sexy. She’s confident in most things even if she’s been to hell and back multiple times. The only time I ever see her unsure of herself is when it comes to the opposite sex, especially me.

  “Rage, we wanted to ask you something,” Keegan says from inside the door. I can tell she’s nervous as hell.

  “What’s up, babe?”

  “Well, I wanted to make stuffed shells for dinner tonight. It’s way too much for me to eat myself, so I was wondering if you and Kasey would like to join me,” she says, immediately looking down and away from me.

  I walk over to the screen door and pull it open. Grabbing her chin enough to look up at me, I wait until I have her eyes to answer. “I’d be honored to have dinner with you tonight. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  She has to know that there’s something going on between us. I’m not the only one that feels it. Maybe that’s why it’s mainly me she seems so unsure of. I’ll find out because I’m going to make it my mission to insert myself in her life. If what I already feel starts to grow, then Keegan is going to be in trouble. She won’t have a chance against becoming mine.

  “It’s what I want,” she says, licking her kissable lips.

  “Then I’m here.”

  I look over her shoulder to see where my daughter is. She’s happily mixing something in the kitchen. There’s no way I can wait another second to taste Keegan. Lowering my head to hers, I brush my lips against hers and I feel her gasp beneath my mouth. Using that to my advantage, I sweep my tongue in her mouth and it feels like I’ve come home. Keegan’s fate was just sealed, she will be mine.

  The End

  October 6, 1984 – June 8, 1998

  Irish’s Destiny Playlist

  Body Like A Back Road – Sam Hunt

  Like I Loved You – Brett Young

  You Haven’t Seen The Last Of Me – Cher

  Gravity – John Mayer

  With You – Emerson Drive

  Fall – Clay Walker

  Don’t Take The Girl – Tim McGraw

  In Case You Didn’t Know – Brett Young

  She’s Everything – Brad Paisley

  Middle Of A Memory – Cole Swindell

  Whiskey Lullaby – Brad Paisley

  All I Ever Want Is You – Megan Davies

  Failure – Breaking Benjamin

  Broken – Seether

  State Of My Head – Shinedown

  I Don’t Dance – Lee Brice

  But We Lost It – Pink

  Love You Like That – Canaan Smith

  Even If It Breaks Your Heart – Eli Young Band

  Let Me Go – Christian Kane

  Let’s Take A Drive – Christian Kane

  Greatest Love Story – LANCO

  Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeran

  Hate That I Love You – Rhianna

  Miss You – Incubus

  Sweet Lady – Tyrese


  FIRST AND FOREMOST, I have to thank my amazing family. They have stuck by me in this amazing journey and continue to encourage me when I want to give up. My man is amazing and doesn’t let me quit even when that’s the only thing I want to do. To them, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love you more than you know!

  I have a small team that I work with and I am lucky to call them my friends. Vicky, you are an amazing PA and my best friend, my sister from another mister. Our talks on a daily basis are amazing and you pull me back when I’m on the brink of giving up on everything. Darlene, you have taken on the role of a friend I talk to on a daily basis, you encourage me to never give up, and you listen to my crazy when I need to vent. Jenni, our assistant PA, you’re our newest member and I’m glad that we brought you on to help out. You’ve gotten to be someone I can call a friend and you’ve helped me when you can. All three of you have been there for me to bounce ideas off of and on a personal level when you didn’t have to be there for me. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I love you!!

  I have a new beta reader team and you are all absolutely amazing!! I promise I will interact with you all more once the crazy in my life settles down. I can’t wait to see what we can come up with as the series comes to an end and the next part starts up. It’s going to be a wild ride and I’m glad that you’ve been willing to take a chance and help me out!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

  Without all of the amazing readers, I wouldn’t be able to live my dream and do what I love to do. You have been such an amazing part of this journey and I’m honored that out of all the amazing authors, you have chosen to take a chance on me and show your love and support of my work. One day I will meet as many of you as I possibly can because words will never do to thank you enough!! I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us, because I consider you all a part of this.

  About the Author

  I GREW UP IN UPSTATE NEW YORK. I’ve never lived in another state, even though I want to leave New York. I’d rather be somewhere warm in the winter. I don’t like the snow and cold weather. Growing up, I spent most of my time with my grandma. She taught me everything she knew and handed down her love of reading.

  Now I live back in Upstate New York with my boyfriend and our eight kids. Even though we don’t have all eight at the same time. We still only have one girl between the two of us and most of the boys are older than her. I’m learning to live with an alpha male and it’s an interesting experience to say the least. However, he’s supportive of my writing career to the point that when I wanted to give up, he refused to delete Blade’s Awakening for me. When I am able to finally start attending signings, he will be by my side to show his support of my writing career.

  When I’m not writing, you can find me reading, watching NASCAR, and spending time with our children. I love finding all sorts of new authors in the Indie community and showing them the same support that everyone has shown me since I started this journey. I’ll never be able to thank you all enough for the support and love you have all shown me!!

  A little-known fact about me is that I’m the shyest person on the face of the Earth. However, I love talking to people and hearing their stories. If you only take a second to listen, you can meet some amazing people that have lived extraordinary lives.

  Want to get in touch with me? Here’s some ways to connect:






  I’ve decided to do something different in this book, and books going forward. I will be including a small portion of books from different authors that give me their permission. So, turn the page to check out the first three authors that I’m giving you all a peak at!!

  Taken By Temptation: Rage Ryders MC

  By: Liberty Parker



  I knew the moment I laid eyes on her there was something special about her. I pulled her out of a situation that was of her parents’ making. The day we showed up to save Lil’ bit from her maternal grandfather was the day my life changed forever. He had plans on trading Lil’ bit for Bristol, I can’t even imagine the fear those two were feeling. When we found them, they were hiding underneath a table. I never planned on settling down or finding someone who got my defective heart beating again. My brothers, my club – they were all that has ever mattered to me. Is it really possible for me to put them second to this beautiful, broken woman?


  I always knew growing up that my life was doomed from the second I drew my first breath. My parents always used me for their gain, whether it be with business associates or as the victim of my father’s heavy hand. I never knew the joys of life, I lived day by day, moment by moment never knowing what was lurking in the shadows for me. That is until the day that I met him. He stepped in and made sure I knew what it meant to live. Ghost, along with his brothers and their women changed my view on life.

  Can they overcome the tragedy of their pasts and find love together, or has fate already stepped in? Can Bristol overcome her insecurities and give Ghost the chance to prove what true love really is or is she already so scarred that she’ll never give anyone that chance?



  “This meeting will be called to order,” Wasp calls out to all of us.

  There have been a lot of meetings leading up to this. All of us officers have been debating on the decision that’s fixin’ to be announced. Some of the brothers are going to be good with the decision that was made without a vote, and others are going to be fuckin’ pissed. We usually vote on all of the big moves we make. This was something that we need in order to expand. It’s the officers’ idea of gaining numbers.

  What I’m talking about is the club is starting a new charter in Templeton, Texas. Today, unbeknownst to others, we will be voting on who’s going and who’s staying. I’m not expecting many will want to move and start over, but it is what it is. We need strength in numbers. Our past situations have taught us we need stronger numbers.

  “There has been a decision made and voted on by the officers and we need to let you guys all know what’s going on,” Wasp starts us off, “We are going to build another charter from the ground up and we’ve voted on Templeton, Texas. It’s only a couple of hours from here so we can be close enough to assist if needed. Officers for the new charter have already been established. Kid will be going in as President, Ryder as his VP. Tumbler, Travler and Malibu will be heading out with them. They will be starting from scratch and I need to know if any others are willing to volunteer and head out with them?”

  We are still missing Sniper as he has taken a reprieve from the Rage Ryders while he deals with his grief, so Ryder has his proxy votes. Justice is in rehab recuperating from his gunshot wound he received while we were dealing with Cordozo. It wasn’t pretty and it was touch and go for a while, but he pulled through and is working hard to get his body back into shape. It’s still unknown if he will be able to pick his title back up as enforcer or not, either way he is, and always will be, a brother. And we take care of our own.

  “I’ll head out with them,” Spidey speaks up. Spidey has been around a couple of years, but we sometimes forget he’s there, he’s so damn quiet and is never front and center during any conversations. “I could use a change in scenery,” he continues. Spidey is also one of the sneakiest motherfuckers you will ever meet. He can literally climb buildings and rappels off walls with ropes. Which is where his road name, Spidey, came from.

  “Any others wanting to go out and help them set up the clubhouse and businesses?” Tic asks. He leans back in his chair and looks every one of us in the eye. He expects his brothers to step up and help out. One way or another.

  “What businesses would those be, boss?” Rott, our newly-patched member, asks. He had to prospect longer than Malibu did. They started at the same time, but Rott’s little sister developed leukemia and needed treatment and Rott was a match. Therefore, we gave him time off to care for his sister and recover. He came back six months ago and was patched in just a couple of nights ago. He calls Wasp and Tic boss and it drives them nuts. I personally think it’s hilarious. Therefore, as enforcer, I pretend I never hear it once it’s been said. Just as I’ve done now.

  Wasp speaks up, “It’s Prez to you, you insolent little shit.” Everyone in the room chuckles, myself included. “We will be expanding our custom designs company, as well as our mechanic shop. They will share the same space and name, but be two different entities as far as the business aspect of things go. Ragers has taken off and research shows that expansion would do well there.”

  “There also isn’t any club claiming the territory and we’ve already called council and gotten approval to take over the territory with our expansion,” Tic pipes in. When he says council, he means the MC council that oversees Texas. They have final say on who claims which territories and who’s been banned from the great state of Texas all together.

  “We need to figure out who’d be willin’ to go and who wants to stay. All officer positions in both charters are up for revotes due to the direction the club is going. So, can we get back at the topic of hand please?” Wasp asks, but you can tell from his tone it’s actually an order. And one that he expects followed. Wasp and Tic have done an amazing job taking over for King and Sniper. All of us brothers are happy with the direction they’ve been leading us.

  “I’ll go,” Rott speaks up. Knowing his decision will be accepted, I need to make sure our Prez and VP are secure, so I make sure I voice my opinion. “I vote to have Wasp remain our Prez and Tic to remain in office for VP.”

  “Second,” Tarzan supports my vote.

  “Third,” Soldier adds his support.

  “That means it’s officially on the table…those for vote aye, those opposed say nay,” Wasp declares. It’s aye’s all the way around the table, not that I expected anything different. “Now that that’s settled. Let’s see who’s going so we can finish all votes. As I said, Kid will be President with Ryder as his VP. Votes for Kid’s enforcer are on the table first.”

  “Tumbler,” I put out and it’s followed by second and third. All aye’s around the table. And the votes continue this way. Travler is voted as Ryder’s enforcer. Malibu is voted as Sargent at Arms and Rott is voted in at Road Captain. Spidey the sneaky fucker is voted in for Treasurer and he’s filling in for any extras that don’t have rolls filled as of yet. They will be recruiting for prospects and hangers. They will eventually get patched members at their tables. I have a good feeling about this transition. Hangers are those who are interested in becoming prospects at a later date in time.

  “Now that Templeton is sorted, let’s deal with what will now be our Mother chapter here. Those sticking here in Chesterfield are the following brothers. Tarzan, Tazer, Bomber, Soldier, Ghost and our Prospects, Levi and Carson. After we form home officers I say we vote on our prospects. They’ve done their time and it’s time to determine their future with us. Alright, first vote is…”

  Want to read more? Here’s the link to buy it.

  Reese Black Tuxedos MC

  By: Darlene Tallman


  Corinne Adams had everything – a great job as a vet tech, working as a volunteer fostering animals, and a caring boyfriend. When she confronts him about news that she received, he assaults her and leaves her for dead. Faced with the detritus that is now her life, she begins to heal, at least physically. Her aversion to touch, however, keeps her from moving on.

  Reese Thomas, a former Marine, established The Black Tuxedos MC with his best friend, Porter. He’s the quintessential hit-it-and-quit-it guy, preferring no strings to any kind of relationship. The night he meets Corrie, his world is turned upside down. Reco
gnizing the signs of PTSD in her, and knowing that he wants her by his side, he vows to wait as long as it takes.

  With her ex now locked up for the rest of his life, and with the help and support from Reese, as well as her best friend, Kirsten, Corrie’s outlook on her future looks bright. Will Reese break through and show her a love unlike any other? Or will the memories from her past keep her away?

  Chapter One


  I’m not really sure how I let my roommate and best friend, Kirsten, talk me into going out with her and her boyfriend, Porter, tonight. I mean, her guy is hawt in a leather-clad way, but they want to go to the bar that his club, the Black Tuxedos MC, owns and well, I’m just not sure what to expect!

  At twenty-five, it’s safe to say that I’m likely the queen of first dates. Truly. The one and only long-term boyfriend I had scared me off men and commitment. I mean, he wasn’t a jerk and life was good until it wasn’t. I still bear the scars from that time and that has led me to keep men at arm’s length. But Porter assured me that their club was ‘safe’ and a lot of his ‘Brothers’ would be there to keep it that way, so what did I have to lose? A few hours with my E-reader?

  As I stared at my closet wondering exactly what to wear, Kirsten ran into my room and immediately went to a silky sweater dress that I had hanging. “This will totally complement your eyes, my friend!” she cried.


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