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Irish's Destiny

Page 29

by Erin Osborne

  “Um, I’m not exactly looking for anyone, remember? Just because you are in serious like and happy doesn’t mean that I’m not perfectly content with Mr. Amazon and the books he brings me,” I reminded her.

  “Aw, c’mon Corrie! I’m telling you, the men Porter hangs with are all really nice. There are a few horndogs of course, but he has promised me that he’ll keep them away,” she answered.

  “Okay, okay. Let’s get this over and done with, shall we?” I grumbled as I snagged the dress and matching boots and started dressing.



  He walked into the bar and mentally groaned. Seemed like everyone had the same idea tonight – come in and have a few drinks. As he headed over to grab a drink, he saw Porter, sitting near the back with his latest fling, Kirsten. Then again, they had been together for quite some time now so perhaps it was more than a fling. Eh, he didn’t care as long as the man was happy. Relationships and commitment were not his thing – hit it and quit it was his motto, something he knew didn’t make his mom happy, but she’d get over it eventually.

  Grabbing two bottles of beer, he headed back to Porter’s table, nodding to some of the other Brothers who were around. Because the club owned the bar, they tended to congregate here somewhat regularly, so he resigned himself to another Friday night hanging with the brethren.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” he said to Porter, placing one of the beers in front of him.

  “Not much. Just out with Kirsten and her girl, throwing a few back.”

  Her girl? Funny, he hadn’t noticed anyone else sitting at the booth when he slid in.

  “Ah, here she comes now,” Kirsten said.

  He turned and was glad he was sitting down. Because walking toward him was a woman who had everything going for her in spades – she wasn’t tall, maybe 5’5” or 5’6” but he knew he would tower over her, and she had curves that had his hands clenching at his sides. And that hair? Holy hell, he wasn’t sure what color to call it, he just knew it started out blonde, had caramel running through it and ended with flaming red tips. Dragging his eyes back up her body, he saw clear blue eyes and a beautiful set of lips. Fuck. She wasn’t the hit it and quit it type. No way, no how. She screamed of houses and babies and SUVs. And when she reached the table and he caught a whiff of the subtle floral scent she was wearing, he knew, just knew, he was done for.

  “Reese, this is Corrie. Corrie, my Brother, Reese,” Porter said.

  “Hi, how are you?” she said to the Adonis sitting there staring at her.

  “Hey,” he finally said before he got out to let her slide in and across from her friend.

  As the girls started talking, Reese listened. Seemed she was a vet tech at the local animal clinic and had taken in a few animals to foster See his mind said she’s definitely not your type.

  “Your landlord allows that?” he asked her, entering the conversation.

  “Seeing as I’m the landlord, yes,” she said, glancing up at him.

  Animals, huh? “I’m a tattoo artist at the club’s tattoo parlor,” he told her.

  She looked at him and could see bits of color coming from under his t-shirt. Damn, if she didn’t hate the thought of being touched so much now, she would love to trace each and every one of those tattoos. Cue the blush.

  She’s blushing. Wonder why? Out loud, he said, “You have any? Tattoos that is.”

  “Uh…no,” she finally stammered out. “I have one I’ve been thinking about but haven’t worked up the nerve to get it done yet.”

  Man, I’d love to ink her. There were a lot of things I’d like to do to her.

  “Well, you ever decide to pop that cherry, let me know and I’ll hook you up,” he said.

  “Okay,” she told him.

  As she looked around the room, her face suddenly got pale and she looked at Kirsten and said, “I have to go. Now.”

  Kirsten looked at her and then looked around the bar, finally locking eyes with Corrie’s ex, Jefferson Maxwell. Leaning over, she said, “I thought he was still locked up?”

  “He was supposed to be. I have to get out of here,” Corrie replied, gathering her purse and keys. “Can…can you and Porter walk me out to my car?”

  “Yeah, sure. You’re going straight home, right?”


  “Then let’s get you out of here.”

  Turning to Reese, she said, “It was nice to meet you, Reese, but I need to leave.”

  Not having a clue what had happened, he slid out of the booth and decided he would walk with them to her car. Putting his hand on the small of her back, he felt her recoil away before she apologized, saying, “I’m sorry, I don’t like to be touched.”

  That’s a crying shame. “No worries. Let’s get you out of here, okay?”


  Finally home, Corrie hurried into the house, making sure she locked the door and armed the alarm system. Her panic attack in near full bloom, she ran into her room and changed into her at-home lounging clothes before she crawled into the corner of the closet, baseball bat in one hand and phone in the other. As her mind started to shut down, she flashed back to before and the tears began to fall as she started shaking.

  Want more? The Black Tuxedos – Reese is now available on Amazon and free with a KU subscription!

  Riding Resistance: Soul Shifterz MC

  By: Kayce Kyle


  As the only child to the club’s President, Jenalyn feels the pressure to carry on her father’s legacy, only that’s not what she wants. Leaving her family, the club and Justice behind, she goes to California in pursuit of a Fine Arts degree. But things happen in California and she’s forced to return, only now, she refuses to give in and fall back in to old patterns and ways–she’s nobody’s property.

  Justice was devastated when Jenalyn left him behind and has become cold and bitter in the time she’s been gone, closing off his heart and any emotion. His one mission now? To be the cold, ruthless enforcer he was born to be. He doesn’t want or need an ‘Ol lady and he vows to never again let anyone get close enough to him to cause any pain.

  But that fickle mistress, Fate, may have other ideas for them both.

  Will two stubborn, strong-willed people stay true to their new paths? Or will they succumb to the attraction that has never left? Secrets will be revealed and no one’s lives will ever be the same.

  **This book contains sexual content and cannot be sold to anyone under the age of 18. Contains explicit sexual content, and violence. Also contains assault, which may result in triggers**

  Five years ago

  “Do you trust me?” Justice asked Jenalyn after pulling over on his bike on the side of the lonely two-lane highway.

  Curiously, she turned one side of her lips up. “With my life.” Leaning in smashing her full lips to his.

  Air escaped his lungs as he moaned into her mouth in approval with their tongues now battling to stay in constant contact. She tasted so good. The same exotic vanilla, with a hint of spice. Cinnamon sometimes, and mint others. It varied daily and each day was like a party reserved only for him in her mouth. He couldn’t wait to see which one he’d be gifted daily. Today was a vanilla mint day.

  Her palate was very fitting for her. Sweet, and spicy. She was the most kind-hearted person he’d ever known, but she had a fiery side that he battled daily. She was stubborn and defiant. He’d loved her since they were children. They’d been together just over two years, now.

  His mission as of late was to keep her from leaving Sundown, TX to attend an Art Institute in California.

  Even though he had just finished taking her body for the third time that day in every way imaginable, he wanted her again. When he was with her, it still never seemed to be close enough. Lately, they fought more than anything, always followed by passionate making up.

  He knew if he succumbed to her again, he might never finish what he’d set out to do. His mind was pulling him on

e way, while his now hard cock was speaking a completely different language.

  He was sure after what he showed her, she’d stay and they would celebrate again later. He was on a mission to stop her once and for all and change her mind on this California business. He wanted to show her she could have both. Art school here in Dallas, and him.

  Very hesitantly he pried himself free from her mouth causing her to pout in her own right. Her eyes could bring any man to his knees he was sure. Almost translucent in color, with just enough hint of blue and green to keep them from actually being so.

  “Okay, we have about two miles left, and I want you to…stop biting and licking your lips first of all.” He became momentarily distracted again adjusting his rock-hard dick that was becoming painful now, and taking every fiber of his being to restrain himself from taking her right there on his bike. If all worked out as planned, he may just get his wish, if he could ever get her to the top of that hill.

  He held up a bandana. “I’m going to blindfold you the rest of the way. Like I said at your house, this is a surprise.”

  All she kept thinking was how her body always reacted to him. She didn’t just want him, she needed him. Her soul craved his, the way a fire craves oxygen. “Deal.” She agreed, palming his cock through the cloth of his jeans.

  He groaned out in pleasure. “Fuck. Jen, you’re not making this easy. Two more miles and after that, I’m all yours.”

  Thrill and seduction twirled in her eyes. “Okay, go ahead baby,” she said extending her neck.

  His touch as he tied the bandana around her eyes aroused her and tiny goose bumps waved over her skin.

  He picked her up and sat her on his bike, then climbed on and started her up. The engine roaring to life between her legs.

  “Hold on tight babygirl,” he said, reaching down and squeezing her arm that was firmly gripped around his waist.

  It was a short ride like he’d promised. “Can I take off my blindfold, Jus?” Jenalyn asked.

  Justice picked her up and helped her stand. He removed the blindfold from her. “What do you think, baby? This is all for you, and I only have one specific request. Well, maybe two.” He mused. Tucking her wind swept russet locks behind one ear, he continued to trail soft kisses up her neck as she took in the view.

  Her neck instinctively leaned into his kisses as he kept talking through each one. “You stay here in Texas, and capture this moment for me and paint it. Then you can have your way with me…just this once.” He joked.

  Jenalyn fought for self-control as she absorbed in the scenery. “You did all of this?” she asked surprised.

  “I had some help,” he answered back with a wink.

  Looking at him, her expression pried for further details.

  “Ace and Savanna,” he said giving in.

  He’d never brought her here before. It was a hilltop view overlooking their small town. There was a blanket laid out, and a bucket filled with iced down champagne. Next to that was an easel and canvas with acrylic paints and brushes. As if that wasn’t enough, a professional photographer’s camera wrapped with a scarlet red bow on it was also laying nearby. Her heart began to race. A combination of how extravagant all of this was, and Justice’s lips on her neck.

  A knot formed in her throat and she could barely speak. “Three.”

  Pulling his lips from her neck. “Huh?” he asked confused.

  “That’s three things, Justice,” she muttered, knowing exactly what he was wanting now. His words fully sinking in. He did all of this for her hoping she’d stay.

  “What’s wrong with that? Isn’t this the most beautiful sky you’ve ever seen?” he asked, scanning her face nervously as this wasn’t the reaction he’d expected.

  It really was extraordinary. It was dusk. The blues, pinks, and purples of the skyline meshed so effortlessly together. “It is…I…Justice. We’ve already fought over and over babe. I thought you’d accepted me going to Art school in California? Plus, it’s not only about art. I want away from the club. You know this.”

  “So you won’t even consider going to the one in Dallas? That’s fucking great. I dunno what else to do!” he yelled out more of a statement than a question as he began pacing back and forth, cupping his face with his hands trying to ward off his frustration.

  Jenalyn narrowed her eyes on him. “So this, all of this, was just an attempt to get me to stay?” Her voice now raised also.

  Stopping his pacing, he glared at her. “Yes. Fucking yes, Jen,” he said placing his hands down on her tiny shoulders. “I don’t think I can let you go.” Running his hands through his short dark brown hair that was closely shaved on the sides, and slightly longer on top. He pulled her lips to his and kissed her so hard it bordered violence.

  Tears filled her eyes as he released her. “I leave in two days. I’m already packed Jus. You know this.”

  “Fuck this, Jenalyn. You’re choosing that over me,” he roared, kicking the champagne- filled bucket off the small cliff, then getting on his bike. “I don’t drink that girly shit anyways. Get on. I’m taking you home,” he demanded.

  She climbed on the back. “And you just remember, you’re also choosing this…staying here, over me.”

  She could feel him tense at her words. He took her home and didn’t even say goodbye. He sped off, leaving her confused and agitated. They’d already agreed. She wanted to be an artist, and he was loyal to her father’s club. They’d agreed that maybe one day, their lives might fit, and if not they were okay with that too. At least that’s what she’d thought. She needed away from the club, not Justice. It so happened that was a package deal. It pained her. It had taken her over a year to finally commit to this decision. She knew no matter her decision, she would be giving up one of the two things she loved most in life. Justice Paine or her lifelong dream of going to the Art Institute of California.

  It wasn’t an easy decision, but she was young. Only nineteen and he was twenty-one. It was a match made in both heaven and hell. Secretly she hoped that while she was gone, he would leave the club and join her. All of that was just fairy tale talk.

  Two days later, she boarded that plane and never looked back.

  Want to read more? Here’s the link to buy it.





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