by Mark Cousins
Staudte, Wolfgang (German actor/director) 188
Steamboat Willie (USA, 1928) 112, 165
Stella Dallas (USA, 1937) 88
Stiller, Mauritz (Swedish director) 36, 45–46, 57, 79, 83–84
Stone, Oliver (American director) 448, 451–452, 454, 461, 473, 481, 484
Stormy Monday (UK, 1988) 468
La Strada/The Road (Italy, 1954) 73, 73, 249, 289
Stranger Than Paradise (USA, 1983) 454
Strangers on a Train (USA, 1951) 38, 155
Straub, Jean-Marie (German director) 353
Stray Dog (Japan, 1949) 211–212
Street Angel (China, 1937) 134, 202, 420
Strictly Ballroom (Australia, 1992) 445
Strike (Soviet Union, 1925) 104–105, 104
Sturges, John (American director) 212
Sturges, Preston (American director) 65, 181
Subway (France, 1984) 407–408, 408
Summer Madness (USA, 1955) 256
Sun Yu (Chinese director) 133
Sunrise (USA, 1927) 101–102, 102
Sunset Boulevard (USA, 1950) 87
Surcos/Furrows (Spain, 1951) 209, 209
Suriyothai (Thailand, 2000) 473
Suspicion (USA, 1941) 194
Süss/Jew (Germany, 1940) 155, 188
Suzuki, Seijun (Japanese director) 131
Swedish cinema 45–46, 180, 206, 247–248, 294–295
naturalistic films 62, 79, 83–84
Sweet Charity (USA, 1969) 250
Sweet Smell of Success (USA, 1957) 256
Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song (USA, 1971) 342, 343, 393
Sweetie (New Zealand, 1989) 444
Syberberg, Hans Jurgen (German director) 353
Syrian cinema 374
Syron, Brian (Australian director) 415–416
Szabò, Istvàn (Hungarian director) 424
Tabu (USA, 1931) 101
The Tailor from Torzhuk (Soviet Union, 1926) 102–103
Tait, John (Australian director) 38
Taiwanese cinema 180, 310, 365–366, 420–422, 470–472
Takashi, Miike (Japanese director) 475, 476–477
Take the Money and Run (USA, 1969) 343
A Tale of Loyal Retainers (Japan, 1910) 24
Tales from the Southern Islands (Japan, 1968) 297
Tang Shuxuan (Hong Kong director) 365
Tangshan daxiong/The Big Boss (Hong Kong, 1971) 364
Tarantino, Quentin (American director) 11, 141, 451, 454, 463, 473
Targets (USA, 1968) 320–321, 322, 345
Tarkovsky, Andrei (Russian director) 12, 30, 247, 306–307
Tarr, Béla (Hungarian director) 30, 129, 180, 195, 247, 291, 303, 466, 468, 484, 489
Tashlin, Frank (American director) 146
Tati, Jacques (French comedian/director) 73, 79, 180, 263
Taxi Driver (India, 1955) 89
Taxi Driver (USA, 1976) 10, 130, 328, 333, 339–340
Taylor, William Desmond (American director) 76
Taza, Son of Cochise (USA, 1954) 224, 231
Tears of the Pearl River (Hong Kong, 1949) 203
Teen kanya/Two Daughters (India, 1961) 318
The Ten Commandments (USA, 1923) 67
Ten (Iran, 2002) 441, 441, 458
Teorema/Theorem (Italy, 1968) 464
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (USA, 1991) 455, 456, 456, 457
La Terre/The Land (Egypt/France, 1968) 242
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (Japan, 1991) 474, 474
The Texas Rangers (USA, 1936) 88
Thai cinema 438, 473
Themerson, Franciszka and Stefan (Polish directors) 152
They Live by Night (USA, 1948) 229
They Were Expendable (USA, 1945) 173
The Thief of Bagdad (USA, 1924) 67
The Third Man (UK, 1949) 158, 204–206, 204, 205, 255, 393
The 39 Steps (UK, 1935) 155, 156–157
This House is Black (Iran, 1962) 83, 373–374, 430
This Sporting Life (UK, 1963) 298, 299
Three Chopin Studies (Poland, 1937) 152, 153
Three Men and a Baby (US, 1987) 390
The Three Musketeers (USA, 1920) 66–67
Three Songs for Stalin (Soviet Union, 1934) 160–161
Through the Olive Trees (Iran, 1994) 440, 440
Tiefland (Germany, 1954) 154
Tiempo de Morir/A Time to Die (Mexico, 1962) 481
La Tierra prometida/The Promised Land (Chile, 1973) 376–377
Tilaï (Burkina Faso, 1990) 432
Tipnis, P.R. (Indian director) 46
Tirez sur Ie pianiste/Shoot the Pianist (France, 1960) 272–273
Tissé, Edward (Swedish cameraman) 103–104, 105–106
Titanic (USA, 1997) 26, 456, 457
Tlatli, Moufida (Tunisian director) 478–479, 484
To Have and Have Not (USA, 1944) 143, 144, 261–262
Todo sobre di madre/All About My Mother (Spain, 1999) 292
Tokyo Monogatari/Tokyo Story (Japan, 1953) 127, 218, 219, 219
Toland, Gregg (American cinematographer) 175–176, 195, 201, 269, 288
Tom Jones (UK, 1963) 299
Toni (France, 1935) 161, 161
Top Gun (USA, 1986) 63, 398, 399, 399
Torre Nilsson, Leopold (Argentinian director) 311
Touch of Evil (USA, 1958) 179, 238, 258, 259–260, 260, 278, 449
A Touch of Zen (Taiwan, 1969) 310, 366–367, 366
Touki Bouki/Journey of the Hyenas (Senegal, 1973) 13, 370–371, 370
Tourneur, Jacques (American director) 196
Toy Story (USA, 1995) 456, 457
Tran Anh Hung (Vietnamese director) 472
The Travelling Players (Greece, 1975) 376
The Trial (France, 1962) 88, 88
The Trip (USA, 1967) 321, 325
Triumph des Willens/Triumph of the Will (Germany, 1935) 153–154, 385
Trnka, Jiri (Czech animator) 244–245, 264, 303
Troell, Jan (Swedish director) 294
Trois Coleurs/Three Colours trilogy (Poland, 1990s) 425, 426–427, 428
True Romance (USA, 1993) 451
The True Story of the Kelly Gang (Australia, 1906) 38
Truffaut, François (French director) 8, 230, 257, 258, 262, 269, 271, 272, 274, 279, 283, 285, 295, 326
Tsai Ming-Liang (Taiwanese director) 471–472, 484
Tsui Hark (Hong Kong director) 367
Tsukamoto, Shinya (Japanese director) 474, 477, 478
The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1. The Moab Story (UK, 2003) 413
Tunisian cinema 316, 370–371, 478–479
Turkish cinema 374–376
Twentieth Century (India, 1924) 85–86
Twentieth Century (USA, 1934) 143, 144–145, 145
Twilight of a Woman’s Soul (Russia, 1913) 48–49
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (USA, 1992) 396–397, 396
2001: A Space Odyssey (UK, 1968) 323–325, 324–325, 385
Ugetsu (Japan, 1953) 218, 218, 219, 220, 475
Ulmer, Edgar G. (American director) 343
Ultimo Tango a Parigi/Last Tango in Paris (France, 1972) 333, 334
Ulysses’ Gaze (Greece, 1997) 376
Umberto D (Italy, 1952) 188, 189, 191, 192, 330
The Unbelievable Truth (USA, 1989) 454
Under Capricorn (USA, 1949) 194
Underworld (USA, 1927) 139
The Unvanquished (India, 1956) 238
Uski Roti/A Day’s Bread (India, 1969) 316–317, 317, 368, 401
Vadim, Roger (French director) 263
Valle, Frederico (Argentinian director) 165
Van Peebles, Melvin (American director) 342, 393
Van Sant, Gus (American director) 454, 454–455
II vangelo secondo Matteo/The Gospel According to St. Matthew (Italy, 1964) 285, 285, 293, 331
Varda, Agnès (French director) 181, 264, 274, 305
Variety (Germany
, 1925) 94–95, 95, 100, 101, 138, 148
Verhängnis/Fate (Germany, 1994) 466
Vertigo (USA, 1958) 155, 238, 258, 260–261, 261, 293, 449
Vertov, Dziga (Soviet director) 89, 151, 160–161, 199
Vidas Secas/Barren Lives (Brazil, 1963) 311
Videodrome (Canada, 1983) 417–418, 417, 455
Vidor, King (American director) 65, 87–88, 89, 91, 101, 127, 189, 199, 240, 341
La Vie de Jésus/The Life of Jesus (France, 1996) 463–464
Vietnamese cinema 438, 472
Vigo, Jean (French director) 89, 151, 161, 258, 272
Vinterberg, Thomas (Danish director) 461
Viridiana (Spain, 1961) 292–293, 292, 359
Les Visages de femmes/Faces of Women (Ivory Coast, 1985) 430–431
Visconti, Luchino (Italian director) 189, 192, 289, 331–332, 411
La vista de la revuetta/View of the Uprising (Mexico 1911) 47
I Vitelloni/The Loafers (Italy, 1953) 249
Vithanage, Prasanna (Sri Lankan director) 472
Vive L’Amour (Taiwan, 1994) 471–472, 471
Vivre sa Vie/My Life to Live (France, 1964) 273
Von Sternberg, Joseph (actor/director) 63, 146, 148–149, 150
Von Stroheim, Erich (Austrian/American director) 55, 65, 86–87, 89, 161–162, 242, 246, 258, 275
Von Trier, Lars (Danish director) 13, 85, 247, 461–463, 468, 482, 484, 488
Von Trotta, Margarethe (German director) 353
Wachowski, Andy and Larry (American directors) 456, 458–460, 471
Wag the Dog (USA, 1997) 47
Wagdi, Anwar (Egyptian director) 240
The Wages of Fear (France, 1953) 263
Wajda, Andrzej (Polish director) 242, 244, 264, 300, 424
Walkabout (UK, 1971) 361–362, 362, 363
Walsh, Raoul (American director) 47, 67
Wang Weiyi (Chinese director) 203
Warhol, Andy (American artist/director) 281, 283, 318–319, 326, 441, 484
Wark Griffith, David (American director) 30, 36
Way Down East (USA, 1919) 66
The Way (Turkey, 1982) 375–376
Weber, Lois (American director) 81, 82, 89, 240
Wednesday 19.7.1961 (Russia, 1995) 466–467
Wednesday (Russia, 1997) 83
Weir, Peter (Australian director) 363–364
Welles, Orson (American actor/director) 8, 30, 88, 154, 172, 176–180, 181, 193, 195, 204–205, 243, 246, 247, 257, 258, 259–260, 269
Wellman, William (American director) 67, 139
Wend kunni/The Gift from God (Burkina Faso, 1982) 430, 430, 432, 476
Wenders, Wim (German director) 131, 353, 354, 355–356, 358
Western cinema 16, 36
Whale, James (English director) 137–138, 181
What’s Up Doc? (USA, 1972) 146
Where is My Friend’s House? (Iran, 1987) 438–439, 438, 466
Whisky Galore (UK, 1948) 412
White Christmas (USA, 1954) 225
Wiene, Robert (German director) 95, 96, 97, 98, 196–197, 205, 229, 247
Wife! Be Like a Rose! (Japan, 1935) 131–132, 132
Wild Field (Vietnam, 1980) 472
The Wild One (USA, 1953) 225–226, 319
Wilder, Billy (actor/director) 8, 10, 63, 87, 88, 96, 153, 193, 196–197, 199, 238, 343, 471
The Will (Egypt, 1939) 163–164, 240
William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet (USA/Australia, 1996) 445, 445
Williamson, James A. (British director) 26
The Wind (Mali, 1982) 372, 429–430
Wings (USA, 1927) 67
Within our Gates (USA, 1920) 85
Without a Dowry (Soviet Union, 1936) 102
The Wizard of Oz (USA, 1939) 50, 64, 168, 168, 169, 169, 181, 183, 194, 199, 200, 201, 252, 261, 325, 381
Wohl, Stanislaw (Polish director) 152
Women in Love (UK, 1969) 359, 359
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Spain, 1988) 409
Wonder Man (USA, 1945) 214
Wong Kar-Wai (Chinese/Hong Kong director) 469–470, 472, 482, 484
Woo, John (Hong Kong/US director) 367, 446, 473
The World of Apu (India, 1959) 238
Worsley, Wallace (American director) 67
Wright, Basil (British director) 158
Wrony/Crows (Poland, 1995) 13
Wutai Jiemei/Two Stage Sisters (China, 1964) 309–310, 310
Wyler, William (American director) 179, 181, 193, 200, 257
Xie Jin (Chinese director) 309–310
Y tu mama tambien/And Your Mother Too (Mexico, 2000) 438, 482, 483, 483
Yamamoto, Kurosawa (Japanese director) 210
Yang, Edward (Taiwanese director) 421
Yellow Earth (China, 1984) 419–420, 420
A Yiddisher Boy (USA, 1908) 39
Yimou, Zhang (Chinese director) 419–420
Yojimbo (Japan, 1961) 212, 366
Young at Heart (USA, 1954) 414, 415
Young Mr Lincoln (USA, 1939) 173
Yuan Muzhi (Chinese director) 134, 202
Yuen, Woo-ping (Chinese director) 458–460
Yukinojo Henge/An Actor’s Revenge (Japan, 1963) 221
Zanussi, Krzysztof (Polish director) 242
Zavattini, Cesare (italian screenwriter) 189–190, 191, 192
Zecca, Ferdinand (Italian director) 45
A Zed and Two Noughts (UK/Holland, 1985) 413
Zerkalo/Mirror (USSR, 1975) 306–307
Zéro de Conduite/Zero for Conduct (France, 1933) 151, 151, 258
Zetterling, Mai (Swedish director) 294
Zhang Shi-chuan (Chinese director) 133
Zheng Junli (Chinese director) 202–203
Zhu Shilin (Chinese/Hong Kong director) 203, 236
Zinnemann, Fred (American director) 227, 265
Zukor, Adolph (American director) 39, 63, 64
Zvenigora (Soviet Union, 1928) 107
T = Top B= Bottom L= Left R= Right
C = Centre; BFI: British Film Institute
We would like to thank all the film production and distribution companies and photographers whose publicity photographs appear in this book. We apologize in advance for any unintentional omission or neglect and will be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement for any companies or individuals in any subsequent edition of this work.
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Endpapers: Getty Images/Hulton; 2 Ronald Grant Archive; 4 1 Ronald Grant Archive; 4, 2 Ronald Grant Archive; 4 3 BFI/Dulac/VandaI/Aubert; 4, 4 Kobal Collection/MGM; 4 5 Joel Finler Collection; 5, 6 Moviestore Collection/Columbia; 5, 7 BFI/Paramount Pictures; 5, 8 Ronald Grant Archive/Kestrel Films; 5, 9 Ronald Grant Archive/Guangxi Film Studios; 5, 10 Moviestore Collection/Carolco; 6 Moviestore Collection/Amblin/DreamWorks /Paramount Pictures; 10T Odd Man Out, Carol Reed, UK, 1946; 10C Deux au trois choses que je sais d’elle, Jean-Luc
Godard, France, 1967; 10B Taxi Driver, Martin Scorsese, USA, 1976; 12 BFI; 13T Joel Finler Collection; 13B BFI; 14 Moviestore Collection/Mehboob Eros; 17 Science & Society Picture Library/National Museum of Photography, Film & Television; 19 Ronald Grant Archive/Mosfilm; 20 Ronald Grant Archive; 22 Joel Finler Collection; 24 Ronald Grant Archive/Lumière Brothers; 25T Barry Salt Collection; 25B Kevin Brownlow Collection; 26T Joel Finler Collection; 26B Ronald Grant Archive/Méliès; 27 Kevin Brownlow Collection; 28 George Eastman House/Stills Collection-Motion Picture Department; 30 Ronald Grant Archive; 31T BFI; 31B Ronald Grant Archive; 32 Ronald Grant Archive/Mosfilm; 33 Ronald Grant Archive/Dino De Laurentiis; 34 Joel Finler Collection; 35 BFI; 36-37 BFI/ Edison Company; 38 Barry Salt Collection; 40 National Film Center/Courtesy of National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; 43 BFI; 44 Barry Salt Collection; 46 Danish Film Institute /Stills & Posters Archive; 47 BFI/Phalke Films; 48 Kobal Collection/ltala Film Torino; 49 BFI/Associat
ed British; 50T Barry Salt Collection; 50B Barry Salt Collection; 51 Ronald Grant Archive; 52 Ronald Grant Archive; 53T Kobal Collection/ltala Film Torino; 53B Joel
Finler Collection; 54 Ronald Grant Archive; 55 Mary Evans Picture Library; 56 BFI/Shochiku Films Ltd.; 57T Barry Salt Collection; 57B Barry Salt Collection; 58 Kevin Brownlow Collection; 60 Ronald
Grant Archive/UFA; 63 Ronald Grant Archive; 64 Joel Finler Collection; 65 Kobal Collection /Paramount; 66 Ronald Grant Archive /MGM; 68 Ronald Grant Archive/MGM; 70 Kevin Brownlow Collection; 72 Motion Picture & Television Photo Archive /; 73 Kobal Collection/Ponti-De Laurentiis; 74 Kobal Collection/Roach /Pathé Exchange; 75 BFI/First National Pictures Inc.; 77 Ronald Grant Archive /Buster Keaton Productions; 78 Joel Finler Collection; 80 The Girl with the Hat Box, Boris Barnet, Soviet Union, 1927; 81 Kobal Collection; 82T BFI/Pathé Exchange Inc.; 82B Robert Flaherty Paper Collection, © The International Film Seminars, The Flaherty /Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library; 84B Kobal Collection, The/Svensk Filmindustri; 84T © 1924 AB Svensk Filmindustri; 85T Lebrecht Collection/Rue des Archives/Lebrecht Music & Arts; 85B BFI; 87 Joel Finler Collection; 88T BFI/MGM; 88C Moviestore Collection/Mirisch/MGM; 88B Joel Finler Collection; 90 BFI/Dulac /VandaI/Aubert; 92-93 BFI/Films Abel Gance; 94 Kevin Brownlow Collection; 95 Kobal Collection/UFA; 96 Ronald Grant Archive/Decla-Bioscop AG.; 98 BFI /Gainsborough Pictures; 99 Joel Finler Collection; 100 Moviestore Collection /Universum; 102 Ronald Grant Archive /Fox Film; 103 Novosti (London, UK); 104T BFI/Goskino; 104B BFI/Goskino; 105T Ronald Grant Archive/Mosfilm; 105C Joel Finler Collection; 105B Joel Finler Collection; 106 Mother, Vsevolod I Pudovkin, Soviet Union, 1926; 107 Arsenal, Alexander Dovzhenko, USSR, 1930; 108 Eva RiehI/Walter Ruttman; 109 Joel Finler Collection; 110 Ronald Grant Archive; 111 Ronald Grant Archive/Dino De Laurentiis; 112 Joel Finler Collection; 115 Kobal Collection/ Paramount; 116 Kobal Collection/Warner Bros.; 119 George Eastman House/Stills Collection-Motion Picture Department; 121 Kobal Collection/Paramount; 122 BFI/Paramount Publix Corporation; 124 BFI/New Theatres Ltd.; 127 Barry Salt Collection; 128 BFI/Shochiku Films Ltd.; 129 Corbis/Bettmann; 130 I Was Born, But…, Yasujiro Ozu, Japan, 1932; 131 BFI/Paradise Films/Unite Trois; 132 BFI/P.C.L. Co. Ltd.; 133 Osaka Elegy, Kenji Mizoguchi, Japan, 1936.; 134 Photofest; 135 Joel Finler Collection; 136 Kobal Collection/Universal; 139T Kobal Collection/Warner Bros./First National; 139B Ronald Grant Archive/Universal Pictures; 140T Scarface Shame of the Nation, Howard Hawks, USA, 1932; 140C Scarface, Brian De Palma, USA, 1983; 140B Scarface, Brian De Palma, USA, 1983; 141 Ronald Grant Archive/Dog Eat Dog; 142 Joel Finler Collection; 144 Motion Picture &