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Making a Splash

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  “Oh….” Austin watched every motion, lips parted, cheeks pink. “Look at you….”

  He sank back against the couch, hands still on Austin’s ass. “Me? Look at you.”

  He never wanted to stop looking.

  Austin scooted in, resting against him. “Hey.”

  “Hey. You good?”

  “God, yeah. You?”

  He laughed, head lolling against the back of the couch. “Definitely.” He slid one hand up along Austin’s back, over his shoulders, touching, feeling idly.

  “Mmm….” Austin cuddled into his touch, humming.

  “You want to get that tour of the bedroom now?”

  “Oh, hell, yes. This tour’ll end much better than the last one.”

  “Yeah, I think that’s pretty much guaranteed.” He slid his hand behind Austin’s head and tilted it, taking that mouth again. Fuck, this was a taste he could become addicted to. Austin opened right up for him, humming into the kiss.

  He slid his other hand back around to explore Austin’s belly, his balls, that long, thick cock. Austin’s pubes were soft, curly, tickling the backs of his fingers as the long cock pressed into his hand. He slid down again, cupping the sweet balls, tugging on them, eyes on Austin’s face, watching.

  “Mmm….” Austin wanted so well, need written on the lean face.

  “Come on upstairs. I want to explore you.” He let go of Austin with reluctance and pushed gently; if they didn’t go now, they’d wind up doing it on the couch again, and he really wanted to stretch Austin out, take his time.

  Do this right.

  “Okay. That sounds good.” Austin stood, cock hard and full, curving up toward that pretty belly.

  He licked his lips and then, unable to resist, leaned forward and took a swipe at Austin’s cock, a quick lick to pull the taste in.

  “Uhn. That. That’s cheating.”

  “Yeah, it probably is, but shit, Austin, I’m only human—I couldn’t resist.” He took another quick lick and pushed Austin back a step so he could get up too.

  He did up the top button of his own jeans and then Austin’s so they wouldn’t kill themselves on the stairs, and took the kid’s hand and tugged, before he changed his mind and went for it with Austin spread out on the coffee table.

  Austin cupped his ass, squeezing a little as they went up. Vince made a little noise. It wasn’t a squeak—he didn’t squeak—but it was appreciative. He loved that Austin had been the one to ask, that Austin was making it clear he wanted this.

  He led the way to his bedroom at the back of the house, wishing he’d known he was going to bring Austin back here and that they were going to do this. He wasn’t a slob, but he hadn’t bothered to make the bed when he’d gotten up this morning, and yesterday’s clothes were still in a pile next to it. The day before yesterday’s were too.

  His bed was a four-poster, big enough that Austin’s long legs wouldn’t hang out over the end. The sheets were navy cotton, so at least they weren’t showing the dirt. “Well, here it is. You’re finally getting full value on that two-cent tour.”

  “Big bed.” Austin nodded, moved closer to him.

  “All the better to fuck you,” he growled in his best big bad wolf imitation, waggling his eyebrows. He wound up chuckling at himself. “Okay, that was bad.” And he was… nervous. It had been easier when it had just happened and he’d been able to not think about it. This was way more deliberate.

  Austin hooted and tugged him down onto the bed, their mouths coming together. Oh, right. Mouths, bodies, being horizontal. Nothing to be nervous about at all. He slid his tongue into Austin’s mouth, exploring it again, pulling the sweet and salty flavor into himself. His hands moved randomly, stroking and touching for now, connecting them. Austin was cuddly, snuggling in and rubbing against him. Sensual man.

  He popped the button of Austin’s jeans and worked them down off the narrow hips and over that fine ass. Then he got rid of his own and brought them back together again, their legs tangling. Austin was warm all over, skin fairly smooth, but he’d be smoother after the waxing, no little hairs on those long legs to catch against his own like they were now.

  “Mmm… naked. I’m liking naked.”

  “Yeah, there’s not a whole lot bad about naked. Especially if you’re not alone and in a bed.”

  He rolled Austin onto his back, sliding his mouth along Austin’s jaw. Austin’s hands slipped down his spine, held them together. When his mouth got to Austin’s throat, all the motions stilled, a sweet cry splitting the air.

  He hummed softly. “Oh, this is a good spot, is it?” He licked softly at Austin’s throat, sliding his tongue over the prominent Adam’s apple. Then he scraped his teeth along the same path. Mmm. Someone liked that, Austin bucking beneath him. Hell, yes. He was going to find every sweet spot on Austin’s body. He wrapped his mouth around the skin below Austin’s Adam’s apple, sucking strongly.

  “Uh. Uh. Vince. I. Oh.” Austin shuddered, arching and rubbing against him.

  Moaning, he slowly let Austin’s skin go, stopping to lick at the mark he’d pulled up before moving on to taste the kid’s collarbone. He put his hands into motion, finding that sweet belly and stroking.

  “Mmm…. It’s good. Don’t stop. Please.”

  “No, I wasn’t planning on stopping.” Not anytime soon. He dipped his fingers into Austin’s navel and slid them over that amazing six-pack, then found the kid’s hips, sharp and prominent. Austin’s skin felt amazing under his fingertips. Nope. No stopping.

  The curls around Austin’s cock were darker than the platinum hair on Austin’s head; they were a pale, pale gold, shining around Austin’s prick. It would be shame to lose them. He knew from experience that smooth was good too, especially for Austin. It would feel amazing for him.

  Groaning, he slid his mouth down to find a nipple as he carded his fingers through the soft golden curls and then moved down to explore Austin’s balls. He weighed them, cupped them, worked the smooth globes inside their sac. Austin stroked his hair, his shoulders, those long thighs spread for him, letting him touch.

  So fucking sensual. Austin was like a sponge, soaking up each touch, his body begging for more. Vince moved over to the other nipple, sucking and nibbling, licking, grazing it with his teeth, working out what kind of touches the kid most responded to. He slid his thumb behind Austin’s balls, sliding along the hot, smooth flesh.

  That pretty nipple went tight and hard, Austin’s thighs tense as hell. “Yes….”

  He blew on the wet nipple, watching the skin around it pucker further. “Hell, yes.” He kept stroking with his thumb, staying away from the kid’s hole, letting him get used to having someone touch back there.

  “That feels…. I can’t think, Vince. Damn.”

  “Thinking’s overrated, Austin. Long as it feels good, go with it.” He raised his head and looked into stunned green eyes, thumb still sliding gently. “It does feel good, doesn’t it?”

  “Better than good.” Austin shivered a little. “So much better.”

  Yeah, it looked like that was it exactly. “Then go with it.”

  He leaned back down and brought their mouths together as he pressed a little harder with his thumb, letting Austin really feel his touch. Austin groaned, the sound pushing into his lips. Vince shuddered, sliding his cock against Austin’s thigh. Licking the inside of Austin’s mouth, he let his thumb push back farther, teasing the wrinkled skin around Austin’s hole. It was hot as hell back there.

  Austin pulled back a little, catching his eyes. “I haven’t ever.”

  He nodded, stroking one more time and then letting his hand slide away, down to tease the soft skin between Austin’s thighs. “We won’t do anything you don’t want, Austin.”

  “I know. I trust you. I want to feel. I’m just letting you know.”

  He nodded. “Okay. We’ll take it slow and easy. I’ve got something else I want to show you first.”

  He kissed the tip of Austin’s nose before slowly mo
ving down to lick at Austin’s breastbone, and then his belly, heading for the red, leaking cock. Austin moaned, his body rippling, hips rolling up to rub that pretty cock on his skin.

  “Oh, yeah, you might have never done this before, but you know what you want, don’t you, baby?” He turned his head, licking at the tip of Austin’s cock. The taste of Austin exploded in his mouth again, hot and salty, the musk all Austin, and he opened wide and took Austin in.

  He wrapped his lips below the base of the head and sucked, letting his tongue play over the tip, rubbing back and forth over the slit. Austin’s cry filled the air, disbelieving and needy and hungry. A man could become addicted to a sound like that. He sucked a little harder, taking more of Austin’s cock in.

  “Want you. Want. Oh, God. Vince.” Austin stretched up, grabbing the headboard.

  He loved it, loved that sound in Austin’s voice, that need. He set to bobbing his head, closing his lips tighter every time his mouth came up over the head. He brought one hand up to tug at Austin’s nipples; he slid the other down to play with that sweet, hot patch of skin behind Austin’s balls. It didn’t take long before Austin was crying out, begging, shaking furiously as he fucked Vince’s mouth.

  He pushed hard, jostling Austin’s gland from the outside as he went down, taking Austin’s cock deep into his throat. Salt and heat filled his mouth, Austin’s muscles going tight as a board. He swallowed it down and kept sucking, slowing the up-and-down movement of his head as he drew out Austin’s pleasure.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. Vince. I. Wow.”

  He hummed and slowly let Austin’s cock slide from his mouth. He looked up, smiling.

  Austin looked… dazed.


  Almost asleep.

  He slowly kissed his way up Austin’s belly, to the mark on that long neck. He teased it with his tongue before sliding his mouth over to Austin’s ear, nibbling on the kid’s earlobe. He settled with his cock snug against Austin’s hip, his hand over the smooth belly.

  “Mmm….” Austin cuddled right in, humming and rocking.

  Vince groaned, started moving his hips against the warm skin. He licked at Austin’s lips, opening them and sliding his tongue in. God, Austin was responsive, hot. Focused. He moved faster, loving the glide of his cock on Austin’s skin, so much more than his hand, so much better. He took kiss after kiss, tugging on Austin’s lips, sucking on Austin’s tongue.

  It was easy, hot. Austin’s hands slid down his back, tugging him closer. Fuck, yeah. The way the kid gave it up, the way he made sure Vince knew he was wanted, was fucking sexy. Vince’s cock was leaking like crazy, slicking Austin’s skin, making it slippery. The kisses went deeper, Austin’s tongue sliding into his lips.

  Groaning, he rolled onto his back, tugging Austin with him. Hips bucking, he rubbed against that perfect belly, groaning, bucking. Austin rubbed his hands over Vince, petting him, making him whimper and groan.

  “Soon, baby,” Vince murmured. “Soon.” He was moving quicker now, hips rocking.

  “Yeah. Yeah, come on. Come on.”

  “Oh, fuck.” A shudder went through him, his hips jerking as he came, heat splashing between them. Practically purring, he slid his hands along Austin’s back, his head dropping back as he panted.

  “Oh. You… you’re so hot, Vince.”

  “I’ve got nothing on you, Austin. Christ, you’re something else.” It felt good, the kid’s weight on top of him, holding him down but not crushing him. He tugged at the blankets and got them more or less on both of them.

  Austin groaned, curling close, already half-asleep. Vince let his own eyes close, exploring with his fingers, learning the shape of the kid’s body by touch. He didn’t think about it; he just felt.

  It felt good.

  Chapter Six

  HE WOKE up slowly, cuddling right into….



  He wasn’t supposed to be cuddling.

  Or naked.





  Austin cuddled closer, rubbing a little. Oh, hell, yeah. Vince grunted, arm tightening around him, other hand landing on his ass and shifting him so their pricks were suddenly rubbing together.

  “Mmm….” He nuzzled into Vince’s throat, licking and tasting, the action lazy and sleepy.

  Vince hummed, head tilting back to give him more room. “I like the way you wake up.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He enjoyed taking it easy when he could. “Tell me it’s not eight o’clock yet.”

  Vince stretched, half turning away from him. “Nope. Not even close. Two thirty-five.”

  “Fucking A.” Austin kept kissing and licking, tasting Vince’s skin.

  Vince groaned, starting to explore him with his fingers, making Austin’s skin sing as he slid them over his spine and along his ribs. Oh, man. He could stay like this for fucking ever.

  Vince rolled him suddenly, taking his mouth, sliding fingers between them to tug at his nipple. Austin jerked, toes curling, deep purrs pushing into his lips.

  “Shit, you’re sexy, Austin,” muttered Vince, licking at Austin’s lips before pushing his tongue back into Austin’s mouth.

  Him? Hell, he was only a redneck. Vince drove him crazy.

  Vince broke the kiss again, watching Austin as he slid long fingers to his other nipple and teased it. “I want to suck you again.”

  “Again?” He could so go there. So go there.

  “Unless you don’t want me to….” Vince’s eyes were shining.

  “I want. You like to, huh?”

  “Fuck, yes.” Vince nodded and licked at his lips again and then began to slowly kiss and lick his way down, starting with the spot on his throat that Vince had marked earlier.

  “Oh.” He stretched, legs parting a little, both of them starting to rock.

  Vince wrapped his mouth around Austin’s Adam’s apple, sucking, as he tugged and played with one nipple and then the other. “You taste good. Salt. Chlorine. Smoke. You.” Each word was punctuated with a tug to one of his nipples.

  “Oh. Oh. That’s. Oh.” Good. So good.

  Vince nodded. “Yeah. It’s ‘Oh.’” He nibbled at the skin above Austin’s navel, teeth scraping before that tongue slid through it. Austin’s toes curled, head tossing. His cock was hard as hell, throbbing.

  “You like that,” murmured Vince, moving to his right hip and letting those hard teeth scrape over it.

  “I like you.”

  Vince stopped and looked up at him, the smile slow and warm, making Vince’s eyes shine. “I like you too, Austin.”

  “Yeah? For real?” Vince was a little… classy for a guy like him. The man had been to Europe and everything.

  Vince blinked up at him. “Austin. I don’t do this with every guy I come across.” He bent and bit his hip hard. “I like you a lot.”

  “Cool.” He jerked, shuddering desperately, hard as a rock.

  Vince licked where he’d bitten and then turned enough to suck on the side of his cock. “So fucking hot, baby.”

  “Uh-huh. God, your mouth. Your mouth.”

  Vince hummed, sliding his mouth up over his prick, taking the head in, sucking hard and licking across the tip. So hot. Austin arched, hips jerking up, fucking Vince’s mouth. Vince wrapped his hands around his hips and tugged, giving him permission or something to keep moving, keep taking Vince’s mouth.

  “Oh. Oh, God. Don’t stop. So… so fucking close.”

  Vince didn’t stop; in fact, the suction got stronger, Vince’s tongue doing some sort of swirly thing around the head.

  His orgasm hit him like a freight train, harder and faster than it ever did with his hand. Vince hummed around his cock, kept sucking with a soft, maddening rhythm that pulled aftershocks of pleasure out of his prick. Austin couldn’t think, could hardly breathe.

  Vince finally let his cock go, but instead of coming back up, Vince moved down to start licking at his balls, taking them into that ho
t hot mouth.

  “I. Vince…. Oh.” Oh, sweet fuck.

  Vince slid his hands down and moved them between Austin’s legs, encouraging him to spread them. “Okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” He arched, groaned, hips tilting.

  “Good.” Vince settled between his legs, mouth going to town on his balls. The long fingers slid along his thighs, curling and stroking. Austin melted, rocking and humming, moaning. His legs were spread farther apart, and Vince started licking behind his balls, tongue sliding on the super sensitive skin there. Austin stilled, eyes wide, just feeling. “Grab your knees, baby—let me at you.” Vince slid his hands beneath Austin’s legs, pushing. “Come on. You’ll love it. I promise.”

  “My knees?” He did it, pulled his knees back, cheeks heating painfully. God, so exposed.

  “Beautiful,” murmured Vince, nose bumping into his balls. Then that tongue was moving along the skin behind his balls again and… and farther back, sliding across his hole.

  He shuddered, toes curling as his belly went rock-hard. “I. Vince. Oh.”

  “Yeah, pretty intense, isn’t it? You let me know if I do something you don’t like. Because this is supposed to be all good.” Vince licked him there again, tongue hot, slick.

  “Oh, fuck….” His body shifted, sliding on the sheets.

  “Yeah, that’s what we’re leading to, baby.” Vince kept licking at him, and Austin didn’t think anything could possibly feel better, bigger, and that’s when Vince’s tongue pushed into him. Right into him.

  “Vince!” His shoulders lifted off the mattress, his cry echoing.

  Vince hummed softly, breath hot against his skin, and then Vince was doing it again, pushing that hot, wet tongue into his body. In and out and in and out, and oh, fuck, he never could have guessed anything could feel like this.

  “I’m gonna come, Vince. I am. It’s so hot. So fucking hot,” he babbled.


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