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Making a Splash

Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “’S okay, baby. Coming’s kind of the point.” Vince’s laugh was soft, sliding over his skin like another touch. Then penetration resumed, going in and out of him, spearing him over and over.

  Vince wrapped one hand around his prick, giving him something to push into.

  “It. It’s not fair. You’re not getting….” His hips snapped, words lost as his body went over the edge, heat spraying everywhere. Vince’s tongue kept fucking him, hand slowly tugging his cock, making the orgasm go on and on.

  Vince knelt up, between his legs, smiling down at him. “I want to make love to you, Austin.”

  Okay. Anything. Fuck, he was buzzing.

  “Tell me if you want to stop,” murmured Vince, reaching up past him and opening the small drawer on the bedside table. A moment later one of Vince’s fingers, slick and hard, pushed into him, going farther than Vince’s tongue had.

  Stop? Hell, no. So long as he could stretch and feel, he was fine. Better than fine, even.

  Vince played that finger inside him, in and out and curling, moving. “A little more now.” Vince’s finger disappeared and when it came back it was two fingers, stretching him open wider.

  “Oh….” He stretched, throat working a little. “Full, yeah?”

  “You’ll get used to it.” Vince’s voice was strained. “You’re so tight. So fucking tight.”

  “Okay. That’s good?” He stretched, moving a little, trying to release the pressure.

  “Yeah, it’s good. Means you’ll feel amazing around my cock.”

  Vince pushed his fingers all the way in and slid them out again. Back in, turning a little, opening a little to stretch him even more. Then they nudged something inside him that made electricity jump through his body.

  “Vince?” He shifted away, panting. “Oh, fuck. What was…. Oh.” What the fuck was that, and could he have it again?

  Vince chuckled, the sound sexy, raw. “You mean this?” And Vince did it again, hitting that spot a little harder this time.

  “Uh-huh.” Oh, fuck yes. He so meant that.

  “Good.” From what Austin could tell, Vince then proceeded to make it his goal to hit that spot as many times as possible.

  Okay. So thinking was completely overrated, not to mention impossible. Damn. Austin shorted out, eyes closed, hips moving and riding Vince’s touch. His cries filled the room, and a fucking tornado could hit the bedroom and he wouldn’t care.

  He barely even noticed when Vince pushed another finger in, making it three, because Vince didn’t let up, didn’t stop pegging that spot. And then Vince did stop, fingers slowly sliding out of him. His whimper would be embarrassing if he had enough sense to be embarrassed.

  “I can’t wait any longer, baby. I need.”

  Vince shifted, moved him so the backs of his thighs rested over the tops of Vince’s. It left him spread open, Vince’s cock so fucking hot where it nudged against his opening.

  “What do I do?” Was he supposed to push down? What?

  “Take a breath and let me in.”

  Vince slid one hand across Austin’s belly, grazed the top of his cock, and then that heat, that fucking huge hot cock, started pushing into him. He opened his eyes, staring up at Vince, and tried to relax.

  Vince’s fingers slid up and flicked across his nipples, the huge stretch continuing. “You’re so tight. Fuck.” Vince panted, eyes staring into his own.

  “Full. You’re so big.” It burned, ached. Felt so good.

  “Too much?” Vince asked, stilling.

  “No. No, it’s just. New.” He reached up, stroking Vince’s chest.

  Vince shuddered and started to move again. “Unfuckingbelievable, Austin. You’re good. So good.”

  It wasn’t long at all before Vince had stilled again, panting over him, hips tight against his ass as Vince’s thick cock stretched him wide, was so deep inside him. He simply watched, lips parted as he fought to hold himself together.

  Vince made a sound that might have been a whimper. “Fuck.” And then he started to move, pulling out almost all the way before pushing back in again, moving slowly. So fucking slowly that Austin could feel every little bit of Vince’s cock as it pressed into him.

  He closed his eyes, feeling every second, every sensation.

  Vince’s breath was loud, coming in gasps, punctuated by moans. Fingers skated across one of Austin’s nipples and then settled around his prick, pulling to match the long thrusts into his body. Austin didn’t think he could come again, but he could enjoy the touching, flying on the sensations.

  “Sexy. Fuck.” Vince moved faster, cock starting to hit that place inside him again.

  “I… I…. Oh, damn.” He shook his head, tried to catch his breath. He couldn’t, though; Vince was moving too fast, stroking into him over and over, making his whole body sing like it had been hit by lightning.

  “Wanna feel you come around my cock, baby.”

  “I. I don’t. Oh, God. Vince. So good.” He stretched, trying to relax, but everything in him was barreling toward orgasm.

  “Yeah. Yeah, do it. Come on. Give it to me.” Vince’s voice was husky, his hips pushing harder and harder, the noise of their skin slapping together loud.

  Heat poured out of him, spreading over his belly, his chest.

  “Austin!” Vince shouted his name, hips jerking, pumping and then throbbing, filling him with heat.

  Austin groaned and leaned into the sheets, the world spinning madly. Moaning softly, Vince slowly pulled out of him and then collapsed down next to him, arm and leg sliding over him, heavy and hot.

  “I…. Whoa.” That was. Damn.

  “You okay?” Vince asked, pressing a soft kiss against his shoulder.


  Vince slid his lips over Austin’s shoulder now, licking at his skin. “You taste good, baby. Really good. All of you.”

  “Uhn.” He was fixin’ to die.

  “Oh, you’re good for my ego, Austin. Really good.” Vince gathered him in close, hands moving over him like Vince was following trails on a map. “You hungry?”

  “That would require moving and shit.”

  Vince laughed, the sound soft, and tugged him in closer. “Then it can wait.”

  “Mmmhmm. ’Kay.” He cuddled, relaxing, melting.

  Vince continued to nibble on him, to slide the warm fingers over him. “I should go get the waxing kit—you couldn’t get any more relaxed for me.”

  He grumbled softly. “I’ll look like a little boy.”

  Vince laughed. Fucking laughed. “Oh, baby, with this?” One hand slid down and wrapped around his prick. “Nobody’s going to mistake this as belonging to a little boy. Nobody. Especially not me.”

  “No?” His cock was gonna be sore.

  “Absolutely not, Austin. I promise. Besides. Nobody but you and me are gonna see until you’re in the change rooms with other divers, and they’re all shaved like you.” Vince moved down to cup his balls. “I bet you’ll love it once you’ve had it done.”

  “I’m a little wigged out about it.” His legs spread a little.

  “Just about the waxing?” Vince rolled his balls, spread them apart. “Or this too?”

  “The waxing. The sex is…. It feels right.” He hadn’t ever done this before, but he wasn’t opposed to it.

  “Yeah. I was thinking we shouldn’t because I’m your coach and all. But it’s not like I’ve been an authority figure over you since you were a kid or anything, so I guess we’re good.”

  “You’re an authority figure?” He made sure his eyes were wide-wide.

  “Brat!” Vince let go of his balls and smacked the side of one thigh. “I’m in charge, remember?”

  “Are you sure?” His thigh tingled and he reached out, pinched Vince good and hard.

  Vince yelped, jerking against him. “Hey! Yes, I’m sure! No pinching!”

  He soothed the spot. “No pinching.”

  Vince grumbled, pushing into his fingers. “Long as we’re clear on that.”<
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  “I’m clear.” He winked. “Coach.”

  “Smartass.” Vince took his mouth suddenly, kissing him hard. “My smartass.”


  Oh, he liked the sound of that.

  Vince ended the kiss and smiled down at him. “I should get you something to eat and get that waxing kit. I promise—if it hurts, I’ll kiss it and make it better.”

  Somehow? That did not soothe him altogether….

  “Don’t go anywhere,” Vince ordered. He gave Austin a hard, quick kiss and then popped out of bed, ass looking fine as he walked out.

  Austin went to the bathroom, cleaned up a little, and looked at himself in the mirror, to see if he looked different, changed. Nope. Still looked like him.

  He was still there when Vince came up behind him, smiling at him in the mirror.

  “It’s a good view.” Vince stepped back and looked down. “Of course, so’s this one.”

  Austin’s cheeks flushed and he grinned. “Yeah?”

  Vince cupped his ass, spread it a little. The long, thick cock slid along his crack. “Hell, yeah.”

  “Oh.” Sensitive. Tender. Wow.

  “Yeah. You’re inspiring. Come on. There’s sandwiches and wax in the bedroom.” Vince stepped away, grabbing his hand.

  “Sandwiches and wax….” Lord, Lord, Lord.

  “Well, we don’t want you passing out from low blood sugar while getting waxed.” Vince gave him a wink and led him back to the bedroom, where there was a tray with two glasses of iced tea, two plates with sandwiches, and carrots.

  There were four boxes on the side table. Four.

  “Four? Christ, this is insane.”

  “Oh, I doubt we’ll need more than two for you. I was kind of thinking you might like a piece of turnaround.”

  “Turnaround?” He reached out, stroked the dark hair over Vince’s cock. “I don’t know. I like how you look.”

  Vince purred, eyes going hot. “Yeah? I don’t mind not waxing…. ’Course, that’s not going to get you out of it.”

  “No?” He kept touching, only feeling, not trying to arouse.

  “No.” Vince pushed into the touches, moaning low. “Might delay it some if you keep that up.”

  “Delaying isn’t so bad.” He petted Vince’s thigh, simply touching.

  “Distracting and delaying—I’m going to have to keep an eye on you.” Vince brought their mouths together, the kiss slow and easy.

  He hummed and leaned into it, into Vince. This was nice. Peaceful. Vince moved his hand over Austin’s skin, down to cup his ass as Vince’s tongue opened his mouth. He could so get used to this. So get used to it. A low hum filled his mouth along with Vince’s tongue, and Vince slid his free hand over Austin’s cheek, tracing his features before sliding into his hair and tilting his head slightly to one side.

  “Mmm.” He’d never felt so wanted, so warm.

  Vince’s tongue explored his mouth thoroughly, like it was the most important thing that Vince had to do. They might never have stopped kissing if his stomach hadn’t started growling and rumbling, making Vince snicker.

  “Hungry, baby?” Vince took a step back and tugged him around to the bed. “Don’t you worry. I’ve got something for you to eat.”

  “Are you coming on to me?”

  Vince laughed, eyes lighting right up. “I might be. But I did make sandwiches, and that’s what I meant, honest to God. So let’s save the coming for after.”

  Austin started laughing, heading over to grab his meds and take a shot. “Sandwiches work.”

  “Meatball sandwiches and carrot sticks.” Vince settled on the bed, easy in his nakedness. “Oh, and iced tea.”

  “Uhn. Meatballs.” He sat, hand in his lap. “Tea.”

  “And me.” Vince winked at him and handed over a paper plate with a great big sandwich on it.

  “Yummy.” He dug in, hungry as hell. Oh, spicy, good. Right.

  Vince worked on his own sandwich, but Austin could feel those eyes watching him, making him Vince’s focus. It made him blush, made him self-aware. Made him a little hot.

  “I like the way you eat,” Vince told him around a bite. “You make love the same way. Focused, sensual. You taste—kissing or eating. You throw yourself into everything.”

  “I like feeling, you know? Like living.”

  “It’s sexy as hell.” Vince smiled and reached out, sliding a finger across the side of his mouth. “Sauce.”

  He leaned over, sucked the sauce off Vince’s finger.

  “Oh, fuck.” Vince groaned, eyes half closing. “You have a great mouth.”

  It was easy to start sucking Vince’s finger, head bobbing.

  “Did I say great? I meant awesome. An awesome mouth.” Vince’s voice had gone husky; his lap was looking perky too.

  He lifted his head. “Eat your sandwich, Vince.”

  “Brat,” Vince murmured, eyes hot again, watching him. Then Vince took another bite.

  “Not even a little.” He grabbed a couple carrots. “Man, you need some chips.”

  Vince watched him eating the carrots. “What’s wrong with carrots?”

  “Nothing. I love carrots.”

  “I’ll put chips on my shopping list, Austin. Anything else?”

  “Pop-Tarts. Snickers. Popcorn.” Oh, this was fun.

  Vince shook his head. “For the odd treat, sure, but not as a regular thing. You need to start having proper meals.”

  “Pop-Tarts are a meal.” Sort of.

  “They are not!” God, Vince was easy. “You need to keep your energy up, Austin. I mean, you’re working full-time—overtime—you’re training, and now we’re adding… well, this,” Vince’s hand waved at both their laps. “You need lots of protein, complex carbs.”

  “I don’t know what you mean, Vince. I mean, I like steak. Fried chicken. Oooh. Chicken-fried steak.”

  “Bacon and eggs? Sausage and biscuits? Porridge? You need to eat stuff like that for breakfast instead of Pop-Tarts. Or, hell, in addition to. Quick sugar highs aren’t going to cut it anymore.”

  Vince finished his sandwich and drained his tea.

  “Porridge? What the fuck is porridge?”

  “Hot oatmeal. I had a bowl of it every morning before competing. Sort of a lucky charm.” Vince picked up one of the waxing kits, working it open.

  “Ew. But I do like Lucky Charms.” He whistled, reached for the iced tea. “They’re magically delicious.”

  “Tell me how a diabetic gets to be such a sugar freak.” Vince had the kit open and started to spread the contents out on the bed.

  “I hate feeling low. It scares me.”

  Vince gave him a sympathetic look. “You’d be better off dosing with something other than sugar. You know that.” Vince picked up the pot of wax and opened it, then pushed a thing against the honey-colored mass inside.

  “What is that stuff?”

  “This is the wax. We can either sit the pot in a bowl of hot water, or heat it up in the microwave.” Vince picked up a roll of thick gauze. “We put on the wax and attach this, wait for it to dry and just pull it off.”

  Just pull it off.


  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “I can’t help it.” He shook his head. “This is going to make a difference?”

  “Yep. Dives are scored to two points past the decimal, Austin. It makes a difference.” Vince reached out and cupped his cheek. “I’m not doing this to screw with your head.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He leaned into Vince’s touch. “Let’s do it.”


  After work.

  Vince watched his every move. “We are talking about the waxing, right?”

  Oh. Oh, that was funny. He started laughing, deep, full belly laughs. Vince slapped his ass, mouth tight, the corner of his lips twitching. Then he broke, laughing as hard as Austin. Vince brought their mouths together, the laughter shared between them. It made it all easier, this laughter, the warmth.

p; Vince’s hands framed his face, stroking his skin. Groaning, Vince broke the kiss. “God, you’re something, Austin.”

  “Yeah. That’s me. Something.”

  “Something else. Something special. Something good.” Vince licked Austin’s lips. “Come on, lie on down.” Vince handed him a towel.

  “’Kay.” Man, hadn’t it been long enough for him to have to go into work? He stretched back, legs finding a place to settle.

  “I’m thinking we should start with your pubes.” Vince carded his fingers through the curls around Austin’s cock.

  “S… start? Shouldn’t that be last?”

  “I’m thinking get the worst over with first, but I’m easy—it’s your hair.” Vince gave him a wink. “Let me go heat this up. You think on it while I’m gone.” Vince headed out with the pot of wax, giving him a great view of the man’s ass.

  Pretty pretty. Austin looked until Vince was gone, then looked over at the clock. Damn. Hours. He had hours before work. Well, he was still saving the worst for last. Maybe Vince’d change his mind.

  It was altogether too soon when Vince came back, walking carefully with a large bowl in hand. The view coming was as nice as the view going had been.

  “I put it in the microwave to soften, and I’m leaving it in the bowl so it stays soft. You know, back in the day, we shaved, and let me tell you—things got sore from all the scraping. This really isn’t that bad.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “I’m not sure at this point anything is going to except for us doing it so you can see that it isn’t the worst thing in the world.” Vince stroked his belly. “You decided what you want done first?”

  “Not my pubes. In case it doesn’t work or is nasty, you know?” What if the stuff pulled and the hair didn’t come off?

  He thought maybe Vince’s lips twitched, but Vince nodded and ran that hand up along his leg. “Here, then. Limbs, back, chest, pubes. It’s a plan.”

  “My legs too? I’m never going to be able to hang out at the lake again.” He wasn’t pouting.


  “Your friends won’t make fun of you after you start winning competitions.” Vince settled on the bed next to him and picked up what looked like a thick Popsicle stick. “Take a breath and let it out.”

  He closed his eyes, took a deep breath. Man, this was like waiting for the dentist to drill. As he let out his breath, Vince spread the wax on his thigh, hot but not so hot it was burning. Then Vince laid down a strip, counted to five, and yanked it off again.


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