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Making a Splash

Page 8

by Sean Michael


  He clenched his teeth, the skin tingling and burning and aching.

  It was… weird.

  Vince slid a finger down over the skin that had been waxed. “Mmmm. Smooth.”

  He shuddered and kept his eyes closed, a weird ache in his gut.

  Vince reached up to squeeze his arm and then the wax, press strip, and pull were repeated next to where the first strip had been pulled. Vince kept it up, moving slowly down his leg, all the way to his ankle. The ankle was the worst. No. The way his cock was thinking about filling was the worst.

  “All right. That’s one leg down, one to go. We’ll be done in no time.”

  Vince bent and kissed the inside of his thigh, which was still sort of tingling from the hair being pulled off.

  Oh. Damn.

  His leg jerked away, muscles tight as a board.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Vince slid his tongue along Austin’s bared skin; it was so much hotter than the wax, wet and slick.

  “I….” He wasn’t going to admit it. Not even a little.

  Vince laughed, breath a puff on his skin, like a hardly there touch that made his toes curl. “Next leg.”

  Wax, strip, pull—over and over until his other leg was as bare as the first. Austin started shuddering, biting his lip as the ache and burn continued.

  Vince’s hands slid up both his legs, the touch firm, soothing. “Talk to me, Austin—tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  He shook his head. There was no way he was admitting the waxing made him hot. No way.

  Vince leaned over him, body warming his as one hand slid around Austin’s cock. “It’s okay to enjoy this, you know. It’s unusual, sexy, and I’m your lover.”

  Vince pumped him twice and then let go of his prick to begin the process all over again on his arms.

  God, he was gonna be sick. Or get really really hard. Or something.

  Vince started talking softly as he worked. “I tell you, there’s nothing like the feeling of diving into the water after you’ve been shaved. All these little hairs make a huge difference. In how the air feels too, but especially in how the water touches you. Well, it makes a huge difference in how any touch feels, but when I first had it done, I wasn’t in a position to appreciate that, and so I was all about how the water felt. Man, I must have doubled my practice time in the pool—and I liked it plenty before I got shaved.”

  “Y… yeah?” Austin started relaxing a little, breathing, listening to Vince’s voice.

  “Yeah. I thought it was really cool. I probably should have been more pissed off about it, given I’d only just gotten the hair when they were making me shave it off, but I’d been around divers for a number of years at that point and knew it was part and parcel of what you did to give yourself an edge. I’d already shared a change room with Greg Louganis. Well. Once, and it’s not like it was just the two of us; it was a huge locker room and there were tons of divers, but still. I’m sure I’m not the only one who peeked. Man was as smooth as a baby all over.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t seem weird to you.” He was really getting hard.

  “Nope. And that’s my point. In time it won’t to you either. You might always get off on it.” Vince smiled. “The first time I actually waxed instead of shaved? I went home and touched myself all over. It was amazing. Do you know what the recovery period of a sixteen-year-old boy is? Man, I’m surprised I didn’t turn into a dried-out husk, I came so much.”

  Vince did his chest quickly, the scoop on the hot wax, press on the strip, and pull it off rhythmic now. Austin did good there, except for around his nipples, the shock and zing and shit making him cry out.

  “Sorry,” murmured Vince. “Let me kiss it better.” And that’s exactly what Vince did, bending to lick at his skin, at his nipples.

  Austin swallowed his cry, but he couldn’t hide how he arched up, body begging for more, sharper, harder. Vince growled, teeth biting at his right nipple and then his left. While he was distracted, Vince smoothed the wax onto his pubes.

  “I don’t…. Vince. Oh….” His eyes rolled. This was going to be embarrassing.

  “Sh. It’s okay, baby. I’m going to take care of you. Don’t you worry.”

  The strip was laid down over his waxed pubes, Vince pressing it hard against him and then yanking it off, pulling the strip of hair between his cock and right hip right out. He whimpered, actually whimpered, head tossing.

  “Just a few strips here. Two, maybe three more.” Vince did the other side between cock and hip, then the pubes right above his cock came off, followed by the ones below. “Okay, there’s not much hair on your balls, but this is the most painful one.” Vince’s fingers spread the wax on him, the strip, and then it was yanked off just like that.

  He jerked, coming with a surprised cry, embarrassed, devastated, heat spraying on his belly.

  Vince whimpered. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, baby, that’s sexy.”

  Bending, Vince licked him clean, tongue hot and soft against his skin, hands petting him. “So fucking sexy.”

  “I’m sorry….” He moaned, pushing back toward Vince’s tongue, the sensations insane.

  “Sorry? For making me want you so badly? For being so damned hot?” Vince shook his head and continued licking, tongue sliding into his navel and then circling it a few times.

  “Uhn.” Thinking was fucking hard.

  Vince slowly kissed his way up to Austin’s mouth, each touch electric, leaving tingles behind. Their mouths met, Vince rubbing against him, prick hard and hot on his hip. He opened wide, tongue sliding against Vince’s. His skin was on fire, burning, tingling. The sheets seemed cold against his back; Vince was hot, fueling the fire on Austin’s front. Vince’s fingers explored his body, kept it sparking.

  “I… I need.” Fucking hell. He didn’t know what he needed.

  “Want to fuck me?” Vince asked, eyes staring down into his own.

  “I… I never have.” He bet he’d be good at it.

  “I know, baby, but I bet you’ll take to it like diving.” Vince smiled at him, hands moving randomly over him. “It’ll be good.”

  Oh, hell, yes. Yes, it would be good. He’d never fucking walk again, but it would be good.

  Vince rolled to lie on his back on the bed, reached up to get the lube off the side table, and handed it to him. “You have to open me up first.”

  Austin nodded, got the lube open, ready. “Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” Vince sounded so sure, and his voice was husky in a way Austin was starting to recognize as turned on. Vince grabbed his legs behind his knees and pulled them up to his chest, exposing himself for Austin.

  Austin leaned down, licked and nuzzled Vince’s shaft as he slicked his fingers. The groan he got for that was low, Vince’s body jerking, cock throbbing under his tongue. “Oh. Yeah, baby.” That felt good, made him groan. He slid his fingers over the tight little hole, licking more, feeling Vince’s satin-over-steel skin. Vince moaned, his hole spasming beneath his fingers. “Yes. Please, Austin. Oh. Please.”

  He pressed two of his fingers into Vince, the slick making it easy to push into that heat. Vince was so soft inside, unbelievably hot and tight around his fingers. Vince did something that made his body ripple, super tight and then looser again. “More, baby.”

  He wasn’t sure if Vince meant more moving or more fingers, so he went with more moving, stroking inside that softness again and again.

  “Fuck, yes. Shit. Austin.” Vince whimpered, hips moving, rocking the beautiful body on his fingers.

  Oh, it felt good, making Vince want, making this man need. He thought he could make a habit of it.

  Vince kept moving, moaning. There was no doubt that Vince wanted this, was enjoying it. None whatsoever. “Need you, Austin. You now. You.”

  He settled between Vince’s legs, watching as he placed his cock against Vince’s hole.

  A shudder went through Vince and he nodded. “Yeah, baby. Like that. P

  His thighs flexed and he slid in, pushed in with a single smooth stroke. Oh. Oh, good. “Vince. It’s good?”

  “Fuck, yes.” Vince groaned, body squeezing him tight. Reaching out, Vince slid a hand along his jaw, wrapping the other around the back of his neck, tugging him down for a kiss.

  He pushed deeper as he bent, licking and lapping at Vince’s lips. Groaning, Vince chased down his tongue, sucking it in. Vince started to touch him, sliding his fingers over Austin’s freshly waxed skin, making it start to sing again. Every touch made his hips jerk, roll, try to push deeper and faster into Vince’s body.

  “That’s it. Yeah, baby. Don’t stop.” Vince nodded, less graceful now, fingers stuttering on his body.

  “Uh-huh. Won’t stop. Won’t.” Couldn’t. Not now.

  Vince’s fingers skated across his nipples and stroked down along his belly, circling his navel before wrapping around Vince’s own cock. “Harder, baby, please. A little harder.”

  “’Kay.” He grabbed Vince’s hips, pulled them harder together.

  Vince bucked. “Shit! Yes!” One of Vince’s legs wrapped around his waist, heel digging into his ass.

  Austin’s hips snapped as he fucked Vince with all he had.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. Soon.” Vince met his thrusts, bucking up against him, and then suddenly Vince shouted, ass clamping down hard on his cock as come poured out between them.

  Austin’s breath caught, and then he came, pouring himself into Vince’s body, shaking with it. He had barely finished coming when Vince tugged him down onto his hard, sweaty chest. Vince was panting, fingers sliding on his back, tracing his spine. He moaned, leaned in, sort of snuggling.

  Vince took a deep, shuddering breath and shifted enough to get the blankets up over them. “I could get used to this,” Vince murmured quietly, continuing to touch him gently.

  “Is that cool?” He so didn’t want to be a one-time deal.

  “It probably shouldn’t be. Hell, becoming personally involved with you is going to complicate the diving to no fucking end. But I can’t put the genie back in the bottle. We were having a hard enough time denying this before we’d touched each other. I can’t see going back.” Vince stilled suddenly. “Unless that’s what you want. I won’t stop coaching you if you don’t want this to happen again, Austin. My being your coach is not contingent on us being lovers. It won’t be easy, but I’ll back off if that’s what you need.”

  “Vince? I let you tear my fucking pubes off. Shut up and kiss me.” The man thought too fucking much.

  Vince blinked at him and then laughed, rolling them so he was on the bottom again, his mouth landing on Austin’s in a hard, deep kiss. “For the record, this?” Vince said after one kiss had dissolved into another and then another. “Is more than cool.”

  “Oh. Good.” He hummed, pushed close. “Good.”

  “That’s an understatement, but it’ll do.” Vince tugged him in closer. His handsome face was lit up with happiness. “You want a nap, or you want to go try out the pool with your new body?”

  “What time is it?” He thought he probably ought to hit the water, but he had a twelve-hour workday in front of him.

  Vince looked over at the clock. “A bit past five. You could do some diving, and then I could take you out for supper. You really do need to feel how cool it is diving with all that hair gone. But then we’ve got to go to Austin to talk to the Avian Water people tomorrow, so if you need your sleep instead, well, I’ll try to keep my hands to myself.”

  Austin shook his head. “I want to hit the pool.” He stopped, looked over. “Do I have to start wearing Speedos? Isn’t this enough?”

  Vince laughed. “Well, now, that depends.” Vince gave him a long once-over, head to toes and back up again, slowly, like a touch. “You want me to have a bit of a hard-on or a full-on case of the wants?”

  “I’m liking the idea of you wanting.”

  “Tease.” Vince kissed him again, fingers sliding on his skin. “It’d best be the Speedos, then. Not that you aren’t sexy in the trunks, but you in Speedos is going to be amazing.”

  “They’re obscene.”

  “Why do you think I like the thought of you in them so much?” Vince waggled his eyebrows and gave him another hard kiss before rolling out of bed. “Fuck, you’re addictive, Austin. If we’re gonna go, we’d best go before I decide to go for the world record in orgasms for a man my age in a day.”

  “We wouldn’t want you to hurt anything, coach.”

  “Are you saying I’m too old to get it up again?” Vince looked more than ready to prove that wrong.

  “Would I say that?”

  “If you thought it would get a rise out of me? I think you might.” Vince swatted his thigh. “Come on, Austin. Get up. I mean, get out of bed. Let’s go introduce your waxed self to the water and feed you again.”

  Vince helped the process by starting to put on clothes, covering up that magnificent body. Austin put his swimming trunks on, the sensation all weird and sexy against his now naked skin, and tugged his jeans on over them before he got himself embarrassed. Vince still managed to make his cheeks heat, those hot eyes giving him a knowing look.

  Vince was ready first, sliding his wallet into his back pocket. “We should grab a couple of apples on the way out. You’ve been expending a lot of energy.”

  “’Kay.” He tugged his shirt on, nose wrinkling at the brush of cotton on his bare skin. Fucking weird.

  Vince noticed and smirked. “Shit, I can’t wait for your reaction the first time you hit the water. Come on.” Vince was almost bouncing as he led the way downstairs.

  Austin rolled his eyes, keeping his laughter to himself. Lord, Lord. That man was going to get him into a world of trouble.

  Chapter Seven

  VINCE WAS chain-smoking. One cigarette after the other, leg bouncing away as they waited to be seen by Avian’s vice president of marketing and Vince’s friend Ben, the marketing liaison, who’d gotten them this meeting in the first place.

  Austin had slept on the trip up, eaten a good meal, and now they were ready to go in and talk money. He wasn’t worried about the kid. Not for a second. He was sure Austin’s all-American good looks and easy manner would serve him well. Not to mention the innate talent that you didn’t have to be a diving expert to see.

  No, he was worried about himself. He was the possible stumbling block here. He’d left the national team under a cloud, his name never really cleared. Folks remembered a not-guilty verdict; they didn’t remember so well when the charges were dropped. And though it was nobody’s fucking business, there was the fact that this time around he was fucking the talent.

  The fact that Austin was twenty-three, and more than past the age of consent, wouldn’t make a lot of difference in some people’s eyes, and it was possible the sponsors would balk.

  He didn’t want to tell them about his physical relationship with Austin, but he’d bet dollars to doughnuts it would come out once Austin was seen at meets and some photographer decided to start taking pictures. It would not go over well with the sponsors if they were surprised with this.

  He lit up another cigarette and checked his watch. Their meeting was scheduled for five minutes ago, and he couldn’t tell if this was their way of snubbing him, if it was a bad sign, or if they were a little behind. The secretary had promised to come get them as soon as the bosses were ready for them.

  He looked over at Austin and found a smile for the kid. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Okay. When can I have a cigarette?” Austin leaned against the wall, watching him. “Relax. We ain’t getting any poorer.”

  “You shouldn’t smoke,” he told Austin, smiling, passing over his butt. He took up a piece of the wall next to the kid and took a breath. “I have no doubt they’re going to want you. I don’t want to bugger the deal for you.”

  Austin took a quick puff. “I’m not talking to anyone about changing coaches. They don’t like it? Too fucking bad.”

  “You sure, Austin? This is going to come up time and again, and believe me, I want to coach you. Oh, do I want to coach you. But if it makes things too hard, I’m willing to step down if that’s what you want.” He didn’t want to hold the kid back.

  “Man, this isn’t up for discussion.” Austin set his jaw stubbornly, scowl evident. “So quit harping on it.”

  “Okay. I wanted you to know where I stood, because it is going to come up. The decision is yours.” It felt good, fucking good, that Austin believed in him that much.

  The gal from the front desk came out and smiled. “John and Ben can see you now.”

  “Thanks.” He put out the cigarette and clapped Austin on the back. “Showtime.”

  The corridors were clean and quiet, dark carpets on the floor muffling their footsteps. Austin vibrated a little beside him, but the smile and charm came on the second that door opened. Oh, damn. Look at that boy go, romancing the fuck out of the room.

  He grinned, his own confidence restored, and shook Ben’s hand, then was introduced to John Bellam, VP of marketing, and a few underlings who were also in attendance.

  He smiled at them all and then turned to his diver. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Austin Brody. Austin is going to become a household name in the next year.”

  Mr. Bellam looked Austin up and down, smiled. “Is he? I hear you’ve found a diamond in the rough.”

  “Yes, sir. Not that rough either. Have you seen the tape I gave Ben?” He looked over at Ben, who smiled and nodded.

  “He looks great, Vince. You’ve made a real find here.” Ben reached out to shake Austin’s hand. “Is it true you’ve never been formally trained?”

  “Not until Coach found me.” Austin smiled, that drawl thick as honey.

  “Very impressive. Well, why don’t you come and sit. You too, Vince. We’ve got a few questions. And possibly a proposal.” Ben pointed to two seats at a large round table, putting the two of them across from the five Avian people in the room.


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