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Expecting a Lone Star Heir

Page 7

by Sara Orwig

  He could hear the tension in her voice. “Sure thing. Don’t worry and get Ben to hang out with you in the gallery.”

  “He is. I know this is silly because Clint is simply a pest, but I don’t like having him around me.”

  “Don’t let him worry you. He’s a creep, but he’s harmless, only a nuisance. Ben’s there. We’ll get rid of Clint. Enjoy your show. And think about going out with me Friday night. You might even get a chance to goad me into kissing you again.”

  She laughed. “Okay, I feel better now.”

  “Good. You’ll be home before you know it.”

  “Thanks, Mike.”

  As soon as the call ended, Mike called Slade instead of Henry. As it rang, he got into his pickup and when he ended the call, he headed back to the guesthouse.

  * * *

  Vivian stood with a customer who had purchased a painting, which was being packaged and wrapped for him to take home.

  “I hope you enjoy your painting. Thank you,” Vivian said. “I enjoyed meeting you and talking to you.”

  The man nodded. “My wife is going to like this picture, I’m sure.”

  “Have a fun time tonight at her birthday party.”

  “I think the painting will be the highlight of the evening.”

  She smiled as Ben picked up the painting to carry it to the car for the customer. As he left, she looked outside the gallery window and her heart skipped. Was it really Mike standing outside talking to the man who had just purchased her painting? Her gaze raced over his matching white hat and shirt, brown jacket, a bolo tie, jeans and boots. It was every inch Mike and then he turned toward the door.

  Suddenly self-conscious, she glanced at a mirror that hung across the room and straightened her deep blue suit jacket. She shook her hair away from her face and smiled as Mike came through the door. There was no way to ignore the rush she felt when she looked into his green eyes.

  He looked so handsome, strong and solid that the sight of him made her want to hug him. “How’d you get here so quickly? I talked to you only a little more than an hour ago.”

  “I had Jason fly me here. Henry’s parking the rental car. He can ride back with Ben. You and I will fly back to the ranch.”

  “I feel ridiculous, but Clint bothered me. He wanted me to go to dinner tonight and stay over in Austin. I’ve never gone out with him once, so why would he think I’d go to dinner and stay over?”

  “Don’t ask me how Clint Woodson’s mind works.”

  Henry came through the door. “Hi, Vivian, Ben.”

  “Thanks for coming, Henry,” she said.

  “Sure. Glad to. That’s my job. How’s it going?” he said, turning to Ben.

  The cowboy shrugged. “Okay. Woodson’s been in once, but I’m betting that he’ll be back.”

  Vivian looked at Mike. “It’s been quiet and peaceful other than Clint and he really didn’t do anything to disturb anyone except me. Clint came in when Ben went to lunch. The morning was busy and pleasant and the gallery people were here along with some friends.”

  She turned and called out to the gallery owner. “Marta, come meet some people from our ranch.” The tall brunette held her hand out to Mike as Vivian introduced him and then Henry.

  She brought over three more women connected with the gallery, and then finally she and Mike were alone again.

  “I’ll look around, and Henry and me will hang out for the rest of the afternoon,” he told her. “What about the paintings? Do they go home later?”

  “Not now. The gallery wants to show them, so they’ll be here for a couple of months.”

  She watched Mike walk around the room. He took his hat off and disappeared in the direction of the offices and reappeared shortly without it. While he was gone, Marta appeared to ask about a painting and Vivian had a chance to give her a brief explanation of why Mike and Henry had appeared, telling Marta Clint was harmless, but too insistent on wanting her to go out with him.

  She was busy with customers and art lovers until after four o’clock when there was finally a lull. But instead of relaxing, she tensed up when she looked out the window. She walked over to Mike where he sat in a chair quietly talking to Ben and Henry. “I just saw Clint drive up and park out front.”

  Mike stood. “Henry, I think you two can hang where you are. At least for right now.” Mike put his arm around Vivian’s waist. They both turned as the bell over the door sounded.

  The minute Mike touched her, Vivian stopped thinking about anyone else. She was keenly aware of his arm lightly around her as he stood close, holding her against his side.

  “Mr. Woodson,” Mike said, nodding.

  Clint glanced around at the men, nodding and giving a cursory hello. “I see you brought help along,” he said, smiling at her. “Have you had a good showing? I sent some people over.”

  “Yes, I have. I’ve been busy all day.”

  “Hello, again, Mr. Woodson. Do you want to see some more paintings?” Marta asked, approaching him.

  “Sure. I might buy one this time.” He walked off with Marta while she talked about the paintings.

  “Thanks for being here,” Vivian said quietly to Mike. “I don’t even want him to own one of my paintings, but I can’t do anything about that. Except hope he’ll leave when he finishes the transaction.”

  “Come on. Let’s go into Marta’s office and wait until he’s gone,” Mike replied. “Henry, Ben, we’ll be in the back.” The men nodded and Mike put his arm around her shoulders to walk down the hall. Clint glanced at them as they passed the room where he stood listening to Marta tell him about a painting.

  They stepped into Marta’s office and Mike closed the door, removing his arm from Vivian’s shoulders. Instantly, she felt the loss.

  “Mike, I’ve been thinking about it. Clint pops up whenever I leave the ranch. Someone must be telling him where I’ll be. It gives me the creeps for him to be around when I leave town.” She felt a shudder dance over her spine. “I’ve also been thinking about this. Maybe you should move into the main house at the ranch. I already have Henry and Millie and Francie living in my house. There are big suites and all kinds of entrances and exits. You wouldn’t have to see me and you could come and go as you please where you wouldn’t see anyone else. If you moved into my house, word would get around and—”

  He smiled. “Stop. That house is bigger than some hotels I’ve stayed in. Yes, I’ll move in. If that doesn’t get rid of Clint, I don’t know what will. You know, he’s probably paying someone who works for you to tell him where you are.”

  “That’s annoying if it’s my employee.”

  “He’s probably paying a lot and he probably makes it sound harmless. I think he is harmless, just a creep, an annoying bully. He wants you and he wants your ranch but we’ll get rid of him,” he said.

  “You’re always so confident.”

  “Only when I know I’m right,” he said, and she smiled.

  “You sure you’re okay with moving in?”

  He nodded. “ I’ll stay for a few weeks. Word will get back to Clint and that should do it. Besides, that and seeing us today with my arm around you and the other night kissing out on the terrace, he’ll get the message. He can’t be that dense.”

  “I feel sure we’ll see him this Friday night. We’re going to an old downtown Dallas club. We belong and so does Clint. I can’t imagine that all this won’t run him off soon.”

  “I agree.” Mike gave her a long look that made her breath catch and then he crossed the room to her. The closer he came, the faster her heart beat. He didn’t pause, but wrapped his arms around her. She noticed his aftershave, an enticing woodsy scent. His green eyes had tiny gold flecks near the center, his slight stubble that showed on his jaw added to his already tough look, and his black tousled hair curled on his forehead

  “Maybe we should give him something to think about,” Mike said. He wrapped his arms around her, looked at her as if to see if she agreed and then he kissed her.


  The minute his lips met hers, she forgot everything else. Her world became Mike, his arms, his body, his mouth and what they were doing to her. Her heart pounded and she clung to him. He wound one hand in her hair as he held her tightly. Desire heated her and for a moment she forgot where she was or why she was there. He was solid, exciting, sexy and he made her feel alive again.

  When he released her, she felt dazed as she looked into green eyes that had darkened with obvious desire. He took out a handkerchief to wipe her lip gloss off his face and then touched it to the corner of her mouth, wiping gently. He unbuttoned the top button of her white silk blouse. “That adds to the effect.”

  “That one button is barely noticeable, but it’s enough,” she added hastily.

  “Clint will notice. I’ll see what’s going on. Come join us when you want.”

  “We look like we’ve kissed.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted in a crooked smile. “I think we did. I must not have made an impression.”

  “You know you did,” she said softly. “You rocked my world.” She crossed the room to a mirror to look at herself.

  “I thought you wanted to give Clint the impression that you and I are a couple.”

  “I do and I will if he sees me now.” She ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head. “But we’ll probably shock Henry and Ben.”

  “I imagine they’ll both know exactly what we’re trying to do. They know you’re trying to run him off.”

  She sighed. “You’re right.” She joined him and he held the door, stepping out behind her and then closing it. He held her arm as they walked down the hall together.

  Clint stood near the door talking to Marta. He glanced at Vivian and his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked from her to Mike and back again. “I bought one of your paintings, Vivian. I’ll think of you when I look at it,” he said. “Marta is having it sent to my house in Dallas.”

  “Thank you, Clint,” she said quietly while Mike stood at her side. He was looking at a small pocket reminder book he carried and he made a note in it. She glanced back at Clint whose gaze raked insolently over her.

  “Well, I’ll leave you to your art show,” he said. He turned and left, causing the little bell over the door to ring as the door opened then shut.

  “He won’t be back today,” Mike said, “so I’ll join the guys. Anything you want, let me know.”

  “Anything I want?” she asked softly in a sultry tone.

  He’d been about to turn away, but he turned back to her and stepped close again. “Vivian, you’re flirting and you’re going to get yourself in trouble if you aren’t careful,” he said almost in a whisper.

  “Oh, I’ll be careful, Mike, but you asked me.”

  He shook his head and walked away while she grinned.

  The bell rang and Marta stepped to the door. Three women entered and wanted to meet Vivian and see her paintings. Vivian was busy for the next two hours and then it was time to close the gallery.

  It took another hour to get everything recorded, divided up and put away. Finally, she turned to look at Mike. “Are we flying home now?”

  “Yes, you and I. Henry will ride back with Ben so we’re set. I called a few minutes ago and told Jason to get the plane ready.” He turned to face Marta who was straightening a picture on the wall. “Marta, it was nice to meet you. Thank you for what you did today.”

  He moved closer to Vivian. “Just let us know when you’re ready and Ben will drop us off at the airport.”

  “I’m ready.” She turned to Marta to thank her again for the showing. They talked briefly about the paintings and then left. Outside, Vivian turned to Henry. “Thanks, Henry, for flying with Mike.”

  “Sure. Ben will drop you two off at the plane and then we’ll head back to the ranch.”

  “Thank you,” she repeated.

  “Thanks, guys,” Mike said. At the small private airport, Ben drove past three hangars and stopped near the waiting Tumbling T plane. In minutes they were onboard, seated with their seat belts fastened. She watched out the window while the limo turned in a circle and left.

  “From a work standpoint, this was a fun, successful day. I saw friends, showed my art, made new friends and sold some of my paintings, which is nice. Then again, there was Clint.” She turned to Mike and looked him in the eyes. “Thank you, Mike, for coming to my rescue. Clint is a pest, but I feel sure he’ll be gone soon.”

  “I haven’t run him off yet.”

  Jason, their pilot, announced they had been cleared for takeoff and she looked out the window for a moment as the plane gained speed and then lifted and was airborne.

  “Mike, I have another favor to ask you,” she said, voicing what she had been thinking about all morning. She took a deep breath, hoping her question wouldn’t send him running. “Mike, when we talked about you moving into my house...well, there’s a lot of room and you can live where you never have to see—”

  He cut her off. “I told you I don’t mind. It won’t be permanent and if it helps get rid of Clint, it’s all worth it. If someone from the ranch is keeping him posted on where you are and what you’re doing, then he’s sure to get the report that I’m in the house.”

  “But not anywhere near me.” She paused a moment, gathering her courage to voice her request. “Would you consider moving into the big suite at the end of the hall from mine? If you’re there, on the same floor and not too far away, no one will know how much we go back-and-forth to each other’s suites.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “I think that would be best. I’ll even come to your suite at night if you think we need to do that,” he said, and she saw the sparkle in his eyes and knew he was teasing.

  “Seriously, Mike, you were inconvenienced today and you’ll get paid extra for it. I’ll do the same for Henry. Ben gets paid to do this, but he’ll get extra for this trip.”

  Mike looked at her a moment before he finally nodded. “Okay, thanks,” he said and she felt as if he thanked her simply out of courtesy and he really didn’t want her to pay him extra at all.

  He was an old-fashioned guy, she thought, wondering why she had such an intense physical reaction to him when she couldn’t understand his outdated ideas. “You don’t like taking money from me, do you? If Thane was here with you and he made that offer, you’d say thanks and like it and never give it another thought.”

  “You might be right. Vivian, I grew up with a dad who died when I was thirteen. There were four kids in our family and my mom was a high school dropout. My oldest brother was like a dad to me. My two older brothers went to college, got jobs and helped put me through college. I went with their help and with scholarships and the money I made working my own jobs. And winning in rodeos. Mostly bull riding and calf roping. I graduated, got a job on a ranch and helped put my youngest brother through school. Now all of us help take care of Mom. It hasn’t been easy. I got my ideas from my dad and my oldest brother after my dad wasn’t around. And for some reason, they probably are old-fashioned. But, Vivian, wherever my ideas come from, surely you can see you’re way out of my league,” he said quietly.

  “It shouldn’t be such an issue. Life’s more important than money.”

  “Well, it’s a little different when you don’t have any.”

  With his words, she felt a wall rising up between them and suspected he would never change his views. “You were friends with Thane and you didn’t seem to care what he had.”

  “That’s entirely different.”

  She laughed. “To someone in the last century.”

  He gave her a crooked smile that made her tingle. Even arguing with him wa
s fun and she couldn’t understand her own response to him.

  Mike leaned closer. “Sweetie, Clint will get out of your life. I’ll go back to living in the guesthouse house and who knows, maybe I’ll move on myself, someday. I’ll be out of your way and you won’t have to put up with me and my old-fashioned ways.”

  “Well, maybe,” she said, gazing into his green eyes. “But right now, you like to kiss me and when you do, you forget about all those rules you have about what a man does and what a woman does.”

  She was slightly exasperated with him and his antiquated views of her wealth. And she couldn’t stop thinking about his kiss in Marta’s office. A kiss that made her want more. He had to have felt something because he’d looked as startled and as filled with desire as she’d felt.

  “You, darlin’, stir up trouble easier than a gnat finding fruit,” he said.

  “My kisses are trouble? Imagine that. I thought they were quite harmless,” she said, teasing him and having fun in the process, wondering if she could goad him into another sexy kiss.

  “See, you know you’re doing it right now. For you, my kiss may be as harmless as watching the clouds roll by, but when I kiss you, it’s as dangerous to me as jumping into a fire and you know it. And, Vivian, you’re pushing right now.” He unbuckled his seat belt and turned to slip an arm behind her as he leaned over.

  She started to reply, but when his mouth covered hers, whatever she had been about to say was gone forever. Her heart raced as he kissed her passionately, a demanding kiss that made her forget their silly conversation and her teasing. His lips started a fire low inside her. She wanted the seat belt out of the way. She wanted her arms around him and his around her and she wanted every inch of him pressed against her. Every barrier between them gone.


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