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Expecting a Lone Star Heir

Page 8

by Sara Orwig

  His kiss was pure seduction. Her breasts tingled, her body ached for his hands, his mouth, all of him. Common sense, resistance, wisdom burned away in the first few seconds. All she knew was she wanted him to keep touching her and kissing her and to never stop. Dimly she was aware of the release of her seat belt and his hand drifting in circles over her breast. She moaned as she held him tightly, running her fingers over him, down over a bicep as hard as a rock.

  She felt his fingers unbuttoning her blouse before releasing the catch on her bra and then cool air on her bare skin and then his tongue, hot, wet, trailing down over her bare breasts. “Mike,” she whispered and pushed lightly against him.

  Instantly, there was space between them as he rose slightly and she looked up at him. Desire, making his eyes darker, was so obvious that she trembled. “We don’t have any privacy and we’re about to go where each one of us knows we shouldn’t.”

  “Vivian, you know what to do to get me going. Don’t do it unless you want to deal with me and with the results.”

  She bit back a teasing reply because he looked pushed over a limit and she wasn’t ready to go any further, and they didn’t have privacy on the plane anyway.

  “Okay, Mike,” she said, feeling subdued even as her heart still raced and her body quivered with desire. She wanted him. She wanted his arms around her, his mouth on hers again, his tongue and fingers making her come to life and feel loved and desired once again. She had been so alone, so lonesome and now Mike was driving all that away, most of the time in fun, but not now. Now it was a blaze of hot, passionate kisses and caresses that were headed straight for a fantastic seduction.

  She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get control, to get the sexy thoughts out of her mind, to return to a normal afternoon with two employees. Knowing that wasn’t going to happen, she opened her eyes to find Mike intently watching her. There were moments when his intent looks seemed to go right through her and she felt as if he could discern every thought she had.

  She straightened her clothes and glanced toward the cockpit, thankful for the panel that kept her seat from Jason’s view. He might see Mike, but he was back in his seat, his seat belt on.

  She cast a look his way and saw he was still aroused. She too tingled all over, but wisdom had finally returned and she was hanging on to it like a lifeline in a crisis. Only that wisdom could tell her what she should do.

  She had looked forward to this showing at the Austin gallery, and it had been successful, but the only part of the day she would remember was Mike. Long after she had forgotten the rest of the day and the people in it, she’d recall him and his kisses.

  Once again, a familiar thought ran through her mind. Had Thane sent Mike because he knew Mike would run the ranch the way Thane wanted it ran?

  Or had he sent Mike because he knew Mike would fill a lonely void in her life?

  It would be just like Thane. When he was alive, all he’d wanted to do was take care of her. He had loved the fact that they were together out on the ranch, far from her father. He’d even urged Vivian to not move right away if something were to happen to him. He’d told her to take her time, let things settle and then decide. Several times he had reminded her that she couldn’t go back once she moved away. Was her wonderful late husband trying to take care of her from beyond the grave?

  Mike interrupted her thoughts. “Are you okay? You’re quiet.”

  “Thanks to you. I’m on fire and you know it.”

  He took her hand lightly, casually holding it. “Well, we both got ourselves into a twist then. To calm things down, let’s talk about what you want to do when we get in. We can have Jason change the flight plan and land in Dallas. We can go to dinner there and drive back to the ranch. Or we can fly back to the ranch,” he said and released her hand.

  “The ranch is fine.” She turned to look out the window and settle herself. After a few minutes she thought she’d put it all in perspective. “Mike, it’s been a long time since Thane was home. I stay on the ranch and paint, so I don’t see a lot of friends. Maybe I’ve just gotten carried away with you around.”

  “I hope so. It’s fun, Vivian, but we’re both being reckless. I’ve been in a war zone and you’ve been through a loss and living isolated in a lot of ways. Maybe—” He stopped himself. “Forget it. I take things too seriously sometimes.”

  “Ah, good,” she said, feeling better and smiling. “You’ve got your sense back.”

  “Sort of,” he said. “Though if I had any sense, I’d sit across the aisle from you.”

  She put her chin in her hand, her elbow on the armrest and looked closely at him. “I do that to you?”

  “See, dammit! You and I need to get out and circulate more. We can’t keep from flirting and teasing each other when we both know where it will lead and neither one of us wants that.”

  “Oh, speak for yourself, cowboy,” she said, laughing and sitting back, getting out a magazine from her tote bag. “I’ll sit and read and leave you in peace and quiet. Hey, look at this,” she said, pointing to the shout line on the bottom right of the cover.

  He twisted slightly to read aloud: “‘How to Keep the Man in Your Life Happy.’” He looked up at her. “Vivian—”

  She smiled at him, unable to resist teasing him. “I’d say right now you’re the man in my life. Don’t you think? Well, I know exactly what will keep you happy. Leave you alone like an old bear in its den.”

  “Correct. You do that. You’re finally getting on the right track.”

  “Watch out, Mike. You’ll hurt my feelings.”

  “No, I won’t, and we won’t argue that point. I’ll nap.”

  She laughed. “Of course, you will. I’m sure you feel so sleepy now.” He gave her a look of exasperation that made her be quiet. He turned his back to her and placed his head against the seat. She knew he wasn’t napping, but he was tuning her out and she suspected she needed to leave well enough alone—they’d had a passionate moment that still resounded for both of them.

  She looked at the back of his head, his neat haircut that was probably due to the military influence. He was fun to tease, irresistible and sexy and exciting. And dangerous to her well-being. She knew he would never fall in love with her and if she did fall in love with him, she would have nothing but heartbreak. He would never get past her income, her inheritance and her position as his boss. How had he gotten that way? Was it from the tough times he’d had growing up when they were so short of money? Was she so accustomed to her wealthy dad that she didn’t give her status and bank account a thought?

  All she knew was that she should keep her distance from Mike, guard her heart and use more sense around him. But he was too appealing, too sexy and she had been too lonely after Thane’s death. From the very first moment she’d met him, when they’d shaken hands, there had been a sizzling reaction that she knew he felt, too. How could she resist that?

  With a sigh she turned away, looking down at the magazine cover and smiling over showing it to him. “How to Keep the Man in Your Life Happy.” Well, in reality, the only man who really wanted to be in her life was a pest she was trying to get rid of. The man seated next to her was trying to ignore her and he sure wasn’t in her life except to be in her employ. She did have a date with him, though, for Friday night. Granted, it was at her own request, but it was a date nonetheless. When they were out together, he couldn’t resist flirting any more than she could. And he could dance and was fun in spite of trying not to be, the way he was right now. She smiled and almost reached out to run her hand over his, but she didn’t.

  He had come through for her this afternoon, taking her call and acting on it immediately. She was certain if there had been any way to save Thane, Mike would have found it. He kept a cool head in a crisis. Mike, Henry, Ben, Jason, Slade—Thane had done well in the men he had hired. The only one that wasn’t a responsible,
stand-up guy was Leon, but Thane couldn’t have known that because he was all Thane had hoped when Thane had been home. Come to think of it, Leon must have gone back to that type of guy now. She hadn’t heard a word about him from Mike and she hadn’t seen Leon anywhere near her. Maybe Mike’s presence was an influence on the horse trainer. Now she could only hope he had the same influence on Clint Woodson.

  * * *

  When they landed at the ranch, Mike’s pickup was parked near the hangar. He held the pickup door for her and closed it, going around to get in the driver’s seat.

  Once they were on the road, Vivian resumed the discussion of his move. “If you can, why don’t you move into the house next Saturday? I’m sure you can get some guys to help if you need it.”

  “All I have to move is my clothes. I’m assuming the suite in the main house is fully furnished like the guesthouse?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Then I won’t need help moving.”

  “You should still make sure some of the guys know what you’re doing. After all, I want word to get back to Clint.”

  “It’ll get back to him and the guys will know. You can’t dig up dandelions around here without everyone knowing it.”

  She brought up the subject of the horse trainer that she’d thought about on the plane. “Mike, what about Leon? You’ve never mentioned him.”

  “No need to. He hasn’t been up to the house, has he?”

  “Not at all.”

  “He won’t come around. Word is out that I was close with Thane. Slade likes me and word is also out that you and I are friends. That’s enough for a man like Leon. He doesn’t have the money or the clout that Clint does, so he isn’t going to cause trouble. You’ve seen the last of him unless you hunt him down.”

  “That’s good to hear.”

  They were both quiet until Mike stopped the pickup at the mansion and walked her up to the porch. At the door, Vivian turned to him. “So I’ll see you Friday night. I thought we could stay at my penthouse condo in downtown Dallas. That way, Ben can go do what he wants Friday night after he drops us off. My family owns three condos near mine and near Dad’s office. Ben and his wife stay in one when they’re in Dallas. Henry and Millie stay in the other, so they’ll be close at hand. And, my old-fashioned friend, my penthouse condo is big. You can have your own suite and I wouldn’t dream of trying to seduce you,” she said in a sultry voice, unable to resist flirting even though she didn’t want to fall in love with him She reminded herself he would go out of her life as suddenly as he came into it.

  “Vivian, you’re pulling my chain again,” he replied in a husky voice.

  She smiled sweetly because she saw the sparkle in his eyes. “Well, the last time I did that I got a big kiss. What will happen this time?”

  He stepped close and put his hands on either side of her face, turning her head so she had to look up at him. “I think you like to kiss and you want to kiss. And, darlin’, I will oblige,” he said, and his mouth covered hers.

  A wave of desire poured over her, hot, tingling, steamy need that made her want him to hold her the rest of the night and kiss her and let her hold and kiss him. Her heart pounded and she slipped her arms around his narrow waist, holding him tightly, feeling his hard body against her, his muscles and long legs.

  He broke the kiss and looked down into her eyes. In their green depths she saw blatant longing. “Mike,” she whispered, all teasing forgotten.

  He accepted the unspoken invitation in her word and his mouth claimed hers again. He kissed her long and passionately, making her heart drum, making her forget all the reasons she didn’t want to get too close to him.

  When he released her, he looked at her intently. “I need to get out of here for both our sakes. Good night, Vivian.” He brushed a kiss on her cheek and hurried to his pickup, driving away without looking back.

  She stood a moment, watching him drive into the darkness. His kisses had melted her and at the same time stirred a sweeping need for hours of loving in a strong man’s arms. She missed her husband, missed so much about him. But there was something about Mike that drew her to him. Something she was having a hard time denying. Till she remembered... Mike was too ingrained in his old-fashioned beliefs and he’d never get past her inheritance. Ironic, she thought, because there were men out there who would want the inheritance more than they would want her.

  Mike had been good to come today when she needed someone. He came and brought Henry and he would move into her house for a brief time. She should leave him alone, not get too close. He wasn’t going to stay. Slade had warned her and he should know. Mike could break her heart if she fell in love with him, and she was still living with heartache over losing the only man she’d ever loved.

  She missed Thane every day. He had been hell-bent on enlisting, serving his country, doing his patriotic duty. His grandfather fought in Korea. His dad fought in Vietnam. Because of family tradition, Thane had felt he owed his country some service. If only she could have gotten pregnant, she might have been able to hold him at home; but their attempts hadn’t been successful before he’d left. The doctor had assured her she’d be able to conceive if she just relaxed, but that had been easier said than done when Thane was making plans to join the Rangers.

  Now she was alone and vulnerable because of her loss. Too vulnerable. She needed to take care with Mike.

  She had no illusions. Mike was a tough ex-ranger. He knew self-discipline and control and he didn’t want to love an heiress, a woman who had more money and power than he did, and he would stick by that conviction with that iron control he had. When his promise to Thane was up, he would be gone. She didn’t have a single doubt about that. Neither did Slade. She sighed. “You sent home a reliable guy, Thane. But I wish you’d sent one who could bend a little and be more like you.”

  She thought about Mike’s kiss today. He could set her on fire with longing and need.

  Tomorrow night she was going out with him. Even if he didn’t like taking her out, he was fun and she’d miss that when he stopped. When Clint got out of her life, Mike would, too. Until then, she’d have a blast at the club. She had shed buckets of tears over her lost love and over being alone. Friday night, she planned to have a good time and Mike would help her do just that.

  * * *

  Friday night, Mike wore a charcoal suit with matching boots, his black Stetson and a black-and-gray striped tie. They were going to an old established club in downtown Dallas, a club that once had been men only. Then they would go back to Vivian’s penthouse condo. He sighed and warned himself one more time to use some common sense and to avoid letting her get to him, teasing him into losing control again. It was difficult to resist her taunts. He knew she was being playful, but that made her all the more irresistible. That and knowing what it was like to kiss her.

  He could kiss her all night long and it wouldn’t be enough. She was incredibly sexy and her body had luscious curves. She was soft, but she had her feisty moments when he lost it and wanted to grab and kiss her.

  He wanted to run Clint off and be able to stay away from Vivian before she snagged his heart, then it would hurt like hell to leave her.

  In the meantime, he couldn’t wait to go out with her.

  Then next week he’d be moving into her mansion.

  He strode up the walk, the waiting limo behind him, and looked up at the massive house. He couldn’t even imagine the cost of building such a home out on this mesquite-covered prairie.

  When he entered the front door, Henry held the door.

  “I thought you’re off on Friday night.”

  “I am. I leave when you two do. Millie and I are going into Dallas for the weekend. So I’ll see you Monday morning unless you have an emergency. You have my number.”

  “We better not have an emergency. Did she tell you I’m moving into this
place next week?”

  “Yes, she did. Good idea. That ought to finish Clint being in her life. And it won’t be any hardship to have another person live here. You could drop a hotel inside this house and still have room. I think Thane thought they would fill it with kids, friends and relatives, but life doesn’t work out the exact way you plan most of the time.” He shrugged. “Have a good time tonight. Millie and I’ve been out with her a few times, but she’s been shut up alone here for too long. She’ll probably wear you down.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m ready to party myself. There wasn’t much partying where I was last year.”

  Henry nodded, and Mike knew the ex-marine could relate firsthand to what he was talking about. “I’ll see you. And next week I can help you move.”

  “Sure. Have a good time, Henry. Hopefully, there won’t be a peep out of us.”

  As he watched Henry walk down the hall, a voice from behind startled him.

  “Have you been waiting long?”

  He turned to see Vivian coming down the sweeping spiral staircase. She wore a pale blue dress of some soft fabric that swirled around her knees with each step she took. Thane’s diamond pendant glittered in the light. Mike’s heart thudded and beat twice as fast. Vivian looked like a dream. Her blond hair fell on her shoulders, turning up slightly. The sleeveless dress emphasized her tiny waist and the high-heeled sandals highlighted her long shapely legs. He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her while he scooped her up and found the closest bedroom.

  That wasn’t going to happen. He needed to constantly remember Thane sent him to take care of Vivian. She was so off-limits to him. He smiled and said hello and told her Ben was outside with the limo.

  She gave him a dazzling smile. “I’m ready for some excitement.”

  He took her arm and they left, going to the limo, and soon they were on their way to Dallas. He sat close to her and she placed her hand lightly on his knee. He wondered how aware she was of touching him. It was a casual touch on her part, but the result wasn’t casual to him. He had an instant reaction to her hand on his leg. He didn’t want to make an issue of it, so he kept quiet and tried to talk about something that would take his mind off his arm around her or how close she sat, lightly pressed against him, her hand on his leg.


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