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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)

Page 4

by V. F. Mason

  “For just one night,” she whispered, grabbed my shirt in her hand, and clenched it. She hesitated for a second, and then took a step closer to me and swallowed. “And then we can come back to reality.”

  I leaned down and kissed her, and she exhaled a sigh and opened her lips. She tasted like rich candy, and I wanted to forget myself in her. Her lips were unpracticed and unsure, like she didn't know what to expect from me and wanted me to guide her. I moved my hand to her hair and tugged on it slightly, which earned me a moan. She moved back, looking at me confused.

  “What do you want?” I asked her. She blinked several times, but said nothing else. By the way her pulse was rapidly beating in her neck, I could understand she was nervous, but it was her decision.

  If she chose me then, it would mean she was mine forever. I may’ve sounded fucked up and stalker-like, but that wasn’t the case. I just knew the girl in front of me was it for me, and nothing would ever change that. She licked her lips and I moaned inwardly, because it made me want her more, but I made no move, waiting for her reply. She took a deep breath, licked her lips, and whispered, “You.”

  This was enough for me.

  She sealed her fate.

  She was going to be mine.

  Taking her soft, small hand in mine, I moved us to my bike parked a few feet away. I straddled it, grabbed my helmet, and extended the hand with it to her. She gave me a puzzled look as her eyes went from me to the helmet and back at my face.

  She paused for a second, her hands stopping halfway, but then she shook her head, apparently reaching some internal decision, took the helmet, and put it on without any directions from me. She grabbed my shoulders and sat down behind me with a confidence that told me bikes weren't a new thing for her.

  A hot surge of jealousy I never knew I had washed over me at the idea of her with some other man in exactly the same position. My hands squeezed the handlebars hard as I tried to get myself under control.

  “Love bikes?” I asked. Fuck, I should stop growling around her.

  Her body jerked slightly, and then she replied quietly, “I have several myself.” And just like that, the hot rage inside me calmed and the realization came that we already had a shared interest.

  Like I said, the girl of my dreams.

  “Hold tight, babe.” Her hands circled my waist and she moved closer. I was almost drunk from the smell of roses and bubble gum that surrounded me. Her body was firm, but feminine, and fuck, if it wasn’t making me hard. My bike roared down the night streets of Las Vegas with my girl behind me.



  I leaned back on my seat, let go of his waist, and put my hands in the air. The soft breeze touched my face, and a rush of adrenaline ran through my body.

  The machine was strong under my legs, and I had enough experience not to be afraid for my safety. I couldn't believe he had a bike; he sure as hell didn't look like he owned one, but then I knew better than anyone that looks could be deceiving and to not believe in stereotypes.

  He was confident and rode fast but carefully. His baby was very pretty. I wondered if he would let me drive it; that would have been great.

  You haven't known him long enough to do that, remember? Just one night. I ignored the voice in my head. I didn’t want to think about it. I knew exactly what it was. It was lust.

  I’d never reacted strongly like that to anyone in my life; well, my body hadn’t. I was on fire, and yet, I just couldn't let him go. I craved him within moments of meeting him. I knew girls who described this feeling of wanting someone, but I never believed them. I always believed you needed to love someone to experience lust, but oddly enough, my body never wanted Jeremy.

  My heart did, but not my body.

  I wanted to explore this new emotion. I wanted to know what it was like to share my body with another, and be so in lust with him that I didn’t care about the consequences.

  Yes. I always dreamed of losing my virginity with the man I loved, but that man would never be mine.

  So what was the point in waiting?

  I threw my head back and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but murmur one of my favorite songs, “Ride” by Lana Del Rey.

  I never knew how liberating it was just to enjoy the ride without the need to navigate it.

  I stood up on the bike a little and grabbed his shoulders, but he didn't seem to mind. I screamed in joy then leaned forward and hugged him from behind. I heard him chuckle. He wasn't wearing a helmet, so I had direct access to his blond hair, which was soft as silk and long enough to grab. I desperately wanted to kiss him right there.

  I was going crazy, but I didn't care, because in that one moment, I could be free and anyone I ever wanted to be.

  I leaned closer to his neck and inhaled his manly, addictive scent. I wanted to drown in his aroma, so I put my lips on the place where his shoulder met his neck and ran my lips there, and then sucked hard, which earned me a groan from him.

  “Baby, I’m all for you playing with me, but let’s wait ‘til we are at my place, okay? I don’t want to take any chances with your safety, or mine, for that matter.” And although I understood his reasoning, doing what he asked was the last thing on my mind right then.

  I moved my hand lower to his firm stomach and didn’t let him go. I was so engrossed with him in that moment I didn't notice how we moved from the main road to the suburb, and he was slowing down his bike. He finally stopped in front of a fancy hotel. I hopped off the bike and was about to look around when he grabbed me and put his mouth on mine. I didn't even have time to gasp. He grabbed my ass, raised me up, and I had no option but to wrap my legs around his waist and grab his head with my hands.

  We kissed passionately, deeply, all-consuming.

  He moved us toward the elevator I guessed, since the sound of one arriving clicked and I heard voices, but I didn't give a shit.

  My back hit the wall. We rode the elevator still kissing. He moved his lips lower to my neck and sucked on it hard, making my panties wetter, if it was possible.

  “God, the sounds you make,” he whispered, bit my earlobe, and then sucked on it. He grabbed my hair, pushed my head back, and pierced me with his blue eyes. They were filled with desire, want, and determination, and I craved him like nothing before. I grabbed his head, pulled him to me again, and bit on his lips. I wanted passion, devotion, everything I had no idea existed before meeting him.

  “What’s your name? ” he suddenly asked, and I was too gone to care.

  “Jane. Yours? ”

  “Drake.” At that moment, it became my favorite male name in the whole universe as long as he kept on kissing me. The sound of the door opening caused another rush of hotness, because it meant we were close.

  He moved us a few feet away, swiped his card at the door, and we were inside the room. He pushed me against the wall and let us both breathe. Then his hand grabbed my chin and caressed it gently.

  “Are you sure?” his voice was firm and husky. I looked him in the eyes. For some reason, I trusted him never to hurt me. How long could I have waited? The man I wanted would never be mine anyway.

  However, I needed to ask one thing before I went any further with him.

  I licked my lips, and it didn't escape me how his eyes shifted their focus there.

  “Would you stop if I asked you to? Even now?”

  “Yes,” he said with no hesitation, no doubt in his voice, and I knew he meant the word. I was safe with him.


  “Then don’t stop.” The words barely left my mouth before his lips were back on mine. His hands moved lower to remove my jacket, and I did the same with his. He ripped off my shirt, leaving me topless, and he uttered a guttural groan.

  “No bra, huh?” His lips moved down my collarbone, leaving goosebumps in their wake, and then his tongue licked around my nipples before, without any warning, he sucked on them roughly. I screamed from the intense pleasure I never knew existed. I wanted to soar as I relished the he
at of his mouth on my breasts. His hands moved lower and grabbed my ass again, squeezed it, and lifted me up, all the while still sucking on my nipple. I ran my hand over his hair and tugged it. As his erection pressed against my heat, I slowly started to make motions to rub against it.

  He moved us again somewhere, and then suddenly, I was out of his arms, falling down with a gasp onto the bed. Seconds later, he was on top of me, kissing me and sucking my tongue. His mouth moved down to bite my chin, and then lower to my neck and collarbone. Drake licked both of my nipples, but then his head moved down to leave open-mouth kisses on my stomach as his hands opened my jeans, and he kissed my navel, making my back arch off the bed. It was almost ticklish. He moved back and removed my jeans quickly, leaving me in my lacy black panties. His eyes were hot and glazed. He tugged off his shirt, along with his jeans and underwear.

  I had to gulp, because the man in front of me was perfect in every way.

  His body was perfection, muscles in all the right places; he had several tattoos on his body that I wanted to run my tongue around, and I wanted to nibble on his six-pack abs.

  Then there was his cock.

  It was big, erect, and I had no idea what to think about it. I’d never been with a man before, so it wasn't as if I was exactly familiar with that part of a man’s anatomy. I wondered if it would even fit inside me.

  Drake sat on his knees at the foot of the bed then grabbed my hips and pulled me lower so my back was flat on bed. He put his shoulders between my thighs as I tried to close them. I wondered what the hell he was doing.

  “No, honey, the time for hiding is over.” He moved his hands to my panties and started to pull them down slowly, but then paused. “Unless you’ve changed your mind?”

  Was he crazy? He chuckled at the frantic shaking of my head.

  “Put your head back down, baby; it’s time for me to feast,” he whispered. He slid my panties off, and then his hot breath was on my pussy as his thumbs opened it up. I gasped, because not only was he exposing me to his gaze, but also because of the cool air in the room, which made me gasp louder.

  “All shaved, baby, showing me your pussy in all its glory.” Without warning, he licked up my folds and closed his lips around my clit then sucked on it with gusto.

  If I thought I had out-of-this-world pleasure when he sucked on my nipples, it was nothing compared to the emotions he was producing in me. My whole body was on fire with a hotness that took me deeper and deeper as the velvet feel of his tongue around my most sensitive flesh made me forget my own damn name.

  He then moved lower and pushed his tongue inside me. I put the heels of my feet on his back, grabbed the sheets tightly, and moaned in pleasure. The pleasure was earth-shattering, and I wanted to follow his tongue everywhere. He sucked on my lips one-by-one before he moved back up to my clit, and then I felt his finger enter me. For a second, I experienced a slight discomfort inside me. It wasn't that I’d never pushed anything inside me. I had a vibrator, after all. I may have waited for the one, but I still had needs.

  However, his hand felt entirely different, and after several seconds, it enhanced the pleasure he was giving me with his mouth. He started to work in tandem; his lips and tongue gave attention to my clit while his fingers were inside me. I came with a scream so loud I was sure everyone in the damn lobby heard. My hands closed on his hair, and I pushed his head closer to me, closed my eyes, and escaped into the euphoria he gave me. I was deaf and blind to the world outside me. He positioned himself over me again. His lips were a whisper away from mine and I could see my essences on his lips. He played with my lips and kissed me deeply, which allowed me to taste myself on him, and for some reason, my taste with his made me even hungrier for him.

  I pushed my legs closer to his sides as my toes curled. My back rose slightly. I never wanted to let go of his mouth, but then his erection pushed against my core and panic hit me.

  I was a virgin.

  And he wasn't exactly small.

  What was worse, I had zero tolerance for pain, and it was waiting for me whichever way I would go about losing my virginity, but not letting him know would make me feel it more. I was sure of that, so I did the right thing. I had to do it for both of us.

  I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, because I needed to see and know his reaction to my declaration.

  It was important.

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  He furrowed his brows and then cleared his throat. “Have sex with guys you barely know?” Had there been a growl evident in his voice? As though the thought of me having sex with other guys pissed him the hell off.

  “No…I mean yes. I’ve never done that either. I meant something else.” His face was still blank, so I blurted out, “I’m a virgin.”

  He blinked several times, but it still didn't erase the shock he had in his eyes.

  “Okay,” he finally said, and that made me frown.


  “Yeah, okay. I’m glad you told me.” Was that a satisfied gleam in his eyes?

  “That’s all you have to say?”

  “I’m happy you told me. I can’t say the same though.” Somehow, the idea of him with other women didn't make me happy; in fact, it made my blood boil, and it must have shown in my face, because he chuckled and gently caressed the frown between my brows. “Now don’t get angry, baby. There weren't that many. Besides, they weren't you.” Only then I noticed the silver foil in his hands, which he ripped open and then put the condom on his erected cock, wincing. He moved back on top of me and his eyes held mine. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, “I’ll be gentle.” And with one movement, he entered me and I gasped at the pain, agonizing pain when something inside me tore, but he stopped moving and held me. It was like a big sore inside me, and I couldn't relax. “Just breathe, honey. It’ll be better in a minute. I promise.” He kissed me gently, and I gave everything in me to his kiss to take my attention from the pain.

  Slowly, I let go and my body relaxed into his. I needed him to move, but he wasn't doing anything, and by the slight sweat on his forehead, I understood how hard it was for him. For some weird reason, a deep need inside me pushed me to move my hips, and without thinking, I did just that.

  “Baby, I need you not to move if you want me to behave. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I think…I think I need you to move.” I made the motion again, and he slowly started to move. God, how unbelievable. The slight pain was still there, but it was overshadowed by the extreme pleasure he was giving me. He moved his lips to my nipples again and sucked on them one-by-one while his body moved inside me. I moved my head back and breathed heavily.

  All his play made me wetter inside, which allowed him easier penetration.

  “Amazing.” My husky voice sounded as though it belonged to someone else.

  “I know, baby,” he mumbled. The pleasure was building inside me, sending me flying up and up when finally, the world around me shattered and I screamed his name. I felt like my body was the floating ocean of satisfied desire and want, while he still moved inside me and was kissing me again. Every limb in my body felt lifeless, and I had no energy left in me to move.

  “How about another one, baby?” He bit hard on my neck and I just shook my head.

  “No, I can’t.” It was too much, and what did he mean again? He moved his hand down my stomach between us, and then I felt his thumb on my clit, and he pinched it hard, which awakened my desire again. He kept on stroking inside me all the while moving his hand. When his mouth closed around my nipple again, I came and he followed me.

  He was beautiful when he came. His whole face changed, his head thrown back and eyes closed. He looked like an ancient Greek god, magnificent and beautiful.

  He lay on top of me and I hugged him fiercely, with all the strength I had left. We were both breathing heavily and our bodies were covered in sweat. I loved this evidence of our lovemaking.

  My first.

  He was my first, the
man who took my virginity, giving me three orgasms in one night, and I think I couldn't have wished for a better first time.

  Except, if it had happened with the man I loved.

  The man I loved.

  That thought turned me cold.


  What have I done?


  Jane was lying on my shoulder, her body soft and warm, her breathing even, and she was slowly drawing circles on my chest as my hand gently caressed her back. One of her legs was over mine, and she moved it up and down, which made my cock twitch.

  Which should have been impossible at this point.

  We made love one more time after that, slower this time, but nevertheless as good.

  I loved the feel of her in my arms, how small she was compared to me, and how her body fit mine.

  She was made for me.

  I’d never had that with anyone else, what I just had with her. I wasn’t into whoring around, but I always knew I would know who was meant to be mine from the first glance. So when that didn’t occur with women, I just had sex with them. I never gave promises, and I never sought their company often. Although the encounters gave me physical relief, they were empty, and somehow I felt dirty afterwards, if that made sense. That was the reason I didn't have much experience when it came to various kinks, which I hoped I could explore with her.

  Making love to her was exquisite. She was everything I dreamed about. The physical connection was off the charts, and she was so responsive in bed. Being with Jane was hands down the best sexual experience of my life, and we didn't do much. And the saying was true: sex was different with the person you care about.

  This seemed crazy, but I knew she was the one for me. The same was for my father when he met his woman. It wasn't some kind of tradition, far from it actually, but the feeling was there.

  “You’re quiet.” My voice was exceptionally loud in the silent room, and she sighed. Something was in her face after our first time, the way her eyes closed, and she took shaky breaths and tried to move from under me.


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