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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)

Page 5

by V. F. Mason

  “I don’t really know what to say. What do you talk about with your women?” Although her voice was soft, I heard a hint of annoyance that made me smile.

  “No need to be jealous, beautiful.”

  She stirred beside me and then pulled my chest hair painfully, which made me wince. “I’m not jealous. I just asked.” Little tigress.

  “I’ve never stayed long enough to talk.”

  She rose up on my chest, her hands under her chin, and her chocolate eyes looked at me questioningly. “So you are a man-whore?” Her words made me laugh hard; she narrowed her eyes and raised her brow.

  Shit, she seemed angry, and I needed to do quick damage control.

  “No, baby, far from it. I just never stayed long enough to experience it. It was usually about the sex, and once it was done, it was done.” This probably wasn't the best conversation to have with the girl in bed, but she had asked and I wanted honesty between us.

  She was quiet for a moment, her expression wistful, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about, but I had questions of my own.

  “Why were you a virgin?” Not that I wasn't grateful for her gift. I had this primal satisfaction from being the first one to taste her and know what she was like when she lost control.

  One and only, if I had any say in it.

  Her face shut off completely, and she tried to move out of my arms. Her eyes were cast down, but I would have none of it. I stopped her, took her head into my hands, and forced her eyes to look into mine. Her eyes were filled with fear and slight pain. She was vulnerable in that moment, and maybe it made me an asshole, but I needed to know what that was about.

  “I don’t really see how that matters,” she murmured, still trying to move her head from my hold, but it was useless. I wasn't letting go.

  “It does to me. I want to know.” Her reaction, with all my physiological experience, made me realize I had more problems with her than I initially realized.

  She took a deep breath and lay back on my chest. Her face was turned to the side; her hot breath brushed my nipple. I put my hand on her nape, gently squeezing it, while my other hand was on her lower back.

  “I grew up in foster care. My mom left me at the church when I was four. I still remember how beautiful and young she was, and her crying face. She was telling me that she was trying to give me a chance in this world, and to do that, she needed to let me go. I was crying, but stood there as she was leaving.” Her voice was filled with pain, and it made me want to squeeze her even harder so she would never feel left behind again. “Then the priest found me and called child services. They had no information on my mom or my name or anything. They named me Jane, and the family chasing started. I was tossed around from home to home, never staying in one place long. I realized that it was dangerous to love.”

  She stopped for a moment, gathering her thoughts, and then continued, “At the age of fifteen, I discovered romance novels. They had those dashing heroes who saved the woman they loved, and they made me dream about the one and only man who would be for me. I always wanted the knight in shining armor, and I knew I would instantly recognize him.” Her voice got lower, which made my heart hurt. For the little girl who didn't get the love she deserved, for the teenager she was with simple dreams, and for everything that she experienced when she had no one to rely on. I wished in that moment that I knew her before, so I could take all those demons away from her before they touched her.

  “When I was fifteen, the Armstrongs took me in. Full adoption. It was almost unreal, because, let’s face it, who takes on a grown kid? They had Ben though, who was their biological child.” She smiled gently at the name. “I was wary at first. Expected them to pull some shit on me. Instead, they gave me everything a family should. Home, education, dreams, name, protection, and most importantly, love. If it wasn't for them adopting me, I never would have met my girls at that New York school.” Suddenly she got quiet, and that made me frown. Was that a sore subject? “Point is that life was okay. I had parents and friends, and then…” She sighed, and I felt her tense in my arms. “We’d all met Jeremy, and I knew he was the one.”


  Although I could have predicted where the conversation was going, it still sucked that she recognized some other man as the one. I probably couldn't hate the guy either; she wouldn't choose some loser.


  Fucking hated him.

  “It was like being a kid on Christmas; all I did was look at him and was all happy inside. I thought my romance was about to be written, but then Sam entered the picture, and I knew my dream shattered right there.”


  “Yeah, one of my best friends. He loves her, even though she doesn't see it. And I’m just little Jane,” she finished on whisper, and I was torn between two feelings.

  I wanted to protect her and punch the guy for not wanting her. The other part wanted to punch him and rage at the fact my girl was in love with someone else. “Since I always dreamed to have my first time be with my knight, and for him to be my one and only, sex wasn't really on my mind before or after.” Those words now were said carefully, as if she was afraid of my reaction.

  “Yet you slept with me today.” Somehow, it was important for me to mention that small detail.

  “Yes.” Jane’s voice was soft, and she finally looked me straight in the eyes. “I don’t regret anything.” She smiled, and even though there was still some uneasiness in her gaze, she was more relaxed once she finished telling her story. I palmed her face, brought it to my lips, and kissed her softly.

  “Thank you, sweetheart, for your gift. I am honored.” I gave her one last peck on the nose. “Are you hungry?” Her stomach growled loudly and we both laughed.

  “Starved, actually,” she replied and then sat on her knees, and my body immediately missed her heat. “Are we gonna order room service?” She picked up the sheet and tried to cover her body from me, but I was having none of it. Tugging on it made her frown, and she narrowed her eyes and moved slightly back to limit my access to it. I leaned forward, grabbed it hard, pulled it away from her, and tossed it on the floor.


  “What?” My voice was innocent.

  “I need that to stand up.”

  “Really? If it’s on my account, don’t bother. I like your body just like that.”

  She blushed, and it spread down her neck, over her breasts, and onto her stomach.

  Damn, my girl’s blush was sexy. She must have caught the desire in my eyes, because she stood up quickly and put her hand in front of her in the stop sign.

  “No more, mister. This body wants food.”

  Mischief danced in her eyes, and I loved seeing her like this. Giving a huge, disappointed sigh, I rose onto my elbow and admired the view she displayed for me.

  “I don’t think room service is a good idea,” she suddenly said, her voice husky and needy.

  “No?” My voice was amused, but damn if my dick didn't twitch at that body of hers. Who needed food when you had a beautiful woman with you, on whom you can feast for hours?


  “Why is that?”

  She ran her eyes all over my body and stopped on my torso, and right then, I was fucking glad for all the working out in the gym I’d done, since she seemed mesmerized with my six-pack.

  “Because I wouldn't be able to focus on anything but your body.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart. That does sound like a good idea.”

  “Drake.” She almost moaned my name, but shook her head as though she could make those thoughts disappear with the action.

  “If you want me, beautiful, come here and I’ll make you feel good.”

  “I wanna eat.” With one last glance at me, she ran to the bathroom and closed the door, leaving me on the bed laughing.

  God, when was the last time I’d felt that fucking good?


  I tried to hold my laughter at the scene that just played out. I turned on the
hot water in the shower and groaned in pleasure when it relaxed my sore muscles and warmed my body. One of my favorite things in the world was to take a hot shower and let all my problems wash away.

  Drake was something I didn't expect. I told him the truth when I said I didn't regret anything that happened between us. We had a connection, and now I understood how people could have great sex, but at the same time, feel nothing for each other.

  What surprised me was that I willingly shared a big chunk of my life history with him, something I rarely did with anyone, let alone with strangers. It had been on the tip of my tongue to talk about my band, but I didn't want to let him know I was famous. Somehow, for one night, I wanted to be Jane, not the Jane from Hard World. All I had with him was that night, and I wanted to get the most from it. Although it was a bit risky to go out with him for dinner, it was highly doubtful the paparazzi knew we were here or that anyone would follow us.

  I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn’t realized I wasn't alone in the shower anymore until strong arms enclosed me, and I was pulled back against a solid and warm chest. He ran the back of his hand from my neck to my waist while his other hand moved my head to the side to kiss me.

  His lips were soft while his deep and passionate kiss was anything but. The tingle of desire ran through my body, hardening my nipples, making me shiver, and now the familiar wetness between my thighs was back. I moaned into his mouth when his hand grabbed and tugged on my hair harshly, creating a spark of pain. His other hand moved down my stomach past my navel, and then I felt two fingers entering me, making the pain worth it.

  “Already wet for me,” he whispered, letting go of my lips and moving to my ear, where I heard his heavy breathing as I leaned my head back on his shoulder. “Did you think you could tempt me with that beautiful body of yours and not get properly fucked?” The words were crude, and somehow, I understood this experience was different. Back in the bed, he was making love to me, while here it was more about sex.

  “No.” My word was barely a whisper, but he heard it anyway and pinched my nipple hard enough the pain sent shivers to my pussy, which combined with his fingers inside pushed me to the edge of my orgasm.

  “Did you want me to fuck you?” He nipped on my earlobe and then moved to my neck, where he sucked and bit the skin there, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to make me feel the sting. Without being able to say anything, too lost in the sensations he was creating inside me, I nodded. “Then how could you think I would leave you unsatisfied?” He moved me to the shower wall and put my hands in front of me on the tile, pushing my legs aside with his knee. “Lean into it.” Without another word, my body did as he asked and I felt the cold tile on my cheek, but somehow, it was welcomed, because my body was hot and the cool tile brought me relief.

  Suddenly, I felt his hot breath on my lower back, and then his lips and tongue were running over my butt cheeks and he bit me hard. I jumped, but his hands steadied me.

  “Ouch.” I found it hard not to make any noise.

  “I can’t mark you on your neck for everybody to see, but here,” he squeezed my ass cheeks, massaging them, “I can do whatever I want. You can look at them anytime and remember who had you, beautiful.” He then softly kissed the place that still hurt slightly then his lips moved lower to the heat between my thighs. Finally, his tongue was inside me, and I moaned loudly.

  “Drake.” The feeling of his velvet tongue probing deep where I was still sore made the pleasure almost unbearable. He played with me for a few moments and then stood up. His hot breath caressed my neck as he pushed my hair to the side.

  “It was impossible to resist tasting you again, Jane.” His calling my name did something to me. When he said beautiful words to me, it was great, but when he said my name, it made this situation more real.

  And some part of me was thrilled with that, to have that acknowledgment.

  I heard the rip of a foil packet. He probably put a condom on, and I was glad one of us had enough sense to remember about protection, and then dropped the packet on the floor.

  Slowly, he started entering me, his cock going deep inside, filling me, and then he moved back and forth. He was deliberately slow in his strokes, his hand over mine on the wall. The shower was quiet aside from the running water and the sounds of two bodies rubbing against each other. The pressure inside me was building higher and higher, but I couldn't get there. I was almost reaching the stars, but something held me back.

  “My Jane needs a little more stimulation, huh?” His hand moved to my pussy, and when his thumb gently pressed on my clit, I was sent over the edge with a loud scream.

  With a few more strokes, he followed me and came with a groan.

  We were both breathing heavily, my forehead pressed against the wall while his was on my shoulder. We stood there enjoying both the moment and what we had just shared.

  It was unbelievable how much I wanted him and what I had been doing with a guy who I just met, but then girls had sex like that all the time. That was the beauty of one-night stands, right? Everyone just enjoyed the moment.

  “Well, that was different.” My voice was exceptionally loud in the shower stall, and Drake laughed against my skin. His body vibrations sent shivers down me.

  “Yeah.” With one last kiss on my neck, he moved back, and I winced a bit when he pulled out. I was still sensitive. He must have noticed me tense, because he spun me around. With concern in his voice, he said, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I tried to be as gentle as possible, because you are new to all this, but maybe it was a mistake to do it like that, so soon after your first time.” He looked remorseful, and I thought it was so funny it was impossible to hold the laughter in, and that made him frown.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You are.” He said nothing, clearly waiting for me to continue. “It wasn't painful and you know it. You were right here when I cried out in pleasure.” His eyes heated at my words, and I snapped my fingers in front of them. “Earth to Drake, the point is that it did hurt a bit and probably, I should take a break for few hours, but it wasn't as painful as you think.” He didn't look convinced, but let it go.

  “We need to buy you some cream on our way to dinner. You should have taken a bath.” That made me smile at him, because the prospect of sharing a bath with him was very tempting.

  “Can we still do it tonight?”

  The warmth in his eyes was hard to understand, but it created all those giddy feelings inside me. “Yeah, baby. We can.” He picked up the hotel shampoo bottle, squeezed the liquid on his hands, and rubbed them together. “Let’s clean up and eat, yeah?”



  “Dessert? Are you crazy? I’m full.”

  “There is always room for dessert, babe.”

  “Nope, not inside my stomach.”

  “Well then, you can make an exception tonight.” He wiggled his brows, but it was anything but amusing, considering how much food he already had.

  After we were done showering, we put our clothes on, and he took me to one of his favorite steakhouses in Las Vegas. The place was surprisingly expensive, and we looked out of place in our jeans and shirts, especially me, since I had to borrow one of Drake’s shirts and tie it into a knot on my stomach, because he had ripped mine off. However, the manager just smiled at him, greeting him with open arms as they slapped each other on the back. He led us to a table by the window, which had an amazing view of the nightlife of Vegas.

  Let me tell you something about meat. I loved it, and I believed nothing was better than some properly cooked steak with mashed potatoes on the side. However, Ariel was a vegetarian to the point of not tolerating meat when someone ate it in front of her. She would turn green, cover her mouth with her hand, and run to the restroom, where we would hear gagging noises and the toilet flushing. Needless to say, she ruined our appetites, so meat was a rare occurrence. Having the opportunity to eat steak was no hardship; in fact, Drake laughed at my eagerness.
r />   Since we walked here and this place was only a few blocks away from his hotel, Drake decided to order some good red wine. The food was delicious, and we talked about a lot of things. I learned his parents were divorced, and he had a half-brother on his dad’s side who was the same age as he was, and they had just recently found out about him. He had several bikes, a few friends, and apparently, he was much smarter than I was.

  We discussed different bike models and everything else. Aside from my girls, I thought it was impossible to meet someone who could be as good a listener and as easy a person to talk to.

  Once we were done, he asked me if I was up for some walking and sightseeing, and of course, I was. This dinner wouldn't run itself off. This brought us to the middle of some street where he claimed they had the best-ever chocolate cake and it was a shame to be in Las Vegas and not try it. The city was beautiful with all those flashing lights, big signs, and happy people. The energy here almost willed you to relax and let go of everything, and hey, salute to you Las Vegas, because that was exactly what I was doing.

  “Seriously, I’m full. Can you eat it alone?”


  He took my hand back in his and we continued walking. I noticed how more than a few women sent him winks and even turned around to look at his ass. They also had a dreamy expression combined with sexual heat in their eyes.

  I didn’t like it one bit; he was mine.

  What the hell, Jane? Yours for tonight.

  Because of our similar clothing, we probably looked like a couple enjoying their stay in the city.

  Finally, he stopped in front of a small bakery shop, with a big “Not Your Bakery, Dude” sign, and the display was full of delicious treats, such as muffins, carrot cakes, donuts, and chocolate chip cookies. The light was on inside, but I didn’t notice any people. Before I could think more about it, Drake dragged me inside, where we came face-to-face with a woman in her forties. She wore jeans and a loose white shirt. Her braided sunny-blonde hair fell to the middle of her back. She had a red apron around her middle, and her green eyes sparkled with happiness. She was petite, around 4’10”, and with her features, she looked like a tiny Tinker Bell.


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