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Illusions (Night Roamers #4)

Page 13

by Kristen Middleton

  He took out his cell phone and began pushing some buttons. “It’s not safe for you to be wandering through the house in your condition.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Why? I’m only three months pregnant.”

  “Don’t argue with me.”

  “Can’t I go outside? At least at night. To get some fresh air? It would be good for the baby, I’m sure.”

  She’d learned to use the pregnancy as a way to keep him amiable. During their marriage, he’d been quick to jump on her about anything and everything. Always complaining and lashing out at her verbally whenever he wasn’t satisfied with something she’d done, or didn’t do. Like, in the mornings – if she overcooked his toast, or failed to have dinner ready by exactly six-thirty in the evening. Her marriage to him had consisted mostly of tears and sometimes relief – when he’d go away for a few days, giving them all a break. When they’d finally divorced, she’d thought her life had taken a turn for the better. Instead, he’d manipulated and hurt her even more so. Now, she despised the man sitting across the room so much, that she wouldn’t mind killing him if given the chance.

  He looked at his watch, it was almost midnight. “Tell you what – we’ll go for a walk before Doctor Shepard arrives. How about that?”

  She bit back a sigh of relief. She knew it would be her one and only chance to escape before they found out that she was no longer pregnant. “Thank you. I’ve been feeling so claustrophobic. Not that this room isn’t lovely.”

  He looked around. “It’s nice. You have a television, books, and that treadmill. If you are going to exercise, however, don’t strain yourself. We don’t want you having a miscarriage.”

  She forced a smiled. “No. Heavens no. That would be horrible.”

  He sent a text message to someone, and then shoved his phone back into his suit jacket. “Why don’t you finish your meal,” he said, nodding toward the glass of blood. “I’m going to change my clothing; I’ll return for you shortly.”

  “Sure,” she replied. She’d been so terrified when he’d arrived unexpectedly, that she’d almost forgotten to drink the blood. The strength it gave her would not only help her escape, but, hopefully give her the courage to remove the chip in her stomach. Now that she knew the baby couldn’t be harmed, she’d decided to try and cut it out herself.

  He walked toward the doorway and then turned back. “Oh, and by the way – don’t even think about trying to escape on this walk. One phone call to my boys in Shore Lake, and your children will be the ones who suffer for your stupid decision. Got it?”

  She nodded quickly. “Yes. Of course. I’m not going to try anything.”

  “Let’s hope not,” he answered. “Because I have a twenty-four hour watch on them and they wouldn’t be difficult to catch. Especially, Nathan. Neither would you, by the way.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she answered quietly. “Just a walk. With you.”

  He nodded and left the room.


  Gritting her teeth, she went into the bathroom, grabbed a razorblade and a tweezers, hoping it would be enough to get to the chip before they found her.


  Victor collected Anne fifteen minutes later, wearing a blue fleece hoodie and matching sweatpants. She’d also changed into a gray running suit.


  “Yes,” she answered, her stomach in knots.

  He escorted her down the long, spiral staircase toward the front entryway, where he had another guard posted. The man was sitting down and reading a girly magazine.

  “Enjoying yourself, Nigel?” asked Victor, his lips twitching.

  Nigel stood up quickly and his face became flush when he saw Anne beside Victor. “Yes, I mean no,” he replied, hiding the magazine behind his back. “Going somewhere, sir?”

  “We’re going for a walk,” said Victor, putting his arm around Anne’s shoulders. “We shouldn’t be gone too long. Hold the fort down for us?”

  “Of course. Would you like an escort?” he asked.

  Victor’s hand tightened on Anne’s shoulder painfully. He grinned at her displeasure. “No, we won’t be needing one. Will we, Anne darling?”

  “No,” she replied, wincing. “Darling.”

  “I didn’t think so,” he answered, releasing her shoulder. “Nigel, if Dr. Shepard arrives before we return, show him to the study and offer him a drink.”

  “Will do,” the guard replied as they stepped past him and went out the front door.

  The air was cool as they stepped out into the darkness. Anne looked up into the sky at the stars and sighed wistfully. “It’s a beautiful night… or morning, I guess.”

  Victor grunted. “Missed it out here that much, huh? I remember a day when you never wanted to leave the house.”

  “That was because I worked during the day and at night, I was tired. Raising two children will do that to you,” she replied evenly.

  They walked across the driveway toward the gates. “I suppose,” he replied, saying nothing more.

  They walked in silence and when they got to the gate, a security guard let them through.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  Victor reached into his hoodie pocket. He pulled out a cigar and a punch. “There’s a park just up the road. When we get to it, we’ll take a break and then head back.”

  “Okay,” she replied, as he cut the end of his cigar and then put it in his mouth. “I thought you quit those.”

  “Nope,” he replied, taking out a lighter. “Told you, I’m not a quitter.”

  “Ha, ha,” she replied dryly. “Well, just don’t blow it my way. It can’t be good for the baby.”

  Sighing, he shoved the cigar back into his pocket along with the lighter. “I guess it can wait.”

  They walked silently in the darkness and Anne grew more nervous with each step. She’d decided to wait until they got to the park before trying to escape. After a few minutes, she cleared her throat. “So, have you seen Nikki or Nathan?”

  “Yes, actually, I did earlier. It was at your funeral, actually.”

  “Oh, you held it today?” she asked stiffly. She hated the fact that he’d lied to the children.

  “Yes. I had you cremated. Anyway, it was lovely and we threw your ashes into the lake.”

  “Whose ashes were they?”

  “Some schmuck. I don’t really know. Drake got them for me. Speaking of Drake,” he said, pulling out his cell phone. “I haven’t heard from him in a while. Stop for a minute.”

  She froze and watched as he dialed Drake’s number.

  “Drake, call me pronto when you get this.” He hung up and shoved the phone back into his pocket. “I swear – you just can’t find good help these days.”

  “I guess not.”

  He sighed and they started walking again in a strained silence.

  “How did Nikki and Nathan handle the funeral?” she asked quietly after a few more yards.

  “Like they didn’t believe you were actually dead. I expected that, however.”

  She looked at him. “You’re not going to harm them, are you?”

  “I already told you that I wouldn’t, as long as you don’t give me any trouble.”

  “I won’t,” she lied.

  “Good. Now, what were you and William talking about in the bedroom earlier?”

  “Oh, well, he told me that I should watch out for the other lycan in the house. He told me that they were getting anxious around me.”

  “Anxious? I suppose he means excited. I’m going to have to bring in some entertainment for them soon, I suppose.”


  He smiled darkly. “Yes. You see lycan are very lustful creatures. Very, very amorous. Especially when they haven’t been allowed to have sex for a while. I’ll bet they’re pretty pissed off at me right now.”

  Her eyes widened. “Let me get this straight – you haven’t allowed them to have sex?”

  “I haven’t allowed them out of the house f
or the last couple of weeks.” He chuckled. “I suppose their balls are turning blue, especially knowing that there is woman in the house. A vampire woman. It’s a good idea to stay out of their path until I can bring in some girls.”

  “You’re actually going to provide whores?”

  “Yes. It’s better that way. Especially for you.”

  Anne frowned. “What did you mean by having a vampire woman in the house? Why does that make a difference?”

  “I suppose you wouldn’t know this, but we have a love-hate relationship with vampires. Not only do we want to destroy the bastards, no offense, Anne,” he said, chuckling, “your turning was well out of your control. Anyway, the females give off some kind of pheromone. Something that riles us up.”

  “Are you saying that I affect them almost like a bitch in heat?”

  He smirked. “Good analogy. Yes. Even I am drawn to you,” he said, his eyes settling on her chest. “More than ever.”

  She raised her hand to her chest and swallowed. “Galen – I…”

  “Don’t worry,” he interrupted, looking back into her eyes. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt the child growing inside of you.”

  She sighed. “Thank you.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Anne, I’m not a nice guy. I’m a ruthless prick. One who will do anything I have to in order to succeed with my plans. I even married you, just so that I’d get off of the Feds’ radar. They were watching me very closely at the time. Admittedly, I was rather fond of you and that’s why you were chosen among several other candidates.”

  “Candidates? Wow, you really know how to knock a girl’s socks off,” she replied dryly.

  He shrugged. “I know that I used you and my temper sometimes got the best of me. Believe it or not, I do understand your bitterness. But,” he smiled, “now that things are in the open, I hope that we can come to a better understanding. Who knows, maybe even become friends.”

  Her eyebrow arched. “Friends?”

  He sighed. “You’re right. I can’t have friends. I’m the leader of my pack. The Alpha. My lycan need to respect and obey me at all times. Any weakness could be used against me by someone trying to take my place. If I had friends, it would make me vulnerable.”

  “That sounds like a lonely existence,” replied Anne softly, thankful that she wasn’t him or even a lycan.

  “I’m never alone,” he replied. “And, I don’t expect you to understand our way. I enjoy my life and have no regrets.”


  He smiled. “There are a few. But, they won’t be around much longer.”

  The meaning behind his words gave her the chills. Someone was definitely going to die. She just hoped it wasn’t her children. Or her.

  When they reached the park, Victor’s cell phone began to ring.

  “It better be Drake,” he muttered, pulling out his phone. He swore as he answered it. “Yeah?”

  Anne listened as he spoke. His words were clipped and the agitation in his voice grew as the conversation went one.

  “I don’t care. Find out what’s happening. Yes. I agree. This is totally unacceptable. No.”

  As he went on, he turned his back to her and continued.

  Anne glanced toward the edge of the park, which led to a small forest. She decided that if she couldn’t get her feet off of the ground, she might at least have a chance in the woods. Regardless, her life was hanging on a string, and the moment Dr. Shepard found out the truth, she’d be a very dead woman. At least this way, she’d have a chance.

  “Dammit! I’m not going to say it again – find them!” he barked into the phone.

  She took a deep breath and began to run.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I began to get restless, hiding in the barn. Martin had been inside for more than thirty minutes, and I was beginning to get agitated.

  “Dammit,” I whispered, biting my nails, which were so hard, they wouldn’t give. Frustrated, I began to pace as random thoughts flooded my mind.

  Was he okay or was he now her prisoner, too? Or… what if this was a set-up and Nathan was fighting off Celeste at this very minute?

  I groaned, not knowing what to do.

  My cell phone began to vibrate. I pulled it out and looked.


  “What?” I whispered.

  “It’s Celeste. Look, Martin sent us a cryptic message,” she replied. “He seems to be okay and said that he’s turning in for the night at the ranch. Said that everything is going well and not to worry.”

  “Turning in? How did he get Nathan’s phone number?”

  “He must have my cell phone,” she replied. “Anyway, I’m thinking that Martin is waiting for Faye to go to bed before he makes any kind of move.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Close,” I replied, not willing to give her that much.

  “Okay. Well, just continue to wait wherever you are and don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself. If you do something stupid, you might put my brother in danger.”

  At least she worried about someone.

  “Not planning on it,” I said tightly. “How is Nathan? You haven’t sucked him dry, have you?”

  She giggled. “He’s doing pretty well, actually. He’s standing right here, still full of blood.”

  “Can I talk to him?”


  A second later he was on the line and I sighed in relief. “Good, you’re okay,” I said. “The fact that she had your cell phone scared the crap out of me.”

  “I’m fine,” he replied. “No worries.”

  Right. Easier said than done when it came to Celeste…

  “Is she being good?”

  “She’s being… Celeste,” he replied. It sounded like he was grinning into the phone and my stomach clenched.

  I sighed. “She’s not trying to… you know…”

  “Don’t worry about me,” he said quickly. “Where exactly are you?”

  “In the barn. Don’t tell Celeste I told you that, by the way. Anyway, I’m waiting for Martin to send me some kind of signal from the house.”

  “Hang up the phone. Someone might hear you.”


  “Stay safe.”

  “You too, Nathan. And don’t you dare let your guard down around her.”

  “I won’t.”

  “I’m serious. She tried killing you. Twice. Don’t forget.”

  “Believe me, three times is not the charm, Twerp. Not with me.”

  I grinned at his old endearment. I missed the days of being just a simple twerp. “Promise?”

  “I’m a fucking animal now, Nik,” he joked and then roared like a lion. “Ain’t nobody going to get the better of me. Right, Celeste?”

  I couldn’t hear what she said, but he laughed.

  Suddenly a noise from outside drew my attention. An engine.

  “Gotta go,” I whispered, hanging up. I quickly flew up to the top of the loft and peered outside. Two men had just gotten out of a dark gray sedan and were walking toward the front door. They were both tall, somewhere in their thirties, and dressed casually.

  “You think she’s there?” murmured the taller of the two. He had spiky blonde hair and looked as if spent a lot of time at the beach. Definitely not a vampire.

  “Don’t know,” replied the other guy, who had dark, curly hair and was a little husky. He rang the doorbell. “I hope so, though. I don’t want to be the one to call Victor back to tell him we can’t find her. He’s going to be pissed.”

  The other man grunted.

  As I wondered why Victor was interested in Faye’s whereabouts, she opened the door.

  “Victor sent us. To send you a message,” said the blonde.

  Even in the darkness, I could see her scowl perfectly. She stepped out on the porch and closed the door behind her. “Fools, I have Celeste’s brother here. Don’t mention his name again. Unless you have a death wish.”<
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  “That doesn’t scare me,” said the dark-haired guy. “In fact, I’m glad he showed up here. See, Victor wants Celeste terminated. We may as well do the brother, too. Since he’ll become a problem when he learns of her death anyway.”

  “No,” she snapped. “We made a deal. Celeste is very useful to me and I won’t give her up. I already told him that before.”

  The dark-haired man shrugged. “I don’t know what kind of deal you made with Victor. All I know is that we were supposed to tell you to get rid of the girl. He doesn’t trust her. She’s nothing but trouble and needs to disappear.”

  “I can handle her.”

  “Then tell it to Victor,” he replied. “We’re just relaying the message.”

  “Why couldn’t he call me himself?” she replied. “Why did he send you two?”

  “Victor doesn’t trust telephones,” said the dark-haired guy. “Not when it comes to something like this. He thinks the Feds might still be trying to pin something on him.”

  She let out a weary sigh. “Very well, I’ll go and see him myself. Where is he? Still in Vegas?”

  “Yeah. We just flew out from there ourselves. Anyway, you’d better move quick if you want to talk him out of it. He’s already sent someone to Shore Lake to get the job done. He just wanted you to hear about it first.”

  “How considerate,” she replied dryly.

  The dark-haired guy jingled his keys. “We’re taking off. You want us to do the brother?”

  “No,” she snapped.

  “You sure? We’d love us a little vampire flesh to get the blood pumping. It’s a pure adrenaline rush, man.”

  “Not even a shape-shifter tastes as good,” joked the husky brunette.

  “Unless they’re sharing your bed,” joked the blonde, eyeing her hungrily.

  She glared at them. “Do you really have to be so obnoxious?”

  Just then, the door opened and Martin himself joined them on the porch.

  “Everything okay, Faye?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied in a clipped tone. “They were just leaving.”

  Martin sniffed. “Lycan?”

  “That’s right, vampire,” replied the dark-haired man, smirking.


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