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Illusions (Night Roamers #4)

Page 14

by Kristen Middleton

  Martin smiled coldly. “Have a safe trip home.”

  The other two men looked at each other, and from the tension in the air, I knew it wouldn’t take much to start an altercation.

  “Yes,” said Faye, moving between the three men. “You should really get moving. You must have a plane to catch?”

  “Not until this evening,” replied the blonde. “Which reminds me, we haven’t eaten. Let’s go find a diner or something, Joe.”

  Joe smirked. “I don’t know, I’m kind of hungry for something much rarer than what’s being served in town.”

  “There’s a diner about ten miles north of here. Has the best steak and eggs,” said Faye. “They’re really to die for. Unlike… what you’re contemplating here.”

  Joe threw his head back and laughed. “That was good. Okay, we’ll leave. But, remember what we told you, Faye. It’s going to happen soon. So, if you want to do something about it, you’d better act quickly.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  The two men turned around and walked back to the car.

  Faye and Martin watched them leave and then looked at each other.

  “Nice friends you have there, Faye,” said Martin, leaning against the porch.

  “Obviously they’re Victor’s men.”

  “I figured as much. I should have just taken them out.”

  “Then Victor would have known that I was involved.”

  “What’s the difference? They’re going to tell him about me. He’ll put two-and-two together. Know that I’m Caleb’s son.”

  “I’m not worried about that. They already know that Celeste is in my care and you showing up here shouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “Does Celeste know that you have dealings with Victor?” he asked.

  “No,” she said. “And there is no reason for her to find out. She wouldn’t understand.”

  “But I do?”

  Faye reached up and touched his cheek. “I’m going to try and help you destroy the man who killed your father. What else is there to understand?”

  He sighed.

  “Don’t tell her,” she said, smiling up at him. “I don’t want her upset.”

  He stared at her incredulously. “You do really care for my sister, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she replied, stepping away from him. “Which reminds me, I have to leave for a few hours.”

  His eyes widened. “Where?”

  “Business,” she replied, opening the front door. “But, don’t worry, Godrick will be around if you need anything.”

  Martin followed her inside and I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, nor did I need to. Faye was soon leaving and not only would it give me a chance to help rescue Duncan, but my gut told me that my mother was now back in Vegas.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Anne raced toward the woods, her heart pounding madly in her chest. She’d heard Victor holler in protest and knew that if she couldn’t figure out the flying thing soon, there would be hell to pay. Taking a deep breath, she leaped into the air, and when her feet stayed off the ground, she sobbed in relief.

  Thank you… thank you… thank you…

  Feeling a rush of adrenaline, she flew over the trees and headed toward the bright city lights, not daring to glance back toward Victor, who was undoubtedly having a conniption. When she reached the edge of town, she searched for a place to land – somewhere high off the ground and private. She eventually decided on a new hotel that wasn’t quite finished and aimed for the roof. When her feet touched concrete, she stumbled and lost her balance, landing on her stomach. She smiled at the discomfort of freedom, and turned over to look up at the stars.

  She was free...

  She took a few minutes to enjoy the euphoria, but then reminded herself that she wasn’t out of danger, nor were her children. She needed to remove the chip and get back to Shore Lake.

  She sat up and reached into her pocket for the razorblade and tweezers that she’d wrapped in tissue. Although nothing was very sterile, she wasn’t too worried. If her new body could recover from breast cancer and a miscarriage, then she could certainly beat an infection.

  Trying not to think about the baby she’d never get to cradle, she pulled her shirt up over her stomach, revealing the spot where they’d placed the damning chip. She couldn’t see anything, but could definitely feel a small lump next to her bellybutton. Biting her lower lip, she pinched the lump and then quickly, before changing her mind, cut into it with the razor blade.

  Okay, not so bad…

  She released the breath she’d been holding. Although there wasn’t much pain, blood began to spill out of the small incision. With her hands shaking, she took the tweezers and pushed it inside of the cut, trying to feel around for the chip.

  Without a question – that hurt…

  “Ah…” she gasped, pushing the tweezers around as she searched blindly. Not only was it painful, but she was frightened of puncturing something important. When she still couldn’t find anything, she removed the tweezers and jabbed her finger inside, crying out. Fortunately, it was worth the agony. She caught the tiny, metallic-looking object with her nail and scraped it out.

  “Here’s your chip,” she whispered, smiling at it in triumph. Holding her side, she stood up, walked over to the edge of the building, and flicked the chip out of her fingers. As it disappeared over the edge, she let out a sigh of relief.

  Now, she was free…

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Martin retired to the guest room, and Faye sought out Godrick, who was now in the kitchen.

  “I have to leave,” she said, quietly. “Do me a favor and keep an eye on Martin.”

  “What about the prisoners? What if he finds them? He might not understand, since they’re also Roamers.”

  She thought about it for a few seconds and then replied. “I want you to kill Duncan. Take him out to the barn and make sure he doesn’t come back out of there alive.”

  He grinned his approval. “And Ethan?”

  Her eyes softened. “Things have changed. In fact, I’m going to have a quick word with him before I leave. Give me the keys.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled them out. “What do you mean, things have changed?” he asked, puzzled.

  She stepped toward the doorway leading to the basement. “I’m releasing him.”

  His eyes widened. “Release him? After everything that’s happened? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense!”

  She turned to him, her face dark. “Keep your voice down,” she hissed.

  “I’m sorry,” he replied, lowering it. “But, I just don’t understand why you’re releasing him? Why now?”

  “Look, it’s none of your concern. Just do what I ask. Oh, and when you’ve finished killing Duncan and disposing of his body, meet me back at Club Nightshade. I should be there before daylight.”

  “Whatever you wish,” he replied, lowering his eyes.

  Faye knew that he was confused, but she also knew he was loyal and would carry out her orders.

  “Thank you,” she replied, before walking downstairs. When she entered the dungeon below, both prisoners looked up.

  Ignoring Duncan, she stepped over to Ethan’s cell and stared at him through the bars. He looked gaunt once again, and she figured it was because of the last beating from Godrick. The blood he’d consumed had healed his wounds but hadn’t been enough to restore him anywhere near proper health.

  “What now, Faye?” he asked, sounding tired.

  She hesitated. “If I release you – what would you do? Seek revenge?”

  He was slow to answer. “If you release me, I would leave here and I promise – it would be the last you’d see of me.”

  Her eyebrow arched. It wasn’t exactly the words she expected. “You’d disappear? For good?”

  “We’ve done each other wrong, Faye. The only thing that makes sense to me, at the moment, is to get as far away from you as I can. For b
oth of our sakes.”

  She tilted her head and gave him a quizzical look. “When you say, we’ve done each other wrong – how have you done me wrong?” she asked, trying to probe into his mind. Unfortunately, ever since he’d almost killed her, her telepathic abilities no longer worked, or else he’d just learned how to block her.

  He let out a ragged sigh. “Clearly, I’ve wronged you.”

  “You’ve wronged me?” she repeated, wanting to believe that he was telling the truth. That he really felt that way. His face conveyed sincerity and the words he spoke earlier, when he thought she was Nikki…

  Had he finally seen the light?

  “Yes, Faye. I guess you could say that I’ve been confused. About Nikki. So much that it’s clouded all of my decisions. I know it’s not an excuse… but things have finally become so clear now….”

  She unlocked his cell and stepped inside. “What do you mean?” she asked softly, wanting to hear more. Needing to hear the words she’d been dreaming about since the day Nikki had walked into all of their lives.

  He stared into her eyes and his smile was bittersweet. “The truth is that most of my life I’ve been searching for Miranda, and I guess I truly did believe that Nikki was her.”

  “And now you know that she isn’t?”

  “Yes, I know now that I’ve been wasting my time with her. I’ve been wasting my time on a lot of things.”

  “Why can’t you let go of Miranda?” she asked breathlessly, resisting the urge to touch him.

  “The guilt,” he replied. He looked away. “It’s been eating me alive. All these years.”

  “What do you mean by guilt?”

  “I thought you knew – Miranda killed herself,” he replied.

  Her eyes widened. “She did?”

  His eyes glimmered with tears. “Because of me. She couldn’t handle the fact that I’d become a monster.”

  She put her hands on his cheeks. “Listen to me, Ethan, you can’t blame yourself for that – and you are not a monster. If anyone is,” she blinked back tears, “it’s me,” she whispered hoarsely. “I’ve treated you horribly.”

  “No, Faye,” he replied. “I deserve to die for the way I’ve dismissed you from my life. I was too caught up in trying to right a wrong that I never considered your feelings. I’ve been a selfish bastard.”

  “Enough,” she replied, bringing her lips to his. “We’ll start over, my love. We’ll leave this place and start over somewhere.”

  “We will?” he whispered. “But, how can you forgive me?”

  She pulled back. “If you can forgive me, I can forgive you.”

  “Of course,” he replied, smiling warmly. “You have no idea how happy I am, Faye. How much this means to me.”

  She kissed his lips again and then began unlocking his shackles. “Ethan, I’m going to let you go so you can feed and regain your strength, while I’m gone. Then, when I return, we’ll go wherever you want. Maybe Europe?” She sighed happily. “I haven’t been to Europe in years. We could go to Paris and start over. Just the two of us.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked, trying to get her to talk. Knowing Faye, she was up to no good, and if it had anything to do with Nikki, he needed to find out. “Can’t we just leave now?”

  “Celeste is in danger. I have to help her.”

  His eyes widened. “Celeste?”

  “Yes, I’m going to Vegas to talk to Victor. He’s put a hit out on her and I need to stop him.”

  “Would you like me to accompany you?” he asked, rubbing his sore wrists.

  Smiling, she caressed his arm. “Normally, I’d love that, but Ethan, you need to rest and feed. You’re chilled to the bone.”

  “I am pretty weak,” he admitted.

  “Look,” she said, lowering her voice. “Celeste’s brother is here. This is his house and he has no idea that you or Duncan are here.”

  “Martin is here?”

  “Yes, you know him?”

  “We’ve met a few times.”

  “Well,” she glanced toward Duncan’s cell and then looked back at Ethan. “Godrick is going to finish off Duncan and then take off. I suggest you also leave quickly. Find yourself a hearty meal, gain your strength, and then meet me at Club Nightshade.”


  She stared at his bare chest, which was dirty and bloodstained. “And, no offense, but take a shower at my condo. There are some clothes you left in the guestroom awhile back. I just didn’t have the heart to dispose of them.”

  “Thank you, Faye,” he replied, lying through his teeth again. “For giving me another chance.”

  She brought her lips to his ear and nibbled on his lobe. “Just don’t make me regret it,” she whispered.


  Ethan followed Faye out of his cell, ignoring Duncan, who was trying to make eye contact, obviously perplexed. Ethan was weak and needed to focus on his act of deceiving Faye, which was taxing. It had taken a lot of effort to not bash her in the head when she’d touched and kissed him. And then there was the talk of love. If anything, he was more disgusted and repelled by her than ever before.

  “Godrick,” Faye said, as they entered the kitchen. “Remember what I told you and do it quickly.”

  Ethan and Godrick stared at each other coldly. More than anything, he wanted to beat the guard senseless with his bare hands, tear out his heart, and drop it onto Faye’s lap. It was more than obvious that Godrick was in love with her. As far as he was concerned, besides Faye herself, Godrick was the only other being that truly worshiped her.

  “Godrick,” she snapped.

  The guard looked at her. “As you wish.”

  Faye nodded and then turned to Ethan. “Come, we’ll leave this place together and go our separate ways.”

  He nodded.

  She kissed his lips and the crestfallen look on Godrick’s face was worth the aggravation.

  “Ethan will be returning to Club Nightshade, too, Godrick. He’ll be staying at my penthouse. From now on, you are to treat him with respect and give him anything he requires.”

  The guard clenched his teeth. “Yes, Faye. If that is your will.”

  She walked over and patted the side of his face. “Now, don’t be like that, Godrick.”

  He didn’t reply, he just continued glaring at Ethan, who smiled smugly.

  Faye sighed and then began walking out of the kitchen, toward the great room. “Come on, Ethan. He needs some time to adjust.”

  “You mean sulk?” replied Ethan.

  “Be nice,” she said, going through the doorway. “Both of you.”

  Godrick mumbled. “You hurt her, and you’ll be begging for death.”

  Ethan’s eyes glittered darkly. “Your mistress has issued you an order. To be nice.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He laughed. “I think you’d better heel, Dogrick.”

  “It’s Godrick,” he growled.

  “Woof,” replied Ethan, daring him to try something.

  Godrick clenched his fists. “I’m going to be watching you closely. One wrong move and I’ll make sure that you don’t survive the next beating from me.”

  Ethan raised his arms. “Since you couldn’t kill me with my hands tied behind my back, your threats mean shit to me.”

  “I spared your life on purpose.”

  “Than that was your mistake,” replied Ethan, smiling coldly.

  Godrick’s face was almost purple, he was so angry.

  “Ethan,” said Faye, walking back into the kitchen, this time nude. “We have to go. Quit goading Godrick.”

  The guard stared at Faye’s perfect curves hungrily while Ethan held back his laughter. Godrick had no idea how truly hideous the real Faye was, both inside and out. All he saw was the illusion and not the grotesque monster lurking inside.

  “I’m coming,” replied Ethan, stepping next to her. As they walked out of the kitchen together, he looked back at Godrick and grinned triumphantly.

  Chapter Thirty

; Nikki

  Fifteen minutes after the two lycan left the ranch, Faye stepped out of the house, and she was not alone.

  I gasped.


  Two individuals, who I despised more than anything else in the world, were once again reunited, and from the looks on their faces, pretty happy with themselves.

  I hope they end up killing each other, I thought, seething inside. Save me the trouble…

  Faye, who was prancing around nude and carrying some kind of designer tote bag, kissed Ethan quickly on the lips, and then transformed herself back into the gargoyle-like creature. She grabbed the sequined tote clumsily with her claws, and leaped into the sky. As I waited to see what Ethan would do next, someone put a hand over my mouth and I heard the click of a gun.

  “Don’t move,” warned the man, a smile in his voice. “Or your brains will look like horseshit.”

  I recognized Joe’s voice immediately. I considered piercing his hand with my teeth, but, he had also considered it.

  “You bite me, and I’ll yank them out with the pliers that I have in the back of my trunk. That is, before I blow your head off. Then, I’ll make a necklace out of those pearly whites.”

  I sighed.

  “Hey, isn’t this Victor’s stepdaughter? Nicole?” asked the other lycan, as Joe pulled me toward the center of the barn.

  “I believe it is,” he replied, chuckling. “Which means that our luck has taken a turn for the better. He’s going to be thrilled when he finds out we’ve found her.”

  The other lycan eyed me lewdly. “Maybe we should take our time in telling him. Have ourselves a little fun first.”

  I could feel Joe’s hand stiffen up. “I don’t think he’d like that, Jack. Not one bit.”

  “We don’t owe him anything. You especially don’t. He killed your brother.”

  “Yeah, but Tommy challenged Victor. Tried to make a fool out him. He was left with no choice but to make an example of the dope. Otherwise, it would have been a sign of weakness.”


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