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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

Page 9

by Claire Merrington

  “I understand that Detective and I’m not saying your wrong but while your wearing that badge your representing the police force, this station and yourself and I expect you as a Detective to do that with more respect and integrity in the future. You are the aspiration of your team and I expect you to lead them well in behaviour. Do I make myself clear Detective?”

  “Crystal Sir.”

  Jane was about to walk out of his office when she remembered why she had actually gone up there in the first place to see the Superintendent.

  “Sir the reason I was up here was to give you an update on the case. But were actually going to be holding a team meeting to discuss all the information and progress if you would care to join us for it?”

  “Ok Detective I will follow you down.”

  Jane and the Superintendent made their way down to the main area of the station where the rest of Jane’s team were waiting. Jane could definitely detect the distinct aroma of alcohol coming of her Superintendent now as he walked with her down the stairs. It was making the whole situation nark on her even more. That he had the cheek to call her out on representing the police force with respect and integrity and here he smelt like a brewery.

  “Ok guys gather round were do the team meeting now. Eric brings that map on the board you have got over with you. Were going to be needing it.”

  “Yes mam.”

  “Ok I’ll start with what me and Amy have been up to and what we learnt this morning. We went to the coroner’s office to collect the medical examination reports. The female victim was indeed Helen Moore. She was a thirty-eight year old wife and mother of two. She was reported missing just over twenty-four hours ago after not returning from the Supermarket. We need to get hold of that supermarket and see if they have security CCTV footage that covers their car park facilities there. The toxicology results haven’t come back for her as of yet. She had deep gashes to her abdomen and ligature marks around her wrists, ankles and neck.”

  “Excuse me around her ankles as well the photos that Thaddeus sent us only depicted her hands and neck being bound?”

  “Yes we came to the conclusion that when she was taken from the supermarket or somewhere, hopefully not, but possible on her journey home he then bound her wrists and ankles to transport her to where she was tortured and murdered. The cause of her death was a broken neck rather than strangulation with most hanging cases. When the second rope around her wrist was cut the change in weight balance caused her neck to snap she died instantly. The eyelids were enough torture he removed them with a small blade possibly a scalpel although rather crudely they were torn off at the end.”

  “Have her eyelids been recovered? I was just wondering whether they had been found and given us any clue as to why he removed them in the first place?”

  “As of yet no. But I believe the motive to be one of psychological merit rather than anything else. But we still haven’t found the scene of the crime yet so that may bare fruit. There was a white powder found in the victims hair that will hopefully lead to something that could possibly give us a location.”

  “Ok well I suppose we should also hear about Jack?”

  “This is harder to hear for all of us but I ask you this information we need to do Jack justice so hold up for me people. Amy you have already heard this information once today so if you would like to take leave for a few minutes I would more than understand as would the rest of the team I’m sure.”

  “No it’s fine I want to be here for support.”

  Jane nodded in gratitude knowing this was going to be hard for all her team to hear and even harder for her to have to repeat without chocking up in tears.

  “Jack died of a knife wound to the abdomen. The Doctor found clamp marks on some of his arteries and veins to control the bleeding as Thaddeus removed his liver. He wanted to keep him alive while he did so. When he released the clamps Jack essentially bled out. By the time Eric and myself found him there was nothing either of us could do. We do know that it was a blitz attack on Jack. Dave found two burns to the side of the neck that came from prongs on a taser. Were waiting to hear back from the crime scene techs as to whether they found any of the numeric code confetti that all tasers release when fired. The toxicology results for Jack haven’t come back yet either. And we need to get onto the maintenance team at my apartment block to get hold of the security tapes for the car park.”

  “He removed his liver. He has turned into a mutilator not just a killer. First with the ladies eyelids now Jacks liver. Perhaps he is aiming for the insanity plea if he gets caught again because this seems like madness.”

  “I know Sir I don’t understand any of the moves Thaddeus has made on this one yet but I don’t think he wants us to. After we collected all the information because we now have a positive identity on Helen Moore we went to notify the family. Eric and Ian your work kind of overlaps in places so why don’t you present your information together.”

  “Sure thing well I’ll start. You gave me the task of trying to find who could have helped Thaddeus learn how to make a bomb. With the help of the bomb squad and what they knew about the types of bombs Thaddeus had made. And Eric with his map of places that Thaddeus had got off trains at we have potential locations and shops that Thaddeus could of collected the materials needed to build his bombs. The type of bomb particularly the pipe trigger bomb had a signature so we could tie it to a maker. The signature had a lead pipe that ran through the centre as well as it being a screw top pipe bomb, which I am told is very dangerous. Because if any of the fine powder filling that Thaddeus had put in the bomb got onto the rings of the screw as he did the lid up it could of caused it to go bang. So it was a very sophisticated bomb design. The signature of the bomb can be tied to a bomb maker that is an inmate in the same prison that Thaddeus was incarcerated at. That is where he was taught. The inmate is Kyle McManus.”

  “That’s great Ian you did it you found the bomb teacher.”

  “Yeah we got him. Eric why don’t you kick off with what you have found out for us.”

  “Ok guys well with the help of how well our train stations are monitored I managed to track Thaddeus movements quite well. He got off and backs on again in several places. So I started working on the list of associates in those areas with the help of Perry. We got quite a few names in the locations as well as some associates more local to here as well as shops we think he may have visited for bomb supplies.”

  “Ok guys so we have a to do list for tomorrow. What you’re going to do is take a team and start knocking on all them addresses for the associates. Search their houses let all of them know the pressure wont be off until we catch Thaddeus. Then I want you to go to the shops you think he has been to and show his mug off collect all the records you can for what he has bought and how much. Then we can get in touch with bomb squad and work out how many devices he could make with the amount of ingredients he has got. Collect as much co-operating CCTV footage as you can as well. Me and Amy will go to the Supermarket see if we can get the footage for the car park and show Helen Moore’s kidnapping and were work it from that angle. I’ll chase the security footage for Jack as well. I also checked in with the tip line that we have had set up and so far it has yielded no useful information and Thaddeus hasn’t tried to contact us through that at all.”

  “Excuse me Detective sorry to interrupt I know your busy but this lady is requesting to see you and she seems rather upset and has a package she says is meant for you.”

  “Ok Alan not a problem sends her through.”

  The lady came bursting through the doors the package she had Jane could see had been clearly opened. The woman looked tear stricken and sick with grief and anger. Jane heard Eric exclaim Annie and tried to talk to her but she seemed hell bent on getting to Jane. When Jane heard Eric’s exclamation of recognition Jane realised that she was Jack’s girlfriend. Annie shoved the box into Jane’s arms but only really so she could free up her own hands. She struck Jane around the face so hard, surprisingly so fo
r such a small petite woman, it was enough to knock the air from Jane’s lungs.

  “You vile Bitch!! It’s your entire fault my Jack is dead because of you. And then I have to wake up to find this on my doorstep. And do you know what it says courtesy of Detective Jane Sparrow. He butchered my love because of you. We were planning our future together and now it has gone in a matter of seconds. I hope you don’t catch him until he gets round to you. So he can rip you to shreds. That is the only justice that I want.”

  Jane sat there in shock. Tears streaming down her burning cheek form the slap she had sufficed. The hatred that was spilling of this woman filled the air around Jane making her want to curl away from it. The rest of the team were standing as shell shocked as Jane. Eric was the first one to muster his senses he came over to restrain Annie and to help calm her down.

  “Come on Annie come take a seat in here with me and explain what happened. Just calm down ok.”

  As Eric was leading her away she quickly turned back to Jane and spat in Jane’s face.

  “You should be ashamed of yourself. What a coward to let other people die for you.”

  Jane sat there in complete shock and dumbfounded by what had just happened, as was the rest of the team. Eric had taken Annie into one of the interrogation rooms to talk to her in private and calm a now hysterical Annie down. Jane took the courage to look inside the already opened package. It contained to what Jane thought looked like Jack’s missing liver.

  “Ian can you call the coroner please.”

  “Yeah sure but why what do we need him for?”

  “I’ve just found Jack’s missing liver. Thaddeus sent it to Jack’s girlfriend.”

  Chapter 10

  The coroner arrived to collect the liver. Jane had escaped to the bathroom so she could clean herself up, one from Annie’s spit in her face, and two from the tears that she had shed, from the realisation that other people had had the same thought about her as she did. Despite what Perry had said her thoughts had been confirmed Jack’s death was in part her fault.

  “Jane are you in here?”

  “Yeah, I am coming Amy don’t worry.”

  “Jane about what Annie said I don’t want you to let it play on your mind at all. I know what you are like you are probably blaming yourself enough as it is. Thinking that now all your thoughts have been confirmed. But let me tell you none of it was your fault. Annie is just a grieving girlfriend in shock. That package must have been awful for her to open and she just needed a scapegoat to blame and Thaddeus handed her you with his little note.”

  “I know he did. He pretty much threw me under a bus to take the blame. But Annie was right. Thaddeus wants me. There is no need for other people to die in my place. And when we are in the field it is my responsibility, my duty to keep my team safe and I failed. It is my fault no matter how you sugar coat it Amy.”

  “Jane you were there. If Thaddeus wanted to kill you there and then he had every opportunity but he chose to kill Jack not you. Thaddeus is all about mind games and this is the best one to get under your skin and to try and drive a wedge between this team. He knows after last time that there will be no stopping us until we catch him. And do you have any idea how scared we all were that Thaddeus could have got to you that easy? Do you think we were all just grieving for Jack? We miss him and we will never forget Jack but the thought that he could of got to you again. Do you think any member of this team forgave themselves for you being kidnapped before? No, of course we didn’t. Now Detective, snap out of it. None of us are aloud to throw ourselves pity parties you included. You asked the biggest thing of all of us to focus through our grief so we could do Jack justice well now I’m telling you the same. Pull yourself together Detective.”

  Jane stood there shocked for a few moments Amy had never taken that tone with her before. Jane knew what Amy was saying made sense but still. Jane couldn’t help but burst into laughter though as she watched Amy’s face studying her to see if Jane had listened to her or whether she had just landed herself in big trouble for shouting at her boss.

  “Jesus Amy reminds me never to piss you off.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be harsh. It’ just we are all upset about losing Jack and scared that it could have been you. I was serious when I said that for the most part this team still hasn’t forgiven themselves for the first time you were taken. I know you suffered more than any of us in that situation but it doesn’t mean the team has forgot it either.”

  “I know Amy thanks.”

  Jane and Amy headed on back to Jane’s desk where the Superintendent and Ian were still waiting.

  “Dave left this boss when he collected the package. He said it was some more updated information on our first victim Helen Moore. He said you needed to read it ASAP.”

  Jane opened the file confused as to what new information it could pertain to. As far as Jane was aware they had all the information about Helen Moore they were going to get except what the white powder substance in her hair was. But as to why that would come form Dave Jane had no idea. Jane then remembered that they hadn’t had the toxicology results back either yet but she thought that it would be too quick for that. Jane quickly scanned through the file trying to find the section that Dave had highlighted to show that it contained new information. It was about the victim’s stomach content Jane had forgotten they hadn’t had the results for that yet either. The analysis had came back showing that they had found tissue samples congruent with her having ingested her own eyelids. As well as the tissue that they found in the stomach contents being consistent with the shape and form of the eyelids, there was also another sample but they were unsure as to where that had come from. They were going to try and do a DNA sample but the tissue may be too degraded for proper analysis. Jane couldn’t believe what she was reading she had to re read it three times, physically and mentally her brain could not comprehend the information that is was trying to process. With the cruelty of Jack’s liver being removed while he was still alive and then being sent as a package to his grieving girlfriend. Jane didn’t think that Thaddeus could be capable of anything worse. But he had taught Jane a valuable lesson never to underestimate him because he had just managed a lot worse.

  “What is it Jane? You look like your going to be sick.”

  “The Doctor analysed the stomach content for Helen Moore. He found tissue samples in her stomach that is consistent with her having ingested her own eyelids. Not only did Thaddeus cut and tare off her eyelids. He fed them to her.”

  “You have got to be kidding.”

  “I wish I were sir. I thought it was bad enough with what he had done to Jack but were heading into a whole new level of psychosis here.”

  Amy had only managed to hear the first bit before she had run off with her hand over her mouth to the bathroom. She definitely was suffering with nausea and this case certainly wasn’t helping. Jane looked up from the file after reading it one last time to confirm she had read it correctly to find that Eric and Annie were walking towards her. Annie was still looking rather upset but a lot calmer than when she first came into the station.

  “Detective I just wanted to apologise before I left. Eric explained the situation to me a bit better and I am sorry for the things that I said. I am very sorry I am in deep grief for the loss of Jack and the shock of that, that package it drove me over the edge. I needed someone to lash out at and blame and it was easier to aim it at you I am very sorry.”

  “I understand Annie please you have nothing to apologise for I am sorry. I am the Detective I am responsible for my teams safety when out in the field I should of made sure that Jack was safe, I should of made sure all of them were safe. I underestimated the man that murdered your partner I never expected him to go after my team. I’m sorry that that doesn’t make it better for you. If I could do anything to bring Jack back I would. I know I can say for all of us in this room Jack will be missed. He was very well loved by us all.”

  “Thank you Detective for being so understa
nding. As much as it is your duty to keep this team safe I hope you know not much would of changed Jack’s actions. He was old fashioned in his views to a degree it made him a gallant and brave man. And I know that he regarded you highly. I believe he would always stand in the line of fire to protect anyone he cared about. I forgot that for a moment. As he was brave I need to be now when facing life without him. Again I am sorry Detective I will be in touch in a more appropriate form if Thaddeus contacts me again.”

  “Thank you Annie takes care. Call us if you need anything.”

  “I’ll walk you out Annie.”

  With that Eric and Annie left the station. Jane rang Perry to say she was ready for him to come and get her as by this point it was past eight and the team had a lot to do tomorrow. They all waited with her until Perry arrived and helped to fill him in on all the new details of the case. The part about Jack’s liver and Helen Moore’s eyelids even managed to turn Perry’s stomach that was normally so solid on everything. Poor Amy had to fight the urge to be sick again as well.

  “Ok guys were meet back here at say half seven and get cracking on with our large list of tasks. All of you be safe ok.”


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