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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

Page 10

by Claire Merrington

  Jane stepped into the car with Perry as her three tailing police officers lined up to escort Jane to wherever Perry had booked for them to stay the night. They drove in the car in silence for no more than ten minutes when they pulled over into a hotel car park. Nowhere near as grand and picturesque as last nights. It was a run of the mill motorway hotel but Jane didn’t mind as long as it had a warm bed and a hot shower that was all she really cared about.

  “Sorry it’s not as upmarket as last nights hotel but I thought it would be a good idea as well as moving around a lot to change the pattern of the type of hotel we stay in. I don’t want Thaddeus thinking we are developing a pattern at all.”

  “Perry the hotel is fine as long as it has a warm bed, a hot shower and you in I couldn’t care less what it looks like. Now come on let’s go check in.”

  Again two officers followed Jane and Perry through into the hotel reception they were to be the security detail on Jane’s hotel room for the night. The other escorting officers were to stay in the car park and do a lap and check of the perimeter every hour. They reached the reception desk to find the young gentlemen behind talking rather animatedly to another member of staff about his weekend plans and how his last date went. He paid no attention to the fact that there was two police officers with Jane and Perry and that they were all standing there as he continued to talk. Jane could feel the impatience pouring off Perry to the point that he actually interrupted with a very loud cough and “I’d like to check in please’. The young girl that the obviously gay young gentleman was talking to looked absolutely mortified. The young man with his over the top hand gestures, perfectly styled hair and what seemed to be a permanent affixed tan gave them a disdainful look as his latest rendition of his date was interrupted as he checked them in. It wasn’t until that he actually looked up from his computer screen and saw the two police officers that he started to regard Jane and Perry with any interest. The escorting police officers requested chairs to sit on as they were going to be keeping guard at their hotel room for the night that he pretty much became overwhelmed with excitement at the potentiality of gossip.

  “Ooh I love a man in uniform. So come on give me the gossip what’s the big security detail for. I don’t recognise them so they can’t be famous?”

  “I’m sorry sir but its classified information. The chairs sir?”

  “Ooh spoils sports. Go ahead and take the ones from the lobby over there. I’ll be on reception all night if you two handsome boys need anything ok Huns.”

  Jane and Perry headed on up to their room and left the security detail setting the chairs and position up for the night at the door. Their room was nothing special or fancy it was just a standard double bedroom. Jane knew Perry was going to want to talk about what Annie had did she saw it on his face the minute he heard the update. But to be fair Jane was over it. There was no point thinking or worrying on something that she can’t change.

  “I’m going to go jump in the shower would you care to join me Mr Fierce?”

  “Yes, yes I would but first I want to talk to you about what happened with Annie today. You need to talk to me….”

  “Stop right there ok. I don’t need to talk I’m over it. Annie had the right to say what she did it’s a horrible time for her and she was upset. But there is no point of me thinking or worrying over it, its something I can’t change. Jack is dead the only thing I can do is catch Thaddeus. Which off course I will. But firstly what I need is for you to come take a shower with me and then give me a good seeing too. A few orgasms and I should be able to relax nicely enough to have a good relax and sleep with my gorgeous man.”

  “What, is your gorgeous man coming to join you after I have had my wicked way with you?”

  Jane patted Perry with a playful smack on the bum as she shuffled past him to get to the bathroom.

  “Always the joker I meant you, you big buffoon.”

  Jane grabbed Perry by the arm and pulled him into the bathroom with her before he could protest. Before they had even made it into the shower they both had become overcome with the excitement of the hot kisses and flurry of clothes to the floor. They were both enveloped in each others arms and were caught up in the moment of it just being the two of them like no one else in the world existed. Perry had Jane scooped up in his arms and pinned to the back of the shower that wasn’t the biggest. The water cascaded over them as Perry drove into Jane bringing her to the edge of climax. Jane was secretly pleased with the fact that she was still capable of the acrobatics it took to have sex in the shower. Perry then did something that Jane had never thought of before but the feeling was so intense and overwhelming. He brought the showerhead down and turned the pressure down and rested it between Jane’s thighs. Letting the steady water flow tease over her excited clitoris. The newfound sensation bought Jane over the edge and she climaxed with such force she nearly lost her footing. Perry had to hold her up from collapse. There was something so primal, intense and carnal about having sex in a situation where you’re meant to be getting clean. Perry had already buried the length of his erection into Jane’s vagina again and was pumping with great rhythm that worked well with the steady flow of water that was back in place to cascade over their stimulated bodies. It felt like hours that they stayed in the shower enjoying the warmth of the water and the connection between both their bodies. Both knowing that as soon as they step out of the shower and go back into the main section of their hotel room they are going to be reminded of the dismal situation they are in. But Jane also knew that they were going to have to break apart soon as she needed to go to bed if she is ever to make it up in the morning. Jane also knew that she couldn’t stay connected with Perry much longer like this the pit of her stomach was starting to ache from clenching in orgasm too much.

  “Come on you we should get out. I’m starting to go wrinkly being in the water for this long.”

  “Ok if we have to.”

  Jane and Perry begrudgingly separated their entwined bodies and stepped out. Perry tightly wrapped Jane in a towel to prevent her from getting cold as he plodded off still stark naked to find her a robe to put on.

  When they had both finished preparing themselves for bed they wandered into their hotel room hand in hand and snuggled down into their bed sheets for the night.

  “Get some rest Jane you have got a long day ahead of you tomorrow. I’ll still be here in the morning.”

  Perry could tell that Jane was about to protest about not wanting to go to sleep but she thought better of it anyway.

  Jane awoke in the morning feeling bright and rested ready for the day ahead and all its tasks. She could smell the soft aroma of coffee and toast waiting for her and she could smell and sense the sweet aroma of Perry beside her. She opened her eyes to find him watching her adoringly. Jane thought that most people probably found it creepy knowing that someone is laying there watching over them but Jane found it endearing that Perry liked watching over her as she slept. Jane thought he was doing it more now than ever because he had such high concern for her safety. Unfortunately Jane was in no position to play down the threat to her, or play him off as being a hypochondriac, she really was at threat. As they ate the breakfast that Perry had called down for Jane filled him in on the plans she had for the day. Technically if everything went to plan Jane and Amy would actually only be leaving the station once, which Jane knew would please Perry. Perry had a lot of weight and admiration amongst his old colleagues within the drug and gang community but mostly he had strong associations. Many valued him still as a friend so he promised that in a safe manor he would throw his weight around within that community to apply pressure to find Thaddeus. With that and the amount of footwork that Eric and Ian and a small select team were going to be doing they hopefully will be cutting Thaddeus world of connections down a notch.

  Jane got ready for work in record time and they headed of to the station. Perry followed her in, as he wanted to check with Ian and Eric which of the associations of Thaddeus they were going
to be talking to. Jane could hear Perry calling off the names of the ones he knew, especially the ones who had bosses that he knew well. It sometimes still scared Jane how well Perry was connected in that world. But he wasn’t dealing anymore he was working as a consultant for the police when it came down to it and he will eventually be working on giving talks to local schools, colleges and university kids.

  “Ok Ian, Eric you best gather your team and get going I’m sorry you have a lot of footwork to do today but stay together, check in regular and be safe.”

  “Detective I will be going with them. I will take charge of re-routing all the information we collect in the field to you so you can investigate more on any probative Intel we gather. I will keep your team safe and make sure they check in regularly.”

  “That will be great Sir thank you. Perry you have your list of people that you can talk to help. Me and Amy are only going to be going to the supermarket to collect the CCTV footage and then we will be back here to run point for the in flow of information. We’ve all got our jobs to do so lets go to work and make Thaddeus world a whole lot smaller.”

  Perry came over and gave Jane a quick kiss goodbye and told her to be extra careful before he shot off to get on with his list of jobs. Ian managed to sneak in a quick peck on Amy with a small rub on her belly before the Superintendent noticed. Jane thought that it was quite sweet that he was willing to risk it to show Amy that he cared. Amy by this point was a little red in the face with embarrassment as neither of them had ever shown signs of affection in front of the rest of the team before.

  “Ok Amy gets on to the bomb unit for me. Let them know we are going to be fielding them information across the whole of today regarding purchase of materials Thaddeus could use to make a bomb. We need to know with the said materials how many and what kind of devices he could be making. I am going to get onto the supermarket and let them know we are going to be coming. We also need to sort out at some point for somebody to go talk to the man that helped Thaddeus learn about bombs. I’ll speak to the prison warden and perhaps arrange for something tomorrow for one of us to talk to Kyle McManus.”

  “Ok I’ll get on it. I’ll call forensics as well chase up some of the information that we have been waiting on. And I’ll get on to the Doc for the awaiting toxicology reports.”

  “Ok I’ll let the supermarket know were be there in about an hour.”

  Jane went over to her desk to use her phone when she found that she had answer phone messages. One of the many things she used to take for granted that Jack did that she would now have to get used to doing for herself.

  “Amy I have some messages hold off ringing the doc and forensics they may have been them that left them.”

  Jane pressed play and waited she had two messages one was indeed from Doctor Dave Berry the coroner. Telling her she needed to call as he had new evidence relating to her case. The second was once again from him. Left at two thirty three in the morning Jane went cold and covered in goose bumps as it played he didn’t say a word he was just laughing.

  “Ignore it rise above him Jane. He is just taunting you. Leave it on there I’ll be able to save it to keep it for evidence. If you take over calling the good coroner, I’ll get onto the phone company because we both know they love me after our first conversation. And I’ll see if I can trace where that call came from.”

  “Thanks Amy.”

  Jane shook of the cold sweat that she was trying to break out in. Now was not the time to be freaking out. Now was the time to get to work. Jane started with the supermarket and spoke with the ever-helpful manager their Chris Everton. The manager offered to start finding the security tapes they may need for them straight away from all possible angles he had covering the car park area. The chief warden at the prison was next on her list and he was more than willing for any member of Jane’s team to go to his prison to speak to the inmate when ever most convenient for them. The prisoner in question would be placed in holding, basically solitary confinement, until that time when Jane could get to talk to him. Jane was hoping it would make him more willing to talk when they got there. Plus he wasn’t limited so much on his outside contact with the world so he could still be helping Thaddeus build his devices in which case Jane wanted that cut off.

  Jane’s next phone call was to the coroner’s office Jane was intrigued to find out what had got the doc so excited with new evidence on the message.

  “Hey Dave you left a message what’s the new evidence you got for me. I hope it’s not as horrible as the last.”

  “Well it shouldn’t upset your stomach as much but horrible in a sense. I got the toxicology results back for our victims. They both had LSD in their systems. So it caused me to take another look at the bodies and I found small but distinguishable puncture marks to the top of the neck in the occipital region. Not a place you could inject yourself in for recreational use so it was definitely there killer.”

  “LSD really well what does that mean?”

  “Lysergic acid diethylamide it’s a powerful hallucinogenic drug.”

  “I know that Dave I meant what does it mean for our victims?”

  “Right you’re a Detective of course you knew that. Thaddeus probably used it to drive up the fear level. When used in a hostile situation like it was it could create a powerful distortion in their perception creating a very unpleasant affect.”

  “How awful for them it must have made the whole situation with removal of liver and eyelids even worse for the both of them. But silver lining for the investigation we can hopefully track the purchase. How much are we talking Doc?”

  “Well he would of needed to purchase quite a large amount. It reaches half-life within the system between three and five hours. So say for our case half life was reached at five hours when the blood samples were taken for Helen Moore it had been twelve hours since her death so she only had ten micrograms showing in her system still. Where as Jack it had only been four hours from time of death when I took the samples and he had forty micrograms left in his system. The threshold for that drug is only between twenty and thirty micrograms. So at the time of administration I’d estimate that they were injected with about double that say sixty micrograms each.”

  “Wow ok that is a lot. Thanks Dave I’ll look into it. Let me know if you get anything else.”

  “That should be it for me now. Forensics will let you know any other information like the tasers and white powder and about the extra piece of tissue found in the stomach. That is of course unless we get another body.”

  “Lets hope not. Thanks Dave.”

  Amy came of the phone at the same time. The bomb unit was all prepped to receive the information throughout the day and they were aware of the kind of information they wanted back. Forensics was going to be faxing over the results they have for the taser, numeric code, the white powder substance from Helen Moore’s hair and the extra tissue sample found in her stomach contents. The phone company had traced the call that came in at two thirty three to another payphone, different from the first one. So Amy was going to look in the system later to find its location and add it to the board of movements for Thaddeus.

  Jane and Amy headed on out to the supermarket to meet with the manager Chris Everton to collect the CCTV tapes. When they arrived at the store they found that it was quite a large Morrison shop with what Jane could see at least three cameras on the outside perimeter of the store that could of collected a view of the kidnapping.

  “Hi there I’m looking for the manager Chris Everton?”

  “That would be me I take it you’re the Detective I spoke to in regards for the security tapes. I collected all the ones you needed and have them right here. The only member of staff that could have been in the vicinity at the time to see anything would have been our trolley collector. His name is Hal Walpole. He isn’t on duty today so I collected his contact details in case you wanted to speak to him as well.”

  “That’s perfect. Thank you for all of your help. We will call if we need anythi
ng else.”

  “Please do any way in which we can aid your investigation into the matter we will do our best?"

  “Once again thank you for your speediness and cooperation. Take care.”

  With that Jane and Amy left the supermarket to head back to the station both hoping that there was going to be some more information waiting for them there. Jane was feeling a little bit strange from leaving the Supermarket it was a feeling she couldn’t quite explain. She was shocked it had been so quick and easy to get what they needed. It was like her brain couldn’t quite catch up.

  “Wow I wish all people were that helpful and speedy at cooperating.”

  “I know right?”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know its left me feeling a little strange. Nothing in an investigation is ever that easy when a large company is involved. Especially when it comes to the procurement of information normally they are all concerned with protocol and legal procedure.”

  “That’s true. Well you have been a Detective long enough to know when to trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right question it look into the manager of the shop if you have to. But to be fair they probably don’t want it making it to the news that this is where she went missing from.”


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