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Marrying Mr Write

Page 10

by Cassandra P Lewis

  Jackson smiles up at me as he starts to pull down the ‘cheeky monkey’ boy shorts that I put on when I dressed in a hurry this morning and I pull the pillow over my face in embarrassment.

  I feel the delicious sensation of Jackson’s lips working their way up my inner thigh and gasp as he finds the part of me that’s so desperate for him. Jackson reaches up and pulls the pillow away and I blush as I look down my body and meet his hungry gaze.

  I throw my head back as he circles his tongue agonisingly slowly around my clit and then sucks and flicks frantically for a brief moment before circling again. It’s torture, and it’s incredible.

  I arch my back and push down as Jackson pushes two fingers inside me and starts to tip me toward the edge with his ‘come hither’ motion and the increased speed and pressure of his tongue.

  I’m struggling to hold it together as Jackson slowly stops what he is doing and moves up my body, holding himself above me and looking into my eyes. I place my hands on the backs of his arms as I feel the tip of his erection at my entrance and open my legs a little wider to give him the permission that he is looking for. He is slow and gentle as he makes his way inside me and I think that I may lose it. I’m already shaking with eagerness and the intense sensation of this slow assault is too much.

  I move my hands onto his sides and down his back before squeezing his backside hard and looking up at him through my lashes. Jackson exhales as he accepts my invitation and starts to move.

  He takes his weight onto his knees as he pushes back and lifts my knees toward my chest. I let out a small scream at the sudden depth and grip hard onto the duvet beneath me as I try desperately to fight against the orgasm that is fast approaching; I’m not ready for this to end yet.

  Jackson picks up his pace and starts to pull back on my hips as he thrusts and I know that he’s close, I exhale to allow my body to give in and relax into the waves of pleasure that wash over me. I feel myself clench around him and throw my head back into the pillow to enjoy the aftershocks of my orgasm as Jackson lets out a moan and thrusts hard into me, before slowly coming to a stop.

  I’m lying on a mattress on the floor looking up at the ceiling; I can’t believe that Rosie is here with me.

  “When are you going to put the mattress back on the bed James?” She is laughing as she makes her way back from the bathroom in my t-shirt.

  “When you say you’re moving back in Alvez!” I reply as she lies back down next to me. “Speaking of which,” I reach into the box at the side of the bed and pull out the envelope, “I believe this is yours Rosetta, that is, if you still want to marry me?”

  “Ahh!” Rosie smiles and squeals as she sees her engagement ring in my hand, “I have felt so lost without that! Of course I still want to marry you, but…” she hesitates, “No Rosie, no! Do not ‘but’ me!”

  “Wait, hear me out,” she smiles a mischievous smile and I’m curious, “Why don’t we just keep this between us, for now? I’ll stay with Rafe and Matthew for a while, you keep hold of my ring for me, and we date, secretly. What do you think?” she grins and she looks like the old Rosie, the cheeky, playful Rosie.

  “Why? Are you ashamed to tell people we’ve sorted ourselves out?” I don’t see the benefit of keeping this a secret, “No of course I’m not, but think how fun it could be, sneaking around, secret dates. We’ve never really ‘dated’ and I think we’ve got a great opportunity to do that now with no pressure.”

  I think about what she is suggesting for a moment and the possibilities flood my imagination, this could be fun. I smile and no words are needed as Rosie leaps on me, throwing her arms around my neck and giggling like a little girl.


  “Baby sis!” Rafe pulls me into a tight hug as he opens the door to his flat, “Are you ok? You’re later than I thought you’d be.”

  “I’m fine Rafe; I don’t really want to talk about it right now!” Crap, I hadn’t thought about how I would explain the past few hours spent with Jackson.

  “Ok, come on in then, we have pizza on the way. Matthew is in the bath so if you want to see what all the fuss is about, pretend I didn’t tell you that, the door isn’t locked!” Rafe winks and I laugh, “Tempting!”

  After dinner we sit listening to music with a bottle of wine. Pip is back in London but was too tired to come around tonight so said that she’ll see me tomorrow.

  “Are you sure it’s ok for me to stay then? I don’t want to be in the way,” I ask as Rafe refills my wine glass, “Of course it is Ginge, you’re always welcome you know that!” Matthew leans back into the sofa as Rafe sits back and squeezes his thigh, “Thank you, but do I need ear plugs?” I smile as I sip my wine, “Well RoRo, we are newlyweds what do you think?” Rafe laughs and Matthew shakes his head, he’s never been comfortable with Rafe’s openness about their sex life, “In all seriousness though Rosie, you know that you are welcome here whenever and for however long you need, it’s just great to see you with a bit of colour in your cheeks.” I blush and sip at my wine.

  “Well, I am bushed. Someone woke me up at two o’clock this morning!” I glare at Rafe and he laughs, “Goodnight you two, thanks again.”

  I head into bed and text Jackson, ‘That was harder than expected, but it will be so worth it. I’ll call you tomorrow. Night x’

  He replies within a moment, ‘I can’t believe you’re not in this bed with me right now…it had better be worth it girlie! Love you x’

  This will be worth it; I’m going to make sure!

  I wake the next morning with the pillow over my head. Rafe was right about the earplugs and I’ll be heading straight to Boots this morning to get some. Rafe is unsurprisingly in a good mood as he gets ready to open the café; Matthew has already left for Birmingham. He has some meetings with a personal trainer up there about joining forces on some post natal and bridal boot camps for women.

  “You couldn’t just hold off one night?” I ask sarcastically as my brother whistles while he works, “Sorry sis, we had wine! You know what I’m like after wine!” I do, all too well after living with him for the first three years of his twenties, and his sexual awakening. “What are your plans today anyway? You’re welcome to stay here, or you can work in the café if you want, or…”

  “Rafael, I’m fine, I don’t need a distraction. But thank you. I’m going to meet Pip for lunch and maybe do some shopping.” And meet my secret fiancé for a booty call!

  “Ok, well, you know where I am if and when you need me. I’m just worried about you that’s all,” He holds my hand and I feel a bit bad.

  “I know, but you needn’t be, honestly. I’m getting there!”

  The next few days pass in a blur. I spend some time with Pip and start going to the gym again, Jackson and I have gone for walks in the sun, for dinner, lunch and cocktails. We’ve been to the cinema and even to Buckingham Palace and The Tower of London. We spent the day today at Thorpe Park and it was so much fun. Not having the pressure of everyone knowing about us is amazing; we can just relax and have fun.

  Jackson has been training and spending some time with Matthew and Rafe when he hasn’t been with me and he found it just as hard lying to them, especially when he opened his wallet to pay for a round in the pub and a condom fell out onto the bar. To have to tell my brother that he’s moved on from me was not exactly comfortable for him, Rafe just took it on the chin, knowing that I was adamant it was over, but apparently telling Jackson not to rush into anything.

  Rafe and Matthew are going out tonight and Jackson is coming over to watch DVDs with me. I can’t wait, we’ve been putting our apartment back together slowly, bit by bit, but Rafe’s is ‘home’ for me at the moment and I’m excited to have Jackson there. I feel like I’m doing something really wrong, like having my boyfriend over while I babysit the neighbours’ kids. I’d be lying if I said the risk of getting caught doesn’t turn me on.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Rafe is worried about me being alone tonight; he thinks I�
��ll get depressed watching rom coms and drinking wine alone, “Rafe, I am fine, I promise. Will you go!” seriously, go!

  Less than five minutes after they leave, the door knocks.

  “Bloody hell! They’ve only just gone; they didn’t see you did they?” I ask as Jackson steps inside the flat and kisses me as though he hasn’t seen me for a year, “God I missed you!” He looks at me like he wants to devour me and I burn up, “And no, I saw them leave before I came up. Now get to the bedroom Alvez!”

  I playfully run to the bedroom and Jackson follows, kicking off his shoes and throwing his t-shirt to the floor as he does. Inside my room, Jackson wastes no time pulling me close to him and pulling my vest up and off before stalling to admire my breasts. I lost a lot of weight when we were apart but my figure has been gradually coming back, the look in Jackson’s eyes tells me that he’s happy about that.

  “Wait, I want wine. Get on that bed James and wait for me!”

  I am giddy and I run into the living room to retrieve a bottle of wine and two glasses from the dresser, but as I turn around to see Rafe opening the door to the flat I freeze, so does he.

  “Rosie, what’s going on?” he’s confused and I watch as looks at me in just my bra and yoga pants, then counts the glasses in my hand. His eyes travel to the floor and he sees the trainers and t-shirt strewn carelessly, leading the way to my bedroom.

  “Rafe, I don’t know what to say!” I really am stumped, “I thought you’d gone out?”

  “I forgot the tickets! Rosie, have you got a bloke in there? You’re a big girl Ro and I know I can’t judge but just be careful please. Also, Jackson’s a mate Rosie; I’m not entirely comfortable with you shagging someone else here. What if he was to come round for a coffee? Look, have fun, but please make sure he’s gone by the time we get back. Love you!”

  Rafe leaves and I’m so embarrassed, I just got told off by my big brother.

  “Was that Rafe?” I hear music as I walk into the now candlelit bedroom to find a naked Jackson holding a cushion to hide his modesty and I laugh, “Yes, he’s gone! He gave me a bollocking for shagging someone else here, in case you came for a coffee!”

  Jackson laughs as he throws the cushion aside and picks me up, throwing me onto the bed.

  “Well, it’s good to know where his loyalties lie!” He grins and leans down to pull my trousers down and off.

  I lift up to let him undress me but move onto all fours facing him before he can get onto the bed with me. I look up at Jackson through my lashes and he raises his eyebrows, grinning down at me as his erection twitches in anticipation in front of my eyes. I lick my lips and crawl forward.

  Jackson grips the base as I take the tip of his penis into my mouth and start to work my way up and down. I'm still on all fours and rocking my whole body back and forth as my arousal floods my veins.

  “Fuck Rosie that’s good. You’re so sexy!” Jackson’s voice is husky as he talks through gritted teeth and works his fingers into my hair, “Stop baby! Turn around!”

  I do as I’m told and Jackson takes a moment before pulling me back onto him. I let out a cry as he impales me and he continues to push steadily in and out of me, gripping my hips and pulling me back to meet his thrusts.

  The strength in my arms vanishes and I collapse the top half of my body onto the bed. My backside is fully exposed to Jackson as I am bent over in front of him and when he pulls out of me I think he’s going to try entering the part of me that I know he so longs to try.

  He pushes two fingers inside where he’s just vacated then trails them upward, spreading the moisture. I feel the pressure of his fingers teasing my back entrance and as he pushes inside me once again he slides a finger inside. The sensation is amazing in this position. He is thrusting deep inside me and slowly moving his finger in and out of my arse and before I can get used to the intense feeling, Jackson starts to thrust harder into me, I feel his finger push deeper and I call out as he starts to massage my clit with his other hand.

  Every hair on my body is on end as I grip hard onto the duvet and scream into the mattress as the most intense orgasm that I have ever experienced rushes over me. As I start to come down, Jackson climbs onto the bed next to me. Cry to Me by Solomon Burke starts to play and my tummy flips with love and anticipation, we’re spooning and he is still hard as he kisses my shoulder and whispers in my ear, “Trust me”

  I feel his fingers at the back of me again. There are two inside me now, stretching me and I’m shaking. Jackson runs his hand down the back of my thigh to my knee and bends my leg in front of me, and then his fingers are inside me again. It’s nice; I am more relaxed than I expected to be at this moment. I feel something cold and then the sensations change, it feels smoother and I guess that the cold thing was lube.

  “We’ll go slowly, keep talking to me ok?” Jackson reassures me and I nod as I feel him remove his fingers, then there’s pressure again.

  Jackson pushes inside me and pauses. I reach behind me and take hold of him, I need the control. I can feel that it’s only the tip so far but I’m breathing hard as I stretch to accommodate him.

  “Breathe baby.” Jackson’s voice is soft as he kisses my neck and pushes in a little more.

  I gasp, it hurts. It’s not unbearable but it’s sore, almost like burning. He pulls back before pushing in a little deeper, and again, and again until my hand is pushed right back to the root of him.

  “That’s it gorgeous girl, relax.” His words sooth me as he starts to thrust a little faster in and out of me. Jackson takes my hand and directs it between my legs, “Play Rosie.”

  I start to circle my clit as Jackson grips my hips and picks up his pace again.

  “That’s so good Jackson!” The words leave my mouth before I can think about it. This is amazing, I feel so, full!

  “It fucking is! I’m close Rosie, can I come inside you?” Jackson groans into my ear and I nod, I’m on the verge myself.

  My left hand grips the duvet as I massage my clit with my right.

  “I’m coming Jackson!” I grip hard and can feel every inch of him thrusting in and out of me as I breathe hard and fast through my orgasm, “FUCK ROSIE!” Jackson calls out as he grips hard on my hips and pumps his orgasm into me.

  Jackson stills inside me for a moment before slowly pulling out of me. I can feel him dripping out of me but don’t care; he pulls me over into his waiting arms and kisses me on the head. Neither of us can speak, we don’t need to.


  “I don’t know how long I can keep this up!” Jackson has walked me down to my car as I need to get back to Rafe’s.

  “I know, it’s killing me leaving you all the time, but it’s been so good,” Jackson is leaning into me against Audrey and I really do not want to leave.

  It’s been nearly three weeks since we started sneaking around. Rafe thinks that I’m seeing someone else and that Jackson is back shagging around. Pippa looks at me as though she is waiting for me to break down and my Mam and Dad have been petrified that I’m into drugs or something as I’ve been so happy, despite my recent heartbreak.

  “Pip’s invited me to her party Rosie; do you think we should just go together and get it over with?”

  Pippa’s birthday party is next Saturday. If Jackson and I agree to go together, that gives us another nine days of back seat fumbles and midnight phone sex before we have to face reality and be a real couple again.

  “Rosie? You’re not worried are you? You’re biting your lip”

  “I’m just a bit scared, once everyone knows do we just go back to being engaged and living together, as though the past eight weeks never happened? I just don’t know how that will work,” Jackson smiles, “No, the first thing that we do is throw an engagement slash housewarming party, then I start looking for a new job. We commit to at least one night a week with no phones, and we go out, on dates, just like we have been doing these past few weeks. It’s been amazing, and it’s what we should have done from the start.” Jack
son cups my face with his hands before he goes on, “I will never regret proposing to you when I did, or any second of the time we’ve had together. But since you came back to me, they have been the best weeks of my life. I couldn’t possibly love you any more than I do right now.”


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