Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe
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Absolon, Rudolf, 105
Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Italian invasion of, 43, 65–66
Adler. See operations
Afghanistan, 306
collapse of, 101–102
Alberich. See operations
Alpenkorps, 296
Amritsar, massacre at, 3
Andreas (Herero guerrilla leader), 17–18
Anthropoid. See operations
Ardreantine Caves atrocity, 262–263
Battle of Arnhem, 243
extermination of Hungarian Jews, 240
size of, 371
trial in Frankfurt, 297
Axis. See operations
A-zerlatschen (child’s game), 305
Baader-Meinhof gang, 301
Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem
during Barbarossa, 57–58
birth and rise to prominence of, 39–41
breaking with the regime, 277–279
brief bio of, 319
chain of command Warsaw (1944), 311
codename “Arminus,” 106
command and leadership style, 143–150
command record, 201
common bond with Himmler, 227–228
death of, 301
deteriorating health of, 59, 69–70
diary entries, 86–87, 137–138, 148, 205–206, 233–244, 371
expert antipartisan warfare officer, 280–283
as expert witness, 279–280
imbalance of casualty records, 90–91
Nuremberg judge’s summation of, 292
promotion to Chef der Bandenkampfverbände, 105–108
remarks concerning the Holocaust, 283
report of Vlasov’s visit, 100–101
return of, 68–69
security situation and, 59–62
SS control of security, 104
transfer of Jews to ghettos, 48–49
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Bader, Kurt
brief bio of, 319
Bagration. See operations
amended directive regarding, 82–85
antithesis of, 26
beginnings of, 4
connection to Holocaust, 96–97
doctrine for Germanization of Germany, 64
and enemy classification, 112–119
eradication of the Soviet partisan, 213–240
glossary and related terms of, 313–316
Himmler’s appointment diary entry, 75–77
Himmler’s pamphlet on, 152–155
Hitler, Keitel, and Jodl approval for, 88
levels of operation, 177–210
new regulations regarding, 79–80
operational concepts of, 95–119
perpetrators, 319–325
planning for, 70–77
Poland, 213–240
post-1945 study of, 305
proactive propaganda campaign against, 86
report writing in, 197–202
research into, 304
success of, 86–87
in western Europe, 241–273
Bandenkampfgebiet, threat levels of, 151–152
central and technical formations, 133–140
diagram of, 308
four components within, 121–122
member’s whereabouts in 1965, 327
utilization of manpower, 157–167
Bandenkriegen (child’s game), 305
Bandenstab Laibach, 252–256
“Bandit Fight and the Security Situation,” 95–97
combating of, 48, 56
Commissar Order of 1941, 81–83
complete extermination of, 85
countermeasures against, 78
extermination through combat, 178–179
Kalniki-Bandit Brigade, 254
mapping bandit activity, 125
punishing supporters of, 75
“War of the Rails,” 172–176
Barbarossa, 374. See operations
Barbarossa directives, 113, 118, 375
Barbie, Klaus, 297
Bartov, Omer, 145
Battle of Britain, 65
Beaumont, Roger, 81
Beck, Friedrich
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Becker, Herbert
brief bio of, 319
Bellamy, Christopher, 121
Benn, Gottfried, 21
Bennett, Rab, 68
Berger, Gottlob
“Almighty Gottlob,” 104
brief bio of, 319
brutality of Bandenbekämpfung, 202–203
Slovakia uprising and, 269–270
writing of Bandebekämpfung, 86
Berghan, Volker, 10
Bessel, Richard, 34
Best, Dr. Werner, 295
Bethke, Kurt, 215
Bialystok, 283–285
Birn, Ruth Bettina, 47, 193–194
Black, Peter, 273
Bley, Helmut, 16
Blitzkrieg, 45
Boguslawski, Albrecht von, 5
Bomhard, Adolf von
brief bio of, 319
legislative bureaucrat, 47
Bormann, Martin, 45
Borowiec, Andrew, 227<
br />
Boxer Rebellion, The, 15
“Bozo,” former Prinz Eugen member, 304–306
Braunbuch, 296
Braunschweig. See operations
Bräutigam, Otto, 98
Browning, Christopher, 305, 374
Buchheim, Hans, 206
Battle of (216 BC), 9–10
classic example of, 231–232
mechanized (Blitzkrieg), 45
Munich, 303
overemphasis on, 32
security, 186–189
textbook encirclement, 266
western allied forces, 19
cantonment, system of, 7–8
Churchill, Winston
inspiration for operations, 66
removal of Hitler, 45
Citadel. See operations
Clay, Lucius, 295
Cold War, 31
Combs, William, 77
Commando Order, 118, 243, 270, 281
Cottbus. See operations
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 281
Critchfield, James, 295
Cüppers, Martin, 297
Daluege, Kurt Max Moritz
brief bio of, 320
mimicking of Severing, 37
Dandeker, Christopher, 10
Davies, Norman, 232
Dawidowicz, 222
Dean, Martin, 55
Dedering, Tilman, 17
Deist, Wilhelm, 37
Der kleine Krieg, 5
Der totale Krieg (1935), 37
Deschner, Günther, 232
Diehl, James, 35–36
Directive 23, 65
Directive 46, 77–81
Dirlewanger, Oskar Dr.
brief bio of, 320
Dragoon. See operations
Drechsler, Horst, 16
Eichmann, Adolph
cooperation with RSHA, 49
trial of, 271, 297
Epp, Franz Ritter von
brief bio of, 320
China expedition, 15–16
confrontation with Himmler, 49
decline of political standing, 45
homecoming of, 25–28
old colonialism and, 42–43
alternative to, 33, 45
analysis of, 19
growth of, 20–21
origination of term, 11–12
Evans, Richard, 34
Fegelein, Hermann, 297
brief bio of, 320
Ferdinand. See operations
Festschriften (celebratory books), 7
field police (GFP), 13
Floridsdorf Bridge, 272
Foley, Robert, 9
Fortress Europe
racial impetus of, 113
Four-Year Plan
easing concerns over, 44
francs-tireurs (civilian militias), 7–8, 20, 54
Frank, Hans, 95, 222
Frank, Karl Hermann
brief bio of, 320
Frei, Norbert, 276, 295
Frick, Wilhelm, 111
Frühlingsfest. See operations
Gaisser, Karl, 169, 244, 295
Gempp, Friedrich
brief bio of, 320
Gempp, Fritz, 21–23
Geneva Convention, 89, 118–119
Gerhager, Georg, 265–266
Gerlach, Christian, 183
Gewalt, Jan-Bart, 14, 375
Geyer, Hermann, 32–33
Geyer, Michael, 263–265
GFP. See field police
Globocnik, Odilo, 216–217
brief bio of, 320
Goebbels, 98–99
Göring, Hermann, 38
defeat at Stalingrad, 97
Gottberg, Curt von, 204–210
brief bio of, 320
Green, William, 134
Grief. See operations
Guderian, Heinz, 286–289
Günther. See operations
Haasche, Erich
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Halder, Franz, 123–125, 292–294
Hamburg. See operations
Hanner, August
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Hannibal, Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm
brief bio of, 320
Haushofer, Karl, 30
Hausser, Paul, 296
Heer, Hannes, 71–72, 75
Heia Safari! 26
Heine, Heinrich, 300
Hellwig, Otto, 182
Herbert, Ulrich, 295
Herero tribe, 303
challenge to German rule, 16–17
extermination of, 18–19, 303
German pacification of the, 375
Herf, Eberhard, 206–208
correspondence with Herff, 207
Hermann. See operations
Heydrich, Reinhard, 64
death of, 66
Heydrich-Wagner settlement, 52, 137
Himmler, Heinrich
authority over law and order, 46
becomming chief of the SS, 37–38
common bond with Bach-Zelewski, 227–228
confrontation with Epp, 49
diary entries, 75–77, 89–90
extermination policy, 284
“General Plan for the East,” 155–157
Hitler’s promotion of, 36
HSSPF empire, 131–133
letter to Rösener, 252
matters of discipline, 145–146
minister of the interior, 107
as minister of the interior, 111–112
need for colonial police department, 50
personal papers of, 95
special leadership corps, 169
speech at Bad Schachen, 117
SS control of security, 104
suicide of, 273
suspicion over Polish intentions, 215
training of Bandenkinder, 195–196
visit to Zagreb, 258
History of Rome, 303
combating of syphilis, 110–111
Commando Order, 243, 270, 281
Directive 23, 65
Directive 31, 101
Directive 46, 115, 183
Directive 47, 102
directive to enable Achse, 246
erecting national security state, 29, 50
escalation of British reaction to, 65–66
fear of assassination, 67–68
introduction of Directive 23, 65