Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe
Page 63
Nuremberg race laws, 44
open opposition to, 272
WWI consciousness of, 54
Hitler Behind Prison Walls, 250–251
Hitler’s headquarters and senior staff functions
Korn, Ernst, operations and survey officer, 129–130
Rode, Ernst, chief of staff, 125–130
Strauch, Eduard, intelligence officer, 127–129
Hödel, Ludwig
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Hoehne, Gustav, 294
path to the, 30
roots of denial, 283
Horne, John, 19–20
Hornung. See operations
Hosbawm, Erich, 263
Hossbach memo, 45
Hubatsch, Walter, 77
Huhn, Kurt
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Hull, Isabel, 375
Ilgen, Judge Rudolf, 299–300
information warfare, 122–123
Intelligence Referat, 124–125
Iraq, 306
Jeckeln, Friedrich
brief bio of, 321
Jedicke, Georg Bruno
brief bio of, 321
Schuma muster numbers, 55
Jodl, Alfred, 82
Jomini, Antoine-Henri, teachings of, 5
Jüttner, Hans
brief bio of, 321
reserve muster order and, 140
Kahl, Wolfgang, 276, 295
Kaiserreich, end of the, 25
Kaltenbrunner, Dr. Ernst
brief bio of, 321
in charge of RHSA, 110
Kaminski, Bronislav, execution of, 235
Karlsbad. See operations
Katzmann, Fritz, 218
Kendzierski, Leonhard, 215
Keppie, Lawrence, 131
Kesselring, Alfred, 102, 244–247
Kiehne, Helmut
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Klausch, Hans-Peter, 138–139
Klemperer, Victor, 56, 213
Koch, Erich, 80
Koehl, Robert, 104, 108
Kommandostab Reichsführer-SS (KSRFSS), 53–54
Komorowski, Tadeusz, Polish Home Army, 230–240
Kordt, Erich, 105
Korn, Ernst, 203
brief bio of, 321
Nuremberg interrogation of, 291–292
Korsemann, Gerre, 203–204
defense of, 225–228
Kovpak, Sidor Artemevich, 189–193
Kraiker, Hermann
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Kramer, Alan, 19–20
Krüger, Friedrich-Wilhelm
brief bio of, 321
Kumm, Otto, 260
Kursk, Battle of, 101
Lammerding, Heinz, 265, 267
brief bio of, 321
Landwehr, 10–11, 20
Laquer, Walter, 269
Lasswell, Harold, 4
comparison to manifest destiny, 303
final triumph of, 49
Hitler’s brand of, 42
Hitler’s grand scheme for, 97–98
medal for, 310
as national political slogan, 30–31
revenge and, 45–46
Lenz, Karl, 268
Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von
antiguerrrilla campaign of, 303
brief bio of, 321
homecoming of, 25–28
tactics of, 169
Lieber, Francis (Franz), principals of classification of belligerents, 6
Lieber code, 115, 118
Lindner, Theodor, 7
Liulevicius, Vejas Gabriel, 19–23
Loening, Otto, 34–35
Logusz, Michael, 142–143, 148
Lombard, Gustav, 297
brief bio of, 321
Ludendorff, Erich
Operation “Alberich,” 24–25
vision of Aryan society, 37
Lukas, Richard, 229, 232
Lurker, Otto, 250–251
brief bio of, 322
Mackiewicz, Joseph, 114
MacLean, Fitzroy, 242
MacLean, French, 195
Magill, Franz, 297
Mahan, Alfred T., 303
Mahlein, Leonard, 296
Maibaum. See operations
Maiglöckchen. See operations
Mann, Erick, 14
Marbach, Huber
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Margarethe. See operations
Mason, Tim, 371
May, Karl, novels of, 79
Meier, Paulus
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Mein Kampf, 36
combating of syphilis, 110–111
Lebensraum as envisaged in, 97–98
military security, doctrine of, 4
Mogilev, wave of incidents in, 75
Moltke, Helmuth von, 14
Mommsen, Theodor, 303
Morgen, Dr. Konrad, 217
München. See operations
cleansing of, 3
mythologized, 27–28
Munich Olympic Games, 301
Murray, Williamson, 65
Mussolini, Benito
Italian puppet government around, 245
participation in reprisals, 247
Nasses Dreieck. See operations
Neher, Konstantin
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Nicolai, Walter, 13
“Night of Broken Glass,” 220
Nordwind. See operations
Bach-Zelewski as unrepentant Nazi, 286
circumvention of the judgments, 295–300
mild interpretation of Bandenbekämpfung, 276
military tribunals at, 291–292
testing of international law, 275–277
Oertzen, Frederick von, 27
Adler, 183
Alberich, 24
Anthropoid, 66–67
Axis, 244–249
Bagration, 231–232
Barbarossa, 51–52, 63, 66, 135–137, 145–146, 151
Braunschweig, 264–265
Citadel, 105
Cottbus, 179–181, 202–203, 210
Dragoon, 248, 267
Ferdinand, 292
Frühlingsfest, 230
Grief, 183
Günther, 204–205
Hamburg, 87–88
Hermann, 199–200
Hornung, 179–181
Karlsbad, 87
Maibaum, 259
Maiglöckchen, 259
Margarethe, 270
München, 146–147
Nasses Dreieck, 186–189
Nordwind, 277
Osterglocke, 264–265
Rösselsprung, 259–261
Waldrausch, 259
Wehrwolf, 189–193
Weiss, 259
Winterzauber, 183, 193–194
Zauberflöte, 184–186
Oradour-sur-Glane, destruction of, 266
Order Police
casualties in 1942, 90
combat training ordinance, 167–172
mass extermination and, 219–222
militarizing of, 47
organization of traffic system, 50–51
partisan incursions through June 1943, 251–252
reduction in political structure, 111
State Forestry Service, 170
training facilities, 154–155
Osterglocke. See operations
Pannier, Rudolf, 156–157, 162–165, 172–176
brief bio of, 322
Pannwitz, Helmut von
brief bio of, 322
Partisan Warfare, 5
People without Land, 29
Pfeffer-Wildenbruch, Karl von
brief bio of, 322
Pflaum, Karl, 266–267, 294
Phleps, Artur, 109
brief bio of, 322
correspondence with Himmler, 258
Poethke, Herbert
whereabouts in 1965, 327
Aktion Reinhard, 216–217, 223–224
increasing bandit attacks in, 228–230
Kovel, 224–228
Lemberg, 218–219
Lublin, 222–224
Nazi reorganization of, 216–217
SS-Police in, 214–217
Warsaw, 219–223, 230–240
Posen speech, infamous, 112
Pötke, Karl
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Prawdin, Michael, 99
Prinz Eugen Division, 258–262, 273, 304–306
Pripyat marshes, 284–285
Prussian War, The, 302
Prützmann, Hans-Adolf, 131–132
brief bio of, 322
Querner, Rudolf, 46–47
as a central political question, 30
rank, German structures of, 317
Rapp, Walter, 280
Ratcliffe, Alexander, 294
Reich Main Security Office, forming of, 46
Reichskollnialbund (RKB), 43–44
Reinefarth, Heinz, 234–240
brief bio of, 322
immunization from prosecution of, 298–299
Nuremberg interrogation of, 289–290
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Rode, Ernst
brief bio of, 323
meeting with Kaltenbrunner, 272–273
Nuremberg interrogation of, 288
Röhl, Friedrich
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Römer, Oberst, 186–189
Rommel, Erwin, 102, 245
Rosenberg, Alfred, 98, 202
Rösener, Erwin
Bandenstab of, 249–257
brief bio of, 323
medical conditions of, 256–257
surrender in 1945, 275
Rösselsprung. See operations
Rothenberg, Gunther, 9
Rowe, Michael, 12
Sauckel, Gauleiter, 149, 206
Schenckendorff, Heinrich Moritz Albert von
brief bio of, 323
Schenckendorff, Max von, 53, 100
Schirker, Paul, 294
Schlieffen, Alfred von, 8–10, 20, 303
principles of, 31–32
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 304
security warfare, 14, 45
beyond 1945, 305
redirection of, 63–65
understanding, 301–302
September 11 terrorist attacks, 306
Severing, Carl, 35
Shepherd, Ben, 374
Simpson, Keith, 177
Skorzeny, Otto
accusal of Bach-Zelewski, 271–272
brief bio of, 323
idea to employ criminals, 139–140
Slovakia, uprising in, 269–273
Speer, Albert
regarding Daluege’s illnesses, 111
Speer-Saukel directive, 99
Sporrenberg, Jakob, 43–44
brief bio of, 323
SS-Waldlager Bobruisk, 155–157, 162–165, 172–176
Stahlhelm (Steel Helmets), 36
surrender of, 98–99
Steeger, Christian
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Steenberg, Sven, 235
Stieber, Baron Wilhelm, 12, 34
Stimson, Henry, 281
Stoneman, Mark, 8
Stoop Report, The, 220–222
Strauch, Eduard
brief bio of, 323
Streckenbach, Bruno
brief bio of, 323
Stroop, Jürgen
brief bio of, 324
Summary of the Art of War, 5
Sydnor, Charles, 267
Taylor, Telford, 279
Tensfeld, Willy
brief bio of, 324
Terrèe, Werner
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Tessin, Georg, 105, 141
Thierfelder, Dr. Rudolph, 115
Thirty Years’ War, 301–302
Thule Society, 27, 200, 310
“total war” speech, 98–99
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 77
Trotha, Lothar von, 16–19
brief bio of, 324
Vagts, Alfred, 5
Velikie Luki, Soviet breakthroughs around, 103–108
Vercors atrocities, 294
Versailles, Treaty of
German colonization and, 42
German uncertainty due to, 29
revenge against Poland for the, 45–46, 214–217
Vormann, Nikolaus von, 289
Waldrausch. See operations
War Book, Prussian code of conduct, 6
Warlimont, Walter
brief bio of, 324
postscript to Commando Order, 243
travels to America, 31
Warsaw uprising, 230–240, 286–292
Wehehe tribe, uprising of, 14
in Italy, 262–265
reports returned to, 88
SS intiatives with, 81–86
traditional occupational structure of, 214
treatment of captured soldiers, 242–244
Wehrwolf. See operations
Weimar Republic
early years of, 29
end of the, 26–28
unique feature of, 33
Weiss. See operations
Westermann, Edward, 375
western Europe
Balkans, the, 257–262
France, 265–269
German security operations in, 241–273
German tactical ingenuity and old methods, 257–269
Italy, 262–265
Rösener’s Bandenstab in, 249–257
Westphalia, attempted storming of, 4
Wheeler, Leonie, 51, 108
Winkelmann, Otto, 168
brief bio of, 324
whereabouts in 1965, 328
Winterzauber. See operations
Wirth, Andrej, 220
Witbooi, Hendrik, 17