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Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Toby Aden

  Aaeren kept suckling and nibbling his way down Radisq’s body, delving his tongue into Radisq’s belly button and teasing it until Radisq was sure that he would explode from all that was being done to his body.

  In all his hundred years, Radisq had never known that his body could be quite sensitive, and neither had he known that he could sustain such pleasure or be made to feel it. It was as though he had lived all his life up to this point with blinders on. Aaeren mastered him to the point that it seemed as though Aaeren knew his body better than he did.

  His voice was hoarse from all the screaming he had done the eve before, and it seemed as though it would give out on him with the screaming he was still doing even now. Every cell and every inch of his body was on fire for Aaeren. And he felt as though, if he didn’t get relief soon, he was sure to die. After all, who could take the amount of pleasure his mate was torturing him with?

  “Now, now, now, please, now!” Radisq yelled.

  “Not yet,” Aaeren said, his voice gravelly and hoarse with his own need.

  “Yes, now.” Radisq felt like crying, but even that seemed too much for his oversensitive body to take. “Please, now. I’ll surely d-die.” Radisq ended with a moan turned whimper.

  Fumbling for the cream jar he’d used the night before, Aaeren poured enough onto his hand and tentatively fingered Radisq’s pucker.

  “Are you too sore?” Aaeren asked in concern.

  “Gods, no. Not at all. Take me now, please,” Radisq begged prettily.

  Taking his mate’s word for it, Aaeren slipped his cream-covered finger into Radisq’s channel and licked his balls at the same time. His mate yelled his approval, shimmying beneath him to get more contact.

  “You’re a bossy little thing, huh?” Aaeren said with strained amusement even as he gave his mate what he wanted.

  Aaeren sucked both balls into his mouth, massaging Radisq’s hole to prepare him for his aching cock.

  “Now, now, now. I’m ready.”

  “Not yet,” Aaeren said, pulling his mouth off Radisq’s balls.

  “No! Now. Give it to me. Take me now!” Radisq demanded, his eyes flashing.

  When he saw Aaeren hesitate, Radisq used his strength to flip them over until he was above Aaeren and then positioned himself, slamming Aaeren’s cock into him all the way with one downward thrust. Radisq groaned his approval, nodding his head also as he peered down at his mate, who was staring back at him with a mix of pride, amusement, and desire.

  Soon, desire won out as Aaeren’s eyes rolled back into his head with pleasure. A hoarse, primal yell rose from his lips as Radisq’s tight, hot ass gripped him tightly.

  “Fuck, Radisq!” Aaeren yelled, grunting and squeezing the sheets beneath him.

  Radisq grinned impishly and then rose and fell back onto Aaeren’s dick, squeezing and milking his cock.

  “By all that’s holy. Shiiiit!” Aaeren yelled, seeing stars at the back of his eyes, veins bulging in his neck while his knuckles turned white against the sheets held tightly in his grasp.

  Radisq was blissfully delirious, unable to stop the love floating out of him as he took his mate into his body over and over again, viciously driving both of them out of their minds.

  “Harder!” Aaeren demanded, assisting Radisq with his hands at the other man’s waist even while thrusting upward from below and meeting each and every one of Radisq’s downward thrusts.

  Radisq pounded his ass onto Aaeren’s dick, over and over again, gripping the tail end of Aaeren’s hair, which fanned over the bed. Feeling unsatisfied with the small portion he was twirling around his finger, he leaned forward, dug his hand into the scalp, and squeezed harder. His sigh turned into a moan, and he knew for sure this was the way it was meant to be. To feel those silky strands he adored and loved sifting through his hand while he felt Aaeren moving deeply in his body.

  Only one thing would make him complete, and slamming his mouth onto Aaeren’s for a kiss, he felt it wash all over his body, the sense of home and oneness. Arms wrapped around his back, Aaeren stroked Radisq lovingly even as they moaned into each other’s mouths.

  Radisq reached in between their bodies with his free hand, trusting Aaeren to hold his weight, and began stroking his cock. Radisq rolled his hips faster and faster, feeling the tension build up in his body and his orgasm not so far away. The sounds Aaeren made were so guttural they heightened Radisq’s close orgasm.

  “Come with me,” Aaeren commanded, his voice compelling.

  At once, Radisq felt the tide give way in his body as electricity raced up his spine, sparking at the back of his head. His body tensing, he cried out loudly and came and came and kept coming until he felt as though Aaeren had sucked the life right out of his body.


  Aaeren felt his thighs tense, and his body stilled with his cock ramrod straight inside his mate’s body and soon, he was coming with his mate, releasing powerful spurts of cum into the smaller man on top of him.

  Together, they rode the bliss of orgasm as it overtook their bodies, sending them spiraling into a world of their own making. When they finally calmed down, Radisq pulled, separating their bodies, before flopping onto his mate.

  Contented, Aaeren brushed back his mate’s hair and laid a gentle kiss to Radisq’s forehead before resting his cheek there. “And a good morn to you too, my mate.”

  At that, Radisq dissolved into infectious laughter, the sound a broken, hoarse sound from too much use of his voice. “What a way to awake to the new day.” Radisq dissolved into laughter all over again, this time with Aaeren joining him.

  It was glorious, it was fantastic, and the best joining ever. There were no words to describe how Radisq felt—how they both felt, for he could see the same reflected back in Aaeren’s eyes. The scent of their joining filled the room and there was no place he would rather be but there in the arms of his beloved.

  Snuggling into his mate, Radisq let one of his legs slip into Aaeren’s and shimmied around until he settled into a comfortable position.

  “I think I have worked up a large appetite, but I am not sure I will be awake long enough to eat anything.”

  Aaeren chuckled at his mate’s petulant voice, yawning as he wrapped his arms more tightly around the body almost asleep on his. “I share your sentiment, mate. I am hard-pressed to decide which to do now. Eat or sleep.”

  “Good. Let’s sleep for a while. I am sure my nosy cousin will come find us before the noon meal passes.”

  Aaeren chuckled lightly before yawning once more. “I am sure you are right.”

  Radisq huffed. “Of course I’m right.”

  “Sleep, mate.”

  Radisq sighed, and soon, they were both fast asleep once more.

  Chapter Eight

  The sound of banging on the door woke them up from their slumber, and with a groan, Aaeren wiped a hand down his face, feeling as though he had only closed his eyes for barely a minute.

  “Who is it?” Radisq yelled from his comfortable spot with Aaeren as his pillow.

  “Just your poor, poor servant dropping off food for the happy couple to cocoon in mated bliss,” Ilno said with a giggle from beyond the door.

  Radisq groaned, barely suppressing a giggle of his own. “Don’t you have better things to do than to check up on us?”

  “Well, it’s not as if I can enjoy any of the distractions myself with almost everyone here focusing on finding a mate, now is it? Get your lazy ass up and open the door, cuz, or I’ll ask the maid to send the food back.”

  “Gods. Okay, okay. I’m coming. Try not to have a stroke till then, okay?” Radisq yelled.

  Radisq hit his head against Aaeren’s chest, sighing even as a smile tugged on his lips. He raised his head back up and peered at Aaeren. “Hungry?”

  “For food and a whole lot more,” Aaeren said with a teasing smile of his own.

  Placing a kiss on the side of Radisq’s head, Aaeren pushed his mate up from the bed. “Go get us our meal, mate, and hur
ry. I have a lot of plans for you in mind.”

  Radisq groaned and bit his bottom lip, unsure as to which to indulge in. He took his sweet time picking up his discarded robe that had been tossed onto the floor the night before and pulled it over his head, all the while enjoying the view of his mate lazing unabashedly naked on their bed.

  “Go on,” Aaeren said, waving for Radisq to move.

  Leaning down, Radisq stole a kiss from Aaeren and sauntered over to the door, pulling it open slightly then stepping out.

  Ilno looked Radisq over from head to toe, a smirk dancing on his lips as he noticed the blissed-out and sated look in his cousin’s face. “Mated life seems to agree with you, cuz.”

  Radisq blushed all over, excitement, love, and contentment emanating from him. “I love it.”

  Ilno smirked evilly. “I know. In fact, the whole castle could attest to that.”

  Radisq barely had time to furrow his brow in confusion before enlightenment hit him hard, and he blushed furiously, mouth hanging open. Ilno was no help at all, as his cousin dissolved into a full belly laugh, almost falling down in his mirth.

  “I think your mother was torn between bolting far, far away to keep from hearing her precious one and only son getting it on and excitement that you were finally mated,” Ilno gasped out as he kept guffawing.

  It should have been impossible, but Radisq flamed red, his embarrassment at everyone hearing them clearly visible.

  “When you finally find your own true mate, I’ll be sure to return the favor,” Radisq said, pushing Ilno’s shoulder in mock indignation.

  “We’ll see. In any case, I approve. Now get your butt inside and feed your mate. Oh, and hopefully, neither of you have forgotten about tonight’s feast,” Ilno said, knowing fully well it had escaped their minds.

  “Oh, oh.” Radisq nodded, grateful for the reminder.

  Clasping Radisq on the shoulder, Ilno strolled away, still barking out laughter at his cousin. Yes, indeed, mated life seemed to suit him very much.

  Radisq nodded to the maid, silently thanking her for bringing the food, though not sure if he should feel the same with his cousin tagging along. He wheeled the food into the room, shutting the door behind.

  Radisq pulled the cart to a stop beside the bed and climbed on to join his mate. “I cannot believe the whole castle heard us making love.”

  Aaeren took the platters of food from the cart and set them out on the bed for them, feeding his mate first before also taking a bite himself. “And this bothers you?”

  “Does it not bother you? After all, your parents are also among those who heard us.”

  Aaeren shrugged, bringing the drink to his mouth a taking a swallow. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand once he had finished drinking. “Not really. In fact, it pleases me to know that everyone heard me claiming you as mine,” Aaeren said with an unrepentant grin.

  Radisq pouted. “You are unbelievable.”

  “But you love me anyway.”

  “So I do.” Radisq faked a put-upon sigh.

  They polished off their meal, and Aaeren set the plates back onto the cart and then reclined against the headboard nonchalantly. “How do you feel?”

  Radisq reclined back, supporting his weight with his palms on the bed, his legs outstretched in front of him. “Great. And very full.”

  Aaeren grinned toothily. “Sore?”

  Radisq leveled Aaeren with a wary gaze, hiding his immediate instinct to bolt. “A little. Why?”

  Aaeren’s grin spread, and just as he was almost on Radisq, the other man flipped out of the bed, landing with a thud on the ground and immediately recovering his pace and darting out of reach.

  “Hey, like that now, is it? This will be fun. Run,” Aaeren said as he went after his mate, enjoying the chase.

  Shrieking with laughter, Radisq darted in a zigzag manner, eluding his mate, who was intent on grabbing him. Round and round in a circle they went, playing, teasing, and enjoying themselves as Aaeren sometimes let Radisq elude his grasp, but most times not before stealing a kiss.

  They played for a while longer until Aaeren decided it was time to put in their efforts elsewhere and tackled Radisq onto the floor before tossing the smaller man over his shoulder. His palm smacked against Radisq’s wiggling butt, and Radisq howled with laughter, enjoying this playful side to his mate.

  Aaeren pulled him down from his shoulders, placed him gently on the bed, and then proceeded to kiss every inch of Radisq’s body.

  “Everyone will hear,” Radisq panted.

  “Let them.”

  “We can’t.” Radisq made his last argument. “We have to be at the feast.”

  “Then we’ll just have to be quick, now, won’t we?”

  And that said, Aaeren proceeded to produce more sex noise from his very noisy mate, driving them both wild as he brought them to the brink and stopped and then started all over again until he had Radisq begging and pliant in his arms.

  When they finally settled, they cuddled together, touching each other in small ways, and there wasn’t a single instance where they weren’t in tune with each other or not touching. It was perfect.

  Radisq sighed, feeling put-upon to have to get up.

  “What is it?” Aaeren asked, more in tune with his mate than ever.

  “I do not feel like moving an inch.”

  “Then we skip tonight.”

  Radisq scoffed. “Right. As if. You know very well that we can’t. Damned tradition.”

  Sighing alongside Radisq, Aaeren steeled himself and bounded to his feet, pulling his reluctant mate along with him and tossing the smaller man into his arms as he marched toward the bathroom.

  “Don’t want to,” Radisq said with a pout.

  Aaeren began preparing their bath, filling the tub with water and testing it before adding scent. “I promise to make it memorable. Now get your butt in here.”

  Radisq sulked for a while before finally tossing the wrap around his body to the ground and gliding seamlessly toward Aaeren. Together, they climbed into the warm water, and Aaeren proceeded to fulfill his promise of a memorable bath.

  * * * *

  As the couple walked into the hall, the crowd stood, cheering loudly with their knowing gazes planted fast on the newly mated couple. Radisq blushed furiously, knowing exactly what those glances where for. Of course, his unrepentant mate enjoyed the attention, bowing slightly and grinning widely as he waved at them.

  His mate was truly an egoist, taking all the attention and catcalling in stride as they moved and approached the long table both their families occupied. Aaeren reached across the table and clasped hands with his father, then turned to do the same with Radisq’s father before settling down beside his mate.

  Radisq’s father rose from his seat, raising his drink. “To the mated couple and their great night of passion.”

  Everyone followed suit, cheering and whistling, and if the ground could have opened to swallow Radisq, he would have patted himself on the back for smiling through his embarrassment. Apparently, his own father was going to be the one to begin the good-natured teasing they were sure to have thrown their way the whole night.

  “Bring in the food and let the feast begin,” Radisq’s father announced, taking his seat and smiling like the proud papa he was.

  At once, everyone began talking, drowning each other out as the festivity began.

  “In my days, maids and the likes all stood outside the door, listening as the mating was consummated. It is a good thing my son proved more than equipped to alert us to the consummation,” Sarion, the Fire fae king, announced jovially as he raised his drink before sipping it.

  The table dissolved into laughter as they all chimed in their agreement. It would seem this was the night for full-on blushing, and Radisq had no choice but to endure the ribbing even though he knew it was done in good faith. His mate, of course, did not share his sentiment as he partook in laughing, even sharing.

  “My mate is a very sensual and loud
creature. The moaning, of course, was music to my ears, and such fine music indeed,” Aaeren chimed in, looking for all intents and purposes like the cat that ate the canary.

  And once again, they all dissolved into laughter. Radisq discreetly dug his elbow into his mate’s side, and the only acknowledgment he got for his effort was the blindingly bright smile turned his way and a passionate kiss to demonstrate Aaeren’s prowess. Soon, the couple was consumed by the kiss, and only the loud clearing of throats and the humorous laughter from those around finally brought them back to their senses enough to break it off.

  Once again, Radisq blushed hard, fanning himself with his hand for the heat he was suddenly feeling.

  “Such a stimulating show. Perhaps we should follow our old laws and let them perform in front of us all,” Ilno teased.

  “Shut up, cousin,” Radisq said, resisting the temptation to throw something at his cousin, who seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly.

  The teasing and ribbing and good company lasted throughout the night. With good food, plenty to drink, and the company of family as well as well-wishers from wide and afar joined together by a mating, all together, it was a lovely celebration for a happy occasion.

  As the night proceeded, the happy couple soon made their excuses, leaving the party that would last till the next morn when everyone finally departed to their own homes. Hand in hand, they walked back into their quarters together, reveling in the glow of their bond as well as the entertainment the night had proven to be.

  Secluded in their quarter, the lovers stood wrapped around each other, taking it all in.

  “I love you, mo chroí,” Aaeren rasped.

  It was the first time either of them had spoken their feelings out loud, despite the fact that they could both tell how the other felt. Tears stung Radisq’s eyes and slid down his cheeks, which Aaeren promptly brushed away with his thumbs, recognizing them for what they were.

  Radisq had never thought this would happen to him. Frankly, though, he had been dreading leaving his homeland. He had not really been convinced he would find his true mate, but here he was in the arms of the man who meant everything to him. Suddenly, leaving his homeland paled in comparison to not being with this man again.


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