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Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Toby Aden

  No matter what, he knew deep within his soul and was completely convinced that this man was now his home. He would never feel complete or whole again without this fae by his side and, heaven help, but he never, ever wanted to leave this man’s side.

  Whatever would come their way or whatever obligations and responsibilities they would need to attend, they would always have to find a way to be together, because Radisq truly believed their lives together had only just begun and there was a whole long journey ahead of them both.

  Palming Aaeren’s cheek and running his other hand over long, long strands of hair that he completely adored and could not seem to let alone, Radisq peered at his mate head on, revealing his soul to the one person who was his soulmate.

  “I love you, Aaeren, prince of the Fire land.” Radisq landed a kiss on the corner of Aaeren’s lips and then pulled back. “You are my soul.” He laid another kiss on the other side. “And my heart.” Another kiss landed on one of Aaeren’s eyelids. “My love.” A kiss on the other eye. “My everything.” He paused, peered at Aaeren, then his lips, and then sighed. “I love you.” He then sealed their mouths in a kiss.

  Completely touched and moved, they made slow, tender, sweet love, and then they talked some more, basking in their bond until they finally fell asleep once again.

  This seemed to set the mood for their pre-matingmoon. They secluded themselves in the room for three days, making love all over the room, talking, laughing, and eating when food was dropped off for them. Thankfully, this time without Ilno tagging along, they talked, finding out that they shared a whole lot in common even though they were of different races.

  It was marvelous. A whole different world in which they reveled in mated bliss, giving not a single thought to the outside world but the one they shared inside their room.

  Chapter Nine

  Aaeren, Radisq, and a couple of guards stood outside the castle, ready to board their carriage and begin their matingmoon-tour. Aaeren’s family had departed back to their kingdom while the princes were cocooned in their pre-matingmoon bliss.

  The time to leave had now arrived, and feelings of anxiety, dread, happiness, and excitement all fought for dominance in Radisq. It was completely confusing, as Radisq had no idea which emotion to give rein to. The only certain thing was that leaving was inevitable.

  They had finally decided to spend the year allotted for Radisq’s tour moving from each kingdom to the next, saving the Fire kingdom for last, since it was their final destination, after all. Even knowing what had to be done, Radisq could not determine how he was expected to leave all he knew and all that was familiar to him behind, but there was no choice as to what must be.

  Panic was beginning to set in, and as though summoned on cue, Aaeren turned from directing the maid in arranging their belongings to face him, pulling him into his arms and rubbing soothing circles on his back.


  Radisq nodded his head against Aaeren’s chest, drawing strength from his mate. He loved that Aaeren seemed so in tune with his body language. Even without glancing at him, Aaeren had been able to tell that he had been freaking out.

  “Ready whenever you are, mo chroí.”

  “I will miss my family and this place.”

  “We will come visit over time,” Aaeren reassured his mate.

  Radisq’s parents as well as Ilno and a few other people gathered to see him set off for a new life. His father opened his arms and, quickly, Radisq jumped into them, squeezing the man who had been responsible for his birth and shown him only love all of his life.

  “I am proud of you my son. Do not forget, we are but a messenger away. Should you need us, do not hesitate to alert us.”

  “I love you, Father,” Radisq said, holding back tears as he breathed in the familiar scent of his father.

  “I love you, too, son.” Pulling back from his son and holding him at arm’s length, his father scrutinized his features, knowing it would be a long while before he saw his son again.

  But it was just as well. He’d known that one day soon this day would come, and he could do nothing but be strong for his son, who must go into the world to find himself and his own happiness.

  Next, Radisq was hugging his mother, burying his nose into her shoulder as he held on for dear life. By the gods, he would miss them dearly, and they had not yet even left.

  Finally, he stood before Ilno, his best friend and confidant, his cousin and brother all rolled into one. He had always counted on Ilno never to lead him astray or let him down, but even now, leaving would mean a change in their dynamics. Unable to stand it anymore, Radisq fell into his cousin’s arms, knowing the man who had watched out for him all these years would catch him.

  “I will miss you.”

  “I will miss you too, cuz,” Ilno said, his voice gruff with emotions. Pulling back from the embrace, Ilno roughened his hair, smiling when Radisq laid a put-upon look on him. “It will not be forever. I will come visit, so make sure you prepare the very best quarters for me.”

  Radisq snorted a laugh, amused.

  “It is time,” Aaeren announced, understanding burning in his gaze but unable to put it off much longer.

  Radisq nodded and approached him, turning to give his family one last glance and a watery smile. His father held out his hand, and Aaeren immediately clasped it.

  “Take care of my son.”

  “With my life,” Aaeren readily agreed.

  Radisq’s father nodded, and soon the couple was boarding the carriage, ready to set off into a new adventure and a whole new life awaiting them.


  * * * *

  Within the several days’ ride, they soon arrived at the Wind fae kingdom, and Radisq stared in awe of the vast difference from his own homeland.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Aaeren asked, his breath tickling Radisq’s ears.

  “Breathtaking. I have never seen anything like this before,” Radisq gushed with excitement. “It is a wonder that such a place actually exists when I am only familiar and used to my own homeland.”

  Aaeren nodded. “That was my thought also when I went on my own tour centuries ago. But then, of course, I thought so of each different kingdom I visited.” Aaeren smiled. “It drove home the reason for the importance of the tour required of the royalties by blood. Though I did feel a bit sorry for the peasants, in that, even though they have the choice as to whether or not to tour the kingdoms, most do not, living their whole lives knowing nothing of the world outside their native lands.”

  Radisq mulled that over. “I see your point. Had I not seen this, I would have preferred the familiarity of the known compared to taking a chance on the unknown. I understand why most do not leave their native lands, but at the same time, it seems like such a shame.”

  Aaeren nodded his agreement. “How long do you wish to remain here?”

  “Four to five months at the most. I’m sure I would have accumulated all I need during that time frame.”

  Aaeren nodded. “It makes sense. We spend an equivalent time in the Earth Kingdom before finally on to the Fire Kingdom.”

  “That is what I thought also,” Radisq said with a grin.

  “Good. I will send our things ahead to the place we will stay for the duration of our time here. In the meantime, we need to announce our presence to the ruling family.”

  Radisq nodded his agreement and once again. They dissolved into comfortable silence, taking in their surroundings and the vast treehouses.

  There were treehouses combined with houses on the land, but they were the bare minimum, functional and nothing too elaborate. The houses were simplistic yet blended with the breathtaking natural surroundings.

  He couldn’t wait to see the house Aaeren had gotten for them, but it sure would be a pleasure living here for the duration of their visit. Everything was so in tune with nature that it was almost unbelievable but all the same, real.

  The carriage pulled to a stop outside a very impressive tree
that held a large treehouse. Stairs that seemed to be made from the trees led to the entrance of what he assumed to be the castle belonging to the ruling family. It was impressive with the greenery surrounding it.

  Radisq watched his surroundings in awe, moving absentmindedly as he took the whole place in. A hand on his back was the only thing that prevented him from losing his footing and tumbling down the staircase. Flushing, he turned to his mate, who was grinning down at him with indulgence.

  “Careful, mate. I have plans for your delectable body later, and it does not involve accidental injuries,” Aaeren teased.

  Radisq flushed, mumbling under his breath, though he liked the sound of what was to come later when they were alone and in private.

  At the top of the stairs, a gorgeous young man with long black hair, high cheekbones, and eyes the color of emerald stood alone with several men surrounding him.

  “We heard about your mating. Congratulations,” Llyano, the young, gorgeous man, said, moving forward to greet them.

  Aaeren grinned and clasped Llyano’s hand. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Indeed, my friend, indeed. And who is your lovely mate?”

  “This is my mate, Prince Radisq of the Water fae.” Turning to his mate, he announced, “And this is my longtime friend King Llyano, who just ascended the throne.” Turning back to the king, Aaeren explained, “We decided to combine our matingmoon with his tour since the time overlaps.”

  “Ah, well, then, I hope you have a lovely time with us, Prince Radisq,” Llyano said, holding his hand out for Radisq.

  Smiling graciously, Radisq clasped hands with the king, and together, they all walked into the house.

  Chapter Ten

  Two and a half months later

  Radisq sat in the garden watching the neighboring children play around. Over the months he had lived here with his mate, he had gotten to know the neighbors pretty well and so far had enjoyed meeting each of them.

  He had taken a break from playing with the children, exhausted by their never-ending energy to keep moving. Breathing hard, he looked up when he saw boots come to rest beside his. Glancing up, he spotted Llyano, the Wind fae king, smiling down at him before taking the seat next to his.

  According to what he’d learned over the months and what Aaeren had told him, Llyano had had somewhat of an unusual situation, being the only unmated fae to ever ascend the throne. Apparently, there had been some circumstances that had led to this occurrence, but Aaeren had refused to tell him what those circumstances were, saying that it was Llyano’s story to share.

  On several occasions, he had been tempted to come out with it and just ask Llyano about it, but he’d held his tongue. He had not wanted to pry into the business of the one who was becoming a fast friend of his, preferring to allow the man to talk whenever and if ever he felt like confiding in him.

  “Wore you out, did they?”

  Radisq laughed, nodding his head. “I had thought myself to be young still, but where they get their energy from, I cannot tell.”

  Llyano laughed and clapped him on the back, the force behind the pat sending Radisq forward, which in turn increased his amusement.

  “I am sure you will learn once the babe comes.”

  The amusement disappeared fast from Radisq, and his mouth dropped down in shock. Instinctively, his hands went around his flat stomach. “What?”

  Llyano gave him a confused stare. “Did you not know about this?”

  Radisq shook his head slowly, unable to speak a word. A babe, growing in his stomach. A new life. His and Aaeren’s child, unbelievable. Well, technically, yes, it was possible, but they hadn’t discussed this again. Hadn’t really been trying for a babe yet. They had only been focused on their new mating and had not yet given it an active thought, but now, the thought of a child born of love between him and Aaeren growing in his belly made a smile tug at the corners of his lips.

  Thinking about the possibility now and feeling for it, he could sense the thread of a new life in him, though it was very faint at the time. Without a single doubt, even though he had had no knowledge of this before, he could feel his love building for the tiny life that was developing in his stomach, and he soon became giddy with anticipation to see their child arrive in their arms.

  No doubt once Aaeren heard about this, he would be as ecstatic learning about their babe. They were to become instant parents, but he was sure between the two of them, they would be able to handle it.

  “I can see this news is well received.”

  Radisq nodded. “Yes. We had not planned it yet, but our babe is very much wanted and loved.”

  “That is good to hear, my friend. I see the way you are with your mate, and I can also tell this is news Aaeren would cherish.”

  “How did you know when I had not an inkling of it?”

  “My people are sensitive to the very nature around us. We are very much in tune with fate and mother nature herself, and because of this, the moment a child is conceived, we are able to tell.” Llyano grinned. “Have you not noticed how everyone has offered to help you with even the smallest of tasks? It is their way of acknowledging the babe and showing you their protectiveness.”

  Radisq nodded thoughtfully. “I had thought it weird since they were not quite protective in the beginning. I just did not understand the implications behind their actions nor want to appear as though I was ungrateful for their help.”

  Llyano laughed. “Worry not, my friend. We are a hard people to incite to anger.”

  “You are right, and I appreciate that everyone here has treated us as though we were a part of the kingdom.” Rising to his feet, Radisq squeezed Llyano’s arm in gratitude. “I must go find my mate at once and tell him the good news,” Radisq said, giddy with excitement.

  “Be sure to remember there are curious children around when you do,” Llyano said, his voice dripping with suggestions.

  Quickly catching on to what Llyano was implying, Radisq blushed furiously, knowing that his friend only spoke the truth, for Aaeren and he would indeed get up to activities best left behind closed doors and far enough away from the inquisitive children’s ears.

  Radisq’s laughter was abruptly cut short as he glimpsed the expression on his mate’s face over Llyano’s shoulders. Immediately, he rushed to his mate’s side, pulling the devastated man into his arms.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?” Radisq fired off.

  A sob escaped from Aaeren, who then buried his face in his mate’s shoulder, hiding from view of other onlookers. As though sensing that his mate was holding on by a thread, Radisq pulled the other man closer to him, supporting his mate’s weight as he walked them off toward their house.

  Shutting the door behind them, Radisq walked Aaeren to the lounger, immediately walking into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water and proceeding to force his mate’s unresponsive body to swallow it down.

  Aaeren tried turning his head away to refuse the drink, but Radisq was not budging. When he was satisfied with how much his mate had consumed, Radisq placed the glass on the table and turned back to Aaeren, folding him into his arms.

  Aaeren squeezed so tightly that it was almost hard to breathe, but Radisq did not complain, knowing there must have been terrible news to cause his mate to act this way. Pulling back slightly, Radisq took his mate’s chin into his hand and forced the other man to peer straight at him.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, Aaeren.”

  Aaeren opened and closed his mouth, licking dry lips as he tried again with no words coming out. Tears lingered in Aaeren’s lashes, not quite falling. With silent understanding, Radisq knew his mate simply needed comfort until he could get the words out.

  Reclining back against the couch, Radisq shifted so that Aaeren was half on top of him as he held on to the other man tightly, offering the comfort needed. He held Aaeren tightly against his body, squeezing back just as hard and letting Aaeren know he was there for him, no matter the situation, and he was not letting go.
br />   Radisq kept muttering sweet nothings, soothing the big body that was racked with tears.

  “Noooo!” Aaeren yelled, unable to keep his feelings bottled up inside him much longer.

  Aaeren shuddered against Radisq, tears and anguish causing his body to quake as he allowed his emotions loose. He would have never been able to show this level of weakness in front of anyone else, regardless of who it was, if he hadn’t felt so secure and loved in his mate’s embrace.

  The gentle words and soothing hand rubbing circles around his back and every other part of his body had finally broken through his barrier, and he was unable to keep holding the anguish in.

  “It’s okay, Aaeren. It’s going to be okay. I’m here for you. Whatever you need. It’s all going to be okay. You’ll see,” Radisq kept muttering, feeling his mate’s pain deep in his soul.

  Aaeren sobbed until there were no more tears left to shed. Exhausted and weary, he fell asleep, cradled in the arms of his lover.

  Radisq stared at his mate, who looked exhausted even in sleep. He was scared to find out what exactly had happened to bother his mate so much, yet he couldn’t not know to ease his mate’s suffering. God, but his chest hurt staring at the tear-stained cheeks of his love. He had never seen Aaeren so before, so devastated, broken, and out of sorts, and he feared what could have been the source of this pain.

  Absentmindedly, he traced a palm down his still-flat stomach, drawing comfort from his innermost strength and a secret he could not yet divulge to Aaeren.

  “He’s dead.”

  Radisq glanced down at his mate in surprise. He had thought the other man was fast asleep, but apparently not. Then the words registered in his mind, and he was taken aback.

  “Did you say dead? Who?”

  “My father.”

  Radisq sucked in a ragged breath. If anything, he had not been expecting this news. Aaeren’s father was dead? How? When? They had met only a few months ago and the man he had seen then had been at top notch health.


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