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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He gripped her chin. “Don’t lie to me, not ever.”

  “When…are you guys active duty? I mean, will you have to leave for a mission?” she asked.

  His expression softened. He shook his head. “We’ve been going nonstop for over a year. One intense, dangerous mission after the next and my team, all of us need to recoup.”

  She ran her palms up and down his chest. “So, not for a while then?” she asked.

  He squeezed her to him, covered her ass with his hand as he seemed to really enjoy doing, and then exhaled. “Definitely not for a while. That’s why we’re looking for a house. To set down roots and transition into something a little different maybe. We’ve just got things started.”

  “Oh God, I completely forgot. I brought in some more details on the two places. The owners of the one with the unfinished bedroom are getting a divorce. Their agent contacted me, and she said they are coming down in price. The wife wants it sold quickly.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing then, because we all agreed on that one.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah, come on and we can talk with the others. I’m certain they’re getting antsy that you haven’t come out yet.”

  “Oh, I need underwear and, well, pants, but you four are huge so I doubt they’ll fit me.”

  He turned her around and gave her ass a slap over the t-shirt she wore. It fell midthigh. “Baby, no need for panties. You’ll be learning some more rules. Rules we’ll require of you at the dinner table,” he said, with his hands on her shoulders as he led her to the kitchen.

  Each man thoroughly kissed her, felt her up, stroked her pussy and then explained about her body being accessible to them at all times. By the time they sat to eat dinner, a lovely meal of chicken masala with yellow rice, summer squash medley, and wine, she was aroused and needy once again, and they knew it.

  They talked about the house and they explained their ideas for the land.

  “We forgot to ask you, how was your dinner meeting last night?” Biani asked.

  She looked away and shrugged her shoulders. “A business meeting. Nothing spectacular.”

  “But one with the man who wanted you to have sex with him in the bathroom of a home you showed him? That same guy?” Messina asked.

  “Messina,” Falzone warned.

  She looked from one to another. “How did you—”

  “Doesn’t matter, but we were worried. Well, pissed off actually. Why the fuck do you need to meet him for dinner? The two of you alone and nothing happened?” Biani asked, raising his voice.

  “I handled it.”

  The room got quiet. Vella slammed his fist down on the table and leaned closer. “Handled what? What did he try to do?”

  “Vella, I handled it. Nothing happened.”

  “You were alone with him and you’re telling me nothing happened?” Messina asked.

  “We weren’t alone. His partner was there, too. They were both flirting and hinting at things, and I didn’t allow them to get to me, and none of it matters. The deal is closing in two days. Two more days and I’ll be done with them, with other men, other clients, and the bullshit around this deal.”

  “What the hell kind of deal is this?” Falzone asked.

  “There’s a property on the outskirts of Ausberry, a super great location, and a bidding war started.”

  “A bidding war?” Biani asked.

  “Yes, it started at the price of ten million and now it’s at thirteen as of a few hours ago when I first arrived. I didn’t even want to look at my phone.”

  Messina whistled at the price.

  “It’s the biggest deal I have ever been involved in. My commission will be a couple of million.”

  “What?” Falzone asked.

  “I know, it’s so crazy,” she said, feeling the excitement as she stood up and began to pace their kitchen. She was talking a mile a minute. She explained about the deal, about the secret client, the bidding war, showing the property, and then blurted out about Michael and Ellington wanting her as their lover, and how Ellington kissed her. They all stood up from the table, chairs went sliding, making a racket and then she covered her mouth and went to turn, but Vella grabbed her and pulled her close. The others gathered around them.

  “He kissed you a second time? On the business dinner last night, and they said they want you as their lover?” He raised his voice.

  Tears filled her eyes. “I handled it, Vella. I swear I did. It will all be over in the next couple of days.”

  “And when they force themselves on you, then what? You won’t be able to defend yourself against one man, never mind two!” he yelled.

  “I have thus far, haven’t I?” she replied.

  “Obviously not if the man kissed you. Look at you. You can’t defend yourself against a man like that. A sexist asshole who wants to fuck you with his business partner. Fuck, Tiana!” She burst into tears. “God damn it!” he exclaimed, and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.

  “I want names,” Falzone said.

  She shook her head and looked at him as tears rolled down her face.

  “No. This isn’t some mission, or a SoJ matter. It’s just some men hitting on me, and there isn’t a call or need to turn this into something it isn’t. Please, I told you about it. Trust me that it will be done this week. It will all be over, I swear to you.”

  Falzone was quiet and stared at the others, then looked her over.

  “One fucking flirtatious comment, one, and I want a phone call and I want names. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded.

  He looked at the others.

  “She withheld information,” Biani said, rubbing his hands together.

  She noticed that Vella and Messina did that, too. Falzone had his arms crossed in front of his chest. “She sure the fuck did.” He stared at her and she felt her ass cheeks tingle. They were going to punish her. They had warned her enough times about their rules. Rules that were meant to protect her and possess her, so she belonged to only them.

  “You understand why? What you did wrong, and that it isn’t acceptable? That putting yourself in danger is unacceptable?” Falzone asked as Vella gripped her hips.

  She gasped. “I do.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek. “You are our woman now. We protect what belongs to us. No other men.” He clenched his teeth and was breathing through his nostrils. “No other men will ever touch or possess what is ours, understood?”

  “Yes. Oh God yes, Falzone. Yes,” she said. He released her cheek and licked his lip.

  “Show me that you accept this and understand. That there is no confusion as to who you belong to.”

  She swallowed hard, nodded, and then took two steps toward the table and bent over it, held his gaze as she lifted her shirt. “I’m yours. I belong to each of you, and no one else.

  “Damn straight.”


  “Oh.” Vella smacked her ass first. She kept her palms flat down on the table as Vella caressed where he smacked her ass. It was directly over the center, and for some strange crazy reason it aroused her pussy and her asshole. She wanted them inside of her.

  “Ours,” Falzone said.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  “Oh.” She felt the cream drip as he spanked her three times, then caressed both ass cheeks. She tried not to rock her hips, but then Biani was there. He pushed her shirt up higher, slid his palm all over her back and her ass, then down her thighs.

  Smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “Oh.” She grunted, and more cream dripped from her cunt.

  “This table is coming with us. Hell, I think we’ll put it in that master suite we’re going to set up to fit the four of us and our woman.”

  Smack. He struck her ass again.

  “Oh God.

  “Would you like that, baby?” Falzone asked her, pressing her hair from her cheeks as she held his gaze. Messina pressed her legs farther apart. He massaged her ass cheeks, and dipped a
finger into her cunt.

  “Yes, Falzone. Oh God yes,” she said.

  Smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “Oh!” She cried out her release.

  “Fuck,” Messina said, and lifted her up to sitting position, and pulled her shirt up and over her head as she moaned from sitting on her ass after the punishment.

  “You’re everything to me,” he said, and cupped her cheeks and kissed her tenderly. She held onto his forearms and accepted his actions as he lifted her up and carried her out of the kitchen. They were back to the bedroom once again, and she didn’t mind one bit at all.

  * * * *

  “No, Tiana! Don’t go in there. Don’t open the door!” Vella yelled toward Tiana, but it was too late. The man with the knife, the butcher, grabbed her by her hair and yanked her into the room. Vella couldn’t move. His feet like concrete cemented to the floor, but he saw inside. Saw the bloody bodies, the dead, tortured women and he roared out. “No, she’s mine. No!” he roared, and then he felt the arms gripping him. Soldiers, several of them. They were saying his name and he was shoving at them and they were yelling.

  “Vella, no. Vella, it’s okay. I’m here with you. I’m safe.” He heard Tiana, and he stopped fighting as he felt her hands on him, her small, delicate body cover his and then hug him.

  He inhaled deeply against her hair and neck, wrapped her up tightly. “Tiana?” He said her name and opened his eyes. He blinked and saw Messina rubbing his mouth, Falzone and Biani were standing up looking shocked, but then Tiana was kissing his skin, then his lips. He went to rub her arms, realizing that he was having a nightmare, and that they all knew, all saw and heard, and perhaps he struck them and—

  “Oh God…did I hurt you? Did I hurt you?” he asked her and grabbed her shoulders, rolling her to her back. Her eyes widened.

  “Vella!” Falzone ordered and he exhaled.

  “Fuck. This is why I couldn’t accept this. I’m not right, Tiana. I’m fucked up and I could hurt you and not even know it.”

  She cupped his cheeks and shook her head. “No, baby. No, you wouldn’t. You didn’t. You heard their voices and then mine. You felt my hug, my kisses and my body against yours like it is now.” She squeezed her legs around his waist and hugged him to her neck.

  “I love you, Vella. I love you so much, and you’re safe with me always. Always safe with me.”

  “Oh God.” He exhaled, and felt the tears in his eyes. He kissed her neck, rolled onto his side and held her close, then cupped her cheek. “I love you, too. I didn’t want you to see this side of me.”

  “No, Vella, we’re one now. All of us,” she said, and reached her hand out to the others. They gathered around, and Messina pressed up behind her. He kissed her shoulder.

  “I love you, too. I suffer like Vella does,” Messina told her, and Vella locked gazes with him.

  “Not talking about is making it worse, man,” Messina said.

  “We’re to blame, too. We should all be talking about it. Our experiences, the danger that brought this on. We have nightmares, too,” Falzone said.

  “Yes we do,” Biani added.

  “Well, then you’ll have to take turns snuggling close to me, because my hugs like this heal, because I love each of you so very much,” she said, and tried crossing her ankles behind his back. They chuckled.

  “I love you, too,” Falzone told her and kissed her thigh.

  “As I love you, baby. You’re so very special to all of us,” Biani said, and caressed her thigh.

  She smiled. “I think I need my men one more time,” she said, and winked.

  “I think we can handle that request, baby,” Vella said, and lowered down to suck on her breast as he moved her to her back and his brothers joined in. Maybe, just maybe Tiana’s hugs could heal him and his team for good.

  Chapter Six

  “Do you see her?”


  “Grab her and bring her to the location. If we don’t do this now, then we lose the opportunity.”

  “Got it.”

  Federal agent Herb Dispol sat in the van along with two agents. They had been monitoring shady business dealings of multiple men involved in a money laundering scam. When they got together with a local state police investigator who stumbled upon some phone tap conversations between his suspects and theirs, they couldn’t believe what was going on. Their suspects Michael Coast and Ellington Blake was organizing a plan to help their business associates Peter and Keith Calston, sell their property in Ausberry by creating a bidding war. The state police investigators were investigating Peter and Keith on credit card scams and unpaid back taxes on another property when they recorded a conversation between all four men about causing a bidding war and making a profit that would cover all back taxes on the other property, make then additional money so they could stop the credit card scam, and also give a profit for helping to both Michael and Ellington. Keith and Peter Calston accepted the deal. Then they went as far as bribing Gordon Slane and Cynthia Clark. The only people who see to be innocent in this scam were Tiana Mosely and Charleston Long. The agents were confirming things, and the fact that Michael and Ellington discussed threatening Tiana and abducting her, the agents could add more charges to this already pretty solid case. They needed Tiana onboard and quickly to assist.

  Agent Dispol and Agent Smith got out of the van and approached her in the store. No one was around in the aisle she was in.

  “Miss Mosely?” Agent Dispol asked. She looked up at him and then the other agent. The woman was beautiful, and would make great bait to catch all involved.

  “Yes,” she asked, eyes squinted.

  “Agent Dispol, FBI, and this is Agent Smith.” They showed their IDs and she looked at them and then eyes widened. Dispol looked around them. “We need to talk to you. It’s about the real estate company your work for and some clients you’re involved with. Would you come with us please? We don’t want to make a scene or draw attention to us.”

  He took her arm and they started walking. “Right this way.”

  “Wait, am I in trouble or something?”

  “As of right now no, but that’s why we’re here,” Dispol said, and they brought her through the back door exit and to the van.

  They helped her into the back, where she looked at the other two men and the equipment they had in there to do surveillance.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” she said.

  “We’ll explain.”

  As they began to tell her what was happening, the young woman was definitely shocked.

  “Money laundering, and this is a scam to rip off whomever the buyer is? That isn’t fair or right. I can’t believe that my boss, never mind Ellington and Michael, plus Cynthia too, are involved with this. That isn’t fair, the property should go to Charleston Long.”

  “Well, we’re pulling our evidence together and we need this deal to go through. We want you to continue to meet up with Michael and Ellington. We believe they’re planning another type of crime along with real estate fraud.”

  “But you have phone conversations and eyewitnesses, why do you need me to continue to talk to them?”

  “It will build the case stronger if they try and entice you into being part of this deal, or even another one.”

  “I don’t think I can do that. I should talk to one of my friends, the local sheriff, or men I know.”

  “You mean the four guys you’re seeing? Yeah, about them. They’re part of a special operations unit. We noticed that Michael has some kind of government connections. Those men you know, if they become part of the investigation, it won’t be good for them,” Smith said to her.

  “What do you mean?”

  Dispol stared at her. “It means they’ll be investigated, too. Perhaps lose their positions while they are being dealt with.”

  “No, they have nothing to do with this. I just met them, and they’re good friends of my friends, and I won’t let their careers get ruined because you need to do this investig

  “Then you can’t tell anyone about this,” Smith said to her.

  She was shaking, Dispol could see, and she worried her bottom lip, and he knew she would do as they said.

  “Okay, let’s go over some things we know, and maybe you can fill in the empty spaces. Then we’ll explain how this is going to go down.”

  * * * *

  Tiana was so scared; her voice was cracking and she was doing everything she possibly could to not cry. When she questioned their actions, they brought up her father and his illegal dealings.

  “How is that even part of this investigation? I haven’t seen him in more than a year, and he did his time for that. People were hurt and killed, my sister, my cousin. I haven’t done a damn thing wrong, so don’t threaten me.”

  “Oh we aren’t, we are taking the evidence we have. Plus, we’ve already looked into you and it was easy to see you’re innocent. We think that’s why your boss and these men chose you. You fell right into their plan. In fact, we wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to draw you in to take the blame,” Smith said to her.

  “What?” she asked, getting angry. “I’m not gullible. I haven’t done anything incriminating, and if they think that they’re going to get away with this then they are dead wrong. I’ll do whatever you ask me to do. In fact, we can end this pretty damn quickly.”

  “How?” he asked.

  She pulled out her cell phone. “Look. This guy, I don’t know him, but he is bidding on the land, too. My boss said even though I haven’t spoken to the guy, that his bid counts and Gordon knows him. Between him and Michael and Ellington, the land is now priced at 14 million.”

  “Fourteen?” Smith asked, and the other two men whistled.

  “What are you suggesting?” Dispol asked her.

  “I say, Charleston Long is innocent in all of this. He lives in the community, he has other businesses in the community and his family has been in Texas for many generations. Hell, they settled this land.”

  “But we want to catch all of those involved.”

  “Well, if Michael and Ellington win the bidding war, then they screw themselves. They will have to pay the money, they won’t hand it over to Peter and Keith that you mentioned, and their little scam backfired.”


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