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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “But you don’t have the authority to end the bidding,” Smith said.

  “Well, if this is a scam, then Ellington and Michael will pull out any moment.”

  “Or they can make this go on to get more money from Charleston.”

  “Well, then a little birdie will tell Charleston not to bid higher once this third guy or Ellington and Michael bid. Then at least Charleston doesn’t get screwed.”

  “We need to catch them red-handed. They want to meet you today, right, at three?” Smith asked, and glanced at his watch. She squinted at him. “Surveillance and phone taps remember?” he added. She nodded.

  “Okay, hint around about how much money this land is, and what you would be able to do with the money and how much of a life changer it would be for a woman like you, so young and struggling to make ends meet. Draw them in. They want you already, so it will be easy to get them to talk about the deal and hopefully offer you a cut. Get you to push the bidding to get more out of this third guy, and of course Michael and Ellington.”

  “But what about Charleston? He’s done nothing wrong. He should get that land for the original ten million, what it is truly worth in this market.”

  “When the deal falls through, he can get the deal. Keith and Peter will have all their assets seized, and they owe money and need to sell that land to pay back taxes and other debts, which started this operation to begin with,” Dispol said to her.

  “Can you promise me that? Like in writing that Charleston will get the land for ten million, not more, and immediately, no hang-ups as the investigation continues, and also that I’m not held responsible for anything criminal? That I’m free to go, no repercussions?”

  Dispol looked at Smith and then the other two who nodded.

  “Deal. We’ll write it up.”

  “Now, before I go to meet them in an hour,” she said, not trusting these men. Federal agents tended to not protect her family. She didn’t want to assume these men were like that, but experience showed that they couldn’t be trusted. She thought about contacting her men, or even Spartan, or Tat, but all of them were part of SoJ and she didn’t want trouble coming their way, or them potentially losing their jobs. She could see it now, all of her friends, her lovers too, being investigated and getting kicked out of SoJ. No, she couldn’t let that happen. She could handle this. She wasn’t doing anything illegal, she was just getting them to talk, to ask her to join in. What could go wrong with the Feds watching?

  She got out of the van, making sure no one saw her, and a plan was in action. As she headed to her car, nervous about what was going on, but also relieved that she wouldn’t suffer from being involved with this, she started to make a backup plan just in case. She wrote down the agents’ names, the license plate number on the vehicle, the information they discussed, and she sent it to an e-mail to herself. She then created another draft, indicating the deal she made for Charleston because he was an innocent in this situation. What she hadn’t expected was the call from Cynthia.

  “Where the hell did this other bidder come from? Charleston just said the property is at fourteen million.”

  She was surprised because she thought that Cynthia was involved with this illegally, too. Who the hell was the third bidder?

  “I have no idea who he or she is. Gordon said it’s legit.”

  “Gordon did? Seriously?”

  “Yes, Cynthia. Listen, I would love for Charleston to get that property, I truly would because I know what he plans to use it for and it would be great for the community, but this is out of my hands.”

  “You are working for Michael and Ellington. What are they offering you if you sell it to them?”

  “They aren’t offering me anything. I’m dealing with the owners, and the stipulations for the contract. In fact, the deadline for the sale is today.”


  “The deadline,” Tiana said, making it up. She couldn’t stand this woman and to know she was corrupt just added to the fact.

  “That’s bullshit,” Cynthia said and then ended the call.

  Tiana chuckled. She then drove her car to the restaurant.

  * * * *

  “What’s the plan? She is going to be here any minute, and you heard what Cynthia said. I don’t like this, Ellington. Something is wrong. I feel it.”

  “Stop worrying. It’s a piece of cake. We pull out as soon as Charleston bids up again.”

  “And this third party? Who the fuck is it? They’re screwing shit up.”

  “Who cares, Michael? The bottom line is the number. Peter and Keith get the money and we get our cut. A win-win situation and Charleston or this other guy flip the bill. Fuck them.”

  “What about Tiana?”

  “She’s fine, and gets a pretty commission, too. Doubt she’ll be sticking to real estate anymore. We could whisk her off to Greece, tonight. Well, tomorrow. Right now we get her to come with us for a ride by the property again, but instead we head to the private jet.”

  “Here she is,” Michael said, and stood up. He took in the sight of her. Jesus, the woman was perfection. She wore a wraparound dress in merlot that accentuated her large breasts, her tiny waist, and superb ass. It appeared as if one pull on the ties and the whole thing would come undone. As she greeted them, and placed her bag onto the chair, he caught a glimpse of something on her neck. Ellington hugged her and gave her a kiss, let his hand glide past her ass, and she quickly pulled to the side and greeted Michael. He cupped her cheek after he kissed her hello on the other cheek. What’s this?” he asked, tilting her face sideways. He knew immediately what it was. A love bite. He narrowed his eyes at her.

  She reached up. “Oh, what is it?” she asked.

  “A red mark or something,” Ellington said, and now he looked pissed, too.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I was rubbing at it earlier, and felt a pinch. Anyway, how are we doing?” She asked and took a seat.

  Michael didn’t think she was seeing anyone. Ellington thought she wasn’t. Who had she been with? Who was she fucking? His temper began to rise. He was jealous. He had waited so patiently and now this. They talked about the deal, but his focus was on her. On stripping her naked and fucking her so hard, so long, she couldn’t remember any lover but him and Ellington. She’d get punished for her indiscretions as well.

  “I can’t believe there’s a third person bidding now. You know Gordon said that the seller wants this deal done by today. I guess unless you’re raising your bids, it’s going to go to Charleston or this third party.”

  “We raised it before you got here,” Charleston said to her as the waiter brought over their coffees and some sweets the men ordered.

  She squinted at him and then pulled out her cell phone. She looked shocked, then blushed.

  “Boyfriend?” Michael asked her.”

  She glanced up and Ellington leaned back. “She isn’t seeing anyone, or at least wasn’t when I kissed her the other night in the parking lot,” he said.

  “I told you that was a mistake.”

  “You mean because you’re with someone else?” Michael asked.

  She looked around them, and so did he. “My personal life isn’t really your business. It’s new anyway, and was just a date.”

  “But he fucked you and sucked on your neck?” Michael whispered as he leaned closer.

  “We aren’t done bidding,” he said to her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Let’s go. Are you finished with your coffee?” he asked, and she nodded.

  “Go where?” She looked around them as they stood up.

  It was like she thought someone was there and watching, or listening. Shit, was she working for someone? For the Feds? His buddy caught wind of someone near their business this morning. He squinted at her.

  “We will go look at the property one last time and then make a final bid since you say the owners want this to bend.”

  She looked confused and they headed out to the parking lot.

come in our car,” Michael said to her.

  “But I don’t think I should leave my car here, and then have to come back this way.”

  “In our car, so we can talk some more,” he said, and took her hand and led her to the BMW. She got into the backseat and he looked at Ellington across the roof of the car. “Feds. They got to her.”

  “Fuck,” she replied, and looked around them.

  “The highway and then the airport hangar.”

  * * * *

  Tiana had her cell phone in her hand. She was shaking. Something wasn’t right. This whole thing just got screwy. Why would they want to look at the property and bid on it if they were setting up someone else to buy it, and get paid by Peter and Keith? Unless the Feds lied and Ellington and Michael aren’t the ones involved, but maybe just her boss Gordon? Shit, shit, shit. As she looked at her e-mail draft with all the documented info, she debated about sending it to Spartan and Cesar. She was unsure until they bypassed the route to the land and went onto the highway and sped up.

  “Where are we going?” She asked. Michael smirked at her. “An adventure. Now take your cell phone out of your purse and give it to me.”

  “What? No way. Stop this car and let me out,” she said, and lowered the phone and hit send. She glanced down and saw it went through and was delivered. She cleared the screen.

  “Give it to me now,” he ordered.

  “No. Stop the car! Where are you taking me?” She yelled and he reached over the seat and grabbed her hair.

  “The fucking airport. You’re coming with us, and we’re going to get to the bottom of this the hard way!” he yelled out. He yanked her between the seats and her forehead hit the shifter and Ellington’s hand.

  “You’re working for someone. You’re double-crossing us!”

  She hit the emergency button on the phone and screamed out so Michael and Ellington wouldn’t hear the dispatcher.

  “Why are you forcing me to go with you somewhere? Where are you taking me? What do you mean Feds?”

  “Stop the fucking car!” Michael yelled, and the car came to a screeching halt as horns honked and then he pulled open the door as she tried scurrying to the other door and he struck her in the back. She screamed out and he took her phone. “Fuck,” he roared, and then threw it on the side of the road and got into the backseat with her. He grabbed her.

  “Drive, and do it fast, she had 911 on the phone.”

  “Fuck,” Ellington said, and skidded out and flew down the highway zigging and zagging as she tried fighting off Michael.

  He was on top of her, pulling her hands behind her back and then yanking off his tie. He wrapped her wrists tight and then flipped her onto her back.

  She was crying and screaming at him. “You’re going to get caught. The Feds know everything. They told me everything.” She screamed.

  He saw red and struck her, once, twice with the palm of his hand. Her lip was bleeding and her cheek instantly sore as she cried. “You stupid fucking bitch.” He pulled out his cell phone as he kept a forearm to her throat and his weight on her so she couldn’t fight him off or try and get away.

  “We’re fucked. The Feds are on us. We’re out.” He ended the call and then placed the phone into his jacket pocket.

  “Say good-bye to Texas. You’ll never see it or anyone else ever again.” He pulled out a syringe as she shook her head and begged him not to stick her. “It’s easier this way, Tiana.” He stuck it into her arm and smirked as her eyes closed, and saw and heard nothing more.

  * * * *

  “What the hell did you just say?” Falzone yelled into his phone.

  “We knew nothing. No one did. These fucking Feds came into town, apparently talked to Tiana and informed her of this illegal operation and these clients she had. Next thing you know, she’s gone, and this e-mail is sent to me and to Cesar. We contacted our connections, and it’s true. These two asshole Feds fucked up and didn’t protect her. She’s gone. On a plane somewhere, get to our place as we sort this out,” Spartan said to him. He closed up the phone and looked at the team.

  “We need to go to Spartan’s. Tiana is in trouble. Big fucking trouble.”

  “What the fuck do you mean?” Vella asked.

  “A fucking mess, and another screw up by the Feds. Apparently, they’ve been watching her and these corrupt clients of hers that were trying to pull off a scam. She’s in the fucking middle and now the men took her.”

  “What the fuck?” Messina yelled.

  “Not the fucking guys who tried to fuck her and kissed her?” Biani asked, grabbing the truck keys.

  “Fuck!” Falzone roared, and they headed out of the house, meeting Tat and Vacarro on the way.

  * * * *

  Vella grabbed the agent by his throat and lifted him up into the air. “You dumb fuck. You sent a five-foot-one petite, ninety pound woman into the hands of sexual predators!” Vella roared.

  “Put him down, Vella,” Spartan ordered.

  “Fuck no. I should break his fucking neck for setting my woman up as bait so he and these other dicks could get more evidence to use against them.”

  “Let him down now.” Spartan raised his voice and Vella dropped Agent Dispo, and he fell to the floor then scrambled to get up.

  “You’ll be charged for that. You don’t even fucking belong here!” Dispol yelled at him.

  “Fuck you, we belong here and now we’re going to have to use our resources and capabilities to track these fucks down and get to Tiana before they hurt her,” Falzone yelled at the agents.

  “You’re the ones getting charged. Get them the fuck out of my face,” Spartan yelled, and other men, ones in government positions, escorted Dispol and Smith from the room.

  “This is a fucking nightmare,” Messina said, and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “We need to start moving. Where the fuck did that plane land?” Biani asked.

  “I got Charleston Long on the phone, he said anything we need, he can get,” Cesar told them.

  Vella was fuming mad. It was only hours earlier he was holding her in his arms and telling her he loved her. Well, she was holding him. Fuck.

  “She put everyone before herself, including us when we could have intervened,” he said to them.

  “Those two dicks played her. Some federal fucking agents they are, telling her we would be investigated and would lose our jobs. She was protecting us, and Charleston Long,” Falzone said and shook his head.

  “We got it!” Cesar yelled out. “My brother Damon and a close friend used their connections. The plane landed in southwest Florida. With a police escort to the military base, we can get on a military jet and be there within two hours.”

  “Let’s go,” Falzone said, and they started to grab their things and head out of the room. By the time they got to the SUVs and were speeding down the highway to the nearest military base, more calls were coming in from their investigative team.

  “You’re on speaker,” Spartan said to Tobias.

  “I’m here with Wallace and Stephan. These fucks had a dungeon.”

  “A what?” Romano asked.

  “A dungeon, like sex toys, but intense hardcore masochist shit. Pictures coming through now,” he said.

  “Looks like these dumb ass Feds didn’t do a very thorough job investigating these two assholes. There’s shit all over their computers. Yani and Mink discovered their little fetish, and well, uhm. Pictures of Tiana. They have her face superimposed into costumes and shit. They’re sick fucks,” Tobias stated.

  “Son of a bitch. I should have broken that dick’s neck when I had the chance,” Vella said.

  “Wait, Stephan found something. Receipts, files on various mortgages, and wait…one in Florida, a private estate in Naples. Let me get the address and send it.”

  “They could go anywhere. What are the chances that they bring Tiana to this estate?” Falzone asked.

  “I’d say pretty good. It’s not under his name, it’s listed under a business name,” St
ephan told them, and then rambled off the name.

  “It’s all we got right now. Hopefully that’s where these two assholes took her,” Falzone said, and he looked at all his men, then locked gazes with Vella.

  Vella nodded. “If they hurt her in any way, they’re going to die,” Vella said and everyone was quiet.

  * * * *

  “Wake up, Tiana. Come on now, I’ve waited a whole day and night to be able to play with you,” Michael said to her.

  He leaned down and kissed her breast. She looked incredible laying there in only her panties and bra, the leather restraints around her wrists and ankles would keep her under his control. He inhaled her scent, combined with suede and leather. He stroked her skin with the whip, swept it over her breasts then down between her legs. She was barely covered by her flimsy, thin, sexy panties and bra. He licked his lips.

  The door opened, the creaking sound of metal was created on purpose to give this dungeon a dark, dreary feel to it. No expense was spared on anything in here. Not the various torturing tables and devices, nor the soundproof room, covered in padded leather.

  “We good?” he asked Ellington, who began to roll up shirt sleeves before pulling his shirt out of his dress pants and unbuttoning the buttons.

  “Not a sound or a worry. If they were even close to the estate, we’ll be forewarned. My God, look at her.”

  “I know, we’ve waited so long and then the last twelve hours we wasted flying, hiding out elsewhere and then getting here. I gave her too much of the sedative.”

  “Well, it gave us time to come down from the high and from our anger, or who knows what we may have done to her under that stress,” Ellington said, and trailed his fingers over her thighs, then cupped a breast. “A feast fit for kings,” he whispered, and then tugged on her wrist cuffs. He glanced at Michael. “I see you chose your tool for punishment.”

  “I know, I’m taking it lightly. I don’t want to scare her too much off the bat. We need her to last. You know as well as I do that we’ll be holed up in here for quite some time. It could take years for the heat to come off.”


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