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Sons of Justice 13_Off the Market for Love

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We have our connections, it will all work out. But God, looking at her like this, subdued, restrained, and I need and want so much,” Michael whispered.

  * * * *

  Tiana heard the voices. She turned her head, and blinked her eyes open. Michael and Ellington were standing there. She jerked, and her arms didn’t move, nor her legs. She was tied down by something. She moved her head side to side and reality came crashing through the fog. She was only wearing panties and a bra, her legs spread and tied by thick leather cuffs, and the same were on her wrists. Her lips were super sore and her cheek, too. “What did you do? Did you touch me?” She yelled.

  Michael gave her a smug expression. “You belong to us, Tiana. You’ll get used to our touch, to our bodies, our commands.”

  “Release me. You have no right to hold me here and force me to do what you want. No right at all.” She raised her voice. She gasped as Ellington grabbed her face hard, so damn hard she knew she would have bruises, but that was obviously the least of her worries. How long had she been out cold? What had they done besides undress her as she slept from the drugs they administered?

  She started to panic, and she pulled on the bindings and shook her head side to side. She screamed out in anger. “Let me go. Let me go now, damn you! Now!” She carried on and yanked and pulled until she felt the snap of the whip against her stomach. She screamed in pain and anger, turning her head toward Michael. “You sick bastard,” she yelled, and he snapped the whip again.

  “I think she needs something to relax her. Something that will put her mind at ease and lessen that temper,” Ellington said.

  “Not sedate her though. I gave her a little too much for that for the plane and car ride,” Michael said, and then slid his palm along her belly where her skin burned from the lashing.

  “Get away from me. You’re both monsters and you will die for this. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll watch you die.” She seethed with anger as Ellington tied a rubber piece around her upper arm and then tapped her vein.

  He placed a little case next to her side and pulled out some sort of bottle of stuff. “Not too much, we want her coming, not comatose,” Michael said, and snapped the whip lighter, but it still stung. He hit her upper thighs, her belly and breasts, then he leaned closer and licked her lower lip. She snapped at him like she would bite him. She would use whatever she had to fight against them and their—

  “Ouch.” Ellington stuck the needle into her arm and she felt the tingling sensation. Her head rolled to the side, her eyes lost focus and she started to move her body.

  “That’s more like it. Oh sweet, sweet, Tiana. We may need to use that on you for a little while, just until you realize that you’re ours now,” Ellington said to her, and then kissed her shoulder.

  She felt herself losing focus. The room wasn’t staying still at all.

  “No, no, I won’t let this weaken me. No. You terrible, terrible man. So terrible.” She mumbled her words.

  “Awe now that isn’t any way to talk to your two lovers. We’re going to be taking you over and over again. Making it so that there will never be anyone but us,” Ellington said, and cupped her breast and leaned down to taste her. A hand slid along her inner thigh and she forced her mind to focus, but it just couldn’t. She couldn’t control herself.

  “That’s it, sweetie. Do you belong to us?”

  “No. No, no, no, noooo.” She mumbled and then coughed because she said the words until her voice went numb and cracked. The snap of the whip, then the fingers touching, pinching, trying to take from her body enraged her. “I hate you. I hate you.”

  Ellington cupped her cheeks and stared at her mouth. “You don’t hate us, you want us. Inside of you, possessing you, controlling you in every way.”

  She was losing her mind. Losing focus of what was happening. She felt their touch, their caresses and then her body went limp, and she felt hardly anything at all.

  “She’s under. Enjoy yourself, Michael,” Ellington said, and her body jerked, and the whip hit her skin and then some sort of sound hummed in the background. She saw their eyes widen, and then they looked at one another and turned. She rolled her head side to side. She begged to not feel anything else, or to see anything else. She was deaf. Couldn’t hear, and could barely see. As she blinked her eyes open, she thought she saw figures and then flashes of light. Michael and Ellington’s body shot back against the bed and then disappeared, and nothing. She was deaf and blind and scared, as hands—multiple hands—seemed to be undoing the restraints. She felt her eyelids lift open, light shone in them, but nothing else. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she shook, she thought she was screaming, crying and hysterical, because she felt everything ache and burn and then her body jerked, she blinked her eyes open rapidly, the sound slowly coming back.

  “This should help until the paramedics get in here,” someone said.

  “Easy, Tiana, we got you, baby. You’re safe now, honey. Can you hear me now? It’s Biani.”

  She blinked and blinked, and then saw the faces, blurry still but she could make them out. “Help me. Help me,” she said.

  “What did they fucking give her?” Vella yelled, and slammed his hand down on the bed.

  “It’s in this vial. We’ll bring it to the hospital to test. The stuff I gave her would counter any type of sedative,” Spartan said to them.

  “Drugs, I couldn’t see or hear. Oh God, did they rape me? Did they do what they said they would do? Oh God.” She cried and Biani hugged her to him.

  “We got to you in time, sweetie. They weren’t successful. They both can’t ever hurt you again.”

  She clung to him and then grabbed onto Vella’s arm and pressed it against her body. Falzone and Messina were putting something on her. Covering her up. She still didn’t feel right. She grabbed onto them. “I don’t feel right. The room is spinning. Make it stop. Make it stop.” She moaned and then darkness overtook her vision.


  “You shouldn’t be walking around without help,” Messina barked at her.

  She reached out for his arm and joined him in the kitchen. “I’m fine now.”

  “You’re still weak, dehydrated, and don’t have enough calories in you to take a damn walk from the hallway to the kitchen. What if you fell, or hit your head?”

  “Please, Messina.” She hugged his arm, pulled it around her waist and held onto him, hugging him tight. She knew she lost weight. Her stomach reacted to the drugs badly and she couldn’t hold anything down for two weeks. They finally released her from the hospital after administering an I.V. to get nutrients into her. Now she ate small little things throughout the day, but it would take time to recover.

  He lifted her up onto his lap and he sat at the table. She lay her head against his shoulder. “Where is everyone?” she asked.

  “Around. You’re supposed to rest for two hours.”

  “Says who?” she asked, being more and more resistant to these rules of theirs. How did they expect her to nap four times a day? Seriously?

  “Your leader,” Falzone said, joining them in the kitchen.

  She lifted up and he stared at her face, the bruising still there, a scowl for a moment on his face then a small smile. He cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her lips, and she reached out and caressed his arm.

  “Where did you disappear to?” she asked.

  “I was around. Not far, plus Messina was here with you all day.”

  “I need to fix her something to eat.”

  “I got it,” Falzone said to them.

  “Wait, I can do it myself.” She slid off of Messina’s thigh, and then steadied herself. She still got a little lightheaded, but that was because she needed food, and to build up her strength. She walked toward the closet.

  “What do you need? The less walking the better,” Falzone barked at her.

  “The oatmeal and pot for water.”

  Messina stood up and got the pot and filled it. Falzone helped her with the oatmeal and th
en when he went to walk back toward the counter, he pressed a hand to her hip and she pushed it away.

  “Hey,” he said to her.

  “Hey yourself. I’m getting better.”

  “Not so fast. It takes time, and pushing it could mean a relapse.”

  “Says who?” she asked.


  “Oh, when did you become a doctor?” She held onto the counter and exhaled.

  They were all silent, and then she felt his hands on her hips and then his lips against her neck.

  “We know what is best for you. We will do whatever we have to, to make sure you’re never in danger again.”

  “I know that, believe me, I do. The likelihood that corrupt businessmen will try to abduct me, beat me, and rape me in some sex dungeon is pretty damn slim. At least I think they are.”

  “Cool it,” Messina barked.

  The water boiled and she made the oatmeal, and brought it to the table and ate less than half. Her stomach ached.

  “It’s so beautiful out.”

  “Are you up for a ride?” Falzone asked her.

  “Hmm, that might be nice.”

  “Okay, text them, Messina, and I’ll grab some waters.”

  “Now?” he asked, and she didn’t know what was going on.

  A few minutes later, they walked out to the truck. Messina lifted her up and sat her in the front seat with him and Falzone. They headed down the road a ways, and when they made the turn up the road to the private land and home she had shown them weeks ago, she was shocked to see the trucks and the construction. “What’s this?” she asked.

  “A surprise,” Falzone said to her.

  They helped her out of the truck, but then Falzone lifted her up in his arms and carried her into the house. They passed some workers who said hello and asked how she was.

  “What is this? Oh God, you bought it? Without me as the agent?” she asked.

  “No silly, with you as the agent. Spencer Birthmire took over your bosses agency, and then they worked out the deal you had worked out with the previous owners.”

  “Seriously? You didn’t tell me any of this? What about the room and well, when were you going to tell me so I could go back to the condo?”

  “You aren’t going back to the condo,” Messina said as they climbed the stairs, and then headed down the hallway to the unfinished room.

  The door was open and she could see and smell the fresh paint and the furnishings. Her mouth gaped open as he set her down on her feet. There were Vella and Biani, fixing the comforter on some sort of custom-made double king-sized bed. It looked like a bedroom fit for royalty. There were thick burgundy pillows, Gold Tuscan colored walls and decorations. It was just like the pictures she had up in her bedroom in the condo.

  She gasped. “Falzone, you saw the pictures?”

  He smiled. “Vella and Biani did,” he said, as Vella and Biani approached.

  “She is supposed to be resting,” Vella said, and pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. When he pulled back, Biani kissed her next then took her hand. “What do you think?”

  “It’s gorgeous and I can’t believe you’ve been working on the house these last two weeks.

  “Well, we need a bigger place, and this was perfect and you loved it as much as we did. The choice was simple.”

  “As much as I love it, but it’s your place.”

  “No, it’s our place. You’re our woman. We’ve claimed guardianship of you, and all you need to do is say yes to being our woman and us being your men, and we can start our whole new life together here in this house, on this land, in Repose, and together make this our home forever.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she smiled through them. “Yes, I accept. I love you all so very much. I’ll get better and stronger again, too. You’ll see.”

  Vella wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her, then held her back against his chest as they walked around the new master suite.

  “We have all the time in the world, Tiana. All the time to love you, to cherish you, and to prove to you that your investment in us will bring a lifetime of happiness,” Falzone told her.

  “Hmm, so the house is off the market?” she asked, stepping from his arms and looking around feeling amazed and happy.

  “And you are, too,” Messina said, and gave her ass a tap. She gasped, and he pulled her into his arms and carried her to the bed.

  “I think we need to christen the new custom-made bed.”

  “Messina, there are people in the house,” she complained as he suckled against her neck and started to slide his hand down her pants to her panties and pussy.

  “Go get rid of the help, guys,” he said.

  “Just lock the door, it will ensure word spreads fast that she’s off the market,” Biani said.

  “And that you four are off the market, too,” she said, and slid her hand down against Messina’s crotch, and over his thick, hard erection.

  “Yes, ma’am, we sure as shit are,” Falzone chimed in, and the men undressed and they christened that bed, several times, again and again until darkness filled the bedroom, and the moonlight shone through the windows, leaving a glow upon her gorgeous lovers, and the start to happy memories and life as the woman to four Sons of Justice soldiers.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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