Book Read Free

Family Love

Page 20

by Jeanne Mccann

  “We just need to wait until after Lindy and Tamara have their cer¨emony.”

  “Then we get to plan ours.”

  “We can plan it now, we just can’t tell anyone or set a date.”

  “Okay, let’s plan it.” Payton agreed as she plopped Reina down on the couch. “Can the kids be in it?”

  “Of course.” Reina pulled Payton down onto her lap. “We’re not going to wait until the third one is here, though. I want to get mar¨ried sooner than that. I would like it small, just a few family and friends.”

  “Do we write our own vows?”

  “I thought we could.”

  “I would like to dress up, something a little dressy, somewhat for¨mal.”

  “How about long dresses? And Max could wear a tuxedo.”

  “He’ll be so handsome.” Payton grinned as Reina nuzzled her neck. “Where will we have the ceremony? How about here in the back yard?”

  “I’d like that. What about the honeymoon?” Reina continued to kiss and nibble on her neck.

  “Lots and lots of sex.”

  “Payton, I meant where?” Reina laughed.

  “I want as much time with you as possible. How about Hawaii? Max and Molly will love the water.”

  “Will we have enough alone time?”

  “Reina, I want Molly and Max with us. We are a family now.”

  “We certainly are.” Reina and Payton kissed passionately.

  “Honey, we’d better get you unpacked.”

  “Now?” Payton complained as she continued to kiss Reina.

  “Yes, now.” Reina chuckled. “But I promise after the kids go to bed that you will have my undivided attention.”

  “That sounds like fun.” Payton grinned.

  “It will be. Now let’s get to work.”

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re bossy?” Payton pulled Reina out to the garage with her. Reina just grinned.

  They spent the next three hours carrying things from the garage into the house, before taking a break to fix dinner. Max and Molly insisted on helping Payton unpack and also asked to help prepare dinner. The four of them decided to work together and, between the laughter and the affection, it was an extremely enjoyable time for all of them. Payton looked at the happy faces around the dinner table and sighed. This was her family, emotionally and legally, and she loved the feeling.

  Reina saw the look on Payton’s face and touched her cheek. “We aren’t going anywhere; we are a family.”

  “That’s what I was thinking. We are a family.” Payton grinned happily.

  “So tomorrow I’ll get home at noon and we will go to the bank and then to school daycare.”

  “Good, I need an account number to transfer my money into. The real estate agent is sending me a certified check tomorrow. We should put it in an interest bearing account until we need it for the remodel.”

  “Honey, we need to get your name on the title of the house. If I sell you half of the house you won’t have to pay capital gains on the money and we can write the remodel costs off if we ever sell it.”

  “You need to let me know what the house is appraised for so I can give you half the value.”

  “We’ll work everything out. But since you’re stuck with me for¨ever, what’s mine is yours.”

  “And what is mine is yours, Max’s and Molly’s. Actually, before I moved I had my will rewritten to include you and all three of the kids as beneficiaries.”

  “Thank you, and you are mine. You will also be the guardian of all three children.” Reina hugged her tightly. “But we aren’t going any¨where.”

  “Can I have a hug?” Molly and Max had been very demanding of Payton’s affection.

  “Of course you can, Molly.” Payton picked her up out of her chair and sat her on her lap, hugging her gently. Max would not be ignored, as he crawled onto his mother’s lap to be hugged.

  “You two need to take a bath tonight.” Reina kissed her wriggling son. “If you and Molly get your bath done and get your pajamas on Payton might tell you a story.”

  Both children found that plan very acceptable and happily went to prepare for their bath.

  “How about you go and relax, I’ll do the dishes and give Max and Molly their bath?” Payton stood behind Reina and draped her arms over her shoulders.

  “I have a better idea. How about you give Max and Molly their bath, and I do the dishes? That way as soon as you tell them a story we can all go to bed early.” Reina tugged on Payton’s arms until she was snug against Reina’s back.

  “I like that idea.”

  “I thought you would.”

  Their evening went exactly as planned, and by eight-thirty Payton and Reina were taking their own shower together.


  Life for Reina and Payton became wonderfully ordinary as their work and home schedules developed a routine. They loved living together and happily spent their evenings with the children. Payton’s job proved to be a challenge, and one she was enjoying very much. She’d been working one full month and, even though she and Lindy worked at the same company in the same building, there were days when they never saw each other at all.

  On top of that, the remodel project had started a week earlier and was in full swing. She and Reina were extremely excited as they watched the new section of the house go up. They were going to cel¨ebrate by getting a babysitter for Max and Molly so they could go out for the evening. They did manage to go out once in awhile to meet friends, and this Friday night they were going to meet up with Lindy and Tamara for dinner and a movie. It was Payton’s night for picking the children up from daycare so she was leaving work at four-thirty. She picked the kids up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and Reina the other two nights.

  “Hello, Payton.” Shirley, one of the owners of the daycare pre¨school, greeted her.

  “Hi, Shirley, how’s it going?”

  “Great, thanks for asking. Max and Molly, Payton is here,” She called.

  Max came running and threw himself into Payton’s outstretched arms. “Hey, little man, how was your day?” She kissed him soundly.

  “Good.” Max was not one to do a lot of talking.

  “Payton, look at my picture,” Molly requested as she carried a large painting to Payton.

  “Let’s see it.” Payton suggested, and Molly laid it on the floor. “Molly, this is beautiful.”

  Molly beamed proudly as Payton praised her.

  “It’s a butterfly.”

  “I can tell. We’ll have to show your mom when you get home, and we’ll hang it on the kitchen wall.”

  “Okay, Payton.” Molly smiled at her happily as Payton hugged her tightly. “Have I told you guys lately that I love you gobs?”

  “We love you.” Molly kissed her loudly.

  “Come on, you two. Mrs. Lenahan is coming over tonight and she’s going to make chocolate chip cookies with you.”

  “Yea!” Max clapped excitedly. He loved cookies.

  Payton and the two children headed for home. Once they arrived, Payton cleaned them up and put their pajamas on. She then began to prepare dinner.

  “Hello, beautiful.” Reina greeted Payton with a slow sexy kiss.

  “Hi doll, how was your day?”

  “Good. All the preparations are ready for next week’s test flights.”

  “Good for you. Are you excited?”

  “Very.” Reina and Payton shared another slow wet kiss.

  “I’m looking forward to this evening. Are you going to hold my hand during the movie?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why don’t you go change and I’ll get Max and Molly started on dinner?”

  “Then I’ll sit with them while you change.”

  “Good, just stop in Molly’s room to see her painting. It’s a butter-fly.”

  “I will. I love you.”

  “Love you, honey.”

  As Reina headed out of the kitchen, Payton watched her walk away. Reina was dressed in a stylish maroon skirt and j
acket and she looked fantastic. She was just as beautiful in her uniform as she was in her flight jump suit. She didn’t wear her hair down at work, but knowing how much Payton liked it long, she would leave it down at home. Payton loved everything about her. And Reina reminded her all the time how much she loved Payton’s looks. Payton was continu¨ously amazed at how Reina could make her feel beautiful and sexy with just a look, one word, or a single touch of her hand. Payton smiled as she listened to Reina’s conversation with her daughter. It was one more reason why Payton loved her; she was the perfect mother to her children.

  “Hello, my sweet Molly. I understand you have a fantastic picture to show me.”

  “Hi Mom.” Molly ran to her mother and kissed her.

  “How is my beautiful, and talented daughter?” Reina hugged and kissed her. “Will you show me what you made?”

  “It’s right here. It’s a butterfly and Payton said we could hang on the kitchen wall.”

  “This is very good, Molly. Shall we go hang it up right now?”

  “Okay.” Molly beamed happily as she and her mother returned to the kitchen and reverently taped Molly’s picture to the already clut¨tered kitchen wall. Payton called it their Wall of Family. It proudly displayed pictures, paintings, and things the children had made. While Reina and Molly admired her picture, Payton fondly watched the two of them. Her heart swelled with love as mother and daughter visited. Reina was a very good mother, her children came first. This only made Payton love Reina more, because she felt the same way.

  “Molly, this is one of the most beautiful butterflies I have ever seen.

  Payton would have loved to stay and listen, but she left the two of them talking and located Max, who was in his room playing with his trucks. “Hello, little man, what are you doing?”

  Max just grinned at Payton. He was a man of few words, and he and Payton had a special relationship. He loved his Payton and he didn’t need to talk all that much. She grinned in return and sat down next to him on the floor. Max stood up and sat on Payton’s lap and returned to playing with his trucks. Payton quietly sat there holding him. She and Max did that a lot. She could read a book while Max sat on her lap playing. They just liked to be close. Reina enjoyed watch¨ing the two of them. They would sit for hours like that, just enjoying each other’s company. Reina found them just like that.

  “Hey guys, what are you up to?”

  “We’re playing trucks,” Payton responded.

  Reina kissed Max and gazed at her girlfriend. “I’m going to go change my clothes. Molly is in her room coloring.”

  “I’ll check on her.”

  “Thanks, honey. I won’t be long.”

  Mrs. Lenahan, the babysitter, arrived soon after that and preceded to take the children into the kitchen. They were going to make choc¨olate chip cookies and nothing was more important then that.

  Forty minutes later Reina and Payton were ready to go. “Good¨night guys, have a good time and take care of Mrs. Lenahan,” Reina called to them as she and Payton headed out the front door to meet Lindy and Tamara.

  “Bye Mommy, bye Payton.”

  Payton and Reina climbed into Payton’s car and headed for the restaurant. While Payton drove, Reina rested her hand on Payton’s thigh. That solitary touch was magical to Payton, * because it reminded her that Reina liked to be close to her. She and Reina were very affectionate with each other.

  “Hello, girls.” Payton grinned, as she and Reina kissed Tamara and Lindy hello.

  “Hello, yourself,” Lindy replied. They all sat down at the table.

  It was a pleasant dinner as the four of them caught up on things and just enjoyed each other’s company.

  “Payton and Reina, Lindy and I have wanted to talk to you about our commitment ceremony.”

  “Everything is okay, isn’t it?” Reina asked, concern in her voice. The ceremony was in three weeks.

  “Of course. I’m not going to let Lindy get away.” Tamara laughed as Lindy grinned happily at her. “We have another small thing we want to talk to you about.”

  Reina and Payton listened intently as Lindy started to speak. “Tamara and I have talked about this, and if the two of you are will¨ing, we want you to get married with us.” Lindy and Tamara watched them carefully, waiting for a response. “We know you love each other and want to get married. We also will understand if you want your own ceremony. We just can’t think of two people we would rather share ours with,” Tamara rapidly explained.

  Reina was the first to respond. “I would marry Payton tonight if we could arrange it, but are you sure? It’s your special day.”

  “It would be even more special if the two of you joined us. We have the place reserved and we have the minister. You already know what we have planned, you helped us.”

  “Payton, what do you think?” Reina turned to her.

  “I would marry you right now in this restaurant if you asked. If Lindy and Tamara want us to join them and you want to, I say yes.”

  Reina didn’t take her eyes off Payton’s face as a slow smile indi¨cated her decision. “Yes, I say yes.”

  Payton couldn’t stop looking at Reina while tears threatened to fall. She smiled in response. “Then, yes it is.”

  “All right!” Lindy exclaimed as she and Tamara hugged.

  “You have lots of things to do,” Tamara reminded them.

  “Like what?” Payton and Reina were too interested in each other.

  “Invitations, flowers, clothes.”

  Reina groaned. “What are your children wearing?”

  “Lindy talked me into getting a tuxedo for Banta, and the girls are wearing dresses. Lindy and I are wearing long dresses but we didn’t choose any colors. We thought we would have boutonnieres and cor¨sages for the children and the two of us.”

  “You invited your parents?”

  “Yes, Lindy’s and mine are coming. Do you have enough time to get your parents here?”

  “I don’t know, I will call them tomorrow. Payton, you could call your brother and see if he can make it.”

  “That’s it then. You two are getting married with us in three weeks.” Lindy grinned.

  “Not quite.” Payton spoke up. “We expect to pay for half of every¨thing so you need to tell us what we owe you.”

  “Payton, we have everything taken care of.”

  “I don’t care, we pay half.”

  “Okay, okay.” Lindy shook her head. “Couldn’t it be our gift to the two of you?”

  “Asking us to join you is gift enough.”

  “Thank you. Now what can we do to help the two of you?” Tam-ara offered. “How about Lindy and Payton take the two boys down to get fitted for their tuxedos, while Reina and I take the girls shop¨ping for dresses tomorrow. We can even pick out flowers. We also need to let the banquet hall at the club know how many people will be attending. Can you make a guest list by tomorrow? The caterer will also need to be told.”

  “What do you think, Payton?”

  “We can do this.”

  “How about we skip the movie and start now,” Lindy suggested

  “I think that’s a great idea.” Reina laughed. “I can’t believe we agreed to this.”

  The four of them happily made their plans, and by ten o’clock they had an additional guest list and a number of tasks to accomplish on Saturday and Sunday.

  “We’ll be at your house by ten-thirty tomorrow morning. Reina, Tamara, and the girls can take the van, and the four of us can go in your car.”

  “Sounds good. Reina and I will work on the invitations on Sunday and get those mailed.”

  “Terrific. I’m so glad you guys said yes.” Lindy hugged Payton as they left the restaurant. “Everything is going to be perfect. If you need help writing your vows, call me.”

  “Thanks, Lindy. We love you guys.”

  “We love you. Thank you, and goodnight.”

  Reina and Payton headed for their car and home. Reina was very quiet and didn’t touch Payton once whil
e they were in the car and that was not normal behavior. Payton began to worry, and after fif¨teen minutes of complete silence she finally spoke.

  “Reina, is this what you want?”

  “Payton, I want to marry you more than anything. Are you sure you aren’t feeling pressured to do this?” Reina’s voice was strained.

  Payton pulled the car over to the side of the road so she could stop and face Reina as she responded. This was a very important moment.

  “Honey, look at me,” She asked softly as she clasped Reina’s left hand to her. “What do you think this gold band means to me?”

  “I know you love me, Payton.” Reina’s eyes glistened in the dark.

  “I not only love you, Reina, I love all three children, our life, and our home. I love that I can watch you sleep next to me, the way you play with the kids, and how hard you work at your career. But most of all, I love the way you make me feel, loved and beautiful. When you look at me I feel like I am a part of you.”

  “You are, Payton. I want you with me forever.” Reina smiled hap¨pily.

  “You have me forever. But would you rather wait and have our own ceremony?”

  “No, I want to marry you in three weeks.”

  “Good, I love you, Reina.”

  “Payton, I never thought I could love someone this much.” They hugged each other tightly.

  “Let’s go home. We have a long day tomorrow.”

  “And I’m afraid you aren’t going to get much sleep tonight.” Reina grinned.

  “Why is that?”

  “I plan on keeping you up all night. It’s not every night that a woman agrees to get married.” Reina’s hand sliding on her thigh was Payton’s undoing, and she moaned. She couldn’t wait to get home.

  Reina was true to her word, because as soon as Mrs. Lenahan walked out the door for home Reina backed Payton into the bed¨room. She proceeded to keep Payton up most of the night as they made slow, heart-stopping love until they were exhausted. They drifted off to sleep with whispered promises of love, their bodies wrapped around each other. Payton was the last to fall asleep, listen¨ing to Reina’s measured breathing and watching her sleep. She felt tearful as she held Reina against her body, her hand resting on the now definite mound of Reina’s growing stomach. She was scared, excited, and most of all overwhelmed by the gifts she had been given in life. Nothing could have prepared her for the wonder she felt as she thought of her family. She fell asleep thanking God for blessing her.


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