Book Read Free

Family Love

Page 21

by Jeanne Mccann

  “Banta, quit fidgeting, please, and let the gentleman measure your pants,” Lindy patiently requested, as she and Payton watched the two tiny boys being fitted in their tuxedos. They had decide’d on dark gray with cream-colored shirts and black bow ties. The two children looked darling, but very bored, and extremely uncomfortable.

  “Lindy, are we done?” Banta whined, while Max tugged on his tie.

  “Almost, honey. You and Max look real handsome in those suits.”

  Payton chuckled, watching Max and Banta. “Guys if you will just be patient for a few more minutes we will go to lunch.”

  “Okay, Payton.” Max looked up at her and smiled, his dimples deepening in his cheeks and his curly hair standing up on his head. Payton’s heart flipped.

  “Max, I love you gobs.”

  “I love you gobs.” Max grinned as Payton hugged him tightly.

  “That should do it,” The clerk announced, finishing pinning Banta’s pant legs.

  “Okay, guys. You go with Payton and change into your clothes, while I take care of the bill.”

  Twenty minutes later, the four of them were seated in a restaurant down the block eating lunch. Both boys ordered hamburgers and French fries and happily dipped their fries in catsup, giggling.

  “Lindy, I need to find a dress for the ceremony. Have you already chosen one?”

  “Yes, but Tamara and I aren’t letting each other see it until the cer¨emony. Why don’t we go shopping one night after work this week?”

  “Good. I also need to find a present for Reina.”

  “I’m awfully glad you and Reina are getting married with us.”

  “So am I, Lindy. I can’t tell you how happy I am. I feel so lucky.”

  “I know you’re happy, I see it on your face when you look at Reina and the kids. I think you two are perfect for each other.”

  “I think so too. I need to find something special for Reina.”

  “We will. Come on guys, finish your lunch, we’ve got things to do this afternoon.”

  By mid-afternoon, Payton and Lindy had taken care of everything on her list. She and Reina had decided to make their own invitations on the computer so Payton had picked up everything they needed. They pulled into the garage and carried all their packages into the house. While Payton and Lindy started dinner, the two young boys played in Max’s room. Reina and the rest of the crowd would be home any minute and Payton wanted to get things rolling. Feeding nine people was not an easy task. Lindy and she visited as they pre¨pared the meal.

  “Payton, did you get a hold of your brother yet?”

  “Yes, I talked to him this morning, and he and his wife are coming with their two kids.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Lindy knew how important it was to Payton that her brother and his family could come. He was her only living relative and they were very close.

  “Reina’s parents are coming, too.”

  “That’s terrific!”

  “Nothing like meeting the family all in one weekend.” Payton gri¨maced.

  “You’ve talked to Reina’s parents on the telephone. What’s the problem?”

  “That’s a hell of a lot different than meeting them in person.”

  “Everything will be fine, don’t worry.”

  “I’ll worry until everything is over with.”

  “Hello.” Tamara walked into the kitchen and kissed Lindy soundly.

  “Hi, where’s the rest of the group?” Lindy slid her arms around Tamara.

  “Reina and Molly are hiding their dresses from Payton, and Maria and Amena are with them. Where are the boys?”

  “They’re playing in Max’s room.”

  “How did your day go?”

  “Perfect, the tuxedos were fitted to the boys and I’ll pick them up Thursday night before the ceremony. They looked so cute, Tamara. You should have seen them.”

  “I can’t wait. Payton, go find Reina. She’s in the bedroom. Besides, I want to kiss my girlfriend,” Tamara teased.

  Payton grinned at the two of them and hurried down the hallway. She needed to see Reina. “Hi, girls.” Payton waved at the girls who were giggling in Molly’s room.

  “Hi, Payton.”

  She stuck her head in Max’s room where the boys were heavily engrossed in putting Legos together, and then knocked on her bed¨room door before entering. “Reina, it’s Payton.”

  “Honey, why are you knocking on the bedroom door?” Reina pulled Payton into the room and wrapped her arms around her. “I missed you, honey.”

  “I missed you.” Payton nuzzled her neck. “You smell so nice.”

  Reina sighed as Payton’s lips nibbled on her neck. “Could we send everyone home and have a quiet evening all to ourselves?”

  “I think it’s too late for that. I understand you and Molly found dresses.”

  “We did, but you cannot see them before the ceremony.” Reina smiled and kissed her. “We ordered the flowers and the cake, and talked to the caterer to confirm that they can handle the extra guests.”

  “So everything is taken care of?” Payton and Reina stood in each other’s arms as they talked.

  “Everything is perfect. How was your day?”

  “Great. Max and Banta looked so cute in their tuxedos. Lindy will pick them up a couple of days before the ceremony. 1 also picked up everything we need for the invitations. We can print them tomorrow and get them mailed.”

  “Payton, I love you.”

  “Reina, I can’t tell you how much I love you.” They kissed slowly, thoroughly, and then stood in each other’s arms for several moments without speaking.

  “We’d better go help with dinner,” Reina suggested as she kissed Payton softly.

  Payton placed her finger on Reina’s lips. “I’ll make it up to you later,” She promised as she led Reina by the hand out of the bedroom and down the hall.

  “[ can’t wait until later.”

  “It’ll be worth it. I promise.” Payton grinned at her before enter¨ing the kitchen.

  Dinner was chaotic, loud, and full of laughter, as the children and the four adults ate their meal. It was a happy group that visited and giggled.

  “Okay kids, all of you take your plates to the counter,” Reina requested as she carried hers and the other three adults. Even tiny Max carried his plate carefully into the kitchen. Reina bestowed a kiss and a hug to each child as they did as she asked. “Thanks guys. You’re all such good kids. Now, why don’t all of you go in the living room and watch a video?”

  “If I had known I’d get a kiss for carrying my plate into the kitchen, I would have carried my own.” Payton teased Reina with a sexy smile.

  “You will get yours later,” Reina promised with a smile of her own.

  “Will you guys go home?” Payton asked, grinning broadly at Lindy and Tamara.

  “Payton!” Reina scolded her as she laughed with Lindy and Tam¨ara.

  The four adults sat at the kitchen table after cleaning up the kitchen. For the next several hours they divided up another list of tasks they needed to get accomplished the following week. Payton and Lindy were going shopping on Monday night for Payton’s dress and a gift for Reina. The rest of the week all four had several items to take care of. Tamara and Lindy wrapped up their visit and the four adults gathered the three sleepy children and loaded them in the van so the five could head for home.

  “Okay, you two, let’s go get ready for bed,” Payton suggested, toss¨ing Max over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes. She walked Molly to her room and tucked her in, then carried Max into his. “Okay, lit¨tle man, let’s get your pajamas on.”

  “I love you, gobs.”

  “You know what, Max? I love you gobs and gobs. You are a very special little man and I feel very lucky to be a part of your family.”

  Payton finished dressing Max in his pajamas and tucked him in. “Sleep tight, Max.” Payton hugged and kissed him. “I love you, buddy.”

  Payton was completely unaware of Reina in the doorwa
y watching until she turned to leave the room. Reina’s eyes twinkled at her along with her deep dimples as she smiled.

  “Molly is tucked in and almost asleep.”

  “Good, she was exhausted.”

  “Now, I remember something about a promise some gorgeous woman made to me earlier in the evening. Something about kisses.” Reina smiled, pulling Payton down the hall to the bedroom.

  “Lots and lots of kisses, and some other ideas I’ve been thinking about all day.”

  “Some other ideas?” Reina was rapidly removing Payton’s clothes while Payton did the same for her.

  “You don’t know it, but you’re marrying a very creative person, with lots of wonderful plans.”

  “Oh, I think I know how creative you are.” And creative she was, as Payton made love with Reina until long after midnight.

  “Payton, are you still awake?” Reina whispered in the dark.

  “Yes, honey.” Payton was holding Reina as they lay quietly in bed. “Give me your hand.” Payton did as she was asked and Reina placed it on her stomach.

  “The baby moved!” Payton announced, amazed. “The baby is moving!”

  “It just started.” Reina smiled at Payton’s astonishment.

  Payton pushed Reina gently on her back and placed both hands on her stomach. Reina enjoyed watching Payton’s fascination with the baby’s movement, and placed her own hands on top of Payton’s.

  “The baby is kicking.” Payton laughed and kissed Reina stomach. Reina’s eyes became teary watching Payton. Payton continued kissing Reina’s stomach, covering every inch with her mouth and tongue as she told the baby how much she and Reina loved the child. It was Reina’s undoing when Payton whispered to her unborn child.

  “You are the luckiest baby in the world. You have an older sister and brother who will love you and take care of you. Your mother is perfect, she is beautiful, smart, and funny, and she already loves you very much. My name is Payton, and I promise I will love you and keep you safe. I can’t wait to meet you.”

  Reina’s face was covered with tears as she listened to Payton speak. If she had not already asked Payton to marry her, she would have done it at that moment. “Payton, come here.”

  Reina pulled Payton into her arms and kissed her passionately. “I love you, Payton.”

  “I love you, Reina.” Reina folded her arms around Payton, holding her close. “Honey, should I be laying on top of you?”

  “I want you on top of me and the baby, and I’m fine. I want to hold you.”

  “Reina, thank you.” Payton leaned up on her elbows and looked at Reina.

  “For what?”

  “For everything, this, our family, your love.”

  “Honey, I’m the one who should be thanking you. You made this family whole, and I think this baby is going to be very lucky to have you as a parent.”

  Payton began to cry as Reina whispered to her how much she loved her and how lucky she felt. Payton put her head on Reina’s shoulder as she stared at the beautiful, pregnant woman she was a partner with. That was the way they fell asleep, Payton with her head resting on Reina’s shoulder, her arm resting protectively on Reina’s stomach while Reina’s arms held her tightly.

  Sunday was spent making and mailing the invitations and playing with Max and Molly. It was a perfect day. Monday evening Lindy and Payton found the most wonderful dress and a gift for Reina. Payton was extremely excited everything was coming together.

  “Don’t you peek,” Payton warned Reina.

  “I won’t.” Reina laughed good-naturedly.

  “I think we need to get presents for Max and Molly. It will make them feel special, and I don’t want them to feel left out.”

  “That’s a good idea. Why don’t you and I go shopping tomorrow night and find something for them?”

  “Good. How was your day?”

  “Crazy busy, and I have to fly both Saturday and Sunday.”

  “That’s okay sweetie, the kids and I will be fine. How long are you allowed to fly while you’re pregnant?”

  “As long as my stomach doesn’t get in the way and my blood pres¨sure stay’s normal.”

  “Is it safe?”

  “Honey, I am the best bloody helicopter pilot you’ve ever met!”

  “You are the only helicopter pilot I have ever met, and I know you are the best. I just worry.”

  “I know you do, sweetie, and that’s okay with me.” Reina kissed her. “How was your day?”

  “Good, very busy. I’ve been given responsibility for the design of a new sales and marketing group. I’m going to be very busy.”

  “And very happy,” Reina teased.

  Payton laughed. “You know me very well.”

  “I love you, of course I know you very well.”

  “Are Max and Molly asleep?”

  “Yes. They were so excited about the remodeling that it took me all night to settle them down.”

  Want to go with me and look at what they did today?”

  “I’d love to. We will need a flashlight.”

  “Let me change shoes.”

  “Okay, love. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  The two of them laughed and giggled as they prowled around the yard looking at the start of the remodel. “The neighbors probably think we’re casing the joint and will call the police,” Payton chuckled as Reina trained the flashlight on the gaping hole in the ground.

  “They should have the foundation poured in two weeks, and then the building will begin.”

  “Great. It’ll be a huge mess when your parents get here.”

  “And your brother.”

  “It’s a good thing they’re all staying at a hotel.” Reina grinned as Payton looked at her.

  “Are you nervous?’

  “About meeting your parents? Of course I am. What if they don’t like me?”

  “Honey, they already do like you.” Reina held hands with Payton. “And they’re arriving the week before the ceremony.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “They’re arriving next Friday around eight. They called tonight.”

  “That early?’ Payton looked terrified.

  “Everything will be fine, honey.” Reina reassured her. “Come inside.”

  “I hope so.” Payton shook her already tousled brown hair.

  Reina watched Payton walk into the house. She looked so beauti¨ful. She was still wearing a cranberry red business suit that fit her perfectly, showing off her slender figure to perfection. Reina hadn’t known it was possible, but she fell more and more in love with Pay-ton every day. She no longer worried about whether Payton loved her pregnant, even though she did worry that Payton might find her unappealing, as she got heavier. She just prayed that Payton would still love her. She couldn’t imagine life without her. She followed her into the house thinking that she and the kids were very lucky to have found Payton.


  “They should be coming out any time,” Reina announced, her voice full of excitement. Payton just held her breath, waiting while Max sat on her shoulders, his chubby arms tight around her neck. “Relax, Payton.” Reina hugged her around the waist as Molly held onto her other hand.

  “Grandma!” Molly cried out, as a very nice-looking older couple came through the airline gate.

  “Max, go say hello to your grandma and grandpa.” Payton put the little boy down on his feet and he immediately ran to the couple, along with his sister.

  “Max and Molly, you have gotten so big,” Their grandpa announced. As they got closer, Payton could see the resemblance between Reina and her parents. Her mother was very pretty and had the same blue eyes and dimples as her daughter. She and Reina’s father hugged the two children tightly.

  “Mom and Dad, how was your flight?” Reina hugged them hello.

  “Good.” Her father answered as he picked Max up in his arms. He had the same dark curly hair as his grandson, with very little gray in it.

  “You must be Payton.” Reina’s mother
touched her arm. “It’s won¨derful to finally meet you in person.” She hugged Payton.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Payton, this is my father. Dad, this is Payton.” Reina smiled proudly.

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” Payton smiled and reached out to shake his hand.

  “Hello, Payton it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook her hand as he juggled his grandson in his arms, while Molly enjoyed standing in the arms of her grandmother.

  “Let’s go get your bags and get out of here,” Reina suggested, touching Payton’s back to reassure her. She knew how nervous Pay-ton was about meeting her parents.

  The children walked with their grandpa, while Reina’s mother walked with the two of them. “They have gotten so big.”

  “They’re growing very fast.”

  “How are you feeling?’

  “Good, Mom. I feel very good. The doctor says I’m healthy as a horse.”

  “Is that true, Payton?”

  “It’s true. I’ve gone to the last three doctor’s appointments with her and the doctor says she’s in perfect shape.”

  “Okay. Now Reina, I understand you have to work tomorrow and Sunday, so Payton, what can we do to get ready for next weekend?”

  “I think we have everything covered until next week. Then we’ll need all the help you can offer.”

  “Good, put us to work.”

  “The kids and I wanted to know if you would like to spend the day with us at the zoo?”

  “We’d love to.”

  “Great. We will come pick you up around nine in the morning.”

  “Reina, your dad rented a car for the week and we need to pick it up.”

  “No problem, Mom. We’ll show you the way to the hotel and get you checked in.”

  It wasn’t long before they picked up the luggage and headed for the rental car. Once everything was settled they prepared to leave.

  “Max and Molly, do you want to ride with your grandma and grandpa to the hotel?”


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