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Accidental Thief: A LitRPG Accidental Traveler Adventure

Page 8

by Jamie Davis

  "He's got a warehouse here in the merchant district across town," Kay said. "That is where he keeps most of his money and goods according to what Selena and the other girls know."

  "Do we know what kind of guards he has?" Hal asked.

  "No, but it will surely be guarded in some way," Kay said.

  "I can make sure he and most of his men are entertained here when you go to the raid," Selena added. "I told him last night I'd arrange a party for him and his men to celebrate a recent business acquisition. I'll send word to him that we can do it tonight if you think that will give you enough time to get ready."

  "I think Kay and I need to get some gear appropriate to doing some late-night pilfering first. Is there a place nearby we can equip ourselves?"

  "The Caravansary Outfitters should have everything you'll need. If they don't, bring your list of needs to me and I'll see what I can do," Selena said.

  "Then that's where we'll go this morning," Hal said. "I hope we can get everything we need for what coin we have on hand, Kay."

  "I think we'll be fine. Selena told me she is willing to finance us starting out in exchange for a share of everything we bring back above the dowry amount," Kay said. He patted a bulging leather pouch sitting on the table next to him.

  "That's very generous of you, Selena," Hal said.

  "Consider it an investment. If you can manage to interrupt some of the merchant's operations, it will impact the Emperor's factions in the city. That is a good thing."

  Cookie came in during the lull in conversation that followed and placed a platter with fried eggs and slices of ham on the table between them. Hal, Selena, and Kay paused their discussion to get their food. Once their plates were full, the three of them sat down to eat and plan.


  THE CITY WAS alive and vibrant as the market stalls opened for the day. Hal and Kay strolled down the street, crowded with people going about their business. Women bought their bread, and fish, and other foodstuffs for the day's meals. A group of tradesmen bartered over a wagonload of what looked like raw ore of some sort.

  Hal took it all in, breathing deep, drinking in the strange way this game felt so real to him. This was his first real chance to see the city in the daylight. His first daytime experience in the city had been so confusing and disorienting he had no chance to enjoy the elaborate and lush detail of everything the game’s designers had come up with.

  This morning, as he walked through the busy streets with Kay, it all came together for him. The detail was truly amazing. It was as if it was all real.

  Hal reached out and touched everything he passed, much to the annoyance of Kay who seemed focused on getting to the Caravansary Outfitters shop.

  "Hal, you must stop. Every shop owner thinks you're trying to steal their merchandise the way you keep reaching out and touching everything. Cut it out."

  "I'm no thief," Hal said. "I wouldn't take something that wasn't mine."

  "I'm sorry, my mistake," Kay said, rolling his eyes. "I thought that was exactly what we planned to do this evening. Where did I miss your sudden change in profession?"

  Hal was instantly annoyed by his teenaged companion's eye roll and sarcasm. He wasn’t used to teenagers and decided when his daughter Cari was that age; he'd make sure she never reacted that way to her parents or other adults.

  "Kay, that's different. We're standing up for someone who was wronged and deserves justice, not stealing from honest shopkeepers."

  "In that case, respect the honest shopkeepers and keep your hands to yourself unless you plan on buying something. It's making everyone nervous, including me."

  Hal was about to agree with Kay when he realized his hand was outstretched rubbing the fabric of a silken shirt between his fingers. He pulled his hand away and nodded at the shopkeeper. She was eyeing him with open suspicion.

  Hurrying to catch up to Kay, who'd kept walking, Hal hooked his thumbs in his waistband to keep from absentmindedly touching anything else.

  "Kay, have you been to this Caravansary shop before? It sounds like quite the place."

  "I've been, once," Kay said. "It is where all the caravans leaving the city gather supplies and equip their guards and drivers for the journey. They will have everything we need to prepare for tonight. Remember, though; don't touch anything you don't want to buy. If you like something, ask to see it, and the shopkeeper will hand it to you to check over before you buy."

  "Got it!" Hal said. His enthusiasm at finally getting some real rogue's gear showed in his voice and step. He bounced as he walked, envisioning how he'd look in his planned outfit, all black leather, hooded cloak, and bristling with weapons.

  He was so engrossed in his day dreaming he almost walked right past the place. Kay had to grab him by the arm to stop him. Hal looked up at the sprawling building they stood next to and wasn't all that impressed.

  The building was a ramshackle three-story building that seemed to spread out to either side the way a fat person's belly spread beyond his belt. There were several places where additions had been added to the structure, apparently using parts of demolished neighboring buildings.

  "This is the incredible adventuring store you were telling me about?" Hal said.

  "Shhhh," Kay replied. "Colin, the shopkeeper, is a prickly sort of fellow and he takes his shop very seriously. Don't make comments like that where he can hear you, or he'll refuse us service."

  "I was only..."

  "Just be quiet. Let me do the talking, Hal, and we'll get out of here with everything we need."

  Kay stood in front of the entrance with his arms crossed. He refused to move any farther until Hal agreed. Hal shut his mouth and nodded. Kay stared him in the eye for a moment longer then turned and pushed through the door with Hal in tow.

  The inside of the shop looked even more confused and jumbled than the exterior. It looked like one of those theme restaurants back home where the decorators nail random things on the walls and ceiling for "atmosphere." In this case, however, the place looked like dozens of them had some sort of contest to see who could create the most eclectic assortment of unrelated items possible.

  There were snowshoes hung next to bamboo fishing poles and lanterns next to skis. Hal even swore he saw a collection of tiki torches off in one corner. This place had literally everything in the world in one place.

  "How does he keep track of it all?" Hal asked before he realized he had said it aloud.

  "No one knows how I do it, sonny and I'm happy to keep it that way."

  The man who popped up from behind a display of stretched bearskins was the oddest person Hal had ever seen. He wore baggy shorts held up by checkered suspenders that. Below the shorts, his knobby knees led down to socks pulled up to mid-calf and secured by black men's garters just below his kneecaps. On his feet, he wore what looked like duck boots popular in a catalog retailer back home. From the waist up, he wore a khaki shirt under the suspenders. On his head, he wore a pith helmet. Hal took one look at him and pictured something that might come from a twisted sort of a Rudyard Kipling story right down to the flowing white mustaches that puffed outward when he talked.

  "Hello, Colin, I'm Kay, and this is my associate, Hal. We were sent by Selena to prepare for a little excursion we had coming up tonight. I was hoping you could help us find some gear that we need."

  Colin stroked his mustache with the back of his finger before he answered.

  "Is it an upstairs job or are you planning on bashing your way in?"

  "We'd prefer sneaking in to brute force," Kay said.

  Colin looked the two of them over for a moment then held up a finger.

  "I'll be right back. Don't move."

  The strange little man turned and disappeared behind a stack of what looked like tent canvas.

  "Where did he go?" Hal asked after a moment.

  "He said stay here. That is what we're going to do," Kay said.

  "I thought we were here to shop, you know, look around and try things on."

  "That's not how it works with Colin. He knows what he has and what will work best for what you need to do. That's his special skill. It's why the Wardens leave him alone. He outfits them when needed, too."

  "I'm surprised they didn't just come in and take over when the Emperor took the city," Hal observed.

  "Rumor has it that a group of invading soldiers from the Emperor’s army tried to do just that. They became hopelessly lost among the stacks and were never heard from again."

  Hal started to laugh then realized Kay was deadly serious.

  "You can't mean that old man..."

  "What I mean is," Kay said, interrupting Hal. "Colin asked us to remain here, where we stand, and that is what we're going to do."

  Hal saluted. "Yes, sir. You're the boss."

  "And don't touch anything!"

  Hal whipped his hand back from a stack of canned beans and hooked his thumbs back in his waistband to keep from idly fidgeting and forgetting the rules.

  Their wait wasn't too long. Colin came back, this time from the opposite direction, pushing a small waist high cart in front of him. There was a small pile of gear and clothing on the cart.

  "Here's everything you'll need," Colin announced. "Try it on. There's a pile for each of you. I am sure you’ll be pleased. I stand behind my work."

  Hal started picking at the pile Colin said was his. On top was a supple leather breastplate, black in color with numerous straps crossing the front and back. He assumed the straps were to hold gear and weapons. With some help from Kay and Colin, Hal was soon standing in his leather armor, including bracers, greaves, and soft leather gauntlets.

  "Those gauntlets are made with a special process I came up with," Colin said, pride beaming from his eyes. "You can sense almost anything you'd be able to feel with your bare hands; it's so thin. The best part is the leather is from a beast with very tough hide, so it is very resistant to rips and tears. They should last you a long time."

  Hal rubbed a thumb and forefinger together and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  "That's remarkable. What kind of beast did you say it came from?"

  "I didn't. Do you think I want to give away all my secrets?"

  "He didn't mean anything by it, Colin. I assure you," Kay said. He changed the subject. "I see you selected suitable weapons for each of us, too."

  "Yes, a second short sword for you," Colin said to Kay, handing him a small sword and scabbard. "I think your dual blade attack will come along nicely. For your friend, Hal, I selected a double set of throwing knives. It will take some work to learn, but I think they'll come in handy eventually. There's a second dagger, too. I think he'll excel at close in sneak attacks with his daggers and sniping from the perimeter."

  Hal took the knives, four in each set, their scabbards all attached together in a row. The straps on the knife scabbards matched the straps on his breast plate, Hal noticed when he held them up trying to figure how they'd look. A few minutes' work and he had them secured in place. The knives were arrayed so he could draw one from almost any direction.

  He belted the second dagger’s scabbard around his waist and pulled the black hooded cloak across his shoulders, attaching the cloak's clips to his breast plate. He felt very badass all of the sudden.

  "I don't suppose you have a mirror?" Hal asked.

  "No, I do not. They only serve to make vain people vainer." Colin coughed several times then before clearing his throat and spitting on the floor. "I'm finished with you both for now. Come back again if you need something specific. Oh, and I'll be taking that pouch from Selena now."

  Colin's hand snaked out and snatched the bulging pouch from Kay's hand. He grinned at both of them, then turned and disappeared behind a stack of assorted helmets. As he walked away through the aisles of supplies, he called out.

  "Check your inventory, Hal. I added a few things to your backpack just for you."

  Then he was gone, and the two companions stood alone, outfitted for their excursion that evening.

  "What did he mean by that, Hal?" Kay asked. "Did he leave you a written list of some sort?"

  "No, uh, I have no idea," Hal said staring off into the darkened interior of the shop. He pulled up his inventory to check what the old man said.


  Leather Pants

  Cotton Shirt

  Leather Boots

  All-Weather Cloak

  Leather Armor (+1 to defense)

  Steel Dagger (2)

  Throwing Knives (8)(+1 to attack/damage)

  Leather Backpack

  Flint and Steel

  Wet stone

  Lock Picks

  Climbing Grapnel

  Sturdy Rope

  Light Healing Potion

  HAL SAW ALL the items he was wearing. He also noted the addition of the climbing grapnel, rope, and healing potion. That would come in handy, though he hoped to avoid getting wounded any more. It hurt too much to be only a game.

  "I think Colin added some extra goodies to our packs for tonight. We can look when we get back to the Gilded Cage."


  THE GILDED CAGE was in a flurry of activity when Hal and Kay returned with the gear from Colin. Hal thought it was open for business already, which he thought odd for a primarily evening establishment like Selena's.

  "Is this normal?" Hal asked Kay.

  "It does seem a little bit busier than normal, actually," Kay replied.

  Kay stopped a tall blonde woman passing by them in the vestibule. She was carrying a bundle of linens, presumably from the client rooms upstairs.

  "What's all the fuss about, Katia?"

  "Some important merchant is coming tonight," Katia said. "He's rented the place for a private party, and it's rumored one or more of the wardens might be attending, too. Selena has ordered everything scrubbed from top to bottom and all the linens replaced with the good, silk sheets."

  The woman hurried on her way, and Hal smiled.

  "Selena said she'd get our mark here and away from his business," Hal said. "I guess she managed to pull it off."

  "If the Wardens and their other lackeys do attend tonight's festivities," Kay said, "the Gilded Cage will be locked up tight with guard patrols all around it until they leave, especially since you killed the Harbor Warden. We won't have anywhere to return to after the job tonight."

  "We have some coins left over since Selena paid for our gear," Hal noted. "Is there someplace we can rent a room to use for a night or two until the heat dies down at Selena's?"

  "There might be," Kay answered. "The question will be if we can trust the landlord there to be discrete in case anyone comes poking around looking for us after we get away. I'll let Selena know what we're doing and that we'll see her in a few days, and then we can go looking for a temporary hide out."

  It didn't take long for Kay to return and the two of them headed out again in search of someplace to hole up with their loot after they burgled the warehouse that evening. Hal used the time walking around the city of Tandon to get a better sense of his surroundings and learn more of the history of the place from Kay.

  The city consisted of five distinct districts or wards. Each ward had a warden. The wardens used to be noblemen who reported directly to the Duke. They oversaw tax collection, dealt with petty crime within their borders, and helped rule the city.

  When Emperor Kang's army invaded, the nobles were put to death. All except for the Duke. The Emperor selected new wardens from his own retinue. The Duke became a mere figurehead, and the city's actual rule fell to the wardens who collected the tribute due to the Emperor each month.

  With the Harbor Warden killed, there were only four of the Emperor's men left in charge of the city to deal with. Each of them had their own small army of followers and guards and would be descending on the Gilded Cage tonight. This made it vital that Hal and Kay find a room for a couple of nights.

  Kay took his time deciding where best to inquire. It was mid-afternoon before he settled on a small inn near the wes
tern gate to rent them a room with two beds and a window that looked out over a narrow alley between the inn and neighboring buildings.

  "This way we’ll have a means to get in and out without being seen," Kay said pointing to the window when they checked out the room they had rented. "Plus, the inn's owner is no friend of the Emperor and his wardens. We should be safe enough here before and after the job until the heat dies down."

  "Should we send a note to Selena to tell her where we are?" Hal asked.

  "Better not. Let's keep this one to ourselves just in case."

  Hal shrugged off his backpack and stretched his arms. Wearing armor all the time chaffed in strange places and the stuff weighed a lot more than the stories ever told you. He couldn't imagine what metal armor must feel like if the leather was so uncomfortable. At least his range of movement wasn’t impeded, and he figured the protection it afforded was worth the discomfort.

  He laid down on the bed and tried to get comfortable. Kay settled on a stool in the corner and took out his short swords, checking the edge. He apparently wasn't satisfied with the keenness of the blades because he started running a stone over them to hone them further. Hal didn't mind; it was still hours before they had to leave. It would be good to get some rest and prep their gear before then. He closed his eyes and dozed off to the soft, smooth “skritch, skritch” of Kay's stone along the blades.

  Kay's hand upon his shoulder woke Hal with a start. He'd been dreaming of taking Cari for a walk in her stroller at the park near their home. It had been pleasant. He hadn't realized how much he missed both his daughter and his wife. He had been in this game world for two days now. If this was as real as it felt, he was not going to return in time to be there before Mona, and the baby returned home. The thought worried him.

  Hal wondered what Mona would find. Was he comatose in his chair, or maybe dead? Had he disappeared altogether? Hal didn't have the answers to his questions, and it troubled him.

  "What's on your mind?" Kay asked while he tightened the straps on his armor.

  "I was just thinking about my wife and kid. I wonder what they’ll think when they return home, and I'm not there or at least not there like they’d expect me to be."


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