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Piece of Tail

Page 3

by Celia Kyle

  "Enjoying the view?"

  Her deep voice had him wrenching his eyes from the V of her thighs to the wall just to his right. He opened the door to the linen closet and extracted a small towel. Eyes averted, he approached her with a few long strides and started to place the towel where she, hell he, needed it most. Woman must not know just how tempting her sweet looking pussy was. Eyes closed, he waited until she took the towel from his hand to open them again. She hadn't done what he thought she'd do. She was busy wiping the tiny beads of sweat from her brow. Without a word, he snatched it from her and shoved it at her groin. Women.

  "Ow.” She glared at him.

  "Sorry, but…” He gestured to her lap, blush heating his cheeks.

  Gina tucked the towel between her legs. “Look, if you're getting squeamish, looking at my vag, all you had to do was say so. I didn't finger you for a prude since you answered the door in a towel and up until now, sported a nice looking rod in your pants, which got me thinking you guys were bi, but whatever."

  If he hadn't been paying such close attention to her, he would have missed it. He would have missed the spark of hurt followed by embarrassment that flashed across her face just before she glared at him and went back to cleaning the scratches on her inner thigh. He opened his mouth to… what? Explain? Yeah, explain. Maybe not the whole thing since he couldn't grow balls big enough to do that without Patrick at his side, but he could tell her a little. Too bad she had other ideas.

  One hand tucked between her legs, holding the towel in place, she glared at him again. “This is all Patrick's fault. He knows I live a few blocks over, but instead of taking me home, what does he do?"

  He didn't think she really wanted an answer, so he kept his mouth shut.

  "He brings me here where his hubby answers the door in nothing but a towel and a smile."

  He almost added, “and a hard-on", but didn't.

  "So, he knows I'm adventurous and what the hell was I supposed to think when he leaves us alone? I figured, ‘Hey, the gay guys want a swing on the bi-way, but don't know how to ask and they're hot as hell, so why not?’ And a few minutes ago you were staring at me as if I'm a downed gazelle and you're a starving lion and then you're covering me up. Men."

  Her attention returned to her scrapes and she widened her legs, probably in an attempt to get to the rest of her scratches. He heard her mumbling under her breath about some guy named Teague and he made a note to ask Patrick about the man later. His lover hadn't mentioned that they might have competition. When she sucked in a quick breath and hissed, he decided it was time to take over. With only one hand available to wipe and tug at her skin, she wasn't having much luck and it seemed like she was hurting more than helping herself.

  Daniel snagged a cotton ball, doused it in Bactine and dropped to his knees… which was probably a mistake. Because now, he could smell her scent. Not that of her skin or clothes, but her.

  "Here, let me.” He brushed her hands aside and he could feel her glare. Deserved or not, he hated it. He hated that he'd managed to fuck everything up within minutes of being left alone with her. He wasn't a words guy and somehow, he thought she'd have enough for the both of them. Too bad they seemed to be the wrong ones.

  As carefully as he could, he wiped away the bits of dirt and flakes of bark that'd become embedded in her skin. Droplets of blood stained the cotton ball and each time she tensed, he blew a warm breath across her skin. He hoped it soothed the ache and took the sting away. He urged her to bend her knee further, exposing more of her skin and allowing him to reach the rest of her scratches.

  The left leg cleaned, he wrapped his fingers around her ankle and slowly lowered it before he turned his attention to her right leg. With each passing second, the scent of her musk seemed to grow thicker, stronger. It invaded his senses, beckoning him to take the tiniest of tastes, but he resisted.

  Attention focused on her right thigh, he never heard Patrick return. Didn't hear the telltale thump of his big feet on the smooth staircase or the normal groaning and shifting of wood when he stepped on that spot just at the end of the bed, feet from the bathroom. No, it wasn't until Patrick spoke, that he realized his long-time lover had come home.

  "What do we have here?"

  Daniel froze and he felt Gina grow tense beneath his hands. He could only imagine the picture they presented to Patrick with Daniel on his knees, between Gina's plump thighs as she breathed deep. Patrick wouldn't know it was from pain and not pleasure that had her moaning. He wouldn't be able to see the towel pressed firmly between her legs, shielding her from his view. They hadn't ever actually discussed whether they'd “be” with Gina individually, they'd only talked of the possibility of bringing her into their relationship. Shit.

  Daniel rocked back on his heels and prepared to face Patrick when his lover's hand slapped him on the shoulder. “Damn. You had me there, Danny. I thought maybe I was going to get to watch the two of you together and find that you're only helping her get cleaned up."

  He stared at Patrick as if he'd grown two heads.

  Patrick looked confused. “What?” Patrick's gaze darted between him and Gina and the man had to notice her “I'd like to kick your ass” look. “Well, not just cleaning her up, but ya know… Gina, you get it, right? I thought I'd get to witness a little ac…” Patrick's attention settled on Daniel. “There's obviously something I've missed and I'm digging myself deep, huh?"

  Gina answered for him. “Not at all. I had just asked Daniel if he'd like a little Gina for dinner and you interrupted him. So, Daniel, care for some Gina tonight? I hear I'm great with a glass of Merlot.” She brought her knee down fast and nearly clipped him in the chin. He shot to his feet and stood next to his lover and she hopped to the floor, wincing when her feet connected with the tile. “You two wouldn't have a nice bottle hidden around her somewhere, would you?” She winked and smiled.

  He spoke up. “Tell you what, uh, why don't you finish cleaning up, take a shower if you'd like to get clean, and we'll figure out something for dinner. It's the least we can do since Andy ran you up a tree.” And we want to spend more time with you, he silently added. Patrick opened his mouth and Daniel slung his arm over his shoulders, squeezing just a smidge too hard. “We'll see you in a few."

  Chapter Four

  And ‘mans thought she was a freak. Dayum. Those two were all over the charts and had her tagging along behind them like a damned puppy, which pissed her off even more considering she was of the feline persuasion. She went from appreciative, to excited, to pissed and then settled on frustrated when Patrick finally showed up. Of course, he just pushed her back to being a testy bitch and managed to confuse her even more. Men.

  But these were men with a gorgeous bathroom whose dog had caused her grievous injury. Okay, not so grievous since the scratches would heal by morning, but she wasn't going to let them in on that little secret. Then again, Patrick already knew. Whether he remembered or not was another story, which had been good for Gina until she developed a Texas-sized crush on her boss… and his boyfriend. Damn them for getting her all confused with their teasing and quick changes.

  Gina finished toweling off and slipped into the shorts and t-shirt Patrick left her before he went downstairs with Daniel. She had to admit, taking a nice hot shower and rinsing away the dirt and tree bits did improve her mood. A little. And the clothes they left were one hundred percent cotton and that pleased her inner cat to no end. The beastie hated synthetics. The smell… She shuddered. Gross. Plus, the boxers meant that hopefully her tail wouldn't be making an appearance. All she had to do was sit through a nice “I'm sorry” dinner, wait for her dress to be cleaned and then she was on her way. Hell, she may even have a job tomorrow since that damned dog decided to play chase the big-assed kitty up the tree. After nearly breaking Daniel's hand she'd been a bit worried about her employment situation, but dog-chasing employee up a tree trumped a broken hand any day.

  She rubbed the towel through her hair one last time. Glancing in the m
irror, she grimaced at her appearance. Damn, without her hair products the mop top was unruly as all get-out. Curl after curl stuck out this way and that, and she knew that if her hair air-dried she'd end up with a Greek-fro. Not much she could do about it now.

  She tossed the wet towel into the laundry bin and padded through Patrick and Daniel's bedroom. On the way up she'd taken a moment to appreciate the dark, solid wood furniture, earth tones and simple decorations. A sense of clean and calm seemed to radiate from the room, something Gina's hectic, hurly burly life had never known.

  With a sigh, she padded down the wood steps and noticed that someone had cleaned the mess she'd made on her way up. At the time, she felt bad about making such a mess, but all she'd wanted was to get the icky bark and dirt off. Yuck. After today's excursion, she decided she'd never again walk more than the distance between her and a car. Ever.

  Oh well, at least the aches and pains weren't for nothing. Now she'd get to spend an evening with two gorgeous men who, out of pity or duty, were going to feed and take care of her. That was more than she'd had in longer than she could remember. Sure, Tasheka and Sam at Half-were House took care of all the residents, but tonight, it was all about her.

  At the bottom of the stairs on the first floor, as she gazed around the perfectly put-together room before her, a soft moan stole her attention away. She paused, and a groan drifted through the house. Not a clink of silverware or scrape of pots on the stove reached her ears, but the soft whimper of pleasure that hit her next could be heard loud and clear.

  Silently, she made her way through the living room and toward what she thought was the kitchen. Gina pressed her body against the wall and listed, just listened… for now.

  "More.” Oh, God, Patrick. “Mmm… that's it. Suck it. Suck my cock."

  Gina's knees went weak and damn if her pussy didn't start throbbing in time with the sucks and licks she could hear. If only… No. No. She was not going to peek around the wall and watch an intimate, private moment between two committed lovers who were hotter than the sun. Nope. Nothing…

  Maybe just a little look. They know I'm here, right?

  Okay, maybe they didn't know she was here here, but Patrick knew she was in the house and just about as sexually adventurous as they came. Shit, Tash threatened more than once to send her out into the world with a warning label tattooed on her ass.

  Resolve dissolving, she flipped around, pressing her front to the eggshell white wall. Inch by inch, she scooted closer to the doorway until she could peek around the corner. And what she saw nearly brought her to her knees. This was one thousand times better than the best gay porn you could buy. Maybe even a million times better. And Gina knew. Being a connoisseur of man on man cock sucking, she knew what was happening mere feet from her should have gone into the Guinness Book of World Records.

  Daniel, big, burly man's man, was on his knees in front of Patrick; not that Patrick wasn't a formidable male, but Daniel oozed testosterone with every snicker, smile and sway of his hips as he walked. Wide shoulders, trim waist, he was sleek and muscular at the same time. She and Patrick had discussed Daniel's physical attributes a time or twenty during breaks at work, Patrick tend to describe their sex life in detail over a celebratory glass of wine after hours, and Gina hadn't ever thought of him as a giver. Turned out, she was wrong.

  The man was on his knees in front of Patrick, body snuggled close to his lover's thighs as if he hated any space between them and his mouth. Holy shit, that mouth worked Patrick's cock like he'd been born to.

  With every slide up Patrick's length, he left a glistening wake of saliva and also afforded her the perfect view of her boss's dick. Her mouth watered. From her vantage point she could see that Patrick's cock was long and thick when erect and she ached to drop to her knees next to Daniel and get a few tastes of her own.

  "Fuck, yeah, baby. Suck it,” Patrick growled.

  Daniel sucked so hard on the next upstroke that his cheeks hollowed until he released his lover's cock with a pop. “Do it. You know you want to, Trick. Say her name."

  Gina squeezed her thighs together and bit her lip on a whimper. She wiggled back and forth, trying to cool the burning ache between her legs. The skin of her lower back tingled and itched and she knew without touching the skin that her tail wanted to come out and play. Hell, her tail just wanted her to come. The inner kitty was jonesing for some action and she knew from experience that she didn't have much power against the beast.

  Patrick, her sweet boss who never had a harsh word for anyone, fisted Daniel's hair and wrenched his lover's head back. Her gasp was swallowed by Daniel's. “You want me to say it? Want me to pretend you're her while I fuck your pretty face?"

  Fuck, she wanted him to pretend. She wanted to hear Patrick fantasize about getting a blowjob from a woman. Without a doubt, she heard the word her and not him from Patrick and that just ratcheted her libido, and prime time fantasies, right up there.

  Patrick shoved his dick back into Daniel's mouth and a great moan reverberated through the kitchen. Patrick? Or Daniel? One of the two really enjoyed what happened just now. And dang it, she enjoyed it too. Even more, she was going to enjoy it a lot better in two… She slid her right hand down the wall, clit throbbing in anticipation. She dipped her hand beneath the elastic of the boxers she wore. Her fingertips danced along the skin of her abdomen and she dipped them into the top of her slit. A sweet, achy shudder worked through her from head to toe with just that tiny bit of contact. Oh, yeah.

  Moans and groans mixed with deep, heavy breathing mixed with her own sighs of pleasure as she circled her clit. Her juices already coated her pussy from core to the hood of the tiny nubbin, giving her plenty of lubrication to work with. Shivers and streaks of undeniable pleasure slid over her from head to toe. Finger performing a dance her body knew by heart, she watched, transfixed by the men in the next room.

  Patrick's hips shifted and thrust his cock into Daniel's mouth and she couldn't miss the look of pure rapture on his face. She also couldn't miss the raging hard-on her boss's lover was sprouting. It strained beneath his sweatpants.

  She circled her clit in time with Patrick's body, for every thrust and retreat, she circled the blood-engorged nub with her fingertip. Not too hard and not too soft, she held herself on the brink of orgasm as the men in the other room worked toward theirs. Her fantasy had been shattered up in the bathroom, earlier in the evening, but she could have this one stolen moment with the two men before she went along with her life. Tomorrow… tomorrow she'd have to go to work and live through days that ate at her fantasies, but each night she could cherish this seductive, illicit memory.

  "Fuck, yeah. Gonna come in that sweet mouth,” Patrick whispered, low and husky. Daniel moaned. “Gonna shoot my load down your throat and you're going to drink every drop.” Ewwww. It sounds sexy, but tastes nasty!

  Daniel's eyes drifted close and Gina imagined sucking Patrick's cock with her boss’ lover. Daniel could remain locked to the shaft while she sank lower between Patrick's legs, licking and sucking his balls into her mouth as she massaged and stroked his perineum. With the two of them making love to Patrick with their mouths, he wouldn't be able to not come like a freight train.

  Yeah, she could imagine coming that hard. Body jerking uncontrollably as frissons of pleasure coursed through her veins. From toe to tail to head, a person could happily die from that much pleasure.

  Patrick sped up his tempo and so did she. She couldn't come with the men in her or around her, but she sure as shit was going to come with them. When Daniel palmed his cock, her pussy clenched. She could do that for him. She could stroke one and suck another. She had very good coordination, donchaknow.

  "Yeah, stroke your cock, get it good and hard. Gonna come with me, yeah?"

  Daniel moaned in response, as if saying “Fuck, yeah."

  Patrick's movements became uneven, jerking. “Gonna come, gonna come down your throat.” He took a heaving breath and Gina increased her pace again. Her pussy c
lenched rhythmically. Again and again it sought something to fill it. So close to coming, as close as the men not feet from her. And then, Patrick spoke again, shattering her world into thousands of tiny pieces.

  "Yeah, suck it, Gina. Suck my cock and make me come. Fuck, yeah. S'good, Gina."

  Gina. Fuck me. He'd called her name and before she could think better of it or slam on her body's brakes, the building pleasure overtook her in a near blinding wave. The sudden tsunami of her climax rushed through her veins. Muscles spasmed, contracting and releasing in a rhythm only her body could control and not connected to her brain. Her voice, so quiet for so long, rose and rose in a keening cry. Her toes curled into the plush carpet beneath her feet and her hips jerked against her hand, hipbones colliding with the wall with each wave of sensation.

  The shudders slowly died down and she turned around, pressing her back against the wall. She slid down the sturdy surface until her ass collided with the carpeted floor and she let her head slump forward. Ho-ly shit. That was a world class orgasm; one for the record books, without a doubt. She slid her hand free of her boxers and just as she was about to wipe her fingers clean on her shirt, a large hand wrapped around her wrist.

  "Ah, ah, that's mine.” She followed the hand to the man's wrist and up and up and up, and met eyes with Daniel.

  "Hey, I get a taste, too.” Her attention shot to Patrick.

  It'd be good if the ground opened up and swallowed her whole right about now. But since it didn't, she figured she'd work with what Sekhmet gave her. Still a little unsure about what she'd witnessed and how they were going to react to… well, everything. She decided to play it cool. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Oh, hey guys, didn't, uh, hear you come in."


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