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Piece of Tail

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  Patrick lowered himself to a crouch next to her and smiled. “Uh, huh. That's because you were too busy coming. As were we.” Patrick extended his hand and she thought he was going to reach for hers, but instead, he dipped between her legs and brought up… her tail. “Gina, you got some ‘splainin to do."

  Chapter Five

  "Leave it out."

  Three words and Gina's world turned on its axis. Sure, at home within the walls of Half-were House, she never once thought twice of letting her tail sway in the breeze; but here, in Patrick and Daniel's townhouse? Um, no. She eyed Daniel warily, her attention pinging between the two men. She'd quietly excuse herself to the restroom with the hope that distance would allow her to regain control over the kitty within. Then, Daniel's words froze her.

  "Um, excuse me?"

  "Leave. It. Out. I like it.” Daniel stepped closer. He snaked an arm around her and stroked the fur where her tail emerged from beneath the boxers. “It's so soft, silky. You seem to be more comfortable this way so,” he shrugged, “leave it out."

  Comfortable? Ha! She was anything but comfortable right now. With a twitch, her tail was free of Daniel's grasp and flicking him in the chest. While most cats could never boast of her level of muscle control, Gina had spent many years learning how to use her tail almost as if it were a third hand. “Leave it out? That's all you've got to say when you find me sprawled on your living room floor with a tail?"

  He smiled and rocked back on his heels. “Yup."

  She rolled to her feet and whirled on Patrick. “I assume your boyfriend is taking this so well because you told him about us.” He nodded. “Patrick, how could you? We're supposed to be a secret from ‘mans. Sekhmet gets pissy and starts killing people for letting humans in on our little secret and now you've gone and told him when there was no reason to. Specifically, you told him about me.” She narrowed her eyes and poked him in the chest with her left hand when all he did was smile in response.

  "I couldn't not tell him, Gina. Not when we started talking about kids and he wanted me to be the donor for a surrogate. What would have happened if the kid sprouted a tail someday? Gee, honey, I forgot to tell you I've got a bit of kitten in my family tree?” Patrick snorted. “Not likely."

  She rubbed her forehead with her right hand and squeezed the bridge of her nose. “I can't believe this. So, Danny-boy, you've known about me for how long? Hell, you probably know about everyone in the office, too, huh?” A hand encircled the end of her tail and she tugged it free, whacking the offending fingers. “Quit it and answer the question, Danny-boy."

  He chuckled. “Six months, at least. I was a little skeptical at first, but uh… Patrick demonstrated for me at the office one day."

  That got her attention. “Demonstrated? Patrick's were is so diluted that it's nearly non-existent. How the hell did he demonstrate?” Confused, her attention bounced between Patrick and Daniel.

  Patrick had the grace to blush. Good, let him be embarrassed. “Remember the, uh, office incident a while ago?"

  She whipped her tail from Daniel's chest and whacked Patrick on the side of the head. “You did that on purpose? You ass. I walked in on the two of you making out like teenagers. You mean to tell me that you got me hot and bothered enough to sprout a tail and you did it as a science experiment to show your little boy toy what happens to a cat when her itch doesn't get scratched.” Her tail and left hand worked in tandem to slap Patrick, once on the side of the head and once on the shoulder. “You. Ass."

  She spun away from the two men, hurt and embarrassed that her nature had been used against her not once, but twice. They'd probably set up the little blowjob display so that Daniel could get a better look at her more furry attributes. She needed to go, get out, leave. Shoes or no shoes, her jiggly ass was getting away from the two fur freaks as soon as she could.

  Gina strode past the den, “Bye Andy.” The dog whimpered. Good. She hoped the damn thing pissed the rug too. They deserved to have to clean up after a fur ball.

  Hand on the front doorknob, she flipped the deadbolt and opened the door, only to have it slammed shut again by… He was tall, wide, smelled of smooth woodsy spices… Daniel. The reason for her embarrassment. Without pausing to think, she whipped her tail behind her and straight up, between Daniel's legs. It may be fluffy, but there was substance to it and she'd worked hard at developing those muscles. Hellooooo family jewels.

  Daniel dropped like a stone with a curse on his lips.

  She whirled on him, staring down at the writhing man and a hint of remorse crept into her mind. He really did look to be in a lot of pain. A. Lot. She wrapped her tail around her waist, stroking the soft fur as she waited for Daniel to recover. Patrick dashed into the room and crouched by his lover's side.

  "You okay?"

  Daniel nodded. Well, that was good, right?

  Patrick's focus shifted to her and she rethought her decision of waiting to see if Danny-boy was okay. She really should've gotten gone while the getting was good. He growled at her, eyes burning bright with anger and something else, some emotion she couldn't quite place. “Gina, help me get him up and then we're going into the living room to talk."

  She didn't move. Sure, Patrick probably only had the tiniest bit of were buried deep in his blood, but right now, she saw every ounce of angry lion come to the surface.

  "Gina,” he growled.

  She bent and helped Patrick drag Daniel to his feet. Together, they scuffled to the living room, taking tiny steps so that they didn't hurt Daniel further. Dang, now she was starting to feel bad. And she'd been the wronged party!

  They settled Daniel on the couch. She slumped down to the cushions with him, hoping to prevent any further pain. She knew her tail could do damage when she wanted to, she just didn't know quite how much strength she had.

  She slipped her arm free of Daniel's shoulders and shifted to stand, only to be brought up short by Patrick's barked order. “Stay."

  Gina glared at him. “Do I look like a dog to you?"

  * * *

  Patrick took a moment to calm himself. No sense in saying anything else to piss the little she-cat off. Already this entire encounter had spun out of control and he wasn't sure how to take command again. Leaving Daniel and Gina alone had been a stroke of genius as far as he was concerned. Too bad it hadn't worked out very well.

  Then, he thought they'd snag her interest again by allowing her to be the kinky little voyeur they knew her to be. And look how great that had turned out. Nope, he and Daniel were batting a thousand, basically missing each pitch and striking out with their little were and now looked to be the right time to lay it all on the table. All of it.

  He didn't spare a glance for Daniel. Now, all of his attention was on the agitated feline before him. Her tail rest in her lap, the tip flicking wildly, showing how truly pissed she was. Damn. No sense in delaying the inevitable arguing, though. Now that she'd come to her own wrong conclusions, he knew he'd be hard pressed to change her mind. Didn't mean he wasn't going to try though. His and Daniel's future depended on her trusting and believing everything he was about to say.

  "Uh…” Yeah, he was an idiot, grade A and if he was in the majors, his ass would be benched.

  "Uh. Uh. That's all you have to say?” She jumped to her feet and he followed.

  "Sit. Down."

  Gina stared at him a moment. He didn't know where all of this possessiveness and aggression was coming from, but it seemed to be the only thing she responded to. He made a note of the tone he used when she slowly lowered herself back to the couch.

  "As I was saying. This was not some ploy to get our jollies off at your expense, Gi.” Daniel snorted and Patrick kicked him in the shin. “Okay, I should say it wasn't entirely a ploy to get our jollies off at your expense.” Damn, he needed a drink. “We…” He looked to Daniel and silently begged him to finish what he'd started.

  His lover obliged. “We wanted to see what your reaction, in private, would be to the two of us. We wanted
… you."

  The color drained from Gina's face and Patrick wondered if their kitten was about to pass out. “Me?” She squeaked, more in an impersonation of a mouse instead of the deep seductive voice he was used to.

  "You,” Daniel confirmed, and Patrick nodded his agreement.

  "I've been attracted to you from the moment you started working for me, and Daniel… Daniel's been listening to my stories about you at dinner every night.” He swallowed and felt a low burning begin in his neck and travel up his cheeks. Fuck, he was blushing. “And during other times as well."

  Her eyes widened and it seemed she'd caught on. “That wasn't the first time…"

  "No, it wasn't the first time you've entered our sex lives.” His admission hung in the air between the three of them, taking on a life of its own as the truth came out.


  Confusion overrode his embarrassment, “Oh? That's all you have to say?"

  "What do you want me to say, Patrick? Ooh, goody? You two seem to be leagues ahead of me in this game, so why don't you spell out exactly what you want for the slow people, namely me, in the room.” Fire burned in her eyes and his cock responded. It didn't matter that he'd just come down Daniel's throat. Nope, his cock wanted to come deep within her now.

  "Fine. You wanted it spelled out?"

  She nodded once. “And without euphemisms please."

  "We want you, Gina. In our bed, beneath us, our cocks buried deep within your pussy and ass at the same time. We want to fuck you and make love to you until we all pass out from the pleasure."

  She smiled and Patrick felt as if twenty fly balls were coming his way at once and he didn't know which one to catch. He watched her, wary of the sudden change in mood. He'd expected his blunt language to piss her off, as it would most women, but Gina surprised him again.

  "Let me get this straight. You both know of the fur and you want me to hop into bed with you to be used like some cheap sex toy?"

  Daniel elbowed him. “Idiot."

  She spoke up and surprised them both. “Fine. I can be a fuck toy with the best of them. Besides, I've been dying to sink my claws into the two of you since… forever. You guys really need to work on how you send your signals. I've been confused since Patrick picked me up in the park.” She tipped her head back and inhaled, slow. “Is that dinner I smell? I'm starving and y’all are going to feed me before we get our freak on."

  She rose from the couch, tail swinging behind her. Well, almost swinging. Its motion was inhibited by the leg of her boxers and he could tell it irked her by the agitated flick of the tip. Before Patrick could utter a word about her acquiescence or offer her something else to wear, she peeled the boxers down her thighs. “Ah, much better."

  Patrick squeezed Daniel's thigh. Ho-ly shit. Not feet from him was the most perfectly rounded, heart-shaped ass he'd ever seen. Plump and full, it jiggled with every step and he couldn't wait to slap his hand against her cheeks and watch as they reddened beneath his assault. And there, nestled between the cleft of her ass, was the most beautiful, fluffy, spotted tail he'd ever seen. With the boxers gone, he could see where it emerged from her skin at the base of her spine to sway seductively between her legs, shifting and dancing with each step she took. He wanted that ass, wanted to feel that tail against his skin… just plain wanted her.

  Patrick pulled a recovered Daniel from the couch and tugged him along. “Come on, it's time to eat."

  Chapter Six

  Dinner had been… strained. Gina shook her head then took a sip of wine and snuggled deeper into the couch cushions. No, strained didn't even begin to cover everything. The two men obviously had never engaged in a frivolous affair. Okay, to her it wasn't frivolous, what with her never ending crush on the guys. But for those two, she knew it had to just be a fling. She was a sex toy, something the gay guys could experiment with while broadening their sexual horizons. She giggled and the next thing she knew, her glass was plucked from her hand.


  Daniel nuzzled her neck from behind and planted a soft kiss just below her ear. “Hey yourself. Don't want you too drunk, we do have plans, you know."

  "Mmm…” she sighed. “Plans."

  She couldn't wait. Really. Couldn't. Wait.

  Gina lifted her arms around Daniel's neck and tilted her head to the side. She sifted her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of his silky strands sliding across her skin. What would it feel like to have that hair touch me… everywhere?

  "Starting without me?” Patrick asked from the doorway. Now this she could handle. The stilted dinner conversation while the men did their damnedest to figure her out had nearly bored her to tears. But sex? Sex, she could do. Besides, it'd been a long time since someone's hands, other than hers, had touched her intimately.

  Patrick closed the distance between them and crouched on the ground between her knees. Now, shedding her boxers earlier in the evening had turned out to be a marvelous idea. She just hoped his position inspired him as it was inspiring her right then.

  Daniel's lips left her for a moment as he slipped free of her hold. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he placed her wineglass on a side table and then he returned. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, hands skimming the exposed skin of her arms and then resting on her stomach, just below her breasts. Slow, they moved slow, with deliberate shifts and touches, so sweet that they didn't want to frighten her. She could sense their hesitancy and she loved them for their care.

  Patrick skimmed her thighs with his hands, his attention focused on her lap as he touched her. She reached out with her tail, brushing the tops of his hands as he stroked her. The higher he eased along her thighs, the wider she shifted them. Subtle wasn't in her vocabulary. Ever.

  The bottom of her shirt covered where she wanted him most, but that didn't seem like a deterrent to him. He flipped the fabric up and both men groaned.

  "What?” Suddenly self-conscious, she tried to bring her knees together. Patrick wasn't having it.

  "You are gorgeous, Gina."

  "Fucking beautiful,” Daniel echoed.

  Patrick's fingers stroked her lower lips, the tiniest, barest of touches. “She's bare."

  She started to say “No shit, Sherlock,” but realized that Patrick wasn't talking to her, he was talking to Daniel. Then, he touched her again with a firmer hand and all thoughts of sarcastic retorts flew form her mind. Now, all of her attention was focused on the man between her thighs as he petted her pussy. He stroked her slit, slipping from top to bottom and with each successive pass, she grew hotter, wetter. Those fingers that normally handed her work and signed her paycheck were now teasing and caressing her. Her cunt clenched and clit throbbed with his gentle, tender branding on her sensitive flesh. Up and down he stroked, stoking the burning, scorching rush in her blood.

  Daniel's arms shifted and dragged along the fabric of her shirt until he slipped his hands beneath the hem. Then, warm hands rubbed along her abdomen, shifting higher until he cupped her breasts, fingers plucking her hardened nipples.

  "Yes,” she hissed, arching into Daniel's touch and rocking her hips in a silent beg to Patrick. Both men chuckled. The bastards.

  Soon, soft, tender lips seared her skin. Daniel nipped and licked the side of her neck, nuzzling her just below her ear while he continued to stroke and play with her breasts. He kneaded them, pinching the nipples lightly and occasionally adding a twist to the tormented nubs. The pinches, pulls and strokes shot straight to her overly-teased pussy, causing the ache and needy warmth to grow in intensity.

  Patrick's caresses grew in strength. His fingertips separated her labia, sliding easily through her cream. He circled the opening of her pussy, teasing her by sliding a finger into her throbbing cunt and then withdrawing just as quickly. She rocked her hips, aching for deeper penetration and all she got was a deep, male chuckle in return.

  Finally, she gave up. Gina let her head loll against the back of the couch and opened her body fully to the two men si
nce they seemed to be content with keeping her on edge. She figured she'd ride that edge, the aching sweetness of being kept on the brink.

  Patrick circled her clit with his thumb and she forced herself not to move, to allow him to give her the pleasure she craved instead of chasing it as she usually did. Tremors started at her toes, forcing them to curl and grab onto the carpet. They shivered and shook up her legs to pause at the juncture of her thighs, the concentration of her pleasure.

  Daniel murmured in her ear, his words, as much as his hands, driving her arousal higher. “He wants to taste your sweet pussy, wants to lap at that cream like the cat he is. Open your legs for him. Let him drink you up, Gina."

  She moaned, another wave of arousal pouring through her veins. She opened her thighs wide, praying that Daniel's words weren't just a tease.

  The first touch of Patrick's tongue on her clit rocketed her into heaven. She felt like a kitten that'd gotten into the year's supply of catnip. Her back arched of its own volition, pressing, no shoving her pussy into Patrick's face as he became intimately acquainted with her. His fingers suddenly filled her cunt, stretching her while rubbing that sweet spot deep within. She shouted. “Yes!"

  Gina gripped Patrick's head, holding him exactly as she wished as he pleasured her and he growled in response, pulling her hands away and placing them on her thighs.

  "He likes control; likes figuring out exactly how to make you scream his name. You want to scream for him, don't you? Want to come with his name on your lips.” Daniel's wicked words filtered through her mind. His hands stayed occupied with her breasts and she reveled in the attention the two men gave her, rejoiced in it.

  Patrick continued to fuck her with his fingers, stroking in and out of her cunt with a steadily increasing speed while Daniel whispered those naughty words into her ear.

  "Once we're done playing with you, we'll go upstairs and fuck that pretty little pussy of yours. You want that, don't you, Gina? Want us deep in your cunt, coming on our cocks. We'll make you come until your body can't anymore."


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