220 If the measure: NYT, 10/10/22, 1. Parliament considered, pause to dump: Spinelli, 46–47. Renders ridiculous: Royden to Ashley Sparks, 7/4 [or 5?]/23, Cunard Archive, D42/S3/17. Such asses: Wadsworth to James R. Sheffield, 5/9/23, JWWP, B19.
220 Driving ranges, movies, caviar: Gunther, 131.
220 Foil: F. L. Allen, Secret, 172–73.
221 Sterno: Kobler, 314. Rust improved: Asbury, 281. Like a milkman: Inquest testimony, 8/10/26, in Archives of Ontario, RG 4–32, F 1926 #1828 (1). Jake, neurotoxin: kobler, 301–2; “Jake Leg Blues,” liner notes, by John P. Morgan, M.D. Lyrics: Dan Baum, “Jake Leg,” New Yorker, 50.
222 Opera star: Room, 11–18. Arrests soared: Joseph R. Gusfield, “Prohibition: The Impact of Political Utopianism,” in Braeman, 274. Cirrhosis, psychosis: Adam Gifford Jr., “Whiskey, Margarine, and Newspapers: A Tale of Three Taxes,” in Shughart, 66. Rate of consumption: Jellinek, 10.
222 Over-indulgence: LD, 7/10/26, 47. Men swallow: Igglesden, 164. People expect, advice: Cannadine, 310. Anodyne: Vanity Fair, 3/31, 60. The piece was published under a pseudonym Brokaw often used, “Julian Jerome.”
222 Girls simply won’t, almost everybody: Lusk, 46. For a girl: Jean Hamilton to parents of Pauline Izor, 4/8/26, Clarence Cook Little Papers, B2, F20.
223 Izor, generally: Hamilton correspondence; Michiganensian 1964 (University of Michigan yearbook), 296; interview with Izor’s son LaMott F. Bates.
223 Meads: NYT, 6/17/20, 1; CT, 9/16/20. Vomitings: O’Hara, Appointment, 86.
224 A world without: Sabin, “I Change My Mind About Prohibition,” in Outlook, 6/13/28.
224 Girls did not drink, Why American: Fulton, 35.
224 Attempt to enthrone: NYT, 4/4/29, 1.
Chapter Fifteen: Open Wounds
227 Strong appeal: NYT, 6/26/23. Stop drinking: Anthony, Florence, 427; Murray, Harding, 407. Same suite, simple way: Diary, 8/10/23, PSDP, F1. Slob, front parlor: Longworth, 324–25.
227 Should go out of: Kennedy, Freedom, 30. Indolent: Lippmann, 12–13.
228 Whacked: CGG, 1/26, 13. Not a stranger: Miller, 132. I must remember: McCoy, 397. Toasted: NYT, 1/17/28, 2. The rest would: Merz, 285.
228 Brother-in-law: Willard obituary, Springfield Republican, 12/23/31. All details of investigation from Harlan Fiske Stone Papers, B24, F. Amherst College bootlegging, particularly: Stone to Willard, 6/20/24 (telegram), 6/26/24; Willard to Stone, 6/21/24; Stone to Waddell (student), 6/28/24; J. Edgar Hoover to Stone, 8/11/24, 8/25/24.
229 Pinchot flirted: Sobel, 255.
229 Enemy of, shot: Steuart, 303–4. Anarchist: Nethers, 178. Sackett: Sexton, 94–95. Although some sources spell Sackett’s first name with a concluding k, his official congressional biography spells it without.
230 Dispatched: Steuart, 226. Was not voted: NYT, 6/26/27, XX6. Frowning Nero: New Yorker, 1/30/26. Generalissimo: CR, 4/5/22, 5073.
230 Pleased to support: Thomas to Wheeler, 3/4/24, in TPP/ASL Legis and Legal, R1. Ruin field hand, pap sucker, etc.: Simon, 1252.
231 Jones: ANB. Felder: NYT, 4/21/22, 12, and 5/9/22, 4. Representing McCoy: William Hayward to Attorney General, 10/9/22, F 23–3962–5, Department of Justice archives. Clarence Wilson: DAB. McGee: Time, 2/23/25; http://www.mnd.uscourts.gov. Baruch: Baruch, 180. Ford: Ladies’ Home Journal, 4/30, 25. Willebrandt: Gentry, 125–26.
231 Thrown acid: Pepper, 146. Half-drunk, furies: Reed, “The Pestilence of Fanaticism,” American Mercury, 5/25. Black men: Meriwether, 85. Supreme artist: Reed, Rape, dust jacket copy.
232 In business to protect: New York World, 4/6/22. Lives by headlines: Time, 11/24/24. Get arrested, hundred-million: Kessner, 112. 150,000: McLaughlin, 184. 250,000: Senate Judiciary 1926, 651.
232 Frivolity: ANB. Dark and sombre: Beck to H. L. Mencken, 12/15/24, James M. Beck Papers, B5, F24. Cascading quotations: Keller, 154–55.
233 Resigned as solicitor: ANB. Handed him: keller, 196.
233 Cornelia Pinchot found out: Lender, Dictionary, 398. Movement as a whole: Murdock, 31.
233 Announced birth: November 12, 1918, per Kyvig, Repealing, 43. Solicitation letter: Life (original), 7/24/31, 15. Fish et al.: Names from early AAPA letterhead, circa 1922, author’s collection. Yacht Club: Kyvig, Repealing, 46–47.
234 Freighted with warning: Heckman, 280. Ran the other way: Ibid., 281; Kyvig, Repealing, 48.
234 Refuse to contribute: du Pont to Arthur W. Little, 1/7/27, PSdPP, Series A, F765. Futile for people, must learn: du Pont to Charles N. Fowler, 1/28/27, PSdPP, Series A, F765.
234 Thirteen dry, vacation on Mars: Kobler, 341.
234 Naturally made: Carol L. James [page unclear]. Unyielding: CR, 1/18/22, 1338. Convicted of murder: Unsigned to Mrs. Andrew J. Volstead, 4/29/20, AJVP, B1. Made a Bolshevik: unsigned to Volstead, 10/29/19, AJVP, B1. Cootie’s: “Democritus” to Volstead, 10/20/21, AJVP, B2.
235 Dryer than Volstead: St. Paul Pioneer-Press, 11/9/22, 1. Sunday morning: Carol L. James, 10–11. Wets eager: St. Paul Pioneer-Press, 11/9/22, 10.
236 Streams of undersized, lowest layer: Kenneth Roberts, “Ports of Embarkation,” Saturday Evening Post, 5/7/21, 12. Most backward: Kenneth Roberts, “The Goal of Central Europeans,” Saturday Evening Post, 11/6/20, 12. Nordics, the cross (fn): Madison Grant, Passing, 228, 18. Half the bootleggers (fn): Haller, “Philadelphia,” 217.
236 80 percent to aliens: NYT, 1/12/23, 3. Ought to know: Imogen Oakley, “The Prohibition Law and the Political Machine,” in Walnut, 171. General information: House Immigration 1922, 544.
237 Dazzling opportunities: Higham, 267–68.
237 Scum: Rose, American, 26. Because, they declare: NYT, 12/21/20. In many places: Merz, 89–91.
237 Gives aliens: Rosenbaum, 422. Semicivilized: Eagles, Democracy, 38. Gnawing: CR, 5/28/29, 2054–2056. Not fair: NYT, 1/15/31, 48.
238 Wets argued: Anderson, 152–53. This eliminated: Kennedy, Freedom, 14. Pug dog: Kenneth Roberts, “The Goal of Central Europeans,” Saturday Evening Post, 11/6/20, 61.
239 Preserve racial: NYT, 4/27/24, XX, 3. Klan more concerned: Jackson, 26. Inferior, riff-raff: MacLean, 91. SYMWA: Jackson, 133. Motivated by anti-Semitism: Link, 847.
240 Communications private: Cherrington to Hobson, 3/30/15, in RPHP, B35, F7. Win it now: “Proceedings of the 1917 Convention of the Anti-Saloon League of America,” 75.
240 Less than nine: Eagles, Democracy, 51. On guard: Current Opinion, 1/21, 35–38. Forty-two separate: Schmeckebier, 120–21.
240 Men from the farms, many do not speak, silent consent: Eagles, Democracy, 39, 61, 45–46. Silly: WP, 3/13/27, 1.
241 497,000 each: WP, 8/11/26, 9. Ten separate in Missouri, city versus: Eagles, Democracy, 72, 66.
241 Not be violated: WP, 2/6/29, 6.
241 Al Smith, generally: ANB, Handlin. In a bank: Handlin, 28.
242 Brown derby: New York Sun, 12/28/32.
242 Jack up: Handlin, 109.
242 Jurymen would have: Collier’s, 7/16/21, 23. Rightfully belongs: Lerner, Dry, 94. Leon and Eddie’s: Louis Sobol, “Speakeasy, Cosmopolitan, 4/34, 54.
242 Massachusetts: Walnut, 54. Maryland: Clark, Deliver, 167–68. Very stupid: Stanley Walker, 17.
243 Bier, grave: Murray, 103rd, 144.
243 Hopeful idiots: Roosevelt to Bryan, 6/20/23, quoted in Friedel, Ordeal, 162.
243 Einstein and Wheeler: Einstein, 41. Appetitive, humidity: Palmer Canfield in NYT, 6/21/24, 3.
243 Reception committees, my best men: OrH, COHP: Claude Bowers, 52. Five thousand speakeasies: Lerner, dissertation, 203. Good rye: Variety, 3/6/24.
244 Neither willing to risk: Murray, 103rd, 143–144. Avert disaster, old wounds: Stanley Frost, Outlook, 6/18/24, 265–68.
244 Expelled: “Monteval,” 13. Bourbon, Birth: McGill,132. Klan of the 1920s: Coben, 136. Over half a million: Jackson, 90. Oregon: Leuchtenberg, Perils, 209. Colorado, Kansas: McVeigh, 2–3. Avalanche: Jackson, 138.
245 Wheeler and Catholics: Timberlake, 31–32. Jews: Marni Davis, 235. Cherrington: Cherrington to
Justin Steuart, telegram, 7/12/28, in TPP/Cherrington, R66.
245 Denison: Angle, 140–41. Grip of bootleggers: Higham, 295; Angle, 284; NYT, 9/14/24. Glaring disgrace: Angle, 157. Hauling: NYT, 9/14/24. Stickney: Angle, 140–41. Submachine gun: Angle, 141. Twenty dead: Higham, 295.
245 Wets supporting Underwood: Murray, 103rd, 155. Drys backing McAdoo: McVeigh, 7. Heavily guarded: Murray, 103rd, 108. They were afraid: Leuchtenberg, Perils, 133.
246 Worst-hated: NYT, 6/23/24, 8. Fixed fact: Davis to Wheeler, 2/14/23, John W. Davis Papers, B22, F136.
246 A mob: Beck to Harlan Fiske Stone, 7/11/24, Harlan Fiske Stone Papers, B6. The kind of man: William H. Anderson to “members of the 68th Congress,” 3/15/23, in TPP/Cherrington, R76.
Chapter Sixteen: “Escaped on Payment of Money”
247 Vogt: Fisher, Prohibition, 126. Odyssey: Gordon, Anti-Alcohol, 123. Two to four, will add: Eugene B. Benge, “Effects of Prohibition from the Viewpoint of an Employment Manager,” in Walnut, 111.
248 Bananas (fn): I. N. Fisher, My Father, xi. Abolition: quoted in Justin Fox, 21. Dropped 20: Fisher, Prohibition, 99. Billion of GNP, Feldman: Thornton, 16.
248 Pronouncements: NYT, 8/10/23, 13. Bowling, gambling spike: Survey, 11/16/20, 198.
248 Savings lower, virility: Monahan, 222. Chastity: NYT, 8/10/23, 13.
249 Bellevue: Kellogg to Barron, 5/7/23, in John H. Kellogg Papers, B1, Correspondence.
249 Gibbs: New Yorker, 4/4/31, 26. Fell sharply: Miron and Zwiebel, 242–47.
249 Tastes like: Dabney, 174. Just for Bevo: Hernon and Ganey, 105.
250 Pre-war taste, Pablo, etc.: author’s collection.
250 Almost negligible: Plavchan, 161–62. Hobart, Feigenspan’s: George S. Hobart, “The Volstead Act,” in Walnut, 96.
250 Twenty gallons: Warburton, in Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 9/32, 91–92.
251 Product that will: Plavchan, 179.
251 Apple butter, etc.: Brochure, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry, File 470.2 (464), to A. Lonnquest, 7/10/18, Frankenmuth (MI) Historical Society; Hernon and Ganey, 134. Pabst: Cochran, 334. Anheuser: Hernon and Ganey, 132. Trade associations: Kobler, 238. Magazine: NYT, 4/4/26. Time is ripe: Wheeler to Louis C. Cramton, 10/12/25, in Louis C. Cramton Papers, B1. Smack (fn): Hernon and Ganey, 134.
251 Final gasp: Merz, 123–24. Six million: Plavchan, 179. Biggest bootlegging: Hernon and Ganey, 132.
252 Simms: William Hayward to Attorney General, 10/9/22, F 23–3962–5, Department of Justice archives. Small pint, as honest as: MacLean, 100–101. Public demand: Boorstin, 84.
252 Not by next: Jimerson et al., 241–42.
253 First four thousand: Collier’s, 7/6/21, 23. Does not fit: Willebrandt, 251. 15 percent: NYT, 12/28/25, 3.
253 Buckner, generally: ANB, DAB, Mayer.
254 Licked: Stein Family Papers, Buckner to Elihu Root Jr. et al., 3/17/25.
254 Swore off: Stanley Walker, 60. Brandy: Stein Family Papers, Buckner to “Dear Four,” 1/20/32. Subcellar, six judges: Mayer, 186–87. Fifty thousand: Senate Judiciary 1926, 96–97. Easy to amend: NYT, 1/3/26, VIII, 9.
254 Seething: Senate Judiciary 1926, 96–97. Perjury, ten thousand, grotesque, escaped: Mayer, 186–87. Pay $100 fine (fn): Nation, 4/28/26, 472.
255 Staff consisted: Dorothy M. Brown, 50.
255 Staggering 90: Asbury, 170. Please the Drys: Quoted in A. Mason, Stone, 156.
255 Rewarded with bounty: NYT, 3/2/20. Bannick: Clark, Dry, 157–58. Liquor courts: See Dugan v. Ohio, 277 U.S. 63 (1928); Tumey v. Ohio, 273 U.S. 521–522 (1927); and Journal-News (Hamilton, Ohio), 2/12/2003.
256 Less than 15: Merz, 277. Old local-option: Collier’s, 7/16/21, 23–24.
256 Connecticut: Everett Allen, 105. Detroit Board: NYT, 5/3/28. Graft trust: Asbury, 184.
257 Reopen places: Lindberg, 184–85. Cleanest, soberest: Sayler to Collins, 10/8/23, William E. Dever Papers, B3, F24.
257 Reduced the quality: Reeves, vii.
257 Semiofficial: NYT, 12/6/33. Fund for disabled: Ernest Gordon, Wrecking, 169. Knee-deep: quoted in Johns, 35. Be introduced: Baltimore Evening Sun, 10/12/31.
258 Indicted for diversion: Willebrandt, 118. Mistaken idea: Overton, 53. Double duty: Elizabeth Anne Brown, 29. Demijohns: OrH, CWH: Antonio Pirelli-Minetti, 16–17. Orgy: Hans Schmidt, 169.
258 General disregard: Bruere, 90. 35 seconds: Kobler, 295–98. Lucrative Louisiana: Order forms from Louisiana (Father Prim, etc.) in DFP. Mereaux: Barry, Rising, 236. From appearances: Crane to Tuttle, 3/1/27, in AJTP, B65, Correspondence.
259 On a Still: Lender and Martin, 142. Half a million cases: NYT, 6/23/29, XX, 4. Sealed: RCCE, Barney Aaron testimony, 22,036–72; Harry Low testimony, 16,522. Three boats: NYT, 5/22/27, XX, 5. Pipeline, cable: DN, 1/24/31. In less than: Bingay, 325.
259 On to Chicago: Nelli, 158. 7,000, three times: DN, 1/11/14; NYT, 5/3/28. Single block: Engelmann, “Separate,” 51–73. Carnival: DN, 1/1/24. Union efforts: Engelmann, Intemperance, 136.
260 Poor place: DN, 7/12/23. Darrow: Diary entry, 11/26/25, Josephine F. Gomon Papers, B6.
260 Left alone, tragic joke, Lodge practical: Engelmann, “Separate.” Notables: advertisement, Detroit Saturday Night, 11/15/27, reprinted in Engelmann, “Separate.”
261 Wracked: Tuttle to Harry M. Daugherty, 4/21/22, AJTP, B24, Topical Office Files, Prohibition Dept. (1). Expecting Uncle Sam: Tuttle to Mrs. F. P. Anderson, 11/9/23, AJTP, B24, Topical Office Files, Prohibition (2). Crowding: Tuttle to Merlin Wiley, 7/5/22, B24, Topical Office Files, Prohibition (1).
261 McGee: NYT, 2/6/25, 1.
261 Leaving to the states: New Republic, 1/15/22, 305–6.
262 Spectacular but ineffectual: McClure’s, 9/09, 539. Wrong cannot: Suitts, 457.
262 Maximum sentences, first few: Suitts, 133–34, 452–53.
262 Izzy believes, Einstein told: Mobile Register, 11/14/23, 1. Sad news: Kobler, 295–98.
263 Bank president et al.: Mobile Register, 12/20/23, 1; also “Teflon Tycoon,” in Register, 12/19/2001. O’Shaughnessy: Mobile Register, 12/19/23, 1. Wanted a drink: Webb.
263 Broyles arrested: Mobile Register, 12/19/23, 1. Stone’s effort: Webb. I ate it: Roger K. Newman, 64. Klansmen: Klan leader James Esdale, quoted in Roger K. Newman, 65.
264 I really should: Mayer, 204–5. $150 a week: New Yorker, 10/16/26, 36. Common pool: Kobler, 229. It is clear: Willebrandt, 171–72.
264 Could process: Mayer, 192–93; Mazzone to author, 7/3/2009.
264 Harlan, collect evidence, Buckner obligingly: Mayer, 187–188. Necklace: Stanley Walker, 94–96.
265 Conjunction: Quoted in Lerner, dissertation, 228.
265 Seems an impossible: Buckner to Elihu Root Jr., et al., 3/17/25, Stein Family Papers.
265 Man who buys: New Yorker, 11/14/25, 7.
265 Two days after, could not countenance, gloated: NYT, 11/17/25, 2; 11/21/25, 1. Regard slight: Buckner to Ruth Buckner, 3/7/26, Stein Family Papers. Stampede, Liquor Market: New Yorker, 11/25/27, 7.
Chapter Seventeen: Crime Pays
267 Very presence: CR, 6/22/22, 9186. Wet list: House Appropriations 1922, 491.
268 Censure: WP, 8/24/21, 2. Spinsters: New Republic, 12/15/6, 102. Better hater: Villard, 89.
268 Truculent: New Republic, 6/8/26, 86. War of words: NYT, 4/18/26, XX, 1. Bellowing: Philadelphia Inquirer, 6/27/26.
268 Dry reception: Time, 6/27/26. Blight: Asbury, 147. Pockets: Senate Campaign Expenditures 1926, 19.
269 Forced to admit: Senate Judiciary 1926, 843. Asbestos: Senate Judiciary 1926, 1108.
269 Colored people: Senate Judiciary 1926, 689. Fanatics and fools: NYT, 4/23/26, 1.
269 All-absorbing: NYT, 4/18/26, XX, 1. Long years: Wheeler to McBride, 5/22/26, TPP/McBride, R15. Corpse: Steuart, 269.
270 Spectacular war: NYT, 4/22/26, 1. The very fact, Reed had not: NYT, 4/25/26, 1.
270 Smiling exterior, three-week: Steuart, 21, 274. Enemas: Kellogg to Wheeler, 6/13/26, Robin Wheeler Paper
s. Overdraw: Wheeler to McBride, 5/22/26, TPP/McBride, R15.
271 Not settled: Ernest Gordon, Wrecking, 120.
271 Agents spending: NYT, 6/28/26.
271 Shoots from ambush: NYT, 9/9/23, XX, 3.
272 Like modern business: Bergreen, 86.
272 Lansky launched: Lacey, 51. Forwarding services: Engelmann, Intemperance, 143. Using planes: Nelli, 172. Jewish lake: Meyer Lansky, quoted in Eisenberg et al., 79. Overland corridor: American Mercury, 4/28, 393–99.
Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition Page 58