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Page 25

by Tl Reeve

  “Bone broken here. Bone broken there…”

  “She did it?” The realization of how hurt Keeley had really been when they arrived stunned him. He remembered seeing the discolored dots and the rage he pushed down surged to the top. “The marks on your body when you got here.”

  “Yep. Six ribs. Eight fingers. My hip. My arm. Leg. Each bone broken Danielle healed, leaving her vulnerable. In those moments, Simon would do things to her.” She swallowed hard. “For three days, they kept us in separate cells facing one another. Watching the mutilation of our bodies without being able to stop it.”

  “But you’re so…” He didn’t understand. If Keeley’s power hummed along his skin whenever he got close to her, it didn’t make sense why she hadn’t attacked them. What had they done to her?

  “Powerful?” She gave him a sad smile. “Yeah, I am. Every time I did something, it hurt me instead of them.”

  Son of a bitch. He would have asked why it didn’t seem to affect Danielle, however, Keeley explained it. She’d lose her strength healing Keeley. A sickening cycle of broken bones, wounds of probably every kind.

  He was going to kill Hazel. He’d kill her slowly. Inch by inch, for Keeley and Danielle and his brother. Then he’d find Simon and he’d send a warning to the PBH. Never send another hunter to his pack lands. They’d regret it.

  “How did you get out?” He opened his arms to his mate as she crawled back into his embrace.

  “I lost control. I saw what Simon was about to do to my sister and I screamed no.” She curled into him. If she could wrap her arms and legs around him, he suspected she would have by the way she snuggled him. “One minute we were in the cells, and the next the building was burning and Danielle was trying to drag me out. We stole a vehicle and ran.”

  He didn’t know how long they sat there in silence. He tried to reconcile everything she’d told him about the doctor. About Simon. It made sense why she didn’t want to trust him. The one person she’d trusted with her secret besides her sister had betrayed her. He used her. Experimented on her and her sister. Fuck, he wished that low-life piece of shit stood in front of him. He’d rip his nuts off then shove them down his throat.

  “Kee, baby,” he whispered. “You have to trust me to protect you. I know how scary the thought is of giving over to me, but I can’t help you if you keep trying to run off on me when things get tough.”

  She sighed. “I wish I could say I understand. It’s hard for me—us, we’ve been on the move for so long, allowing you to guide this…is more than scary, it’s downright terrifying.”

  He kissed the crown of her head. “Then we’ll do it together,” he said.

  “Together,” she agreed.

  “Now, why don’t you tell me where you found my .357 and what you thought you were going to do with it?”

  She blinked. She opened her mouth then closed it. “It looked big enough.” She shrugged. “I thought it might do some damage.”

  “It’ll knock you on your ass,” he growled, palming her rear. “And what a fine ass you have.” He squeezed and kneaded her flesh.

  “Kal…what are you doing?” She moaned in his ear and he instantly went hard.

  “I believe I owe you a spanking.”

  “For what?” All the fear bled from her and was replaced by her natural incredulous nature.

  He nipped her bottom lip, then licked her chin. “For trying to run away and for stealing my gun.” He slapped her ass and groaned. “I’m sure I can figure out more later.”

  She wiggled against him. “I love you, Kal. I’m sorry I’m such a freak.”

  He turned her in his arms. “Hey, you’re not a freak. You’re special and my mate. I get it. I swear, though, if you ever pull another stunt like this, you’ll never sit again.” He claimed her mouth in a scorching kiss meant to seal them together.

  When she moaned, he deepened it and rubbed her against his groin. He ripped at her clothes, desperate to get her naked and be inside of her. She'd done something stupid. Completely out of her mind crazy, yet he understood her. He'd have done the same for his brothers. For his pack. For her. “Don't you ever fuckin' leave me.”

  He tore at her jeans, yanking them down her thighs before opening his pants, releasing his throbbing cock. He groaned, spinning her around so her lush ass faced him. His mouth watered at the thought of biting her skin, leaving his mark behind. Kalkin bent forward and did just that. Her cry went straight to his dick, and he couldn't wait any longer. He maneuvered her backward until she was right over him.

  “Kal…Kalkin, what are you doing?”

  “What we both need.” He positioned her over his tip, then sat her down, filling her with one thrust. “Mmm.”

  She clawed him, twitching at his intrusion, as she tried to accommodate him. Her soulful wail washed over him as he guided her over his hips. She shuddered, riding him in short, teasing strokes as he smacked her hip.

  “Ouch!” Keeley turned her head to glare at him. “What the hell?”

  He gave her a rough chuckle. “I told you exactly what I wanted. I plan on keeping at you all night, mate.”

  “Oh, perfect.” She rolled her eyes and he smacked her hip again. “That’s not my ass.”

  “No, it’s not,” he agreed. “But we’ll get there.”

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you should be bringing him out like this?” Keeley bit her lip as she gingerly got out of her SUV. Kalkin had been true to his promise of lighting her ass up and damn if she hadn’t taken every bit of it. “Someone might see Aiden as, you know, a baby.”

  She tried to keep her tone hushed. She still didn't know the whole story about the child or his biological mother. However, if she believed the report Caden and Kalkin gave, the woman didn't deserve to have Aiden. She'd go so far as to say she shouldn't even be on pack lands. Maybe she was getting a handle on her duties after all.

  “It’s not like people around here don’t know who he is,” Dani chirped. “He’s one of them.” She peered into the sling she’d donned before leaving the house. “Still sleeping.”

  “Good, then we have a few hours,” she replied walking down the street toward the café.

  “You still haven’t told me exactly what we’re doing.” Her sister gave her a look as she cradled the bundle in her arms. Motherhood looked good on Danielle. Since the day Aiden had been dropped into their lap, she’d taken to him and barely let the booger out of her sight.

  “I’m glad you asked. Let’s get settled then I’ll tell you all about it.” She held the door open for her sister, then followed.


  She turned her head at hearing her name and spotted Bodhi. “Hey, kid. What are you doing out so early?”

  “Nuffin. What are you doing out this early?” He rubbed his nose with the back of his hand.

  “Eating breakfast with my sister. Want to join us?”

  His eyes grew round. “Eat with the Alpha’s mate? You bet, but be forewarned, I can put away food.”

  “Duly noted.” She ushered him inside, then pointed him toward the bathroom. “Go wash up.”

  “Aw man.” He stomped toward the bathroom.

  When he returned, Keeley guided him over to the table where Danielle sat checking on Aiden. His little fist was curled around her sister’s finger as she continued to coo at the boy. Spoiled rotten came to mind when she saw the two of them together. “Danielle, I’d like to introduce Bodhi to you.”

  Her sister glanced up at her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bodhi.” She arched a brow. Looks familiar, don’t you think?


  “Nice to meet you,” the boy answered then pointed to the baby. “You have Aiden with you.”

  Dani nodded. “I do. Have you two already met?”

  “Yeah, Mrs. Martin did the formals.” He slid into the booth next to her sister, while Keeley scooted in on the other side.

  “There are more, you know. Like Aiden. From Tiffany. Like six or something.” He frowned. �
�She should have never had him.”

  Keeley and Dani exchanged a look before she asked, “Why do say that?”

  “She's not mom material. You guys are definitely made of the mom stuff. So is Loraine. I like her. She gives me cookies.”

  Warmth filled Keeley. Either he was a smooth talker, or the kid meant it. She believed he meant it. However, what troubled her more had been the fact there were more kids like Aiden out there. She agreed with Bodhi’s assessment. Tiffany didn’t deserve to have any kids. “Thank you, Bodhi.”

  “You’re welcome,” he answered. “I only tell the truth. It’s easier for you.”

  Somehow she doubted he always told the truth. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Did you know I’m a Raferty, too?”

  Danielle’s gaze snapped to hers. “No, we didn’t.”

  He grinned. “Yep. So you’re both my aunts.”

  Jace or Caden?

  Her sister’s question didn’t surprise her. She asked herself the same thing. Don’t know. But I’ll find out. She opened the link between her and Kalkin. Kal? she started gently, not wanting to rattle his brain.

  Keeley? Surprise floated through the link, then a bit of tension. What’s wrong?

  Does anything have to be wrong for me to talk to you this way?

  His deep rich laugh floated through the link. No. Enjoying breakfast with Danielle?

  She grinned. Yes. We have a guest with us.

  Is that code for come save me?

  This time she laughed. No. Dani and I are curious, who does Bodhi belong to? He’s blunt like you, but not yours. I figured that much out on my own. Which leaves Jace and Caden.

  Kalkin sighed. Remember what I told you last night?

  She did. Every bit of it. Her stomach knotted. Oh no.

  It’s a long story. Not mine to tell, but yes.

  She didn’t understand, though, why did Bodhi have to be an orphan? But he’s on the streets. Shouldn’t he be with you?

  He’s not on the streets. He’s been staying with Loraine, he answered. We all take care of him. He knows he belongs to one of us, just not who. He anticipated her statement before she could say anything. When the time is right, Jace will claim him.

  She frowned, but understood it, somewhat. All right. Well, he’ll be with us if anyone needs him.

  I’ll let Loraine and Mrs. Martin know.

  She closed the link between them as gently as she could. She glanced up at her sister who wore a curious expression, while Bodhi read from the menu. She tapped the laminated card in front of him. “So, you’re the man to talk to about the orphans, huh?”

  His chest puffed up. “Well, I'm not the oldest, but I know all of us. Nico is around somewhere, too.”

  “Nico?” Danielle inquired.

  “You're going to like him. He's really cool. He stays with Mrs. Martin from time to time. He likes the older kids more, though.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking,” Keeley started, “how many are there of you guys?”

  “A bunch, like fourteen of us, I think.” He shrugged. “Happens.”

  She frowned. Fourteen. Okay. She could deal with those numbers. “Where do they stay?” Mrs. Martin told her about the falling down community center and how some liked to sleep in the desert, but surely during the winter they had a place to go. None of them should be out in the elements.

  “Everywhere and anywhere.” He pointed to the menu. “Can I have this?”

  Keeley glanced at the menu. “Sure. Won’t be too much, will it?”

  “Wolf genes,” he said, patting his stomach. “I’ll eat it, don’t worry.”

  Yep, Raferty through and through.

  She didn’t get a chance to talk to her sister much through breakfast with Bodhi there, but once he left their side and ran for Mrs. Martin’s shop, she turned to her sister who fussed over putting Aiden into his car seat. “As you can see, he is part of the reason I asked you to breakfast.”

  “I had no idea they were on their own,” her sister murmured after getting into Keeley’s vehicle.

  “I didn’t either until I talked to Mrs. Martin.” She closed her door then started the vehicle. “She said they have a community building, but it’s in disarray. I thought if you wanted, we could take a look at it, then see if we can find some other viable options.”

  “Sure.” She frowned. “I can’t imagine all of these kids being on their own.”

  Neither could she, and to hear Tiffany had more children...? “I'd like to spay Tiffany.” She covered her mouth. She hadn't meant to say it out loud, but it felt good. The woman had nearly killed her son.

  “You’re not the only one,” Danielle laughed. “I’m right there with you.”

  “He’s staying a baby today, why?”

  Dani shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think he’s realizing he can trust me. He is a beautiful baby, don’t you think?”

  The little guy already had a mop of curly brown hair and the most vivid, soulful green eyes. He’d bored his way into her heart along with her sister’s in no time. No child deserved to begin their life as he had, though. “I figured he might go back to being a pup by now.”

  “How cute would he look wearing a onesie and shorts as a puppy?” Dani laughed.

  “Oh Lord, are you going to be one of those cutesy moms?” She rolled her eyes as she pulled out of the parking spot and headed for the rec center.

  “You never know.” The twinkle in her sister's eye confirmed Keeley's suspicion.

  As much fun as they were having, she had to tell Danielle the truth. She couldn’t hide it any longer. “I need to tell you something.”

  Tension radiated from Dani. “What’s wrong? I knew something happened.”

  “You and I both know we can’t run anymore.”

  “Right,” her sister answered. “We’re making our stand here.”

  She nodded in agreement. “Well, I called out Simon.”

  Danielle gasped. “Why? Why would you do that?”

  “I don't know! I panicked. I met with Mrs. Martin yesterday and she told me there were sixteen new mated pairs I should be attending to along with the orphans and I lost it. I thought if I didn't fix this now, we'd always be at risk.” She frowned. Hearing herself explain it now after she had a night to think things through, she realized how stupid she was being. Kalkin offered her his help and support and she bucked at it, thinking she could do a better job on her own.

  Stupid. Plain and simple.

  “You were going to leave me, weren't you?” Danielle's voice softened.

  “Yes. If it came down to it. I planned on dragging this mess away from the pack so you had a chance.”

  Her sister swiped away her tears and shook her head. “You’re so stupid and stubborn. You talk about me, but you’re worse. Driving them away won’t make us safer. Twit. It leaves us vulnerable.”

  Leave it to her sister to be the voice of reason. “I understand it now.” She had. She talked through her whole plan with Kalkin. He made her see the errors in her “foolproof plan,” and she begrudgingly accepted his assessment. Kind of hard not to when his palm cracked across her already overly-sensitive butt cheek. “Kal said we’ll come up with a new plan for Thursday to ensure my safety…our safety.”

  “What was your original plan?”

  Keeley turned the corner and pointed to the five-tier parking structure she was about to pull into. “I was going to meet him here and kill him.”

  Danielle’s eyes went wide with shock and surprise. “It’s official. You lost a few of your damn marbles. What the hell were you thinking?”

  “Killing Simon, duh. Look, I can admit when I might have underestimated someone, but it was a solid plan.”

  “Because killing your arch-enemy in a parking deck in the middle of broad daylight is totally legit smart. Keeley—”

  “I know,” she answered. “I get it. So many things could have gone wrong.”

  “Exactly. Now, if by the way you’ve been walking funny and sitting is an
y indication of what happened last night, I believe your ass has been reamed enough.” Danielle smirked.

  “No, you didn't.” Keeley buried her face in her hands. “Tell me you did not just say that.”

  Danielle shrugged.

  “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

  To see her sister’s sense of humor return eased some of the knots still in Keeley’s stomach. As much as she agreed she’d done a stupid thing by trying to go after Simon on her own, she still didn’t like the idea he was out there and they couldn’t do anything to stop him. “It’s good to hear you laugh. How are things?”

  Danielle frowned. “I wish they were better, but I don’t think anything will get better until Simon is completely out of the picture.”

  “So you and Caden haven’t…you know?”

  She shook her head. “He’s keeping his distance. I don’t know what I have to do to convince him that nothing Simon has said is the truth. It’s infuriating.”

  “I’ve learned the Raferty brothers are plenty stubborn,” Keeley stated. “He’ll come around, though. I am sure of it.” She parked the SUV on the lower deck then opened her door. “Come on, we have some exploring to do.”

  Danielle cradled Aiden to her chest as he slept. Though she could have kept him in the sling, it had gotten too hot and he, like them, needed to breathe. Keeley stopped in front of the dilapidated community building and frowned. No way in hell did the kids stay there. They couldn’t.

  She glanced at her sister, who wore the identical look of disbelief she expressed as well. “No way.”

  “I wish I could say no.” Keeley frowned. Not only did the grass need to be replaced, but the concrete had been missing in some spots or cracked into huge chunks in other areas. The façade was a mess. Holes were in the stucco finish exposing the chicken wire and rock wall behind it. The canopy overhang had been shredded years ago she suspected, judging by the sun-dried and weathered appearance. The wooden address on the right wall was waterlogged and crumbling.

  This wouldn't work at all. It would probably take more to fix it than to tear it down and build something new. She glanced around the side and sucked in a breath. Trash and weeds gathered along the wall, causing mold and all kinds of disgusting messes. Probably seeped into the building. There were water stains as well from where they’d had a leak and didn’t fix it quick enough. How could Kalkin allow the kids to stay there?


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