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Page 26

by Tl Reeve

  “I don’t think anyone is in there,” Dani whispered. “I don’t think it’s been used in years.”

  “So where are they going?” They couldn’t be spending all their time in the wild.


  “No, Dani, lie to me. What the hell do you think?” She rolled her eyes at her sister.

  “I think Mrs. Martin keeps them in her shop. She might not want anyone to know, but it’s why she lives there, too.”

  “Damn it. That woman is going to be the death of me,” Keeley muttered.

  “I think she likes seeing how far she can stretch you,” Dani teased, glancing back at the building. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”

  “Yes.” Keeley didn’t even have to think about it. As the Alpha female, she had to protect those who were defenseless. She couldn’t allow them to not have a home. Some place they could call their own and have a bit of normalcy even though their lives weren’t a bit normal.

  “Then we should find another place.” Dani started down the sidewalk. “What about buying land? Build a house or something?”

  Keeley stilled. “What?”

  “Build a house or a building for the kids.”

  Why hadn’t she thought of that? “Build it?”

  “Well, yeah.” She pointed to the small realty shop not a few feet from them. “We should check there. See what land is going for around here, then we can find a few land parcel numbers and check them out, see if they’re the right size for what you want to do with it. Or a house? Maybe two?”

  “This is why I keep you around. You’re the smart one.” They strolled down the sidewalk and for a minute—one second—Keeley felt normal. Was normal.

  “Thanks,” Dani replied. “It’s part of the perks of being your sister. One of us had to have the brains.”

  “Oh, ouch.” Keeley laughed. She opened the door to the building and stepped inside after her sister.

  The woman behind the desk glanced up from a file on her table. “Oh…I didn’t realize you’d be here today.” She stood, smoothing out her skirt.

  Dani glanced at her. “Uh, hi? Do I know you?”

  The woman smiled. “No, I'm one of the new mates. Camille. My mate's name is Hoyt. We met during the festival.” She had a pretty little heart-shaped face, with big, brown eyes. They were almost elfin in quality along with her bow-shaped lips. A light smattering of freckles added to her appearance.

  Fancy that, Dani said, arching her brow.

  “Mrs. Martin said you might come by and introduce yourself. You’re Keeley and Danielle Blueriver…or is it Raferty now?”

  “Blueriver for me,” Dani announced. “She’s the one who mated the Alpha.” She hitched her finger at Keeley.

  “Congratulations. From what Hoyt told me, this is supposed to be a big thing.” Camille rubbed her arm. “I’m still trying to adjust.”

  Keeley nodded, surprised by the girl's candor. “Me, too. I'm not sure I'm supposed to agree with you. It's all so different.”

  “Yes, very much so.” Camille smiled. “I am sure it will happen for you, too, Danielle. Or are you already married?” She pointed to Aiden, who still slept peacefully in her arms.

  “Oh, no. Not married. Uh, complicated and I’m his foster mom of sorts.” She cleared her throat.

  The girl nodded. “I understand. So, what can I help you with today? Is your home not up to standards?”

  “Actually,” Keeley took a step forward. “We were curious if there were parcels of land available for purchase.”

  The girl looked at her a bit dumbfounded for a second, then smiled and gave a small laugh. “Land, sure. We are a realty business.” She waved them over to her desk. “Have a seat. Do you know what size property you’d like?”

  “Big enough to build a home for children on it,” Keeley said, sitting down next to her.

  “Expecting to have a big family?” The girl reminded her of Kalkin, no filter or tact. She went for it, even if it might embarrass her in the end.

  “Well, we already have a group of children we’d like to have live there,” she answered. “It’s complicated. When we meet later, I will go over it with you. For now, I’d like to concentrate on this much.”

  “Sure,” Camille chirped. “Not a problem.” She clicked a few keys on her keyboard then across the room the printer warmed up and spit out a few pages. “We have six. All of them have addresses already, and all are about a mile or two outside of the city limits.” She crossed to the printer then returned with the printouts. “All are available for purchase now and have been deeded and marked. We could go together if you like?”

  Keeley bit her bottom lip as she studied the land assessments, acreage, and location. She needed to talk to Kalkin about it first, then she'd look at all of them to determine which would be appropriate for a home. “I believe the Alpha and I will talk it over first, then make a decision. Do you have a card?”

  Camille appeared crestfallen for a second then she pasted on a smile. “I do.” She grabbed one out of the holder before scribbling her number on the back. “That’s our house phone number. I mean…shoot. I’m messing this all up. I’m sure the Alpha knows how to get in contact with us.”

  “Relax. You're doing great. Yes, I am sure Kalkin can get in touch with your mate if need be. Also, he'll know how to find me. If you need anything, come by the house. I'm always there unless I'm in town.”

  The girl relaxed in her chair. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” She stood.

  “We should be getting home; this little guy is going to need a bottle and to stretch his legs.” Danielle followed Keeley out. “Thanks for the help.”

  Camille held the door for them. “My pleasure. Have a great afternoon.”

  Keeley’s mind spun. The land prices weren’t cheap; however, they weren’t that expensive either. Some of them had more room than she’d need, but they’d be worth it in the long run. Later after Kalkin got home, she’d talk to him about it and go from there. No need in getting worked up about it.

  As they started for her vehicle, the glint of metal caught her eye. She turned her head and stopped dead in her tracks. Across the road from them stood Dr. Hazel Geithner. Her long brown hair had been braided and sat over her shoulder. Large bug-eye sunglasses covered her distinct golden-hued eyes, and the perma-frown she always wore graced her features.

  She clutched at a small bag over her arm and the chain of it had been what alerted her to the person attached to it. Keeley grabbed Danielle’s arm. Her sister turned her head and opened her mouth to say something, but Keeley shook her head. She pointed to the woman across the road from them.

  “Oh shit,” Dani breathed. “Oh shit. How did she find us?”

  “Give you three guesses and the first two don’t count,” she scoffed.

  “Damn it. Now what?”

  She hadn’t spotted them yet, so if they hurried past her and slipped into the entrance of the parking deck, they’d be okay. “Shut your link down and build up your walls.” She didn’t have to tell her sister to do the stupid task. She already would be doing it; however, it gave her a sense of control she needed right about now.

  “Already done.” Danielle rubbed Aiden’s back. “Shhh, please don’t wake yet. Please don’t shift, little guy.” She quickened her pace to match Keeley’s.

  The urge to reach out to Kalkin pounded through her veins, yet she couldn’t risk being caught by the woman who’d made torturing people an art form. She linked arms with her sister as she used the land flyers as a physical shield to block the woman from seeing them. As they entered the parking garage, she breathed a sigh of relief; however, they weren’t out of the woods by a long shot.

  Keeley helped her sister load up Aiden, who still rested peacefully, oblivious to the danger around him. She then made sure Danielle was settled before getting in behind the wheel. Her hands shook. Her heart hammered. The change in the ashtray began to jangle and she realized she’d slowly begun to lose control. They
had to get out of there before she did something stupid.

  As she backed out of the spot and pointed the vehicle for the opposite exit from where they sat, she put a tentative feeler out to Kalkin, mostly alerting him to the danger. When they were clear of the parking deck, she’d use the link to contact him. Danielle placed her hand in Keeley’s and pushed some of her calming energy into her sister. Instantly the jittering subsided.

  Where are you? Kalkin’s rage killed what progress her sister had made in relaxing her.

  She couldn’t answer him until she was clear of the building. She waited as a car passed in front of her then turned left back toward Main Street. When she could breathe, she answered. Hazel is here. I don’t think she saw us. We’re going home to hide.

  His growl of anger vibrated through her. I will meet you there. Lock all the doors and don’t answer to anyone. I will let myself in.

  “You’re staying with us, Dani. I won’t leave you alone.” She gave her sister a reassuring smile. “We’re making our stand, together.”

  “Together,” Dani said.

  Keeley pulled into the drive of Kalkin’s house, her new home, and shut off the truck. She sat there for a moment. The only sound in the cab was their breathing and the soft sounds of a little boy finally waking from his nap. The whole trip home, she’d constantly checked the mirrors, hoping no one followed them.

  She didn’t relax until they turned off onto the dead-end street. If they were stupid enough to follow her in there, they were stupid enough to get shot, or worse, killed. She glanced over at Danielle, who sat stoically next to her. They’d made it for now, but for how long was the question. First things first. She had to get them out of the car and into the house, then she’d deal with everything else.

  “Remember, we’re in this together,” she whispered, getting out. “I won’t lose you.”

  As she came around the front of the truck, Jace stepped outside and hurried to her side. “I’ll get Aiden, you get Danielle. Kal is on the way.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.”

  He grunted. “Heard you met Bodhi.”

  “Yeah, I did. You and I have much to talk about,” she replied, helping her sister out.

  “We do, and we will. When the time is right.” He gathered up the baby in his arms then ushered them inside.

  “I’ll hold you to it,” she stated once they were inside and secure.

  “I have no doubt you will.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  While Jace ran across the creek to get Aiden a few bottles and clothes, Keeley helped Dani settle in for the evening. When Jace returned, Keeley headed upstairs to think and find comfort in her bedroom. Kalkin's scent lingered there, wrapping her in a blanket of security. It calmed her, tempering the urge to run and hide. She also considered it progress. She sought safety in her home, instead of on the road. Her go-bag and computer still lay on the chair where Kalkin placed them the night before. And yet, though she knew she’d be safe there, Keeley waged war with herself. She fought the urge to snatch her things and haul ass for Alaska where she could…

  Do what, control everything, like you’ve convinced yourself you’d normally do and be alone? Her stomach clenched in pain and the taste of bile filled the back of her throat at just the thought of leaving Kalkin. Every day, he anchored her more and more to him, his pack, and town.

  This morning after breakfast, as he left for work, he reminded her, none too gently, that control was a façade. Easy for him to say. At six-foot-six, and weighing over two hundred and fifty pounds, he was massive in mind and body, exuding power toward anyone and everyone he met. Let's not forget he can shift into a massive Alpha wolf, too. He could control a whole hell of a lot.

  What did she have?

  My mind. I have my mind.

  The problem, however, had been the PBH. They had people like her to aid them, countering her powers, even forming shields to keep them contained. It made for a skewed playing field. Of course, who ever heard of the bad guys playing fair?

  Simon had nothing on Hazel. The ordinary man no longer scared her, but his partner… She was a sadistic bitch, who took way too much pleasure in hurting Keeley and people like her.

  Hazel often times used sex as a tool to get what she wanted. Those who were stubborn or fought back were locked in their minds while she took full advantage of them. She didn’t discriminate either. Men or women, it didn’t matter. They were all pawns in a bigger scheme, one she and Dani had been partially privy to. Simon would often join Hazel in her sick pursuits, forcing her to watch. Simon and Hazel's focus centered on Dani when they were there. The sick pieces of shit tortured her sister until she finally broke the mental bonds holding them in place. She realized, the minute they ran this last time, Dani wouldn’t survive another capture. Hell, neither would she, to be honest.

  She sensed Kalkin before she saw him. The big knot of dread churning in her belly eased. Her breathing evened out and the rapid beat of her heart slowed when she heard his dark, growly voice downstairs. She glanced over her shoulder, and it was as if his massive form materialized right when she needed him most. Dressed in his uniform, with his gun holstered and strapped to his thigh, he looked exactly like what he’d always been: a bad-ass Alpha ready to fight for his mate and her family

  “You okay, sweet cheeks?” he asked softly, leaning his wide shoulder against the door frame like he was the baddest motherfucker in the universe. Maybe he was. It sure seemed like it to her.

  Concern swirled in his eyes, darkening them to a cobalt hue. It didn't surprise her a damn bit when he opened his arms to her. Rather than answer him, she closed the distance between them and sighed in relief when his big, strong arms encased her flush to his body.

  “I've got you,” he mumbled against the crook of her neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist. How long they stood there, Kalkin cooing to her, she'd never know. Or care. “I need you to stay strong and trust me. Can you do that for me, babe?”

  She could do anything for this man, have as many babies as he wanted, do whatever he asked of her in or out of bad, if this feeling of love, protection, and acceptance never went away.

  “Gotta hear the words, mate,” he growled, his erection pressing against the apex of her thighs.

  She laid her head against his immense chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. Closing her eyes, she focused on it and him.

  Her conversation with Mrs. Martin replayed through her mind, and for a minute, she allowed herself to wonder what it would be like. “How many babies do you want?”

  He stiffened. “Got something to tell me, pet?”

  She shook her head wishing she did. She couldn't wait to see his face, his smile when they found out she was pregnant. He'd find out first, though, with his super sniffer and all. She just hoped he allowed her to find out on her own.

  “And it's pups.”

  She scrunched up her face. “What?”

  “Pups,” he grunted, pushing off the door frame, making his way over to their bed. “We call them pups, not babies.”

  “Whatever. Pups, babies, same thing. How many do you want?” She adjusted herself on his lap when he sat.

  Kalkin released his hold on her and leaned back. “You really want to discuss this now?” A sexy-as-sin smile played across his lips.

  “It's either this, or I freak the hell out,” she stated, untangling herself from his embrace.

  “No, you're not, you little troublemaker. Say shit like that again and my hand is going to revisit your ass,” he warned.

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  He shrugged. “Could have told you, but I don’t think you’d have believed me.”

  “Oh, whatever.” She laughed.

  He watched her for a moment before he spoke. “Figured it wasn't going to happen—finding a mate or having a family. Wolves don't necessarily need mates to have pups.”

  She nodded. “Yeah…seeing how Aiden arrived, that doesn’t surprise me.”

  He gave her
a solemn look, agreeing with her. “Call me old-fashioned but I always thought it should go hand in hand. A mating, then a family. So, I gave up the hope of having either years ago.”


  He shrugged. “Pushing closer to forty than thirty.” The dark rumble of his voice had her shifting on his lap, pressing closer to him. He smirked, tightening his hold on her hip. “Every year went by without my mate, I just figured my chance had passed.”

  He scratched the scruff at his chin. He did that when he contemplated things. It hit her then. If she and Danielle hadn't come to Window Rock, they'd have both missed out on a lifetime of love and memories.

  “Mrs. Martin told me how shifters build their families, said it might be a good idea to get your input, so I'm looking for it.”

  He gave her a devious smirk. “I'll give you all the input you want, sweet cheeks.” He flexed his hips, teasing her.

  “Kal,” she groaned, smacking him across his chest.

  He grabbed her wrist. “No hitting, baby.”

  “I thought it might be something we should discuss since every time…um, every time we…” Heat filled her cheeks, and she hated how bashful she became when they talked about sex.

  “Fuck,” he added for her, a wolfish grin on his lips.

  She huffed. “We don't always…you know…”


  “You need to stop,” she advised, irritated at how the conversation turned.

  “Nope. I'm gonna get you used to saying and begging for it, sweet cheeks. Trust me. It'll become second nature,” he assured her, giving her his, “let’s get down and dirty” stare.

  “Can you answer my question?” she pleaded.

  “Sure,” he said. “As many and often as you want.”

  “Sweet baby Jesus,” she muttered, exasperated with the noncommittal response.

  “Knocking you up is no hardship, mate. Have a feeling you pregnant is going make me want me to get my dick in you even more,” he growled before he sat up, capturing her head between his palms.


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