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Page 27

by Tl Reeve

  It's already in me a lot. She wondered, not for the first time, how much more of him she could handle. All of it. Every day, she realized, cradled in his arms.

  “Boy, girl, I don't give a shit. What I do give a shit about is them being healthy and their momma being happy. I'm cool with whatever you want.”

  Okay, then. “I love you,” she said, and she swore she caught a glimpse of his soul.

  “Love you, too, sweet cheeks. I gotta get back to work, protecting what's mine, so I can crawl into bed tonight and fuck my mate ‘til she passes out.” He gifted her with a rare smile and her insides turned to goo. “A couple of my deputies are coming over after their shift so we can discuss how to handle Simon and Hazel. Think you and your sister can whip together something for us all to eat?”


  “Take a couple minutes, get your shit together, then come down.” Kalkin leaned in, pressing his lips against hers in a soft, gentle kiss.

  She moaned and he growled before she reluctantly broke the kiss then slid off his big body. Immediately she missed his warmth and strength. Bonus, though, her earlier feelings of doom and gloom were long gone. Without another word, he left their bedroom as quickly as he appeared.

  Keeley flung herself on the bed. She stared at the ceiling for long moments before she got her ass in gear. Dani stood in the kitchen, her shoulders stiff, fast at work making dinner as she stepped off the bottom stair.

  “Where’s Aiden?” Keeley asked, walking into the big, open kitchen.

  Dani didn't even pause in cutting up the ingredients for a salad. “With Caden,” her older sister said, tersely.

  “You okay?” Keeley stilled her sister’s hand, then took the knife from between her grasp. When her sister got like this, too angry, or lost in herself, she had a bad habit of cutting herself.


  Which was code for Caden opened his big mouth and inserted his foot again. “Dani—”

  “No,” she hissed, smacking her hands down on the cutting board, her focus on the window overlooking the creek. “We're not doing this here or now, Keeley. According to your mate, we're about to have a house full of shifters, who've worked all day and are hungry. We need to concentrate on getting a meal together.”

  It broke her heart when her sister's voice wobbled. She was going to kick Caden Raferty's ass. “Okay, but I’m here for you when you’re ready.”

  “Salad is almost done. I took out a bunch of hamburgers, hot dogs and they had a couple packages of drumsticks I threw barbeque sauce on. Everything can be cooked on the grill. You can either help me or get the hell away from me.”

  “I'll help,” she said, laying the knife on the countertop. Keeley wrapped her arms around her older sister. “Don’t worry.” There’d been a double meaning to her words; whether or not her sister believed her was something for another day. She let her sister go as Dani shifted away to grab the tomato sitting next to the bowl.

  Keeley felt Kalkin’s gentle nudge in her head before his gruff voice filled her mind. What did my jackass of a twin do now? It didn't surprise her that he’d heard everything, their link was getting stronger as their bond strengthened. She no longer had to search out the pathway; he’d become the beacon in the darkness.

  I don't know. She doesn't want to talk about it, and she's completely locked me out. The only thing I can sense from her is sadness and disappointment, she replied.

  You're my priority right now, sweet cheeks. Once I take care of Simon and Hazel, I'll deal with the jackass.

  If I don't kick his ass first, she grunted.

  His laughter rang out, pissing her off.


  Jace entered the kitchen moments later, to pick up the plate loaded with all the meats and a bottle of beer before heading outside to man the grill. At the same time, Loraine and Bodhi arrived. The youngest Raferty bounded out of the car, even before it came to complete stop, and ran up the front steps.

  He skidded to a stop on the wood porch to talk to Jace, who didn't ignore the young boy, but he also didn't engage him. Loraine followed her young charge. Unlike Bodhi, Loraine totally blew off Jace as she walked past him.

  Logan, Sage, along with several other deputies she didn't know arrived, right behind Loraine. Their driveway now resembled a used car lot. Loraine and Sage, without even waiting to be asked, rolled up their sleeves and began helping her and Dani in the kitchen.

  The house became a whirlwind of activity from that moment on. The soft chatter of those who’d gathered filtered around her as she continued to help her sister. And, even when they were finished and Jace had brought the platter of meat back into the house, Dani still refused to engage anyone. She kept herself apart, which bugged the shit out of Keeley.

  Kalkin’s massive form engulfed her seconds before he sat down with her, so they could eat as well. Only, she didn’t feel hungry. If anything, her stomach knotted and rolled. She’d been queasy since he announced everyone would be coming for dinner and planning. None of them knew Hazel or Simon like she did…except maybe Jace. The rest were doing their job.

  As the meal wrapped up, the conversation turned to Simon and Hazel. She continued to pick at her hamburger, having only been able to choke down a couple small bites. She glanced over at her sister who sat alone, turned in on herself, trying to make herself the smallest person in the room. The sickening dread she experienced became full on rage. What the fuck had Caden said to her?

  Keeley eased off of Kalkin’s lap before she collected the empty plates from the coffee table and carried them to the kitchen. She handed them off to Loraine who had manned the sink, rinsing the plates before placing them in the dishwasher. The diaper bag Dani used for Aiden sat on the small table by the back door, and Keeley had no doubt her sister would be leaving shortly. God, couldn’t one thing go right for all of them? Did it always have to be a struggle?

  So many things needed to be handled, not just the most pressing matter of the two nut jobs after her and Dani. At some point, she'd be having a conversation with Jace about Bodhi. Keeley didn't give two hoots if Jace had an issue. Bodhi was a Raferty and his son. He belonged in the Raferty home. If Kalkin’s brother continued to choose not to step up, she would, as the Alpha female, privately inform Kalkin the younger boy would be living with them.

  Hours later, as she lay in bed with Kalkin, pressed to his sweat-slicked body, she realized she’d blocked out the conversations about what they’d do to eliminate Hazel and Simon. She’d been so caught up in her sister and her state of mind, Keeley hadn’t paid attention. She’d never zoned out. Kalkin must have realized how lost she'd been when he brought her to bed because he controlled everything. Now, after kissing the mark on her neck, he fell asleep holding her close.

  She wasn't so lucky. Keeley spent hours gazing out the large bay window across from her. Her stupid brain wouldn't shut down. Her wheels kept spinning until the first rays of the morning sun took over the night sky. Enough was enough. She slipped from the bed as quietly as she could, so as not to disturb her sleeping mate, and gathered up the yoga pants and shirt she wore the night before. Once she was in the bathroom, she let out a long exhale, then got dressed. She couldn’t spend another moment tossing and turning. She needed to clear her head of all the negativity.

  She gathered her sneakers on the way out of their room, then made quick work of getting them on and tying them before she unlocked the front door. The cool desert morning air greeted her as she exited the house. Keeley stood on the covered porch allowing the early morning to soak in. A momma deer and her fawn stood by the bridge drinking from the stream.

  The crisp, cool morning was a welcome relief after the mini heatwave they'd experienced over the last week. Kalkin informed her in a few weeks the weather would change dramatically as they hit the peak of the monsoon season. She enjoyed the cooler weather, sitting outside, a blanket wrapped around her, a steaming cup of tea or hot cocoa, either reading or writing a book. The chillier weather always seemed to
spark her creativity.

  Keeley took the steps two at a time on the way down, then headed for the bridge. To the left of the house lay the walking trail. She supposed it wasn't too smart walking out in the desert without any protection from the critters around the area, but she promised herself she wouldn't go far. She only meant to clear her head. Nothing more. Nothing less. She hoped the brisk walk would allow her overactive brain to shut down and give her a few hours of peaceful sleep. And, as long as she kept to the path and didn’t deviate from it, she’d be safe.

  Songbirds singing their trills of good morning filled the wooded area as she made her way down to the stream and up to the clearing, her final destination. The expansive view of the desert below reminded her how small she really was in comparison. It also grounded her. If she made good time, she might just get lucky enough and catch the sunrise. She'd seen it a couple mornings since they'd moved here and it was spectacular. Made her wish she could paint, so she could capture the beauty of it.

  Keeley reached the man-made rock formation, and carefully, since the rocks were wet with morning dew, made her way to the larger flat rocks made for sitting. The view took her breath away as she watched the sun edge over the buildings and home, filling the area with a warm glow. Already, she could feel the heat of the day creeping in.

  She observed Mother Nature in all her splendid glory while sitting there on the bluff. She knew she'd only have about ten, maybe twenty minutes max before Kalkin woke up and found out she had left the house. Her ass couldn't handle yet another spanking so close together. Not as though she minded, since it had been a sensuous experience, one she wanted to experience with her mate again and again.

  After sitting there for another few minutes, she determined she’d spent enough time contemplating shit, and maneuvered herself back from the overhang. Today just wasn’t going to be the day for not thinking. She had so much to do to prepare, and considering who and what lay ahead for her and Danielle, she supposed sleeping should be the last thing on her mind. She got to her feet, then eased her way back down the formation, which had started to heat up with the early morning rays of the sun. With a jump, she landed on the gravel area below, amazed she hadn’t stumbled or fallen on her ass. A miracle for damn sure. As she headed back for the trail, her pace quickened.

  Ahead of her, at the entrance of the wooded area, where the shadows liked to play, stood a figure shrouded in darkness. For a split second, she thought it was Kalkin, and her body began to heat at the thought of him catching her, out there, alone. However, the person didn’t move. It stood there, waiting. Maybe Kalkin already awoke to their empty bed and sent Royce to make sure she didn’t fall on her ass this time. Or Bodhi? No, can’t be him, it’s too big. A niggle of foreboding wriggled through her. Whoever stood there radiated malice. It hit her square in the chest. They’d somehow masked their intentions, and only as she drew closer did she feel the absolute hate rolling off them.

  Shit. She had to act natural. She didn’t want to tip them off. She pushed against the person’s mind, trying to get a read on them. Keeley sucked in a breath. No. No. It can’t be, I’m not ready. We’re not ready. She berated herself for being so damn stupid. She’d led them right to her. Right to her family and her mate. Just act casual.

  “Hey, Royce,” she called out, lifting her hand in a wave.

  The figure waved back. She let out the breath she hadn't even been aware she had been holding. So far so good. The one advantage she had was the element of surprise. If the person believed she thought they were someone else, they were less likely to attack until she was closer.

  One foot in front of the other, she drew near the shadowed figure. “You’re just the person I wanted to see. I thought about going to town for some breakfast. Maybe stop to see Mrs. Martin. You know, normal stuff.” She had to play it cool. If she could get the upper hand, maybe she had a chance. A slim one of course, but Keeley couldn’t give up.

  The person lifted their hands and pushed the black hood from their face. The cruel smirk playing on Simon’s lips had her stomach rolling in disgust. His bitch of a sidekick had to be nearby as well. He didn’t go anywhere without her. His dark eyes swirled with deadly intentions as he took a step toward her.

  He grabbed at her. “There is no way out, Keeley.” She’d often compared him to a snake in the grass; now he even resembled one with the way he hissed at her.

  She took a step back out of his reach and made an attempt to run in the opposite direction, but she slipped on the loose dirt and was jerked to the ground by the hair. Her scalp burned at the force, and her lungs seized as the wind whooshed from her chest. Pain exploded through her. Tears scalded her eyes, obstructing her vision. Fear clawed at her belly as Simon’s intimidating form loomed over her.

  Keeley sucked in a deep breath and made a pained sound, trying to force air back into her lungs. Simon crouched down by her face and dragged his finger down her cheek, digging it into the skin. It made her gag.

  “Ahh, my little sparrow. Did you honestly think you could hide from me forever?” His hot breath was scalding on her cheek. “Or get away with fucking the big, bad sheriff? Tsk, tsk. You knew I wanted to be the first to get my dick into that pretty little snatch of yours. Now I'll have to wait. Test you for pregnancy, and if you are, I'll have to remove the offending fetus and wait for you to heal. You’ve fucked with my timetable. I'm not a patient man, you know this, sparrow. Yet you continue to resist me at every turn.” He sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”

  Her stomach churned as bile bit at the back of her throat. She was going to throw up. Keeley took several deep breaths, pushing the urge back. Getting sick now would only hinder her escape.

  “I brought an old friend with me. I'm sure you can guess who it is,” he cooed. The deranged way he stared down at her, as though they’d been in some twisted loving relationship, only added to the terror racing through her bloodstream. “It's Hazel.” He stood, allowing her to roll to her side. “She can't wait to reconnect with you. We've made a deal this time. I get your fat ass, and while I ravage it, Hazel will have free rein of your pussy. Best of both worlds, love.”

  Keeley went to her hands and knees as her stomach purged the meager contents right on Simon’s shoes.

  “Fucking bitch!” he yelled. “You did that on purpose.”

  She sure as hell did, even knowing there would be repercussions to her actions. Simon shook out his feet, and vomit splattered all over the front of her face, hair, and chest, causing her to dry heave several times.

  He wrapped his hand around her long ponytail and jerked her to her feet. The muscles of her neck burned as the nerves flared to life there. Keeley didn't even flinch as the back of his hand struck her cheek. The ring on his pinky hit bone and she saw stars. Pain bloomed across her face. Tears prickled at her eyes as she absorbed the full impact of the slap.

  Son of a bitch, it hurt.

  Experience with the sadistic bastard reminded her that begging or pleading with Simon did nothing but turn him on. Nor would she struggle with him. It only led to prolonged hours of torture at the hands of his stupid bitch, Hazel. A “lesson,” he claimed. One to teach her and Danielle their place at his side. She bit her lip—hard, until she tasted blood. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry out in pain. The asshole could go fuck himself.

  When Kalkin found them, he would rip this fucking asshole apart and she’d cheer him on the entire time. She latched onto the happy thought. It steadied her. Gave her strength. She could do this. Simon didn't scare her any longer. He was some dipshit who couldn't get it up unless he was hurting someone.

  “Do something stupid like that again and I won't wait to get you back to the lab before I take you,” he spat, spittle flying from his mouth with each word. “Got me?”

  “Yes,” she croaked, her voice slightly raw from the acidic vomit and holding back her screams.

  “Seems like someone forgot all the time and effort I put into teaching correct
manners, sparrow,” he snarled, grabbing her arm, squeezing it until she finally cried out. Asshole. “Don't fucking make the mistake again, Keeley.”

  Keeley focused on keeping her footing, aware if she tripped or fell, Simon wouldn't care, he'd just drag her. There were only two paths to run down. The one they were on, and the other to her right. Simon kept his body between her and her escape route. Of all the days to go for a walk in the morning without protection and without someone with her, today had to be it. Later, she’d berate herself. Right now, she had to keep calm. She didn’t risk using the connection to Kalkin. She feared if Hazel was close, she’d be able to hear them.

  They stepped into the clearing a few feet from where she used to live with Dani. A black van idled just out of sight of her cameras. Shit. She only hoped at some point her security system picked up something.

  Keeley glanced up at the driver and frowned. Her stomach dropped. There behind the wheel sat Hazel. Keeley didn't miss the sinister smirk the woman gave her. Simon pulled her in front of him as if showing the waiting woman her prize. He leaned down, whispering in her ear all the things he and Hazel planned to do with her. Not one to waste a chance to humiliate her, Simon rubbed his erection against her back and groaned in her ear.

  Her stomach revolted again. She would rather die than deal with the idea of someone else touching her. She belonged to Kalkin, no one else.

  If she were to die, then the Kalkin she had come to love would cease to exist. He'd become a shell of the man he was. He’d never heal after losing his mate and possibly their pups. Just the thought of him living the rest of his days alone had her heart breaking. No matter what happened to her next, she needed to survive. The idea of losing her mate snapped her out of the conditioned response she’d placed on herself, as protection. She wasn’t alone anymore. Danielle wasn’t alone. She could fight. She had to.

  Hope bloomed inside her. Kalkin loved her. She wouldn’t be some simpering cow, led to slaughter. She had to fight, even if they tortured her. Even if it cost her everything, she wouldn’t allow this piece of shit to take anything away from her. The bastard would have to kill her to get her to shut up. She’d do everything in her power to help her mate find her.


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