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Page 14

by Tina Donahue

  What else did she like? The possibilities made him dizzy. Was she into bondage— being fettered with whatever was available—as much as she was into submission? He fucking hoped so. He’d never done that with any of his girlfriends, not even when he was in his teens and up for everything he’d seen in adult videos.

  Of course, if a lady wanted it pretend rough, he’d always given her whatever she desired. If she demanded a more equal partnership, he let her crawl all over him so she could do her thing. He was open to any and all positions as long as they ended with a mind-blowing climax.

  But there had never been the kind of games Lea encouraged, nor had he ever engaged in a threesome.

  Until now, Jake hadn’t seen the point or the allure. Damn. He’d been missing out and that made him fucking pissed and oddly sad. By tonight, they would have eaten up one full day. By tomorrow, there would be one less.

  Was that what Toby had been thinking about a few moments earlier when he’d worn such a look of defeat?

  What else? Unlike Toby, Jake growled out his frustration.

  Lea misunderstood. She relaxed her muscles even more so his entry would be easier.

  Jake didn’t want easy. He demanded the resistance of her body to his, the intense friction it created.

  Resolute, he continued to penetrate, delighting in being sheltered so intimately. In stages he drove inside, measuring Lea’s enjoyment by the sounds she made. A moan here, a whimper there, a sigh of delight as he pushed a bit more and buried himself fully.

  Gulping air, Jake struggled for control when what he wanted was to pump like crazy, come, then go again and again and again, denying her eventual departure, allowing himself to be lost within her sweet depths.

  While she still faced the inevitable. A life on the run from Cubrero. A future of strangers surrounding and worrying her.


  This isn’t about you, it’s about her, Jake reminded himself, refusing to behave like a selfish prick during the act. He’d do his best to make her as happy as he could. On a hard swallow, he leaned down, his hand going to Lea’s clit.

  She jerked at his first gentle brush. He gave her another. This time, she wiggled her ass, driving him deeper inside.

  Good girl.

  He rewarded her with a stroke from his fingers and one from his cock. It wasn’t easy, but he worked her at a lazy pace contradicted by the perspiration running down his chest and back. She wasn’t faring any better. Her nails dug into Toby’s upper arms. He seemed unaware. Gone was his earlier gloom. He’d closed his eyes, his chin pointed up, and his face was reddened with what Jake guessed was his burgeoning hard-on.

  The man needed relief. He’d get it too, but only after Lea was finished.

  Jake maintained his steady pace, pumping slowly while teasing her nub. Around them, the rest of the world seemed to have gone quiet. All Jake heard was the rush of blood in his ears, Lea’s whimpers and Toby’s harsh breathing.

  The sounds fueled his excitement, breaking his concentration, killing his control. Too quickly he was approaching climax.

  Dammit, slow down.

  Jake couldn’t. He pumped faster and rubbed Lea harder, losing sight of everything except blessed release.

  Filled to capacity by Jake’s and Toby’s stiffened cocks, Lea drifted on a wave of uninhibited delight, reveling in them using her for their enjoyment.

  As Jake stroked her clit, Toby fondled her breasts. In concert, they pulled their rods out a bit before driving back inside, going so freaking deep the loneliness Lea had known since childhood finally drifted away.

  Her sadness would return, as expected, after this was over. She knew that as well as they did, but for the moment it didn’t matter. She had now.

  The pressure of Jake’s rod in her anus and Toby’s in her cunt demanded her attention, the same as their hands on her. She gulped air, but hungered for more at the intensity of her advancing orgasm. The tension between her legs increased with each of Jake’s strokes on her nub. Her skin, already damp with perspiration, continued to flush with heat. She heard herself cry out, “Don’t stop, don’t stop” when what she’d meant to say was don’t leave me.

  They would. There was no choice.

  Squeezing her eyes, pushing away heartache, she lost herself in pleasure. Lea’s climax tore a hoarse moan from her, the sound mingling with Jake’s bellow and Toby’s shout.

  They’d come together?

  Yes. They’d gone over the brink as one, exactly as lovers should. How unlikely was that to have happened with two guys who were determined to outfuck the other with Lea being the recipient of all their delicious efforts?

  Given Toby’s control and Jake’s steel will, this moment had to be a miracle. Perhaps a portent of what was to come. Something good, not bad.

  Buoyed by her hopes, no matter how dumb Lea knew them to be, she rested her cheek against Toby’s shoulder, smiling at the brisk beating of his heart. From behind, Jake gave in to exhaustion, draping his body over hers.

  She and her men huffed and puffed for several minutes with Lea’s energy returning first.

  “God, I’m hungry,” she said. “Which of you guys is going to feed me?”

  Wearily, Jake nibbled her ear. Toby halfheartedly licked her cheek.

  She laughed. “Come on, stop it. I didn’t say feed on me.”

  “No?” Jake said first. “I could have sworn that’s what I heard.”

  “Me too,” Toby chimed in, then paused to yawn. “She also offered to take care of us.”

  “In your dreams,” she said.

  “You did,” Jake countered, then gave her a love bite on her shoulder. “You’re going to serve us today.”

  “That’s right,” Toby said. He ran his hands up and down her possessively. “You’re going to do whatever we want.”

  “And, baby, trust us,” Jake added, “we want it all.”

  Chapter Nine

  Outside the Phoenix metropolitan area, there was enough desert for a man to conduct business unnoticed and undisturbed. Much like the sanctity of the jungles of Colombia.

  Cubrero faced Detective Tobin in this far more hellish location, where even the insects, lizards and snakes had taken refuge beneath rocks and stunted vegetation in their attempts to flee the oppressive sun.

  A tumbleweed rolled past, followed by gritty dirt, both driven by a sudden gust of wind. The parched air did little to dry the perspiration on Tobin’s face. Despite the triple-digit heat, his complexion was pasty, not flushed, betraying the detective’s worry about being murdered, left as carrion for the birds if he hadn’t performed to expectation.

  He should have considered that outcome before the lure of easy money had made him one of the cartel’s informers. Like most in law enforcement, Tobin believed he was more intelligent than the criminals he pursued.

  He’d rethink that notion and welcome death when faced with what would happen if he’d failed in the least.

  Cubrero moved to the next page of the man’s report, read halfway down, then looked up. “Are you certain about this?”

  Tobin stopped running his handkerchief over his sweaty neck. His expression reminded Cubrero of a child challenged by a teacher who’d just asked about the quality of his schoolwork. Should I tell him what he wants to hear? his eyes asked. Will he know?

  Cubrero waited for his answer.

  Hurrying the handkerchief over his face, Tobin squinted, trying to see better. It wasn’t possible. Deliberately, Cubrero had positioned his back to the sun so this fool had no choice except to face its intensity.

  At last, he said, “They were assigned to her case.”

  Cubrero studied the official photos of Deputies Jake Gabriel and Toby Quinn. They matched the pictures he had of them from The Second Circle. “Where did they take her?”

  The officer balled the handkerchief in his hand. He turned at a sound from behind, several tumbleweeds hitting the side of his new SUV. A pricey Cadillac. No doubt purchased with the money he’d made from alerting
area drug dealers of potential raids.

  “Where?” Cubrero repeated.

  Tobin cleared his throat. “We don’t know as yet.”

  Cubrero’s hand fisted around the report, crushing the paper. Already Lea had been gone for more than a day since she’d last performed as SiNN. For decades, she and her parents had evaded Cubrero’s rage and revenge. To have her or her mother escape his grasp now when he’d been so close would make him the fool in the eyes of his associates. They’d see him as weak and disposable.

  Not a man who could murder with impunity no matter the sex or age of his victim, easily making the women of his enemies and their children fair game.

  Quickly, Cubrero moved forward, crowding the detective. Tobin withdrew the same amount of space, his foot hitting a rock. In danger of losing his balance, he flailed one arm while his other went behind himself and beneath his sports shirt where he carried his gun.

  Not once did he pull his eyes from Cubrero’s hands.

  They remained at Cubrero’s sides, not reaching for any weapon. There was no need. He’d already lied to Tobin that their meeting would have to be short because he had other business to attend to. If he failed to arrive for it, his men were to find and deal with the detective. Of course, he also alluded to the fact that his men might be out here, hiding, watching.

  “When will you know?” Cubrero asked.


  “Are you lying to me, Detective Tobin?”

  “Fuck no.”

  His answer had been quick enough to sound like a lie.

  “Look,” Tobin said, then stopped, noticing he’d dropped his handkerchief. Hunkering down to pull it off, he returned his full attention to Cubrero. “I checked all the hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts and other places where they could have been staying within the surrounding area. The deputies and the woman aren’t there. They didn’t fly her out of state either. I had one of my snitches check out the plane manifests. She didn’t use an alias. No one her age and description has left Phoenix with two guys. They didn’t take a train either. Not that they would,” he added. “That’s not how the U.S. Marshals Service works.”

  “You’re saying they’re still close and yet you refuse to find them for me?”

  “I’m not refusing any fucking thing.” Pushing to his feet, he took a cautious step back. “I’m saying they have her hidden somewhere like they’re supposed to do.”

  “Where?” Cubrero growled. “At their homes or apartments?”

  “No. I checked.”

  “Do they own other property? Places where they might vacation?”

  “I’ll find out,” Tobin said.

  “You have three hours.”

  “Three— Are you serious?” he snapped. “I can’t do shit in three hours. I need more time.”

  “For what? To be home when your daughter returns from her play date with her best friend Jennifer?”

  Tobin’s eyes bulged. “You leave my daughter out of this!” He bounced on his heels, his pallid complexion finally turning as red as his hair and eyelashes. “She’s a little girl!”

  “With a father who has three hours to complete his task if he wants to keep her safe. You do want that, do you not, Detective Tobin?”

  “Please,” he said, far more subdued this time. “I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll risk my fucking life, I’ll go to prison until I die to get you what you need, but don’t go anywhere near my baby.”

  Cubrero wasn’t about to offer a promise he had no intention of keeping.

  “Don’t!” Tobin shouted. “I see you anywhere near her, I’ll pull the plug on all of this. I’ll hunt you down like a fucking animal. I’ll—”

  “Three hours,” Cubrero interrupted quietly. “You and your daughter have no more time than that.”

  You’re going to do whatever we want, Toby had said.

  And, baby, trust us, Jake had added, we want it all.

  Indeed they had. Lea’s first full day with her protectors had passed in a haze of erotic indulgence. They took her repeatedly, enjoying her mouth, cunt and anus. None of them rested until they could no longer avoid it.

  Breakfast, lunch and dinner were hurried affairs. A bite of this, a drink of that, then back to whatever furniture they could use as their bed.

  Somewhere around midnight, they ended up in the dining room with Lea on the table and her men sprawled on the Navajo rug beneath it, exhausted from their latest orgasms. While they snored, Lea staggered into the maid’s room, craving a shower.

  As she emerged from the steamy bath, smelling of expensive shampoo and soap, Toby sat waiting on one of the overstuffed chairs. Arms crossed, Jake leaned against the doorjamb.

  They looked unbelievably alert, not bleary-eyed as she would have expected. Their beard-roughened faces and hungry expressions delivered a renewed rush of sensation to her pussy.

  Jake kissed her first, no doubt tasting the designer toothpaste she’d used. With his forehead against hers and his hands roaming her moist nudity, he said, “You left without our permission.”

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Toby advised.

  Lea’s heart beat a little quicker at what she sensed was coming, the game they now wanted to play. “Yeah right,” she said, pretending defiance. “I’ll go where I want. I’ll do what I fucking want.”

  Toby left his chair. “Not in my house you won’t.”

  In a flash, he had her bent over his thigh, her ass facing Jake so he’d have a clear view of her punishment. As exposed and used as Lea had been during the last hours, her position was even more servile now. With delicious authority, Toby brought his large hand down on her buttocks. The sharp crack and resulting sting startled Lea. She dug her fingers into his leg.

  “You’ll do exactly what we want,” Toby ordered. “Understood?”

  She spoke through her teeth. “Screw you.”

  He spanked her. Fast. Hard. Lea’s mouth fell open with her aroused gasps. She raked his muscled calf with her nails, which made him more determined to tame her. At last, she surrendered, her skin prickling with heat, a delicious reminder of her chastisement.

  Her pussy was so damn wet, so freaking ready for a cock.

  Jake must have thought the same. He ran his fingers up her moist slit.

  Lea shuddered at his bold touch, the utter debauchery of what they were doing, wanting him inside her again, followed by Toby.

  Neither man mounted her. Was this a new punishment, making her anticipate their next move?

  “On the bed,” Jake directed.

  “Arms above your head, legs bent at the knee and spread,” Toby ordered.

  The moment Lea assumed the pose. Jake sat on the edge of the mattress, studying her damp and willing cunt.

  Toby padded into the shower.

  The pounding water matched the speed of her sprinting pulse. “Fuck me,” she pleaded.

  Jake offered no comment or relief, remaining at her side, simply regarding her nudity. Toby did the same during Jake’s turn to bathe.

  After what they’d all done, Lea didn’t realize she could still be embarrassed. How wrong she’d been. Jake’s and now Toby’s quiet scrutiny of her sex, anus and breasts was more intimate than a touch or anything they might have said.

  What had Jake been thinking while in here? What was going through Toby’s mind now?

  “Enjoying yourself?” she asked.

  He studied her nipples as if he’d never seen a pair before. “Immensely. Now be quiet.”


  “Because I said so.”

  Right. It was his house. “If you want me to shut up, you should put something in my mouth.”

  He smiled. “Later.”

  When Jake finished showering?

  No. Once Jake had washed and smelled wonderfully clean, he sat on the other side of Lea, making no move to touch or enter her. He and Toby simply perused her bare flesh at their leisure.

  Lea wondered if they were trying to memorize each of her curves and every co
ntour so they’d remember what she looked like long after she was gone.

  The thought caused her frustration to fall away, replaced by exhaustion. Her eyes got gritty, her thoughts slow and stupid. Without realizing it, she drifted away, sleeping well into the next morning, vaguely aware of Toby and Jake discussing business, speaking on their cellphones, no doubt producing reports.

  Unwilling to face her inevitable departure—the reason they’d stared at her so much last night—Lea curled into the fetal position, burying her face in her arms, stirring only when a hand touched her wrist.


  “Come on,” he said, “you’ve rested enough.”

  His expression and tone held all sorts of decadent promise, rather than any goodbyes. Despite his shower last night, he still hadn’t shaved and his hair was barely finger-combed. He looked wickedly dangerous and unbelievably male.

  “Where?” Lea breathed.

  “Don’t forget to bring my tie,” Toby shouted from the hall.

  “I have it,” Jake called back.

  Lea stared at the strip of blue silk dangling from Jake’s hand. Damn. What did they have in mind? Rolling off the bed, she pressed her length against Jake’s, loving how his cock responded by stiffening a bit more against the inside of her thigh. She settled her mouth on his awesome tattoo, then his throat, licking his stubble.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Where we going?” she whispered. “What are you guys planning to do with me?”

  “Everything.” On the heels of his promise, he cupped her ass and squeezed, as though to remind her of last night’s punishment and what would happen once more if she didn’t obey.

  Lea’s knees gave out, sending her weight into him. “God, this is nice.” Don’t let it stop. Keep it going somehow.

  Jake murmured, “Nice isn’t what we had in mind.”

  He brought her into the kitchen. As opulent as the rest of this place, it boasted a brick oven, pricey appliances and gold granite counters. On the one nearest Toby were the makings for their breakfast—a package of bacon, carton of eggs, pork sausage, bread, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, butter, three kinds of jam.


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