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Page 15

by Tina Donahue

  “Put your hands out in front of you,” Jake said.

  Was he going to tie her up so he and Toby could feed her?

  “Now,” Jake ordered when she hadn’t moved.

  Lea’s body went all tingly and warm at his deep, dominating tone. She did as he asked. Jake looped the wider end of the tie around her wrists, tying them securely, tugging on the knot. Using her binding as a kind of leash, he led her to an area past the center island where copper pots and pans had hung the day before.

  They were gone now.

  “Lift your arms above your head,” Jake said.

  Lea glanced up, then right back down. The heat on her face and throat told her how badly she was blushing.

  “Think she needs another paddling?” Toby asked, arms crossed over his chest, his erection jutting toward her.

  “Later,” Jake answered. “When I’ve finished tying her up.”

  Double damn. Torn between grinning in delight and whimpering at what may be coming, Lea lifted her arms.

  In no time at all, Jake had her secured to the overhead fixture that once held the cookware. Stepping back, he studied Lea, domination in his eyes.

  The kind of look she imagined a female slave would have received from her master when men had the right to pursue their basest pleasures. Conquering, owning, whipping, fucking.

  So many pictures filled Lea’s mind, she would have sunk to the floor if not for being tethered.

  Toby left the counter and moved behind her. What was he going to do? His silence increased her expectation, causing her skin to flush with more heat. She inhaled sharply at his fingers stroking her buttocks, which he’d marked with his spanking.

  Lea moaned, wanting more.

  Jake obliged, spearing his tongue into her mouth, his hand claiming her cleft. He kissed and masturbated Lea while Toby suckled her neck, his fingers on her anus.

  Too heavy to keep up, Lea’s arms sagged, tugging against the tie.

  Her men continued, dictating each sound she emitted, working her body tirelessly until Lea was about as strung out as a woman could be from her advancing climax.

  Jake took just that moment to pull his mouth and hand free. So did Toby. Offering no explanation or apology for not finishing what they’d started, the men returned to the food.

  “Unless you intend to hog it all,” Jake said, “I’ll have some of the sausage.”

  “I think I can spare you a piece. Lea, what do you want?” Toby asked. “Bacon, ham or sausage?”

  Was he joking? She wasn’t gasping for the fucking food. She wanted him and Jake to do their goddamn duty and give her some relief.

  “Maybe she’s not hungry,” Jake commented, checking out her breasts and cunt like a fucking overlord would do with his property.

  Lea stated the obvious. “Breakfast isn’t what I want.”

  At just that moment, her stomach decided to growl. Loud and long.

  “Then again,” Toby said. With a long cooking spoon in hand, he padded to her. “What’s it going to be?” He ran the utensil up the inside of her thigh. “What’s your pleasure?”

  Lea had to wait until the sensations in her legs and pussy passed before she could speak. “Your eyes are really amazing.”

  Toby’s forehead and cheeks went beet red.

  Apparently no other woman had ever told him how awesome he was, especially his absentee mom. “Bacon, sausage and ham,” she said.


  “What I’d like to eat…besides you and Jake.”

  Toby’s spoon was on the move again, the business end of it grazing her belly and the side of her breast. Not to be outdone, the crown of his stiffened cock bobbed against her thigh. “All three, huh? Having trouble making up your mind about what you really want?”

  “Not at all.” Lea moved closer, until the tie stopped her. She sighed. “I never had enough as a kid, so I eat everything I can now.”

  Toby’s expression changed from aroused to surprised, then dismayed. Jake had already left the counter. Stopping at her side, he rested his hand chastely on her waist. “Your foster parents didn’t feed you?”

  “Relax,” she said, offering a smile.

  Neither of her men returned it.

  Lea explained, “They didn’t single me out, all right? Danielle and another kid they fostered were treated the same. The couple’s biological kids were allowed to take whatever they wanted, but we—”

  Toby interrupted, “They had their own kids?”

  “Yeah. Four of them.”

  Jake frowned. “They let their brats eat whatever they wanted, but you and Danielle and that other kid couldn’t touch the food?”

  “The state didn’t pay them enough,” she said. “They were having trouble making ends meet. Danielle and I managed just fine. We hung out at this pizza parlor after school. In return for cleaning up the tables, the guy who owned the place gave us each a slice of whatever wasn’t selling well that day.”

  Toby stared. Jake muttered an obscenity.

  “It was all right,” she insisted. “I got through it just fine because of Danielle…she’s always been there for me.”

  That didn’t brighten their expressions.

  Lea could guess what they were thinking. Her throat tightened, rasping her words. “I know I can’t call her, but will you guys make certain she’s okay? That she doesn’t worry about me? Not anything so specific that it would put her into danger,” Lea added quickly. “I don’t want that. But it’d kill me to have her worry because of a bogus story from the cops. Can you watch over her for a little bit too? At least until she gets over what’s happened? That we’ll never see…” The rest of Lea’s words caught. She swallowed, unable to continue.

  Jake wrapped his arms around her, his caress tender. “We’ll get the message to her, we’ll see that she’s safe, I swear.”

  “Jake,” Toby said.

  “There has to be a way,” he shot back. “And it will be done, even if I have to do it alone.”

  Aw shit. She’d told them too much and now they were going to fight. “It’s okay,” Lea said. “I shouldn’t have asked. You guys can’t do the impossible. Don’t argue. Please.”

  “Hey, we’re not,” Toby assured. “We won’t. Promise.”

  “That’s right.” Jake squeezed her gently before pulling back. “We’ll work something out with Danielle. You have our word.”

  She blinked back tears and managed a smile. “Thanks—what are you doing?”

  “Untying you,” Jake said.

  Lea could see that. “Why?”

  “So we can take care of you.” He kissed her cheek.

  She’d gotten more passion from her foster brothers. Toby was no different. Worry still pinched his face. He stroked her arm as a worried mother would. Lea sighed. “I’m not going to break down, all right? You don’t have to stop what you were doing or planning to do. Come on, let’s have some fun.”

  Released from the overhead fixture, her arms fell, along with her spirits as Jake undid the knot and tossed the tie aside.

  Bringing her to the kitchen table, he pulled out one of the chairs. Toby went to the refrigerator and took out another package of bacon, no doubt intending to offer the entire pound to her.

  She fought tears at their kindness and concern. That’s not what she needed right now. “You guys don’t have to be so nice. I’m all right.”

  “Yeah, we know,” Jake said. He pulled out another chair, positioning it so it faced the other. Like in a shrink’s office.

  Lea made a face. “We’re going to talk?”

  “If that’s what you want,” Jake said.

  “No pressure,” Toby added.

  Sure. If their expressions had been any graver, they would have been crying.

  Lea sank to the chair that faced Toby. “Really, I’m okay.” I want to play. I want to forget.

  Jake took his seat and scooted it closer to hers. Oh shit, they were going to talk. Lea sighed.

  Jake grabbed her calves, lifted her
feet and placed the soles on his knees. Given that his legs were spread pretty damn wide, Lea was exposed enough to please a connoisseur of smutty videos.

  No shrink ever conducted business like this. Her toes curled.

  “Scoot down,” Jake said.

  Oh, she did, giving him the best show she could, even holding her hands behind her head.

  The way he stared at her breasts and slit said he approved and wasn’t interested in conversation at all. Toby stopped draping bacon across the griddle to come over and give her a lusty kiss, his whiskers scouring her chin and cheeks.

  Nice. Wrapping her fingers around his upper arm, Lea stopped him before he could pull away. “You have your dad’s eyes?”

  His blush returned. “My mother’s.”

  “No kidding. I never noticed they were different colors in her movies.”

  “She had good directors.”

  Lea grinned at him joking around. Something he probably didn’t do very often.

  Toby regarded her for a long moment, then gave Lea another kiss, this one tender, almost appreciative, his lips so soft and searching she moaned.

  On his way back to the stove, Jake called out, “Toss over the strawberry jam.”

  “You want the bread too?”

  “Nope, just the jam—thanks.” He screwed off the top and dipped his forefinger inside. “You get to have this as a little girl?”

  Lea couldn’t recall. Jake’s cock commanded all of her attention. When she’d confessed about her experiences in foster care, his shaft had deflated a bit. It was hard as stone now, the crown plump, almost maroon from arousal and penetrating her so frequently yesterday. “What?”

  Scooping out a bit of the jam, he ran it down the inside of her thigh.

  Lea flinched, not expecting how cold it would be.

  “You okay?” Jake asked.

  She cleared her throat and still sounded too husky. “You bet. Don’t stop.”

  “Neither of us will,” Toby said.

  Lea looked over.

  Jake smeared jam on her other thigh.

  She smelled its sweet scent, along with her musk. Fighting a shiver, Lea spread her legs a bit more, wanting the jam on her clit where Jake and Toby would have to lick it off.

  Capping the jar, Jake placed it on the table and leaned back in his chair.

  Surely he didn’t expect Lea to eat the stuff off her legs. She’d performed as an erotic dancer, not a contortionist. “That’s it? You’re through?”

  “Get real,” Toby said.

  Jake gave him a thumbs-up and turned to her. “When it comes to strawberry jam I need to pace myself. It’s always been my favorite.”

  Beneath his joke, Lea caught something else…something sad. “You didn’t have it much as a kid?”

  He appeared surprised at her question and shrugged as if it were no big deal.

  To Lea, it was. From what he’d told her that first night, she knew he’d grown up without affection, at least from his stepdad. She hadn’t suspected he’d also been as hungry as she’d been.

  “Eat your fill now,” she offered.

  “I fully intend to.”

  His commanding manner was back, his previous concern for her gone finally. Good. Lea didn’t want tenderness. She needed strength and demanded satisfaction.

  With his hand on her knee to keep her leg steady, Jake licked the jam off the inside of her right thigh.

  Lea’s head dropped back, hitting the edge of the high-backed chair. Toby left his sizzling bacon and pinging oven to claim her mouth once more.

  God. Between his probing tongue and Jake’s lapping, Lea couldn’t stop her shameless grunts.

  This time, unlike the last, Jake didn’t stop. With one of her thighs licked clean, he moved to the other. At the bacon’s loud popping, Toby hurried back to the griddle. Good thing too. Lea really needed to gulp some air.

  It wasn’t enough. Her breath stalled at Jake smearing the jam on her nipples, taking them into his mouth, suckling hard. His lips were so satiny, his tongue so soft and wet, she shivered. All too soon, the tips of her nipples were as sensitive as her clit. To her delight, he finally concentrated on that part of her, dragging out her climax, his hands on her inner thighs so she couldn’t bring them together.

  The aroma of sex mingled with the fragrance of baking biscuits, cinnamon rolls and cooking meat. For the rest of her days, Lea would remember this each time she had breakfast.

  She fisted her fingers into Jake’s hair, tugging it to make him lick faster, harder, to give her some goddamn peace.

  He bit the inside of her thigh instead and spoke above her startled cry. “Behave.”

  “I am!”

  The sound of knobs turning and clicking was followed by the slap of Toby’s feet on the pavers. “I’ll hold her.”

  “Hey,” she complained.

  Toby tightened his grip on her wrists, dragging them above Lea’s shoulders, leaving her defenseless. “Go on,” he told Jake. “I’ve turned off the oven and griddle. Take your time.”


  With the tip of his tongue, Jake explored her vulva, lips, the ridge of her mound and her inner thighs, everything but her clit.

  “Do my nub,” she begged. “Don’t make me—”

  Toby’s mouth on hers cut off the rest of Lea’s plea, his kiss as lazy as Jake’s licks.

  They worked as partners, neither outshining the other, their combined efforts pulling Lea’s climax nearer. Toby suckled her throat. Jake’s teeth gently scored her sex. A tormenting pressure crept up her thighs and circled her pussy. Lea dug her heels into Jake’s shoulders, unable to withstand the sensations.

  Demanding it, Jake latched onto her clit, while Toby gave her neck one open-mouthed kiss after the other…both of them concentrating on the most sensitive areas of Lea’s body.

  She came, shattering with the depth and richness of her orgasm, alternately panting and babbling with neither sound convincing them to stop.

  “Give me a sec,” she gasped.

  They did not.

  “Please,” she cried.

  Jake’s rumbling belly finally did the trick. With his forehead against her torso and the tip of his nose on her diamond stud, he breathed, “Fuck, I’m hungry.”

  “Me too,” Toby said.

  He returned to the stove, Jake to his chair, leaving Lea again without pause or apology…or even a cuddle. Men. Pricks.

  Blowing a clump of hair from her face, Lea frowned at Jake.

  “What?” he asked, scratching his hip. “You sticky from the jam? Shit, don’t tell me you’re allergic to strawberries.”

  “Wasn’t in her file,” Toby offered. “But just in case, better not kiss her until you brush your teeth.”

  “Good idea.” Jake spoke to her. “Don’t worry, you’re safe with us.”

  Lea regarded her sprawled legs, heaving chest and abandoned pussy.

  “Need a hug?” he asked.

  She wasn’t certain whether to smile at his teasing or to ignore it.

  “You do,” he said, pulling Lea from her chair and onto his lap.

  Much, much better. She curled into him, fitting perfectly, her arm around his broad shoulders, her cheek to his as she spoke to them both.

  “What’s next?”

  Chapter Ten

  Jake wiggled his tongue in Lea’s ear, savoring her laughter, grateful it kept her from noticing Toby’s gloomy expression at her question about what was next.

  At the thought of it, Jake’s chest ached so badly he had to fight for air.

  “Hey,” Lea said. “Why are you stopping? What’s wrong?”

  Everything. Exactly what Toby had warned against when all of this began—that it wouldn’t last.

  Last night, Jake had managed to deny the inevitable until Nunez’s call. Thankfully, Lea had been asleep. If she hadn’t, he sensed she would have seen the truth on his face.

  Tomorrow morning they’d be leaving, not even getting the extra day he’d hoped for. The Service ha
d already arranged for two deputies to protect Lea in Austin, where she could easily hide among the thriving Hispanic population. Jake and Toby would escort Lea to the Flagstaff airport, but wouldn’t board the flight with her. Other deputies with business in Texas would take over at the security checkpoint.

  Even before her plane left the runway, Jake and Toby would be driving back to Phoenix for their next assignment, finished with the woman born as Maria Morales and fostered as Lea Baptista, who finally performed as SiNN. From now on, she’d be no more than a name on a file, and not even the new one she’d soon have.

  One he and Toby would never know.


  His belly continued to roll. “Move a bit to the right,” he said in answer to her first question. “You’re squeezing my balls.”


  She repositioned herself, then snuggled back into him, her warmth and weight a balm he needed, but couldn’t have for long. Certainly not forever.

  “Better?” she murmured.

  Unable to trust his voice, Jake nodded.

  “Who wants juice?” Toby asked too brightly, as though everyone’s happiness depended upon it.

  Last night, he and Jake had agreed that they’d wait until the last minute to break the news of their departure to Lea. Until then, they’d deliver as much pleasure as they could.

  “You like milk?” Toby asked her.

  She nodded, her cheek brushing Jake’s.

  Toby put two tall glasses—one filled with milk, the other with orange juice—on the table next to her. Back at the griddle, he scooped up a wad of bacon, dropping it onto a plate and delivered the sizzling strips. “I’ll make your sausage, ham and eggs next. Go on, eat.”

  “Wait. Come back.” She reached for him. “You should have some of this with us.”

  “He’s not touching any of it,” Toby said, pointing his spatula at Jake. “That’s all yours. And I expect you to enjoy it.”

  “So do I,” Jake ordered, wanting her to have the fucking food, the only thing he and Toby could give her. “You’re not leaving the table until you finish every last bite.”

  She swung her attention between them. “What’s wrong?”


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