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Single Dad's Loss

Page 10

by Destiny, Sam

  “Mom, can I please play with Clency?” Cory called. Clency had just turned two, while Cory was almost five.

  Katie leaned in and kissed Cory’s forehead. “It’s almost time for Clen to go to bed, sweetie. Besides, you’re way too fast to play with him.”

  He pouted as Clency’s small legs carried him over to my side. He was fascinated by the fire, and Katie shifted the blanket in her lap, ready to reach for our youngest should he even think about getting too close.

  I watched them for a moment, my heart full. Five years had passed since Leah had left me with her son. There wasn’t a day I didn’t think about her, mainly because Cory looked like her more and more every day.

  Still, things had become better than I ever imagined, and as much as I wished Leah could be here to share it with me, Katie had proven to be everything I could ever wish for.

  Commotion behind me made her turn and she caught my eye, blowing me a kiss.

  “I brought beer,” Knox called from behind me.

  “And wine.” Sarah appeared and hugged me, kissing my cheek, then walked over to my wife.

  “I actually got juice.” Clare pouted as she passed, but Dale wasn’t far behind.

  “Of course, because pregnant ladies don’t get wine,” he called after her good-naturedly. I shook my head.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I said to Dale, still waiting for Knox to come out. Most likely, he’d gone upstairs to prepare the guest room for Sally. She was old enough to stay up, but for some reason, she had a tendency to fall asleep better when they were here.

  We did family nights once a month, sometimes more, and I lived for those nights. It was then we realized what we’d been through and how happy we’d all become.

  “Katie looks good,” Knox announced, handing me a bottle of beer. I nodded.

  “She’s the most perfect woman ever,” I agreed.

  He chuckled as Sally rushed past us with some toys we usually had upstairs for her. Knox and Sarah had turned into an aunt and uncle for all our kids, and I couldn’t have wished for anyone better.

  Besides that, it made parenting so much easier when you could just hand the kids off for a night and know they were safe.

  “The room is ready for Sally,” Knox said to Dale, who just waved at him, chasing my son around. Cory and he had a weird bond, something Katie called “the macho connection”, and I couldn’t help but shake my head each and every time.

  “Is Tina already in bed?” I asked Knox, wondering where Dale and Clare’s youngest daughter was. She’d usually run around with the boys, but I didn’t see her.

  “Sarah was home today. Tina had a stomach bug or something, so she stayed over. The two watched TV all day, but I hear Tina slept most of the time. She came with us, so I carried her upstairs. It’s incredible what that girl can sleep through.”

  “All of the kids,” I replied. We both laughed.

  “Anyway,” Knox started, “do we want to join the others?” He didn’t wait for my answer before he stepped out onto the grass. I didn’t mind staying on the porch a little longer to soak up the peace this scene offered me.

  Since Sarah and Knox couldn’t have their own children, none of us minded sharing ours. For a while, Clency was confused about who his dad was because Knox, Dale, and I had started our own renovation/moving company and spent almost every waking hour together.

  We just threw all the kids together, and one of us watched them while the other two were working. For a few months, we’d rotated. Now, though, everything had settled down and we’d even hired more help.

  It was stressful a lot of the time, but standing on the porch, watching friends who’d become family, I knew I’d never change a thing, no matter what.


  Another round of thank you’s. I cannot believe it. Honestly. However, let me get started.

  Kim Young, my editor, my life-savior and basically the woman who makes sure my English is English, and not some weird American-German mumble-jumble. Thank you for being as good as you are, and as patient as you are. I promise to not try and kill unsuspecting babies with blankets and pillows in my next book. ;)

  You know, Parabatai, you’re keeping me sane, and you’re keeping me on my toes with your support and your constant reminder that I, in fact, can finish a story. And I can, as we can see here. Thank you. You are just… Everything, you know? Never forget that.

  Tammy Clarke, cover-wonder woman. You gave Hay the best face possible. I am in love. I cannot wait to lick it. I mean… Like it in person.

  Josephine Raven… I cannot tell you how much you always help me just by being there. I don’t show you enough appreciation EVER, but I want you to know… I do appreciate you every second of every day. Thank you for everything you always do, for everything you always did, and for everything you will continue doing. I’d not be the writer I am if it weren’t for you.

  All my sprinting partners, Nicole, and all those people who bother to make me smile and support me throughout everything… Man, you’re my MVBP. Always. You need me? I’m there.

  Thank you to all the people out there who read the Finding Single Dads Series. Seriously. You have no idea what it means to me. <3 I love you. Each and every one of you. Feel hugged and kissed and smothered with love.



  Once upon a time there was a young girl with her head full of dreams and her heart full of stories. Her parents, though not a unit, always supported her and told her more stories, encouraging her to become what she wanted to be. The problem was, young Sam didn't know what she wanted to be, so after getting her A-levels she started studying Computer Science and Media. After not even one year she realized it wasn't what her heart wanted, and so she stopped, staying home and trying to find her purpose in life. Through some detours she landed an internship and eventually an apprenticeship in a company that sells cell phones. Not a dreamy career, but hey. Today she's doing an accounting job from nine-to-five, which mainly consists of daydreaming and scribbling notes wherever she can.

  All through that time little Sam never once lost the stories in her heart, writing a few little of them here and there, writing for and with her best friend, who always told her to take that last step.

  Only when a certain twin-couple entered her mind, bothering her with ideas and talking to her nonstop did she start to write down their story - getting as far as thinking she could finish it. Through the help of some author friends, and the encouragement of earlier mentioned best friend, little Sam, now not so little anymore and in her twenty-seventh year, decided to try her luck as an Indie author. She finished the story of the first twin, Jaden, and realized she couldn't ever stop.

  So, it really is only after five that the real Sam comes out. The one that hungers for love, romance, some blood, a good story, and, at the end of the day, a nice hot cup of Chai Tea Latte.

  And if the boys are still talking to her, she'll write happily ever after.

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