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The Forbidden Room 01 - The Forbidden Room

Page 13

by J P Barnaby

  “Lexi, this is Josh. He is going to be marrying my sister, assuming he doesn’t stay out here getting sick in the bushes during the ceremony,” I said, effectively wiping the smirk off his face. He scowled at me, but held out his hand for Lexi to shake.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Josh,” Lexi said politely, and then turned to me. “I’m going just find a nice pew in the back, join me when you have free time?” Then, she did something I was not expecting. Putting her hand on the side of my face, she pulled me to her in a kiss that started simple and slow, but deepened until I was staggered and breathless. She winked at me before she turned to stroll into the church, and I watched her leave, still feeling her searing lips against mine.

  “Holy shit man, I thought you were gay! She is smokin’ fuckin’ hot!” Josh said, also watching Lexi walk away. It looked like his eyes were trying to bore through her clothes. “Where the hell did you meet her?” My heart sank as it occurred to me that she kissed me for Josh’s benefit, trying to make things more comfortable. The last Josh had heard, I fucked guys for money. At least now I was with a woman.

  “Through Ethan,” I said without thinking, and his eyes widened.

  “You mean, she’s a …” he never finished his sentence as I punched him in the arm. “OUCH!” he exclaimed, rubbing the spot. “You’re fucking lucky I don’t want to get all messed up today, or I’d take you out back for that.”

  “Then shut up about Lexi, she’s a good girl,” I snarled at him, and he backed off. “Now, let’s go get ready. The sooner we do this, the sooner I can get the hell out of here.”

  “Jay, she’s your sister. You guys can’t go on like this. It’s really hurting her,” he said, his voice was grave, his eyes serious.

  “I’m not talking about this today, and I’m not talking about it with you,” I replied sternly.

  “You can talk to me, you know. I may have a different perspective on things than Kimberly,” he reasoned, turning back to go into the church. I stayed outside for a moment to calm down, looking across the parking lot. This was going to be one hell of a long day.

  Before we knew it, it was time to start. We all gathered in the entry way to pair off. I hadn’t met the girl I’d be walking with since I’d missed the rehearsal dinner. Kimberly was steadfastly ignoring me, so our cousin Brenda, her maid of honor took charge.

  “Jay, come here. Nikki?” she called, and the girl in front of me turned around and I almost had a heart attack. It was Nicole…Mistress Nicole. She took one look at me and blanched. Quickly, before either Brenda or Kimberly noticed, I walked forward and held out my hand.

  “Hi, I’m Kim’s brother Jayden.” I said with a meaningful look. Her deer in the headlights look started to fade, and understanding dawned on her features. Why she would think that I’d out her here, I have no idea. But so long as she played along, no one needed to know that just a few weeks ago, she had me on my hands and knees as she fucked my ass with her strap-on cock.

  “I’m Josh’s cousin Nicole,” she said in a falsely bright voice. I held my arm out to her, and she took it, and as we stood behind the lead couple and my mind started to wander. My soreness was a constant reminder of our activities from the previous night. Now with Mistress Nicole on my arm, I could just feel her taking me from behind. Also, I wondered briefly if she’s brought Ryan as her date. My cock twitched, and I adjusted myself quickly. Nicole snorted quietly, and I looked down at her to see her smirk at me, and I got the feeling that she was having a similar experience.

  The wedding itself was relatively uneventful after the initial shock of seeing Mistress Nicole as my partner. The reception hall was very nice, and I was just waiting a respectable amount of time so that I could take Lexi and get the hell out. Playing the proper guests, Lexi and I were dancing slowly to some sixties love song, her head resting on my chest, and our eyes closed. It felt nice to be close to her, and not just physically. Then I felt her head jerk up, and my eyes opened as someone tapped me on the shoulder.

  “Would you mind if I danced with my brother?” Kimberly asked politely. Lexi smiled, and pulled her arms down from my neck. We had both taken off our jackets because it was warm in the hall, and I had my sleeves rolled up. Our leather cuffs were exposed, and Kim’s eyes widened. All politeness left her voice then.

  “Those are his aren’t they?” she asked harshly, her eyes roaming over our identical cuffs. Lexi reached down and took my hand quietly. “You brought one of his freaks to my wedding?” Her voice was low and dangerous. Lexi looked away, and I led her to our table, grabbed our jackets, and we started to leave with Kimberly was right behind us. Josh soon followed. When we were outside the church, I took Lexi’s face in my hands.

  “Sweetheart, wait for me in the truck, please?” I asked her and kissed her. For a minute, she looked like she wanted to argue, but then she saw Kimberly stalking up behind us, so she nodded, took my keys and went to the truck. Then, I turned on my sister.

  “She is a sweet, kind, and loving person. I am lucky to have her in my life, which is more than I can say for you at the moment,” I growled. “I will not let you hurt her like you hurt me Kimberly. I came here today out of obligation because you are my sister. You can’t just be nice and let things alone for one God damned day, can you? And now, I’m sure I’m going to be the bad guy yet again for raining on your wedding day. Well, you know what, Kimberly? I don’t fucking care.” My breathing became harder, shallower. “It’s like a fucking knife in the heart to see you knowing what you think of me. It hurts so bad I can barely stand it, but I came – for you. Now…I wish I hadn’t.” Her eyes were wide and full of tears when I turned my back on her and walked away. I heard someone jogging to catch up and then felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned, I half expected Josh to punch me, but it wasn’t him.

  “Jayden, son what is going on with you?” My father asked with nothing but concern in his eyes. Sighing, I knew I couldn’t tell him the real reason that Kim and I were fighting, but I also knew he wouldn’t let it go without some explanation. “You barely talk to us anymore, and now Kimberly says you’re in trouble? She said she doesn’t know how to help you.” I turned around and glared at Kim. For the first time in our lives she looked ashamed, and a little frightened.

  “Dad, I’m fine. There is nothing wrong with me. School is fine, home is fine, and I’m not in trouble,” I said, shrugging off his hand and walked to my truck, not wanting to have that conversation with them. God only knows that Kimberly had been telling them. After I got into the truck where Lexi was waiting for me, I put my hands on the top of the steering wheel and laid my forehead against them, sighing when I felt Lexi’s fingers in my hair.

  “Lexi, I am so sorry.”

  “Jayden, it’s okay. She’s just upset because she doesn’t understand.” I picked my head up and started the ignition. Looking up to check the mirror, I noticed that my family was still watching me. My mother was holding hands with my father, who had his arm around Kimberly.

  I had never felt so alone.

  Chapter 7

  The next two weeks passed in a blur of papers, exams, and meetings with my advisor. I was starting to get things lined up to start grad school in the summer since I would be graduating tomorrow and staying for my post graduate work here in Seattle. Just as with my undergrad degree, I wanted to work through the summers so I could finish a little faster. I felt like I’ve been in school forever, and I know that Lexi was also getting things ready to leave for New York, as she would be starting in the summer semester as well. Due to my schedule, I hadn’t seen much of her since the wedding, and I hated it, I felt like I should be spending all of my free time with her, seeing her as much as I could before she left. I tried hard not to think about the time when she would be gone. Over the course of our convoluted relationship with Ethan, she had become my closest friend. Now, we would only have webcams and phone calls. I pushed that thought away as my cell phone beeped. It was a text from Ethan. Be in the room at 9AM

  Why in
the hell would he want a session the day of graduation? Lexi and I had to be on the field at eleven for the ceremony, since she would also be walking across the stage today. Throwing my phone onto the bed next to my suit, I growled in frustration. I was still trying to decide on a tie when Lexi came in. Smiling, she looked down at the four ties lying across the suit jacket. When I looked at her, I felt my whole face soften, and I smiled back.

  “I like the blue one with the grey suit, definitely,” she said, scooping them off the bed and holding them up to me. “First, because the blue brings out your eyes, and second because the blue and the grey is just so appropriate for a history major with a Civil War specialty.” She tried hard to keep a straight face, but then broke out into soft giggles.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “Won’t the blue and the grey fight? I’d hate to have my clothing at war,” I joked with at least a good attempt at a straight face. That comment only made her laugh harder as she hung my newly chosen clothing up on the hook attached to the closet door. She put the rest of the clothes back in the closet as I hung the graduation gown on the other hook. Lying back on the bed, I looked at them hanging side by side, I would be graduating from college tomorrow, and it seemed so surreal. Lexi came over and lay down next to me, putting her head on my chest.

  We lay like that for a long time. Silently, she was playing with the hem of my t-shirt while I ran my fingers through her long hair. We didn’t need to say anything; both of us knew what graduation meant…she would be gone soon. That thought brought a dull ache to my chest, and I pulled her closer to me in a fierce hug. She wrapped her arm around my chest, and we held each other like that until nearly midnight.

  “Lexi, honey, we need to go to sleep,” I said gently, and for a moment I thought she’d fallen asleep, but she nodded. She pulled back slightly and whispered to me.

  “Jayden, can…can I stay here tonight with you? I don’t want to be alone.” Her voice sounded so broken, I couldn’t have refused even I wanted to, and I certainly didn’t want to. was perfectly content to sleep with this beautiful girl in my arms. If she needed my comfort, I would absolutely give it to her.

  “Of course you can baby. Let me get you a t-shirt to sleep in.” I said quietly to her, and then crawled off the bed after kissing her forehead. In my dresser, I found one of my high school track shirts and handed it to her. She looked at it with a strange expression, and then turned it around. Just as I started to ask her if she wanted a different shirt, she walked into the bathroom to change. I heard her crying softly for just a minute before she came back in and crawled back into bed, right into my arms and I held her until she fell asleep.

  I had a hard time sleeping, lying with Lexi in my arms was something that may never ever happen again and I didn’t want to miss any of it, even though I knew sleep was inevitable. As I stroked her hair gently, she moaned softly and became restless.

  “Shhhh….” I murmured, trying to soothe her, and held her a little more tightly, stroking her face.

  “Ethan…No….” She changed positions roughly, and I once she started to settle, I held her against me again. “Not alone… Ethan….”

  “You won’t be alone sweetheart,” I whispered and she sighed, burying her face in my chest. She said something else, but I couldn’t make it out. Finally she calmed, and went back to sleep, where I soon followed.

  The morning dawned bright and clear, we couldn’t have asked for better weather for an outdoor ceremony. I looked down at the sleeping girl in my arms and sighed, knowing that I could really get used to waking up like this. She felt so completely perfect here, and I wondered for just a moment why she hadn’t stayed with Ethan. Surely she’d rather sleep in his arms? Then I thought about my first day with Ethan when he explained the rules, one of which was that subs never slept in his bed, ever. Surely Lexi was more than just a sub? I decided that I didn’t want to think about this now; I just wanted to enjoy the feeling of her in my arms for a little while longer.

  Around seven, I heard a soft knock on my door and Ethan stuck his head in. When he saw Lexi sleeping in my arms, his brow furrowed. “Well, that answers my question as to why Lexi’s car is here. I’m sorry I bothered you.”

  “She was upset about leaving and didn’t want to be alone,” I whispered so as not to wake her up, and immediately his face softened. Nodding, he looked at her for a moment more before pulling back from the room.

  “I’ll see you both at nine,” he replied as he closed the door. I sighed and shook Lexi awake.

  Lexi and I were in position at nine, just as we should be. We were both nervous about graduation today, and weren’t sure why we were having a session. I knelt beside Lexi, and looked straight ahead no matter how much I wanted to look at her. I wondered briefly if this is the last time we would be together like this. Before I could contemplate it too deeply, the door opened and Master Ethan came in, standing in front of us in dress pants and a light sweater.

  “There are just two things I want to do today before you get ready for your graduation,” he said, and I relaxed. It wasn’t actually a full session. “Go over to the long padded table in the center of the room and bend over it, side by side. Spread your legs wide.” We moved to the table on our knees and stood just long enough to bend over the table, our hands still clasped behind our necks. Lexi and I both continued to look straight ahead while I spread my legs as far as I could while still maintaining my bent posturing on the table.

  “I love seeing you both in this position for me. You are so open, so ready for me. God, I wish I could take you both hard over the table, but there just isn’t time,” he said in a low moan as he moved over to Lexi. I heard Lexi gasp next to me, and then moan deeply. Not daring to turn and look, I figured I’d know soon enough.

  I felt him move behind me, and then felt his warm fingers spreading open my buttocks. He began lubricating my anus, and I moaned softly as his fingers moved in and out of me, already hard, this just exaggerated my problem. Next, I felt him push something into me and secure it with a harness. I moved experimentally, minimally, but the thing just shifted. He left us bent over like that for a few more minutes while he walked around the table, looking at each delicate detail of our bodies, touching various places on me, causing me to squirm a little on the table, and then he chuckled and stepped away.

  “Now, let’s make sure the remotes for these plugs work.” Suddenly I felt the plug start to vibrate. Lexi and I moaned in unison as he clicked it again and it vibrated faster. Fuck that felt good. Then, without warning, he turned them off, and Lexi and I both let out a breath.

  “Please wait for me by the door.” He bent to pick up something out of a bag in the floor. I growled under my breath at being all riled up only to be dismissed, but I went to get the shorts I’d worn in. We dressed quickly and assumed our positions once again. It felt odd to be in this position at least semi-clothed, but we waited patiently. Walking up to me, he opened a small black leather box, like something an engagement ring would be in. I was intrigued. He held out a thin chain with an unassuming pendant and I looked at it. It was some kind of Japanese symbol.

  “This kanji symbol is hokori, which means pride. You are someone to be proud of, Jayden. As a sub, as a student, and as a man – I hope this reminds you of that. It is my graduation gift to you,” he explained as he put it on me, and then kissed my forehead. Awestruck, I could tell he had this made for me by the engraved initials of ‘ERHB’ on the back. Briefly, I wondered what the ‘R’ and the ‘H’ stood for. He moved over to Lexi and took out a similar chain with the same Bryant family crest that was engraved on our cuffs.

  ‘This is to remind you that you are never alone, that you have a family. It is my graduation gift to you,” he whispered and put the chain on Lexi. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and nodded as he kissed her on the forehead, his lips lingering a little longer there.

  “Let me know when you are ready to leave for the college.” After he left the room, Lexi and I looked at each other for a
moment, still staggered by his gifts. Then we both stood up, and I took her hand.

  “I have a gift for you too, Lexi.”

  “And I have one for you.” She smiled. “Let’s exchange them later tonight, okay?” I nodded, and we went to get dressed, as Lexi still had to go home and get ready. Thankfully she didn’t live far, and didn’t require much maintenance. The plug felt slightly uncomfortable as I made my way to my room. As I dressed, the harness which was made of light leather, felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. Certainly, everyone would be able to see it through my clothes. My erection just wouldn’t go down either, so I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. That helped a little, until the buzzing started. I growled and it stopped when I heard Ethan’s wicked laughter from the hall.

  Finally, we were ready, and it was time to make our way to the college. After four years of hard and strenuous liberal arts busy work, we would be able to start taking on the stuff that mattered. Lexi and I were nervous but excited. Well, in my case, very excited. I didn’t know if he was doing it to Lexi too, but he kept turning my plug on and off randomly throughout the drive. By the time we reached the college, I thought I was going to explode. Pulling into the parking garage, Ethan parked next to a large conversion van. We got out of the car, Ethan and I from the driver’s side, as I was seated behind him and Lexi from the passenger side. Suddenly, he pushed me back against the car, and I felt his erection grinding into mine. He leaned close and whispered, “I love it that you are so fucking hard for me.” Then, he walked around and took Lexi’s hand and they walked towards the school. I was contemplating the punishment I’d get if I just opened my pants and jacked off quickly before everything got started, but a quick vibrating in my ass told me that he was still watching. Fuck!

  I grabbed my gown from the hanger in the back seat and put it on before I followed them at a jog. At least the gown would hide my raging hard-on. As I caught up to them, Lexi took my hand. We walked toward the large open area where Lexi put on her gown. I looked around, but didn’t see anyone I knew, so I decided to stay with Ethan and Lexi. It was almost time for us to take our seats when I heard my name being called. Turning around, I saw my parents and Josh standing a few yards away. They waved and came over.


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