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The Forbidden Room 01 - The Forbidden Room

Page 14

by J P Barnaby

  “Hi,” I greeted, a little uncomfortably. My parents smiled at me, and Josh just looked concerned. “Well, uhm – mom, dad, this is my friend Lexi. Lexi, you’ve already met Josh, and these are my parents, Harry and Janet Carter.” Lexi smiled politely and shook hands with them. My mother smiled almost too happily, and I knew she thought Lexi was my girlfriend. “And this is Ethan, my roommate and friend.” I introduced him, indicating Ethan on my left. When he shook my parents’ hands graciously, he looked down at the ground. Something about Ethan right now screamed socially awkward, and I just didn’t understand. He was so confident in almost every situation we’d been in, but meeting new people seemed to unnerve him. He looked so shy, and unsure of himself. As I thought back, I realized this was the first social function I’d ever heard of Ethan attending since we lived together.

  “Ethan, have we met? You look familiar.” My dad said scrutinizing Ethan closely. Ethan looked up at him for just a second and said, “No sir, we haven’t met.” The tone suggested that there was no room for ambiguity. I noticed that he didn’t say ‘I don’t think we’ve met’, as most people would have. It was a subtle, but distinct, difference. Lexi looked as bewildered as I did. Then, Ethan looked to me, his face uncomfortable, and said, “I’m going to find a seat. I’ll see you afterwards.” In a flash, he was gone.

  So, there I stood with my parents and brother-in-law, feeling fairly uncomfortable not only because of the toy that I prayed Master Ethan wouldn’t set off, but from his sudden departure. Did he know my father? I couldn’t imagine my dad or anyone in my family knowing Ethan in the same capacity that I knew him. I almost snorted in amusement at the thought until Josh’s voice brought me back sharply.

  “Kimberly is here, Jayden. She went to the ladies room.” I nodded; I had no interest in seeing my sister. While I knew we had things to talk over, today wasn’t that day. Just as I looked over at Lexi, she reminded me that we needed to get to the staging area where they would call us up to get our degrees. We were both graduating with honors, so we also had to pick up our second tassels. Taking Lexi’s hand, I told my parents that we would see them afterwards, and caught sight of my mother’s beaming face. I couldn’t imagine what that meant. It was like she’d never seen me with a girl before. Maybe it was just because I was graduating.

  As we got to the staging area, I felt the toy turn on and I fought the urge to moan. Standing with my parents had certainly quelled my erection, but it was starting to return in full force now. I looked down, seeing Lexi had her eyes closed, and I knew hers was on too. Moving quickly, she stood in front of me, pushing her hips back into mine. I felt my plug vibrating, and now I could feel hers too as my erection pressed into her buttocks, and I nearly came right there. Grabbing her hips, I pushed her forward a little so that we were no longer in contact. She giggled, and then the vibrations stopped. I rolled my eyes, and then stepped forward into line with the other history majors. Lexi went to find the other literature majors and we waited for our time to walk across the stage.

  After an eternity of waiting, which included several minutes of teasing from Master Ethan, names were being called to head up to the stage. As they got to the history majors, I started to get nervous. I would be walking across the stage in front of my family, friends, and fellow students with a raging erection. I was so fucking aroused that it didn’t really matter, but I could just imagine myself having an orgasm in the middle of the stage. Fuck, I hoped he didn’t torture me with that thing while I was on stage. Looking around, I didn’t see him, but he had to be close because of the range on the remote.

  The vibrations started as I got to the top step to walk onto the stage. I paused briefly, but then kept walking, as it would cause more suspicion if I didn’t go out there. My cock throbbed, I tried to think about all of the people that I would embarrass myself in front of, the audience watching, but that just turned me on more. What the hell was the matter with me? Thankfully, Master Ethan must have been watching, because he turned the plug off half-way across the stage, and I was able to get my diploma without releasing in front of thousands of people. Hurrying to the other side of the stage, I sat quickly, trying inconspicuously to adjust myself to be more comfortable.

  When it was over, I looked around searching for Master Ethan. I wanted to beg him to just let me come; I don’t think I’d ever been so hard. My parents found me first, and thankfully, my erection died completely before my mother hugged me. Of course, they wanted to go out to dinner tonight to celebrate, so I told them I’d meet them later, and once again went in search of Ethan. I knew my parents could tell I was distracted, but I prayed they didn’t know why. Finally, I ran across Lexi who had been looking for me.

  “He’s at the car,” she informed me, and we made our way back to the parking garage. Sure enough, when we entered the structure, Ethan was sitting casually on the back bumper of the Toyota, smiling at us as we approached.

  “Lexi, angel? Would you mind if Jayden sat up front on the way home?” he asked sweetly, and she agreed. I had no idea what that meant, but he held the door open for her to sit behind me and then came up to me.

  “Take your jacket off, and put it on the back of the seat.” I followed his instructions, getting into the car as he got in behind the wheel. He told me to put my hands behind the head rest, but that it was my choice, because we weren’t in the room. I put my hands behind the head rest, it didn’t matter where we were; to me he was my Master. I felt him cuff my hands to the head rest, with my jacket covering the cuffs, so it looked like I was stretched out relaxing. Before he pulled out of the parking spot, he leaned over and unbuttoned my center button on my dress shirt pulling up my undershirt. Then, he unzipped my dress pants, leaving my straining erection inside them. Because of the harness, I hadn’t bothered with underwear. Being exposed like this made me so much harder, I only prayed that I made it home without making a mess of myself.

  We started driving through the garage. On the next level down, as Master Ethan rubbed my inner thigh softly, I happened to look out the window and saw my parents talking to Kim and Josh near their car. My father looked up and our eyes locked for just a second before I looked away. I was bound and exposed in the car; I couldn’t exactly roll down the window and have a conversation with him. When I looked back, he was in a heated discussion with Kimberly. I was sure I was going to hear about that later.

  As we drove into the sunlight outside of the garage, Ethan turned his head slightly and told Lexi to play with my nipples through my shirt. I didn’t even try to hold back my response as I dropped my head back to the head rest and moaned aloud. The handcuffs made soft clinking noises against the metal posts of the headrest as I strained. For the next three miles, she pinched, pulled, and rolled my nipples. I was gently rubbing my hips against the seat when Master Ethan’s hand moved from my thigh to my zipper, and I felt him slide one finger into my pants and trace the contours of my swollen cock. I whimpered and bucked my hips up against his hand. Chuckling, he withdrew it, saying we were almost home. Thank God… I wanted to come so fucking bad.

  Before we got out of the car, he released my hands and I very carefully zipped up my pants, I didn’t bother redoing my shirt. As I reached the porch, Master Ethan called out, “Go up to the room, now.” I could have cried out in joy. Lexi and I all but ran up to the second floor and shed our clothing, not even bothering to hang, or even fold it. We were in position, when he entered the room nude about five minutes later.

  Master Ethan nude was truly a sight to behold. I had never been attracted to a man before, but he was absolutely beautiful. My glimpse from that one session did not do him justice, and I couldn’t help but stare at him. Smiling down at us, he told us to stand, and I saw him set the remotes down on a nearby table, and then he removed our harnesses, but left the plugs in, telling us to go lay on the mats right next to each other. The thought of him taking me on the mat again made me shiver, but I followed Lexi and we carefully lay next to each other on our backs as he instructed. I
felt the plug pushing into me as my ass touched the cool mat. Fuck, I needed to come.

  Master Ethan stood a few feet away, just watching us squirm on the mat as he turned both plugs on. “I want you to make yourselves come for me. You are too aroused to be able to control yourselves, and you are of no use to me without that control,” he said sternly, and I hesitated for just a moment before reaching down and wrapping my hand around my aching cock, when I heard Lexi whimper beside me, and I knew she had her fingers inside, stroking herself. Both of us were writhing on the floor beneath Master Ethan’s gaze, performing for him. I watched him kneel down by our feet and grab Lexi’s ankle, lifting her leg to lay it over mine, spreading her legs wide as he watched her rubbing herself furiously. Even though I couldn’t see, her sounds made me frantic. Then, her hips came up to meet her hands and she began fucking herself in earnest. That did it for me, and I closed my eyes tightly, and pumped my cock hard. I was done with the playing, and the teasing. I wanted to fucking come.

  Lexi’s orgasm hit first, and she cried out desperately as her back arched and her fingers flew. That sound, that wildly free and untamed cry of passion ignited in my groin and everything exploded. Colored lights flashed in front of my closed eyes, my body was on fire, and I felt my semen spraying over my stomach, not recognizing the sounds that were ripped from me, only my desperate whimpers as it all started to subside. It was a good thing I was already on the floor because my arms and legs dropped to the mat as I finished utterly spent.

  My eyes opened as I heard the sound above me, and when I looked up, I saw Master Ethan’s hand flying quickly over his cock, his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open. It never occurred to me that he would join us in our little masturbatory escapade. Fascinated, I watched as his head dropped back and he groaned loudly, and I wished I knew what he was thinking about. Oddly, I found I was slightly jealous of the thought of him using Lexi’s image to masturbate, it was unnerving that I was hoping he was thinking about me. I was brought from my thoughts by the feeling of something warm on my chest. Master Ethan grunted in time with his pumping hand as he came first on my chest, then on Lexi’s. It was wickedly depraved, and exciting to me, so much so that without asking, I rolled over and quickly licked his semen off of Lexi’s breasts. She moaned, and then so did he. I looked up, hoping that this didn’t displease him, but when he smiled at me, I exhaled the breath I had been holding.

  “Now, I’m sure your parents want to take you out tonight Jayden, so you should go get ready. I’m taking Lexi out tonight as well.” He smiled down at her, and she returned his smile, and then we all left the room together, completely devoid of any clothing to get ready for our respective evenings.

  Since it wasn’t raining, I took my bike, and met my parents at a local high end restaurant; it was just like them to choose the most expensive place around, they just wanted to be seen. That was why I had refused their help for school, I wasn’t like them, I didn’t care about the money; I just wanted to live my life on my own terms. I was met with my mother’s disapproving glare as I got off the bike. The dislike for my bike was something she did not hide, she said it made me look like a common hoodlum.

  I grinned to myself as I walked over to them. My mother kissed my cheek as I hugged her, but I noticed my father didn’t meet my eye as we shook hands. I couldn’t help but be unnerved.

  Dinner was relatively uneventful; mostly talk about my plans for grad school, and about my new living arrangements. My father, normally in control of every situation, was glancing around nervously like he was at dinner with a mistress. He was social when called upon to be so, but his behavior was just odd. My mother was her normal cheerful self, and that made me feel a bit better. They wanted to hear about Lexi, my mother’s disappointment obvious when I told them that we were just friends. Thankfully, the two topics I wanted to avoid, Ethan and Kimberly, were not discussed. Although, I found it odd that they didn’t ask me why Kimberly and I were fighting. Finally the check came, and I could escape the awkward evening. Just before I turned to go, my mother hugged me once more and shoved and envelope into my hand. I looked at her questioningly, but she just told me that she loved me and they would see me soon, so I shrugged and threw the envelope in my inner jacket pocket before getting on my bike.

  Ethan and Lexi weren’t back from their dinner yet when I got home. Thinking about that afternoon’s session, I smiled, it had been so hot listening to Lexi, and I hoped Ethan would want to have another session when they got back. I went into my bedroom and took off my shoes. The envelope my mother had given me caught on my shirt when I pulled my jacket off, I’d nearly forgotten it. Sighing, I pulled it out and ripped it open. There was a check and a short note from my parents.

  Jayden –

  We know that you are in trouble. We had a long talk with Kimberly. Please don’t be angry with her, she was only trying to help you because she loves you. Please accept this help with your education and other expenses. We love you so much and just want for you to be happy.

  -Mom & Dad

  I looked at the check for one hundred thousand dollars. The check, and the note, trembled in my hands as I thought about the implications. My father didn’t meet my eye at the restaurant, my father and Kimberly’s had a heated discussion in the parking garage. Oh God, she had told them about her suspicions. That’s why they were giving me money; they think I’m fucking guys for the rent. Oh Jesus, my mother thinks I’m a prostitute. How the hell can I tell her the truth? The letter and the check fluttered to the floor as I picked up the first thing my hands came across on my desk. I threw the book with as much force as I could against the far wall. The rage and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I grabbed my desk lamp and hurled it, watching it explode as it slammed into the drywall.

  I was halfway through destroying my room when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Violently, I shrugged it off, and pulled my bookshelves over, everything slamming to the floor. In the next instant, I felt steel bands wrap around my arms and chest. I struggled ferociously, but they held firm. Then, I heard Ethan’s voice in my ear, telling me that it would be okay, that we would figure it out, begging me to calm down. I continued in a futile struggle until I watched Lexi pick up the letter. I stopped moving then, and Ethan sank with me to the floor as I put my head in my hands.

  * * *

  It took days for me to put my bedroom back together. However, it took me much less time to drop the check into a fresh envelope and pen a response to my parents. It took nearly as little time to pen one for my dear sister as well; I would never forgive Kimberly for what she had done. I was horrified at what my parents thought of me. It was with a heavy heart that I saw Ethan’s text on my phone and knew I had no choice but to be in the room tomorrow night. For the first time since I started with Master Ethan, I did not want to go into the room, as I felt it would solidify my feelings about the estrangement with my parents. But mostly, because I knew it would be our last session with Lexi, and I couldn’t bring myself to acknowledge that she was really leaving.

  I was in my position ten minutes before we were supposed to meet. My clothes were off, my hands behind my neck, but I was not the least bit aroused, I couldn’t even bring myself to try. When Lexi came into the room, she removed her clothes and ran her fingers through my hair before getting into position next to me, but I did not acknowledge her. I merely stared ahead of me, waiting for Master Ethan. How could he be so heartless as to want us to perform on Lexi’s last night with us? It was callous and wrong.

  When he entered the room, he was once again nude. I didn’t look at him, but continued to stare straight ahead. As he walked over to stand in front of us, and I noticed out of my peripheral vision that he was not erect either. Reaching down, he took one of my hands, and one of Lexi’s hands. We both looked up at him. Wordlessly, he pulled us up so that he were standing and then led us to the mats in the back where there was a large comforter and several pillows laid out waiting for us. He stood facing Lexi, and pulled me around behind
her. Taking her face in his hand, he said gently, “I thought we’d do something a little different tonight. Tonight, is all about you, angel.” And then he began to kiss her neck as he reached back to me and pulled my arms around her waist. Then, I understood, he couldn’t put it into so many words, but he wanted to give her a night full of love to remember when she was alone.

  He traced his fingers slowly down her arms, and then her sides, while my fingers trailed over her stomach and then slowly up her back. When his hands went to her hips, pulling her against him, mine found her soft breasts, running my palms lightly over them, and kissing the back of her shoulders. Lexi, who had apparently been stunned into silence for a moment, regained herself and put one arm back around my neck, her soft hand grabbed lightly at my hair. I moaned softly into her ear as she pulled at it, her other hand was entwined in Ethan’s hair as he moved his lips slowly down her trembling body. I held her breasts up in offering for him after murmuring her name into her neck, and she moaned and grasped my hair again.

  Ethan rolled her nipples with his tongue as my fingers traced lightly over her hips. Then, he pulled her down to the comforter and laid her on her back. With her head resting on the pillows, Ethan took that moment to press his face between her legs, and she moaned, pulling me down to her. I kissed her deeply, and then she whispered into my neck, “I want you in my mouth.” I lay down on my side, realizing that I could also take Ethan in my mouth if we got the positioning right. Seeing what I was doing, both Lexi and Ethan moved to their sides. After a moment of awkward positioning, we were all pleasing each other. Lexi was sucking me with her head resting on a pillow while I serviced Ethan, also with my head on a pillow, and Ethan teased Lexi with his tongue, his head resting on her inner thigh. It felt so intimate, we were one unbroken circle.


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