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A Heart So Innocent

Page 26

by Charlene Cross

He smiled. “Yes, but there haven’t been as many as you may think. However, my marked ability with a pistol and a sword is equally well-noted—as is my temper.”

  Aidan’s eyes widened. “You’ve dueled! Have you ever k-killed someone?”

  “I’ve been challenged several times. And I’ve been offered the opportunity to place my shot square into a man’s chest. Likewise, my opponents have been offered the same chance. Fortunately they were all bad marksmen, each having missed me by a yard. All except one. I carry a scar on my arm as a reminder of that day. In return, he sports a similar scar. His intent may have been to kill; mine was not. But that does not go to say, if I had a valid reason to challenge someone, I would not see it to its end. As I’ve said, my reputation precedes me. But it’s not my notoriety that is in question here. It’s your name I fear will be tarnished.”

  Certain it was the social ramifications which bothered him most, Aidan hid her disappointment. “Then it’s the censure that you fear, if not for yourself, then for me.”

  “Yes, sweet. I’ve grown to care about what happens to you,” he said, unable to admit to her that what he felt went much deeper. “I want you to remain as my wife. Doing so can be quite advantageous for us both. But, you must know, if you decide to stay, when I refer to the term ‘wife,’ I also mean ‘lover.’”

  No reply came forth, for the words seemed to have stuck in Aidan’s throat. He’d asked her to stay, and in doing so, said she was expected to share his bed. But he’d mentioned nothing of love. Sadly she wondered if he ever would.

  Noting her air of withdrawal, Justin realized he was making a mess of it. But the right words refused to come forth. She needed time to make her decision, he knew. God, after constantly telling her he wanted to be rid of her, would she now stay? “I’ll not press for an answer right now,” he said finally. “You are free to tell me what you’ve decided whenever you are ready. Remember, Aidan, the choice remains solely yours.” He then angled himself toward the door; Aidan heard it close softly behind him.

  For what seemed an eternity, she sat there reviewing his words. Many women of her class entered into marriages, the men not particularly of their own choosing, to eventually find they’d made a suitable match, for as the couple had grown to know one another, a fondness for the companion had blossomed forth, some discovering true love. Yet an equal number of her peers had found themselves caught in a loathsome situation. They became bored with their circumstance, and their hearts simply withered and died; only their lifeless shells remained.

  She thought of Justin, his kindness, his tenderness, his wit, his masterfully seductive charm. Boredom would never claim her while he was near, she knew. Never! But suddenly she feared what might happen if she could not satiate his passions. Would he quickly turn to someone else?

  Another thought occurred to her, which upset her equally as much. His masculine urges might be such that he could never be content with only one woman. Physical pleasure, derived from many willing sources, might be something he craved. Her heart ached to think he’d be so deceptive: using her while using someone else, all for his own personal satisfaction.

  A light blush crept up Aidan’s cheeks as she remembered Madame Bouchard’s words: “The bedroom, chérie, is where it counts. As long as you continue to please him, you will not lose him.”

  As inexperienced as Aidan was, she wondered if she could possibly play the part of expert lover, like the couturiere said she must, thereby keeping her husband solely in her own bed. Oh, bother! She could only try her best, she decided, not knowing in the least what was expected of her.

  Unsure of herself, Aidan finally contended that should she consent to stay with him, then an agreement must pass between them. He’d have to promise his fidelity to her, as she would vow hers to him. Then, and only then, would their marriage have a chance. Perhaps in time, love might flower within him, rivaling the feelings that had already bloomed forth within her.

  In the end, Aidan knew she had to take the chance. She would stay as his wife. As her eyes sought the clock on the mantel, she realized it was nearly half an hour since Justin had left the room, no doubt taking himself off to bed. Yawning, she thought to do the same, and left the sitting room, following the hall toward the stairs. Her eyes caught sight of the light coming from Justin’s study, and she moved toward the partially open door. Nervously she hesitated.

  Justin’s taut backside retained a position on the corner of his desk, his coat, cravat, and waistcoat carelessly thrown across its top. His thoughts on Aidan, he slowly released the studs from his shirt, down to his breastbone, exposing the thatch of curly dark hair on his chest. Would she spurn him? he wondered, dropping the studs alongside his discarded clothing. He scoffed at himself for acting the jittery schoolboy, then reached for the brandy decanter and poured himself a healthy glass. Raising his drink to his lips, he saw Aidan standing in the doorway; his breath caught. God, she’s beautiful!

  “I hope you haven’t come seeking out a nightcap,” he said, trying to hide his uncertainty, his fear. “If so, madam, I’ll have to refuse. The last time you imbibed from my stock, you became rather—”

  “Tight?” she asked, moving unsteadily toward him, praying he didn’t notice. She stopped only an arm’s length away.

  Justin chuckled, relieving his tension. “I was about to say ‘soused,’ but ‘tight’ is equally appropriate. Although I’d very much enjoy undressing you tonight, as I did then,” he teased, “I do not wish to have you passing out on me. Making love to an unconscious woman is most unappealing and ruins one of the greatest of all pleasures known to man.”

  “And what, sir, is the greatest of all pleasures known to woman?” she asked boldly.

  “The same, madam, plus the knowledge that a new life forms within her. But for the latter to come about, she must first experience the former.”

  “Unfortunately I’m inexperienced at both.”

  “But that does not say you have to remain so.” His silvery gaze locked with her soft amethyst eyes. “The choice, as I’ve said, is yours.”

  Unable to hold his gaze, she dropped her concentration to his chest, a decided mistake. Tanned skin covering hard muscle and generously sprinkled with dark curly hair claimed her attention. Staring at his manly chest, an incredible feeling of warmth flowed through her. Then her gaze quickly skittered back to his to see his knowing smile.

  “Have you come to a decision?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered; Justin’s breath caught anew. “I shall stay as your wife—but it is done with a condition.”

  “And what is that condition, love?” he asked, taking her hand, drawing her toward him, nestling her between his outstretched thighs.

  “That you …” She hesitated and drew a steadying breath. “That you promise me your fidelity.” Having expected a derisive snort from him, she noted instead his tender regard. His arms looped around her, hands linking loosely at her waist, urging her even closer. “W-will you promise me such?”

  Justin smiled to himself. Had his own parents made that same pledge and kept it, he most likely wouldn’t view love so cynically. But as it was, the two had acted like a pair of rutting swine. They’d been obsessed with one another, yet never faithful. Jealousy had driven Malcolm Warfield to murder his wife; then he’d taken his own life in despair. Why, Justin was unable to fathom, for his father had been as faithless as his mother. And for that, Justin despised them both.

  “I will, madam,” he said finally. “But only if you swear the same.” “I will.”

  “Good. We have now struck a bargain. Make certain it is never broken.”

  Besides hearing the subtle threat which had laced itself through his words, Aidan saw the same warning written in the steely depths of his eyes. A small chill ran down her spine, for she was certain it spelled certain death to whoever trespassed on that which he’d named as his. “I’m not a common trollop, sir,” she defended sharply, angered because he believed she’d break her word. “Nor am I of the nat
ure to go seeking another man’s favors.”

  “That remains to be seen, love. Understandable or not, some women, once they’ve experienced sexual gratification, cannot do without that particular physical pleasure for very long. They become obsessed with their need, and when one man can no longer fulfill their voracious desires, they turn to another and another, searching but never finding what it is they seek.” His hand splayed outward, sliding down her spine to her bottom, pressing her closer, trapping her between his thighs. “Once we’ve made love, sweet, you will have no reason to go to anyone else. My hands and mouth will worship your silken body—all of it. I will fulfill the sum of your desires, see to all your needs, and teach you not only what pleasures you but also what pleasures me. And when our bodies join, they will ignite with such passion our souls will transcend all human bounds. This, love, I promise you.”

  Caught up in his seductive words, Aidan found she wanted to experience everything he’d promised. Unknowingly she moved against him; Justin’s indrawn breath hissed through his teeth as she briefly surrendered her lips to his.

  She pulled away, and with a power he never knew he possessed, Justin fought his primal urge to pull her hard against him and lay claim to her mouth, ravishing it with his tongue. “Come to me again, sweet,” he enticed, his unsteady breath rasping against her beautiful face, which appeared so near, yet seemed so far. “Don’t hold back. I want to taste you, feel you.”

  Smoky pewter eyes pleaded for her return, and with a soft whimper, Aidan fell against him. Her satiny lips opened fully under his, her velvety tongue darting lightly, seeking entry, wanting to taste him, feel him, every bit as much as he wanted to experience the same of her. Raw desire shot through Justin, snapping his restraint, and he drew the moist sliver deep into his mouth to play a wildly erotic game of love. Responsively, Aidan pressed herself into the V created by his outstretched thighs; a violent tremor of longing racked through Justin. With a full-throated curse, he suddenly pulled away.

  Aidan was startled by his harsh oath and his abrupt withdrawal, and her eyes flew wide. “Wh-what’s wrong?” she asked weakly, fearing she’d somehow repulsed him.

  Ragged laughter erupted from Justin as he came to his feet. “I told you before, sweet, that you have no idea what you do to a man’s body. Unless you wish to discover yourself sprawled on the floor with your skirts thrown over your head, I suggest we find the comfort of my bed.”

  A small cry escaped Aidan’s lips as Justin swept her up into his arms. He strode from the study into the hall and up the stairs to his room. Crossing its threshold, he kicked the door shut with his foot.

  Aidan felt herself floating to the floor as Justin slowly released her. Balancing on shaky legs, she nervously stared up at him. Her heart pounded erratically while her breath seemed suspended somewhere between her throat and lungs. Fear laced with desire spiraled through her, leaving her weak.

  “Relax, sweet,” Justin said, a gentle smile curving his handsome lips. “Breathe slowly, deeply.”

  Not until that moment did Aidan realize she’d been starved for air; she drew a steadying breath. Instantly she became dizzy with Justin’s masculine scent. Spicy cologne mingled with a hint of brandy, the pair underscored by his own special male fragrance. The combination piqued her feminine senses, and Aidan could no longer deny her womanly desires. “I want you,” she whispered throatily, not realizing she did so.

  “And you shall have me, love.”

  Aidan felt herself turning, then deft fingers freed the long row of buttons on her gown; the heavy satin dress fell to the floor. Satin ribbons came loose, then along with her petticoats her corset descended to meet the dress. The feel of his strong but gentle hands upon her reminded her that she’d been intoxicated with brandy the last time he’d undressed her. This time, however, she was intoxicated by the man. She was drunk with the smell of him, drunk with his touch, drunk with his nearness, which had left her in a delicious stupor over which she had no control.

  The last of her clothing slipped away, as did the diamond-studded amethyst necklace, which carelessly dropped from his fingers. Molten-silver eyes raked over her straight shoulders, down the gentle curve of her spine, branding the rounded fullness of her firm bottom, then swept her long shapely legs, stopping at slim ankles. At the sight of her, Justin felt raw desire shoot through him; he hardened, agonizingly so. Drawing a ragged breath, he forcibly controlled his raging urge to lay her on the carpet, spread her silken thighs, and bury himself deep within her with one driving thrust. She was a virgin, coming to him pure, untouched, and his prurient lusts had to be subdued. Otherwise, he’d frighten and injure her.

  Instead, he sought to gentle her, seduce her slowly. Then, like a flower laved in warm sunshine, she would blossom under his expert touch as he tenderly persuaded her into opening to him, receiving him willingly, her carnal passions burning as hotly as his. Suddenly his fingers ached to feel her silken hair, and the pins slipped from her coppery mass to fall onto the carpet. Draping the heavy tresses around her, Justin whispered, his voice quaking, “Let me see you, sweet.”

  Slowly, shyly, Aidan turned toward him. Would he like what he saw? she wondered, knowing she was not the first woman he’d ever viewed unclothed. Nervously she gazed up at him, awaiting his approval.

  The lamp near his bed burned on a low wick, bathing her in a soft stream of amber, and Justin’s smoky eyes traveled her unveiled grace, hungrily devouring every exposed inch of the golden-skinned goddess who stood before him. Breathtakingly beautiful, he thought, not remembering any of his women as having been so perfectly formed as was Aidan.

  Slowly his hand rose, and his fingers lightly grazed the gilded slopes of her high, full breasts; fire singed Aidan’s veins and her breath caught in her throat. With a harsh groan, Justin scooped her up into his quivering arms and carried her the few short steps to his bed.

  Cradled in the center of the down-filled mattress, Aidan watched curiously as Justin stripped his clothing away. Magnificent, she thought, as more and more of his masculine form revealed itself to her. Then he stood before her, the long sinewy planes of his muscular body hard and erect, his desire for her evident. Her virginal shyness begged her to look away, but Aidan’s womanly interest refused to allow it. Then suddenly he was beside her, his throbbing member pressing itself against her sleek hip. A small shudder trembled through Aidan as his eyes locked with hers in a poignant embrace. For an eternity Justin gazed down at her; then he finally whispered, “Tonight, love, you will be mine.”

  His head slowly descended and Aidan’s heart tripped wildly in her chest. Burning, slanting lips covered hers in hot, open possession, and Aidan felt a heady excitement surge through her, making her dizzy with longing. Her own lips played lightly beneath his; then her tongue daringly darted against his supple lips in a tantalizingly rhythmic foray, unknowingly imitating the centuries-old ritual which bonded male and female in an elemental joining of need.

  Justin drew the teasing sliver deep into his mouth, mating with it in a wildly exotic dance; then his own tongue plunged between her lips to taste the honey-flavored nectar within. With a throaty mewl Aidan rolled toward him, her arms encircling his corded shoulders; searchingly, she bore herself against him. Heated passion instantly streamed from Justin’s every pore. Hot, hard, and wet, he moved against her taut belly, his hair-roughened thigh sliding over the satiny softness of her own, trapping her.

  Instantly Aidan drew back, wary violet eyes probing his face. “Don’t shy away from me, love,” Justin said hoarsely. “You’re no longer a girl. You’re a woman with a woman’s desires. Let your passions sail free.”

  Feverish silver eyes watched her intently while his lightly callused palm slowly edged upward from where it held fast at her small waist, gliding ever closer to an invitingly full breast. A shiver of delight shook Aidan as his hand finally captured the taut globe, long fingers reverently enclosing it to squeeze gently.

  “My lips want to worship you, Aidan. Will you a
llow them to do so?” he questioned seductively as his heated gaze mesmerized her.

  “I… Oh, yes,” she said on an emancipated sigh, all her inhibitions discharging themselves as she did so.

  She watched as his head lowered to the aching mound, his lips opening over its peak. A hot current bolted deep into the pit of her stomach as he drew the pink bud between his teeth, teasing it with rapid flicks of his rough, wet tongue until it flowered completely, fully in his mouth. A fervid sigh escaped Aidan’s parted lips as her fingers wound themselves through his thick wavy hair, settling at the nape of his neck, forcing him closer, rising to meet him.

  Justin chuckled, then pulled back slightly, and a tortured cry protested his abandonment, sounding like music to his ears. Soon she’d be his. “Easy, sweet,” he crooned. “I’m simply leaving one lovely sphere to explore the other.” His fingers captured the perfect mate, his lips and tongue savoring the ripe summit in the same reverent fashion they had its twin.

  As his adept hand paid homage to one vibrantly aching breast, his masterful mouth worshiped the other; a nearly delirious Aidan felt certain she would swoon. Her head rolled against the satin-encased pillow as she arched upward, wanting more of him. Justin’s hands slid down her sides to claim her waist, his swirling tongue following to her navel to dip into the small depression, teasing it mercilessly.

  “Justin! What are you doing?” she breathed raggedly. “Stop it, or I swear I shall faint.”

  Again his knowing chuckle erupted. His hot tongue withdrew, and Aidan relaxed, drawing a steadying breath. But suddenly she felt his lips start their foraging anew, grazing down her tense stomach, brushing lightly in her tight mass of coppery curls, moving lower and lower. She jerked and shoved at his shoulder, but Justin persisted. “Let me, sweet,” he breathed against the downy wisps, his hand urging her rigid thighs apart. “I want to worship all of you.”

  Alarmed by his desires, certain this strange invasion was indecent, Aidan grabbed his hair and tugged hard.


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