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A Heart So Innocent

Page 27

by Charlene Cross

  Justin’s scalp tingled sharply. He’d frightened her. With one last, almost imperceptible kiss, he moved up over her, his hard body raking deliberately along hers. Slow and easy, he reminded silently, telling himself to remember she was a virgin. Finally his silvery gaze met hers. “When we’ve grown to know each other better, we shall try it again.”

  Aidan’s eyes widened. “Surely you don’t mean that people … that—”

  “Yes, love,” he replied, smiling down at her innocence from where his head rested against his level hand, “and they enjoy it immensely.” Color rose high on her cheeks as Aidan cast him a disbelieving frown; Justin let out a low laugh. “When we know each other better, you will discover the truth of it. For now, you will have to be satisfied with the traditional way.” His fingertips brushed lightly over her breasts, making ever-wider circles, fanning outward in a bedeviling sweep of playfulness. Then they sluggishly trailed down her stomach into the tight curls; again Aidan stiffened. “Sweet, you must relax. There is no other way to prepare you for what is to come. If you’re not ready, I might hurt you.”

  Gray eyes said he spoke the truth; Aidan had no other choice but to believe him. “I …”

  “Hush, sweet. Just close your eyes and let me guide you.”

  Again her violet eyes examined his; then slowly her long lashes fell against her cheeks. As Justin surveyed her, he again thought her the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. And she was his. All his. Slowly his head lowered, and he covered her lips with his own. Gently, persuasively, he toyed with them by way of soft caresses, teasing her with his experienced mouth until she was anxiously seeking his full slanting kiss. Frantically their tongues mated, soft whimpers mixed with low throaty groans, then slowly Justin’s fingers slipped between her thighs in a gentle quest for the satiny folds hidden within her curls.

  At his first light touch, Aidan felt herself withdraw, but his fiery lips continued their onslaught while his skillful hand urged her to open to him. A small tingling sensation erupted deep in her stomach, and she felt herself melt against the sheets. Tenderly, methodically, he wooed her with his fingers as they sought all her secret places, seducing a rich, moist flow from within her. A spark ignited, and Justin became master of the flame, making it flare higher and higher, until Aidan thought she’d be consumed by the blazing inferno that was ravaging her entire body. Her hips writhed as his probing fingers found the untapped entry, exploring the velvet smoothness inside; his thumb pressed gently against the slumberous bud of her womanhood, enticing it into a taut edifice. Insane with want, Aidan tore her lips from his, her small teeth nipping lightly at his throat. “Justin … oh, God, I … I need …”

  “What do you need, love?” he rasped, but her voice had suspended itself in her throat. Unable to answer, Aidan gazed up at him, her eyes begging for the unknown.

  His insistent knee urged her to open wider for him; then he cradled himself in the gap she created, his own sinewy thighs holding hers wide apart. His quicksilver gaze met hers. “Soon, love, we shall find a pleasure only you and I will ever know,” he whispered as he easily positioned himself in the center of her dewy petals, easing himself slowly upward until he met her maidenhead. “Give me your lips, Aidan,” he commanded as he leaned over her, hands on either side of her head, fingers coiling through her silken hair as it fanned out over the pillows. “Kiss me, love.”

  He lowered himself to her on muscular yet strangely unstable arms, and as her mouth met his in a ravenous kiss, Justin thrust upward, breaching the thin barrier that blocked his way. Her short cry of pain lost itself in his throat; he stopped, allowing her time to adjust to the rigid fullness within her. Then he moved slowly, deliberately, his mouth lifting from hers. “Now we will know each other, love. Know the ecstasy of our own pleasure. You can release your passions now, love. Give yourself to me.”

  With slow rhythmic thrusts, Justin drove himself ever deeper until she enveloped him fully. His passion-glazed eyes took in the glorious sight of her as her slumberous gaze met his. A myriad of expressions painted themselves across her lovely face while she savored each new driving force. The world spun crazily for Aidan, tilting madly, threatening to fall off its axis. In savage sweet splendor her anticipation grew. The bite of her nails dug softly, then almost painfully into Justin’s back as she tried to meet him thrust for thrust, heartbeat for heartbeat, until she was certain she’d disintegrate. She loved him, loved him with all her soul, and she strained against him, offering all of herself, wanting to pleasure his body as much as he did hers.

  Instantly a pulsing throb started deep inside her, growing with each endless second. Nothing could ever be this wondrous, she thought, feeling herself twirling outward into another dimension, somewhere beyond earth’s bounds. Seeing her rapturous look, noting her fervent response as her hips eagerly rose to meet his suddenly demanding plunges, Justin felt the pressure in his loins quaver; desperately he fought for control. A fiery vortex whirled up inside, spinning him ever closer to the edge of perdition. The fires of hell could not burn any hotter than the flames that were presently blazing through him, he knew. He was lost in her, his body and soul doomed to her forever. No longer the master, he was now the slave. Only Aidan could fulfill his needs, his desires. He’d become his father’s son—obsessed with the woman he’d married.

  A sudden anger filled him and his strong hand slipped beneath Aidan’s soft undulating hips, lifting her to him as he rammed deep into her, hopelessly trying to purge himself of the hold she’d suddenly gained over him. A cry erupted from her softly parted lips; instantly he stopped, fearing he’d injured her. But the minute caressing spasms, which quickly grew in intensity, coaxed him to move again, urging him onward. And with a final driving thrust, a great shudder racked his entire body; her name escaped him with a triumphant shout, his seed spilling forth into her womb.

  Slowly Justin’s harsh breathing settled into an easier mode, his wildly pounding heart beat at a more normal pace, and his face finally lifted from the pillow where it was buried in her fragrant hair. Silver eyes looked down at the small woman still trapped beneath him. Questioning violet eyes gazed upward, reflecting an uncertain shyness. “What is it, sweet?” he asked, levering himself up onto his forearms, fearing his superior weight would crush her; his body remained connected to hers. “You seem a bit puzzled.”

  Unable to hold his gaze, her own moved toward the wall. A small frown marred her brow as she wondered if she’d imagined it or if she’d truly heard the words that were torn from his lips, losing themselves somewhere in her name. I love you! Her mind heard the phrase again, but she couldn’t decide if the endearment had come from him or if it was her own confession that had rebounded in her ears, sailing straight to her heart. Sadly, Aidan believed the pledge had been nothing more than a fanciful hope, stemming from her need to hear it from Justin’s own lips.

  “Sweet,” Justin said, studying her face, which seemed filled with confusion, “if you are troubled about something, ask the question and I shall try to answer it.”

  Her eyes claimed his once more, searching for the answer. Undoubtedly, if the words had been his, he was unaware he’d said them. Since he’d once told her that love was an emotion reserved for fools, he’d most likely scoff at her, denying he’d ever said them. In the end, Aidan decided she’d be a fool to ask.

  Tucking her hopes away into a hidden place within her heart, she smiled up at him. “I was simply wondering if you really enjoyed what we did. I mean … at the end, you sounded as though you were … uh … that you were in agony.”

  A deep rumble of laughter flowed from Justin’s chest; he rolled to his side, bringing Aidan with him. “Sweet agony—that’s the only way to describe it, love. But the feeling is something I’ll crave my whole life through,” he said, his gray eyes turning to molten silver. “I hunger for it now.”

  Renewed excitement quivered through her, and Aidan’s heart threatened to burst as Justin began to worship her again, fully, completely. Eag
er to please him, she gave herself up to him willingly.

  His desires satiated, his mind perplexed, Justin cradled his drowsy wife against him. Within minutes she was asleep. He gazed at the small hand which centered itself on his chest, over his heart, and his own hand covered its smoothness, holding it tenderly, protecting it in his gentle embrace.

  Something had happened to him. Something he couldn’t explain. Nor deny! he admitted silently. Just now, when they’d been making love, he’d felt his heart open, and somehow Aidan had slipped inside. He’d fallen in love with her. It seemed impossible, but it was true.

  A mocking smile spread across Justin’s lips. He’d thought himself immune to the emotion which presently claimed him. All his ranting and raving on wanting to be free, he now knew, had been a lie to appease his own pride. How stupid of him to believe he was any different from his male counterparts! he thought, finally realizing he was as human as the next man. Stupid, indeed!

  His harsh smile relaxed into one of adoration, and as his silvery gaze traversed Aidan’s tranquil face, Justin felt his heart swell. In truth, she’d captured him with her beauty, her stubbornness, her wit, her innocence. And now that he was caught—body, heart, and soul—he vowed he’d never let her go. She was his.

  Yet, strangely, Justin discovered he was afraid to voice his feelings aloud. For now, he was content to hold this newfound sentiment inside, its faint glow growing steadily brighter. Settling a gentle kiss on Aidan’s brow, he pulled her securely against him in a protective embrace. And as the soft rays of dawn scattered themselves across the horizon, his eyes slowly closed, his once burdened heart feeling eased at last.


  Horse hooves hit the cobblestones with a smart click as Justin guided the phaeton through the sunlit streets of London, his young wife at his side. “Are you certain you don’t want me to join you?” he asked, gazing down at Aidan in tender regard. “And extra hand might be needed for your packages. I’d be willing to offer mine.”

  Aidan smiled up at him. “Today is Eugenia’s and my day out, sir. No men are allowed.” The light in her eyes turned teasing. “Besides, Eugenia’s couturiere may not appreciate your being in her shop.” She saw a dark brow arch in question. “Fascinated by your presence, dear husband, her clientele will, no doubt, lend their full attention to you and not the bolts of fine material the poor woman will be trying to show. You’re too much of a distraction, sir, and the entire outing could only end in disharmony.”

  Justin chuckled. “Madam, I already detect a sour note in your usually melodious voice. Are you certain it is the couturiere who will object to my drawing an interested feminine eye? Or could it be it’s really you who object to my doing so?”

  “Are you accusing me of being jealous, sir?” she asked in mock peevishness. “If so, you are mistaken.”

  “Am I?” he teased. “Correct me if I’m wrong, madam, but I believe it was only a week ago today, when a certain persistent young woman thought she had cornered me alone on a darkened balcony, that you instantly went on the attack. Had I not been there, I shudder to think what might have happened to the poor unsuspecting creature.”

  “Had you not been there, the entire incident wouldn’t have taken place. And as I remember it, you were extremely relieved to have me play the role of protector. I believe it had something to do with a sudden fall,” she returned, smiling prettily.

  Deep, rumbling laughter flowed from Justin’s chest. “True, madam, your protection was indeed most welcome,” he admitted, grinning at her. “Had you not been there, I would have taken that sudden ill-fated plunge, never to have experienced the euphoria we shared later that night, and every night since.”

  A light blush crept up over Aidan’s face. “Euphoria” hardly described what they’d shared over the past week. And Justin certainly hadn’t restricted his lovemaking to those hours between sunset and dawn!

  Aidan felt a thrill of warmth course through her as she remembered their last encounter, possibly no more than an hour ago. Strangely, she realized she never grew tired of his continuous pursuit. Behind any locked door, night or day, in any logical or illogical spot where he was able to trap her, she’d willingly allowed him whatever he desired.

  In her naiveté, Aidan never realized one could make love in so many varying ways, but she was quickly learning, with Justin her ardent tutor. Whether they were clothed or unclothed, seated or standing or lying down, it made little difference, and she discovered she looked forward to each new experience. She craved his physical mastery, desired it, like a parched desert thirsted for a replenishing rain. Already she longed to feel the length of his hard body stealing up over hers, taking all she offered, rewarding her in return. Admittedly she never had enough of him!

  Viewing her, Justin had read her every thought; a spark of mischief centered itself in his eyes. “When you come home, love,” he whispered seductively, his hot breath tickling her ear, ‘Til be waiting for you. We’ve not yet initiated the gardens. Imagine it, love. The warm, rich aroma rising from the earth, mixed with the scent of roses, intermingling with our own special fragrances, our bare limbs stretching, entwining, on a cool, thick carpet of grass—already my body aches to savor the experience. Does yours, love?”

  Her mouth agape, Aidan stared at her husband. “Rutting out in the open like … like animals!” she cried in disbelief. “Y-you must be insane!”

  As Justin shifted his gaze to the street, he fought to contain his mirth. “Not insane, love, just daring.”

  With feminine curiosity, Aidan gazed up at the virile man next to her, wondering if he could ever be satisfied. For that matter, could she? “Are all men as lusty as you?” she inquired innocently.

  Justin’s head snapped around, his gaze suddenly gone hard. “Other men’s passions aren’t your concern, madam. So you may put your curiosity to rest, for no man will ever vent his lusts on you, except me.”

  Taken aback by the strength of his words, Aidan stared up at him, curious about his abruptness. He acted as though she’d planned on cuckolding him. What had provoked the ridiculous notion in him, she couldn’t say. But his accusatory manner, which had been laced with a subtle threat, upset her.

  The phaeton slowed, and Aidan turned her attention to the street, noting they had arrived at Madame Sophie’s. David and Eugenia waited on the walkway outside the small shop, absorbed in an intimate conversation.

  Under Justin’s skillful guidance the horse came to a halt, and Aidan looked back to her husband. “David has promised to have me home by three o’clock,” she said, a slight coolness reflecting in her voice as she reminded him of the prearranged schedule. “I shall see you then.”

  The skirt of her blue silk dress slid across the leather as Aidan edged forward in her seat, but Justin’s hand stopped her. “Haven’t you forgotten something, sweet?” he asked.

  As she noted that she had her reticule, her confused gaze met his. “I don’t believe so.”

  “But you have,” he countered as he pulled her toward him.

  Realizing his intent, Aidan pushed against his chest in a feeble attempt to keep him at bay. “We’re in the middle of a public street,” she whispered frantically.

  “We could be sitting in the Queen’s own lap for all I care, madam,” he retorted, his clean breath fanning her face. “No matter the time or place, when I decide to show you my affection, I’ll do so.”

  Instantly his open mouth took hers in a brief, hard kiss, his tongue slicing between her lips to quickly withdraw; he released her. Feeling somewhat breathless, Aidan stepped from the phaeton.

  “I shall see you at three, madam,” Justin said as he snapped the reins, setting the horse into motion.

  Still dazed, Aidan watched as her husband disappeared around the corner; then she turned to see David and Eugenia smiling at her, a knowing look on both their faces. “It appears the notorious Duke of Westover has become the most attentive of husbands,” Eugenia needled her friend, her blue eyes dancing mischievously. “Wh
at do you say, David?”

  A grinning Lord Manley noted the Duchess of Westover’s censuring glare; abruptly he sobered. “I say it’s time for me to be on my way. I’ll meet you both here at two-thirty, sharp.” Settling a light peck on his wife’s cheek, he strode to his awaiting carriage, climbed inside, then ordered his driver to move on.

  “Does he suspect anything?” Aidan asked as soon as the vehicle had turned the corner.

  “No. With any luck, David will be completely surprised by it all,” Eugenia said of the small birthday celebration she was planning for her husband, which was only a week away. “Let’s be going. We have so much to do and very little time to do it. David’s always on time, and I don’t want him to think we’ve been anywhere but Madame Sophie’s.”

  Reminiscent of their schoolgirl days, the two marched off down the street, arm in arm, their giggles erupting periodically. Their unladylike display managed to raise an eyebrow or two along the way, but neither one cared a bit.

  Stopping outside the caterer’s, Eugenia gazed at her friend. “How are you, Aidan? I mean, are you as happy as you seem?”

  “Happy? In what way?”

  Eugenia felt a bit awkward in asking, but she had to know. “Have you finally found those wondrous feelings you’d longed for—much like your parents once shared? Are you in love with your attentive young duke?”

  Aidan frowned and gazed off in the distance. “I am in love, Eugenia,” she answered finally. “But I don’t think the feeling is shared by Justin. He’s been good to me. Most attentive and caring, but he’s never said anything about love. I doubt he ever will.”

  “The word may not have passed his lips,” her friend said after a long pause. “But what he feels for you is clearly written in his actions. Give him time and he’ll open up. I’m certain of it.”

  Aidan wished she were as positive about that as Eugenia was. But as she reviewed what Justin and she had shared this past month, she realized there had indeed been a marked change in him, especially over the last week. His passions were insatiable, and so were hers. Blushing slightly, she urged Eugenia toward the door of the shop. “We’d best be moving or we’ll never make it back in time to meet David.”


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