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The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Ashton, Chloe D.

She couldn’t breathe.

  How could an innocent touch elicit such impure thoughts?

  The feel of his touch---

  It was sweet sin.

  So right, but oh so wrong…

  As if sharing the same thoughts, they both pulled free at the same time.

  “Again, what’s on your mind?” Jarrod asked, leaning back in the chair. “Believe it or not, but I’ve always been told that I’m a damned good listener.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know---I just feel cooped up here. I mean, I don’t have anything to do to or a purpose.”

  Already, Jarrod had stood. “Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked, trailing behind him.

  A second later, they’d reached his study.

  The confusion played on her face as he moved behind the desk. “Jarrod, why did you bring me in here?”

  He raised a brow. “You’re bored, right?”

  “Well, yes,” she agreed with a frown. “But, that still doesn’t explain why we’re here of all places.”

  Confiscating a pile of papers from the corner of the desk, he stood up. “I just had a genius idea---you can play secretary while we’re here. I’m behind on these ledgers and paperwork. I could use a good helping hand.” He passed the set of papers to her. “Let’s get started. I’ll tell you what needs to be done.”

  She suppressed a smile. “I haven’t said yes, yet!”

  “Trust me, Olivia. You’ll quickly learn that I’m the kind of man who doesn’t like the word, ‘no’,” Jarrod added with a wink. “Now, onto what we’re going to do today. Take a seat---we’re going to be here awhile.”

  With a smile, she acquiesced and sat down.

  Indeed, Jarrod and ‘no’ hardly equated.

  As the hours passed, she realized that they had a natural rapport, and to her surprise, they’d been completely relaxed. They’d even joked around a bit a time or so, and she’d caught a fleeting glance of his witty side.

  Of course, that just made him all the sexier, she mulled, flushing red while staring at him across the desk.

  Pen in hand, he poured over the ledger with deep thought---and what a picture of perfect masculinity he made. The sunlight streamed into the room and shone along him. In waves, his dark hair fell, and his brows were furrowed in deep concentration. Again, his eyes were the most spectacular green color, a hue that she’d never witnessed.

  She ran a fast look over his attire.

  Of course, he wore it to the ultimate finesse.

  Open wide at the collar, the white business shirt only accentuated his tanned skin and stretched along his broad chest.

  She resisted the urge to fan herself.

  Of course, his six-pack abdomen followed.

  Her gaze trailed to his face.

  A strong, taut jaw line…

  Firm, pink lips, she mulled, biting her own.

  Heaven help her, the man was fine as all out----

  “Is everything alright, Olivia?” Jarrod frowned, interrupting her naughty thoughts. “You look as if you’re ready to faint. I’ll adjust the air in here and get you a glass of cool water.”

  “N-no, I’m fine,” she stammered, watching helplessly as he crossed the room. As if magnetized, her eyes stayed glued to his hips as he strode across the room. All she caught was his backside as he adjusted the thermostat.

  She flicked a thorough gaze over him from head to toe. There’s was no denying his taut and firm build, and although he was away from her, she could smell his cologne. Still, her eyes followed him as he strode to the bar at the far room of the corner.

  Even his walk was sexy, she mulled dreamily, not realizing that her grip was loosening on the papers. Like a fan, the papers spread out, finally falling from her hands to the floor. The soft whish as they landed jolted her from her fantasizing state.

  With embarrassment and horror, she took in the scattered mess. “Oh no!” she exclaimed, dropping to her knees.

  “Relax, Olivia. It was an accident,” Jarrod murmured, placing the water on the desk and squatted beside her. He began retrieving some of the papers from the floor. “No big deal. There’s plenty of time for you to work on this tomorrow. Take a break. After lunch time, we’ll start back up. If anything, I don’t want to overwork you.”


  The only thing overworked was her lustful thoughts!

  Together, they worked in silence. After they’d finished, he pulled her to her feet. “Here, drink this,” he said, passing her the glass to her. “All of it.”

  “I told you that I’m fine,” she insisted, bringing the glass to her lips. Over the rim, she returned his deep stare, and again, forgot to breathe.

  Their stare lingered.

  The cell phone rang.

  It was enough to startle them both.

  “I’ll get it,” he said, distracted, lifting the phone before taking a seat behind the desk again. “Hello?”

  Staying silent, she stood rooted to the spot.

  A strained look passed along his handsome features. “You finally got something?” he asked quietly, gripping the phone hard. “Hold on a moment.” Then, he eyed her with an irritated expression. “Why in the hell are you still standing there? I said for you to take a break. We’re done here until after lunch.”

  Stunned and hurt, she stared back at him.

  Where had his good nature and mood gone?

  “Olivia, this call is very important, and I need the utmost privacy,” Jarrod snapped. “Take a break.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make myself scarce,” she shot back angrily, spinning on her heels, and marched across the room.

  But, the hurt and anger followed her as she closed the door behind her.

  Chapter 6

  Tensed, he watched as Olivia crossed the room. Again, he was abhorred by his rude and brash behavior. But, any mention of the sordid business with the Addison lot easily soured his mood.

  As the door closed firmly behind her, he lifted the phone to his ear again. “Go ahead, Frank, I’m listening.”

  “Vincent Camaletti,” Frank said on the other end of the phone. “There may be a connection with the bombing and this guy.”

  Twirling the black pen in his free hand, Jarrod frowned. “Who the fuck is that?”

  “Organized crime lord on the south side of Atlanta, and I have to say that this mofo’s business is tight. He has runners and mules all across the state. Word is that he’s infringing on Addison’s turf.”

  “This news definitely raises the probability that Camaletti is responsible for the church explosion. Get revenge, snuff out the competition, and the turf is his. That may be the motive behind Camaletti’s thinking,” he mulled aloud, staring across the room blankly. He hurled the pen onto the desk. “Are drugs the only thing that Camaletti’s fronting?”

  “Drugs, weapons, prostitutes…you name it. The bastard has a hand in it all,” Frank said, not bothering to hide his open disgust. “With pigs like that around, praying on the weak, lost, and defenseless, it’s no wonder that so many die on these fuckin’ streets.”

  “The world has become nothing but a breathing ground for cockroaches like Camaletti and Addison,” he agreed, feeling his own anger rise. “No matter how fast you stomp one out, there’s hundreds more crawling a second later.” He blew a frustrated breath. “Anyway, thanks for the information, and I know that it wasn’t easy to get. You’re out now, Frank. For what it’s worth, I consider you a friend and ally. I don’t want the heat to fall on you. I’ll wire the money to you as soon as possible.”

  “Alright, player, appreciate that. If these fuckin’ creditors weren’t on my ass 24-7, I wouldn’t take one red cent. Wish I had more info on this Camaletti dude. But, that’s all the info that I have,” Frank muttered. “As for me keeping out of this, you can save your breath. I’m in and I don’t want any payment after this one. The rest is on me. If I can help take out even one of these bastards, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I’m going to see what els
e I can find out about this Camaletti.”

  He paused. “Are you sure about this, Frank? By the time this thing with Addison is over, I’m not sure who’ll be left standing. It’s not going to be easy. As a matter of fact, it’ll be dangerous as hell.”

  “What good is this life without a purpose,” Frank said. “And I’ve walked these damn streets too long without one.”

  “If you’re sure---” he started again.

  “You know me, man. If I weren’t, I’d say to hell with you,” Frank uttered with a laugh. “Now, get off the damn phone.”

  The phone went dead.

  For the longest minutes, he just sat there.

  The game had begun.

  Question was----who would be the final victor?


  At mid-morning, she rested against the cushiony pillows in the bed, and alongside it, Dr. Roma sat in the straight-back chair. As he scribbled notes in the black leather-bound notebook, she awaited her results with a pent-up breath.

  “Well, everything seems to be fine, Olivia. All of your vitals look good, so that means that you’re taking good care of yourself,” Dr. Roma muttered, offering a smile before snapping the notebook shut. “While you’re not out of the woods yet, you are on the mend, and I expect a full recovery in the weeks ahead. Try to keep your stress level at a minimum.”

  She sighed. “That’ll be easier said than done. Until my memory returns, I can’t make such a promise.”

  “Have you remembered anything at all?” the doctor asked with a frown, and tension radiated from him. “Even the slightest detail?”

  The sudden change in his demeanor nearly threw her off. Gone was the kind, joking doctor from minutes before.

  “Nothing at all,” she admitted, watching him closely.

  “Don’t push yourself too hard. These things take time, Olivia,” Dr. Roma muttered, visibly relaxing. “Unfortunately, as much as I’d like, I can’t put a timetable as to when you’ll fully regain your memory.”

  “So, I will eventually remember my past?” she said, not able to tamper the rising hope. Maybe then, she could really experience the joys of being with Jarrod.

  “While some of your memory loss is due to physical trauma, a small part of it is relatively selective. And that means that you’re intentionally blocking out something painful that you don’t want to remember.”

  “What could have happened to make me act this way?” she asked, staring at him with tear-filled eyes. “I don’t understand. Why wouldn’t I want to go on with my life?”

  “None of this is your doing,” Dr. Roma insisted with a hint of anger. “If it were up to me, I’d change every aspect of what’s happening to you. But, I can’t, unfortunately.” He stood up abruptly. “I’ll return in a couple of weeks, and with all hope, your prognosis will be better.”

  “Dr. Roma---wait. There are things that I need to ask you.” She hesitated. “It’s about Jarrod.”

  The man’s long form was as stiff as a board. “What about Jarrod?” Dr. Roma said coolly.

  “Please,” she implored, looking at him with shiny eyes. “I need answers.”

  “And you think that I have them?” the doctor asked with an arched brow. “Jarrod and I are close friends, and I would never betray his trust.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” she said defensively. “It’s more about me than him, I guess.” She swallowed hard. “Sometimes, I get the sense that I’m nothing more than a burden to him. Does Jarrod care about me---I mean really care? ”

  A long silence passed in the room.

  “Why would you ask such a thing? You’re the man’s fiancée.” He blew an exasperated breath. “And I’m hardly the one to offer an opinion on such private things.”

  “But,” she stammered again. “I just need clarity on the situation---”

  “Any clarity that you need, you will get it from the man himself, not me,” Dr. Roma said firmly, bracing his hands against the back of the chair. “But, I will tell you this much. I’ve known him since he first pooped in his diapers, and he’s just as stubborn now as he was back then. Jarrod doesn’t let that many people get too close, and not many know the real man.” He looked at her squarely. “These last years, Jarrod has been through a lot, more than any man should have to.”

  “Doesn’t this situation with me cause him even more grief then?” she whispered. “I can’t imagine this being a good thing.”

  “Besides Meghan, you are the only good thing, and you have no idea how much so.” Dr. Roma gave a firm shake of his head. “No, you’re exactly what he needs, and you’ve changed his life in ways that you can’t even imagine. I just hope that you’ll give him a real chance. Don’t be fooled by his tough exterior. Not many people have the guts to try and venture past it.” His stare was hard. “Jarrod is a good man. It’s just sometimes, well most of the time, he doesn’t even realize that fact nor is he willing to accept it.” Clearing his throat noisily, he straightened to his full height. “That’s all that I’m going to say on the matter, and you need your rest. Now, relax and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. Goodbye, Ms. Lange.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  When the door closed behind him, she slumped against the pillows.

  The unease coursed through her.

  Just what was the good doctor hiding?

  And was it a truth that she even wanted to embrace?


  “Olivia is growing suspicious, and when she learns the truth, there’s no telling what kind of fury she will unleash. Are you prepared for that?”

  “Joseph, your job is to attend to her medical needs and nothing more,” Jarrod snapped, eyeing the doctor across the desk, a short time later. “If I needed a lecture, I would’ve called Marc.”

  “Somebody needs to talk some good sense into you,” Joseph muttered, taking a fast swig of the liquor. “Damn it, you’ve even pulled me into this thing. I’m not acting myself---I mean, look at me drinking in the middle of the day.”

  “A man takes a drink because he wants to take one, or rather to burn the stench of his misdeeds,” he said with a quirked brow, leaning back in the chair, and then sighed. “Look, I know that I’ve placed you in quite a position. If you’d rather not return, I certainly understand.”

  “I’m a doctor, first and foremost, and my primary concern is to make sure that Olivia makes a full recovery,” Joseph said sternly, his eyes crinkling at the edges. “And I’m not sure that she will, not as long as you’re intent upon carrying out this ridiculous charade.”

  “Call it what you like,” he snapped. “What I’m doing is completely justified! It’s the only way to make that miserable son-of-a-bitch pay for what he’s done.”

  “But, isn’t she paying the price as well?” Joseph insisted. “The game that you’re playing is a cruel one, Jarrod. And there’s no justification in that!” He hesitated. “She asked me something.”

  Watching his friend, he stiffened. “What did she ask?”

  “If you really cared about her,” Joseph said lowly, casting a conspiratorial look towards the door, and then leaned closer to the desk. “And I told her the truth.”

  The chair nearly toppled over as he stood. “And what truth is that?” he growled. “What did you tell her, damn it?”

  “Why won’t you admit that you have feelings for the woman?” Joseph challenged, standing up as well. “Caring about Olivia doesn’t make it a betrayal. I know that’s what you think, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth!”

  The disturbing thought rose in his mind.

  Wasn’t it true?

  Didn’t he have feelings for her?

  No, he raged inwardly.

  It couldn’t be true…

  “You’re taking the meaning of ‘counsel’ to new heights, aren’t you, doc?” he quipped, eyeing him coolly. “Just when did you trade in your medical license to become a shrink? Let me be the first to tell you that you suck at it.”

sighed. “Only someone who didn’t know you wouldn’t be able to see that you’re still hurting. Damn it, Jarrod, it’s time for you to let go of the past and live. Upstairs there’s a woman who loves you deeply, even if she can’t remember that right now. Stop punishing yourself and accept the happiness that’s in front of you.”

  “It’s time for you to go,” he said abruptly. “Don’t let me keep you.”

  “I’m telling you these things because I’m your friend, and not only is Olivia going to get hurt. But, so are you. Secrets always have a way of getting out, and when this one does, you’ll suffer more so than you ever have. It will be utterly devastating.”

  With those words, giving a fast nod, Joseph left.

  But, still, moments later, his friend’s lingering words impaled him like a jagged knife.

  “Damn you, Matthew Addison!” he raged, knocking the pile of papers off the huge desk as he passed, and sent them sailing to the floor. “I’m going to send you straight to hell and make you pay for the misery that you’ve caused everyone!”

  Within seconds, he’d reached the wet bar, and his hand shook as he lifted the liquor decanter. As he poured the liquor into the glass, it sloshed against his hands. Closing his eyes, he kicked the glass back and took a big swallow. But, still, it did little to eradicate the rising bile in his throat.

  When had he become like the muck that Matthew Addison was?

  So cruel and twisted that only vengeance mattered?

  “But, there’s no other way,” he rasped unsteadily, chest heaving. “Olivia Lange is my means to destroy him once and for all. Unfortunately, in this war, she is the casualty.” He toasted himself with the glass. “Let the games continue.”


  After leaving a giggling Meghan behind with Rosa, she headed for the study. But, with each step, her smile dimmed more. Apparently, Jarrod wasn’t keen on her presence since he hadn’t eaten with them at the dining table at lunch. With a quickly muttered excuse, he’d grabbed a croissant from the platter before bestowing a kiss on Meghan’s cheek. Then, mumbling a quick agreement to Rosa’s suggestion for dinner, he’d left without even saying a word to her. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t even looked at her, she mulled, hurt, closing a hand on the door knob. He was going all out to avoid her.


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