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The Pawn (Shattered Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Ashton, Chloe D.

  But, she certainly wasn’t going to beg for his attention, she vowed, firming her shoulders.

  Taking an unsteady breath, she pushed the door open.

  The sunlight filled the room and created a halo around him as he sat at the desk. As she entered and closed the door behind her, he didn’t say a word. Following his lead, she said nothing as she crossed the room and took the chair. Amidst the clutter on his desk, she reached for a pile of papers.

  “Not those,” Jarrod said irritably, glancing up. “You’ve done those already. Come around and get these.”

  Standing up abruptly, she rolled her eyes before treading behind the desk. But, her annoyance died as she stopped beside his chair, and again, she was reminded of her dangerous attraction to him. And why did he have to smell so good on top of that, she mulled, chewing on her lip.

  Without a word, he grabbed the papers from the desk, and so unsettled she was, she almost dropped them as he passed them to her. “Here, they are.”

  “Okay,” she muttered, still staying in place. “What’s next after this?”

  “Those need to be sorted, and you’ll find manila folders in that file cabinet in the corner. Address them with the address that’s written on the forms, get them ready for postage, and they’ll be ready for air mail. After that, I need you to make a few phone calls to the States,” he said, studying her close. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course, I am,” she asked, lifting her chin, and looked away from him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Jarrod released a sigh.

  Taking the papers from her hands, he placed them back on the desk. Then, surprising her, he turned in the chair before grasping her hands in his.

  At the contact, her heartbeat thundered out of control. The feel of his touch---it carried so much sensual fire, even though it was blatantly innocent.

  “Olivia, look at me.”

  As their eyes met, she was floored.

  His eyes---they were the most arresting shade of green. And dear heavens, he had to be the most gorgeous man alive, she mulled, fighting to keep her breathing steady.

  “I’m sorry,” Jarrod muttered, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb.

  Fighting to ignore the pleasurable sensations, she gulped hard. “Why?”

  “About earlier…being short with you when I received the call,” he continued, holding her gaze. “My bad mood had nothing to do with you. It’s just that I have a lot of things going on with this particular business dealing. When the call came in, you just happened to be here at the most inopportune time. It’s not fair that I lashed out at you. If I beg nicely enough, will you forgive me?”

  She blushed. “Maybe…that is if you beg nicely enough.”

  “I can only hope that my apologies will suffice,” he said with a half grin.

  At his half-grin, she turned to mush.

  The sight of it was so rare that she wanted to capture it in a bottle.

  In fact, this was the most relaxed, he’d been.

  He stared at her close. “Please, Olivia. Will you forgive me?”

  “You were rather rude,” she said breathlessly.

  “I’m still not forgiven, huh?”

  Her blush deepened. “No.”

  Mesmerized, she watched as he raised her hand to his lips. As he bestowed a soft kiss on the back of her hand, she fought to breathe normally. The feel of his lips against her flesh, she mulled, drowning in his green gaze, was the kiss of life.

  Like a fairytale princess, she was awakening.

  At once, she was flooded with unexplainable feelings and emotions. Down to her soul, she recognized the light and dark parts of his. And he was affected by the moment too, she realized, as he stood. Still holding on to her hand, he grabbed the other.

  Without thinking, drawn by their attraction, they edged closer to each other. “Jarrod, I----I”

  “Daddy! Daddy!”

  As the study door flew open, they jumped apart guiltily.

  Stopping midway the room, Meghan eyed them both with childish suspicion. “Why are you two acting funny? Did I interrupt a grown up thing?”

  “Of course not,” she said quickly, grabbing the papers from the desk. Slipping past him, she hurried back to the chair and plopped down. Already, Jarrod was taking his chair again. “Your father and I were just going over some things.”

  “Olivia’s helping me get caught up on work,” Jarrod offered in turn.

  “Oh, okay,” the little girl murmured, obviously satisfied by the response. She skipped the rest of the way across the room before stopping at her father’s side. Pouting, the little girl folded her arms along her chest. “Daddy, you’ve been here all day. You promised that we’d do something fun.”

  Again, as she watched them, she was touched by their bond.

  “And we are. But, I have to finish up here, first, okay?” Jarrod said, tweaking his daughter’s nose. “It shouldn’t be much longer.”

  “Promise?” Meghan asked. “Pinky swear?”

  Jarrod linked his pinky finger with his daughter’s. “Pinky swear.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna go back and play with Cricket and my dolly. They’re probably bored waiting on me,” the little girl said seriously, leaving her father’s side. Then, she stopped alongside her chair. “Olivia, can you do the fun thing with me and Daddy? Please.”

  She flushed red. “Well, I don’t know---”

  “We won’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” Jarrod broke in. “Will we, Poppet?”

  “No, we won’t!” Meghan exclaimed. “Please, Olivia. Daddy’s a lot of fun.”

  Without a doubt, Jarrod Sabatino was a lot of things, she thought, blushing.

  And most of them were too sinful to mention.

  Rather than saying that, she smiled. “Okay, you win. I’ll do the fun thing with you and your father.”

  “Yay! This is going to be the best afternoon ever!”

  In a fast blaze, the child charged the room, leaving them alone again.

  Rather than talking, they busied themselves with the work at hand, both of them lost in their own private thoughts.

  A few hours later, exhausted from the day of work, she laid the sealed manila envelopes on the corner of his desk. “What were those calls that you needed me to make?” she sighed, fighting back a tired yawn.

  “Let’s call it a day.” Standing up, Jarrod hurled the pen to the desk. “We’re both exhausted, and it’s past time for a break. Grab a fast nap and meet Meghan and me downstairs in an hour.”

  She perked up. “What are we going to do?”

  “We’re going to relax outside and take no worries with us,” he suggested, already moving from behind the desk. He stopped beside her. “The weather will still be pretty warm outside, so dress for the part. In that I mean, a bathing suit.”

  “A bathing suit?” she asked, blushing, realizing that she hadn’t checked all the drawers of the dresser or spaces in the huge walk-in closet. “Do I even have one here?”

  “Of course, you do. Many of them as a matter of fact. Besides how inappropriate would it be for you not to have one---especially since we have nothing but beach front.”

  Her blush deepened. “Of course, you’re right. I just didn’t know.”

  “No point in beating yourself up about it,” Jarrod replied and headed for the door. “Don’t forget. Meet us in an hour.”

  Turning, she watched as he reached it. “Jarrod, wait.”

  “What?” he asked, turning to face her.

  She nearly faltered at his intense gaze.

  “I forgive you,” she whispered, suddenly shy again.

  At her words, his expression grew serious. “And you’ll never know how much that means.” He turned for the door again, but paused before looking over his shoulder. “Oh, and by the way---your favorite color is red.”

  As the door closed behind him, she was still smiling.


  Later that afternoon, the ocean shimmered under the glowing sun.

nd the day was a beautiful one, she mulled, stopping her trek, momentarily, and soaked it in. As she inhaled a deep whiff of the crisp ocean air, she allowed the peace to wash over her, and let Jarrod and Meghan widen the distance.

  The fact that the three of them were out here together was a clear sign.

  She was finally going on with her life.

  Earlier, when Jarrod and Meghan had suggested that she accompany them, she’d contemplated saying no. More than likely her plans would have consisted of some quiet reading. But, after their encouragement, she’d decided to join them for a day of fun in the sun. Hopefully, her eagerness hadn’t shone, and more than that, she wasn’t about to question his sudden change of attitude.

  What brought it about, she didn’t know.

  But, one thing was for certain, she liked it, she thought, resuming her walk.

  She looked to the bright sky.

  For the first time, she had a sense of belonging.

  Rather than running from the future, she was eager to embrace it, she realized, taking careful steps as she made way, and finally touched the warm sands.

  And wasn’t that mostly in part because of her handsome, roguish fiancé?

  The fact that she was dangerously attracted to him was the understatement of the year, she thought, flushing red. He did more than make her heart go pitter patter; as a matter of fact, it thundered out of control whenever he was near.

  Clutching the beach bag close, she slowed her pace, taking the time to gather her wits. The last thing that she needed was to act like a besotted fool!

  As for the view from the back---

  She blushed again.

  Well, it couldn’t be better.

  No doubt, Jarrod had style and swagger.

  In all truths, he looked as if he’d just stepped from the cover of GQ.

  A white twill shirt stretched along his broad back and stood open at the front, displaying his muscled chest. The teal board shorts hugged his lean hips, and his strong taut thighs were perfectly ripped. Though he wore a pair of white rubber flip flops, he moved at a leisured pace. The dark sunglasses masked his eyes while a lightly tanned crusher hat topped his head.

  How was it possible for a man to be so sinfully perfect, she mulled, biting her lip, continuing to watch his backside as he led the way. An overly excited Meghan tugged free from him before racing ahead.

  Slowing down again, she took a quick peek at herself.

  Hopefully, she was at least presentable.

  The thin black wrap barely covered the bikini, and all of her curves were popping out, she blushed again. And probably, it was too close of a fit, especially since her breasts felt like they’d pop from the bikini top at any given moment! Plus, had she made a mistake in having not tied her hair up?

  So engrossed she’d been with her private thoughts, she started once realizing that they’d ended the trek, and they were already spreading the colorful beach towels onto the warm sand.

  When she was almost upon them, Jarrod looked up.

  As he watched her, she nearly stopped.

  In an instant, the air changed between them.

  Just who was the most taken, she couldn’t answer.

  Every part of her being was responding to him in that very moment.

  Though his eyes were shielded, she felt his heated gaze as it slid over her, and even if he wanted, he couldn’t deny his reaction to her. Then, as if coming to himself, he offered her a cool smile. “Here, let me get that,” he muttered, jogging to her, and offered her a crooked smile. “I know that the jaunt was a little tiring for you.”

  “Thanks,” she said, breathless, releasing the beach bag and towel to him. “That’s kind of you.”

  To her chagrin, he spread the towel beside his.

  Oh goodness, she mulled, biting her lip nervously.

  Was she actually supposed to live and breathe beside him?

  It’d be close to impossible!

  “That good enough?” Jarrod asked, cocking his head sideways as he looked up at her. “Or do you need more space than that?”

  “It’s fine. Thank you,” she said quickly, sitting down.

  “Alright,” he shrugged. “I aim to please my lady.”

  As the words left him, she blushed and looked away.

  His lady?

  Why did it sound so right and perfect?

  “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” Jarrod asked, making a makeshift pillow with an additional towel, and then laid down. “There’s nothing like the fresh ocean air on a hot, summer day.”

  She smiled. “I suppose so. At the moment, I can’t think of anything that’d be better,” she agreed, smiling, and then turned serious. “Is this my first time being here at Laramie Rock?”

  He tensed. “Yes, it is.”

  “Why do you do that?” she asked, miffed, turning on her side to face him. “Any time that I want to discuss the past, you close up. Why?”

  “Olivia, has it ever occurred to you that we need to make new memories?” he challenged, pulling his sunglasses off, and dropped them onto the ground. As he turned to face her, their eyes locked. “Why is it so wrong that I want to face our tomorrows instead of dwell on the yesterdays? Besides, we’re out here to leave all worries behind, remember?”

  As she stared into his green depths, she found herself drowning.

  Had there ever been such a mesmerizing hue, she thought distractedly, and her heartbeat drummed out of control. What would it be like to be lost within them forever? That thought was all too pleasing, she realized.

  “Because it’s important for me to know who I am,” she insisted, throwing off the wayward thoughts. “Why can’t you understand that?”

  His look was intense. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No,” she said truthfully. “I’m not afraid of you. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I trust you.”

  “Then trust me enough to chart this journey,” he said roughly, sitting up. Biting back a curse, he shoved the hat off of his head and took off the twill shirt. “Come on, let’s go for a swim.”

  “A swim?” she stammered, flustered at the sight of his bare chest. “Us?”

  His smile was devilish. “Who else? It’s just you, me, and the water, sweetheart. And Meghan, of course. Come on—I’m not going to let you talk your way out of it, and you need to focus on something pleasant,” Jarrod said, pulling her to her feet. He led her towards Meghan who was busy building sandcastles. “Poppet, we’re going for a swim. Come on!”

  Dropping her bucket and shovel, Meghan jumped up and down enthusiastically. “Yay! This is going to be so much fun!”

  “We have to convince Livvy of that,” Jarrod winked, tweaking his daughter’s nose with a finger, and then faced her again. “How can you possibly say ‘no’ to such an offer?”

  “Yeah, Livvy. How can you?” Meghan chimed in, wiping a grimy hand along her one piece bathing suit. “It’ll be fun. I promise!”

  How could she, she agreed silently with a smile.

  Especially, since he was displaying such a playful side---

  “It’s settled. I’m convinced,” she said, untying the wrap. “Let’s do this!”

  Laughing, twirling in a full circle, she pushed the hair away from her face. A second later, when she whirled to a stop, she found herself facing Jarrod.

  As their eyes locked, her laughter died.

  From head to toe, his gaze perused over her.

  And to her shame, she couldn’t control her womanly response.

  Through the fabric, she felt her body respond to his blatant perusal, and a siren call wailed deep within her soul, begging to be released. On some instinctive, unconscious level, they met within the mind space, and only they stood inside of it. Breathing fast, she wet her lips, and his eyes tracked the sensual movement.

  Within his green depths, desire flared, and she responded with a breathless gasp. In that moment, she was convinced that there was never a look more intense than his. And his hunger, she mulled, taking in a shaky breath, how
would it feel to taste it firsthand?

  What of her own?

  There was no denying that she was sexually attracted to him!

  Then, as if coming to himself, he blinked fast, breaking the intimate spell.

  Now, as he stared back at her, the usual coolness masked his face.

  Turning away from her, he whipped off his shirt before grabbing Meghan’s hand, and together, they ran for the ocean. The ocean waves lapped against them as they frolicked in the water.

  Before the courage deserted her, she made a running go. With all hope, she knew how to swim.

  Chapter 7

  “I’ll make sure that Mr. Sabatino gets your message,” she murmured on the phone, frowning at the use of formality, several days later. But, then again, she did want to seem professional since she was dealing with his business clients. Scribbling the note down fast on the memo pad, she listened for further information before nodding. “Of course, we realize that the deadline is quickly approaching, and I can assure you that the matter will be taken care of.”

  After giving a courteous goodbye, she hung up.

  She ripped the note from the steno pad.

  As promised, she would deliver the impromptu message.

  Yet, locating her hunky fiancé might prove to be a feat at the moment, she frowned, trailing from the study. This morning, after a few curt replies and instructions, he’d departed and left her to work alone in the study. And that had made the day long, tedious, and boring.

  But, then again, hadn’t he been keeping his distance since their day on the beach? Even now, she could recall how tense he’d been the remainder of that day, especially when she’d innocently caught him staring at her more than once.

  Was it possible that he was ready to forge forward with their tentative relationship? But, he didn’t just know how to proceed? Like you, the niggling voice in her head suggested.

  She shook the thought off.

  “As usual, I’m making nothing into something,” she sighed, stacking the papers neatly on the desk. “Maybe over-analyzing should be my first name.”


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