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Page 3

by Harmony Raines

  “I...I should get some work done.”

  “Boss's orders.” He laughed at her sour expression. “Come on, I know this great little restaurant.”

  “I bet you do.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean?”

  “Aren’t you like your grandfather?”

  “In what way?”

  “A playboy. Come on, it’s obvious in the way you act.”

  “It is?” he asked.

  “Don’t tease me.”

  “I’m not. It must be a natural talent.”


  “Seriously. I respect women. And just because I would love to bend you over this table and do some very pleasurable things to your body.” He tapped the conference table almost absently. “Does not mean I don’t.”

  She turned and looked at him, seeing the humour in his eyes, which he quickly covered up. So he liked to make fun of women like her, it hurt, but only because she would love him to do those things to her. However, he was only joking.

  She smiled sweetly at him, and left the room. Later she would dig out her CV. There really was no way she could work for a man like this.

  Chapter Three

  “The man is insufferable!”

  “So you keep saying,” said Rachel, smiling at Susie and winking.

  Susie stifled a giggle. “It sounds as though you’ve truly met your match, Anna.”

  “We thought it would never happen,” said Lorraine, also laughing.

  “I am glad you all find it so funny. This is my career we’re talking about.”

  She came over to where her sisters were sitting making plans for Rachel’s wedding. In some ways she had hijacked the evening with her whining about Douglas. But damn, if he didn’t get under her skin.

  “We’re sorry, Anna, honestly. But it makes a change; it’s usually us griping about men.”

  Anna looked at her sister, and saw the tinge of sadness that still haunted her. Susie had thought she had found Mr Right, but Mark had turned out to be an asshole. Although some time had passed she had not got over it yet, no matter how much she protested otherwise.

  “It’s OK. I’m just so unused to being out of my depth.”

  “In what way? Is there more to your relationship with Douglas than you’ve told us?”


  “Anna, the truth please.”

  “Honestly, there isn't.” She paused and took a long sip of her wine. It made her head buzz a little. Her tongue loosened and before she knew it she blurted out, “Well, only in my head.”

  Four faces turned to look at her. Her sisters were shocked; she always kept things like this to herself.

  “You fancy him!”

  She covered her face with her hands. “Oh, you should see him. He is the most perfect man. Strong, arrogant but there's this charisma entwined with it all that makes me want to drag him into bed.”

  “Then why don't you? Perhaps a bit of recreational sex might make things easier between you,” Lorraine said.

  “Oh my god Lorraine. Recreational sex. What the hell is that?” Rachel asked, shocked.

  “Something Anna participates in all the time. No strings attached. Is that right Anna?”

  “Yes. But that won’t work with this. I never sleep with a co worker, and certainly not my boss. Anyway, he is not interested, I am not his type.”

  “Man eater not his thing?” Lorraine asked, earning a dig in the ribs from Susie. “What? Anna is proud of her reputation.”

  “I used to be. Now I wonder how much I’m missing out on,” she said, feeling swept away by a sudden sadness. Then she caught sight of her sisters’ faces, they looked at her with sympathy, but she saw pity, and hated it. “Only because I can see how happy our little sister is to be getting married to a wonderful man.”

  Rachel beamed, “I thought you had all forgotten why we are here.”

  “Never. Now pass me one of those bridal magazines, I need a good laugh.”

  Rachel threw one to her, and Anna opened it up, trying hard not to let her eyes mist up as she looked at page after page of happily ever afters. She knew they were staged, but it did not stop the pang of regret that pierced her. There must be room in her life for both work and family. It was not too late to settle down, surely.


  “Three days away. With you?” Anna asked, making sure she had heard Douglas properly.

  “Yes. You know some women would kill for three days in my company.”

  “I can imagine. I suppose those same women would need you to order their food and pay for everything. In return are they expected to subject to your will?”

  He smiled, as he always did when she was mean to him. She had tried not to be, but it had become a kind of defence mechanism. When they had first started to work together it had become clear he was in charge, but that he also wanted her to stay. Anna had refused to become the kind of employee who said yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir.

  She figured if she pushed it enough he would eventually let her out of her contract, but she refused to do anything that would hurt the company, so she sniped at him instead. Petty yes, unprofessional, definitely, but it was the only way she had to vent her frustration at the way things worked now.

  “If you come with me you will experience first hand how I expect a woman to behave. It might be a good lesson for you.”

  That was the thing, he always gave as good as he got.

  This was dangerous ground to Anna, so she went back to business, watching him smile even more, knowing he had tempered her reaction with his words.

  “And what is this trip for?”

  “I thought it would be a good way for us to get to know how the other works.”

  “And we need to fly two hundred miles for that?”

  “Yes. Because that is where our client is.” He took out a file and handed it to her. “This is a baptism of fire. We work the deal out together.”

  She flipped through the file, this was big business, and she itched to get her teeth into it. To do what she did best instead of babysitting her new boss. Not that he needed babysitting, she had soon realised, he was very astute, and knew more than he let on. Still he got some perverse enjoyment out of making her explain everything to him.

  He carried on, “It seemed a good idea to see if we are compatible, because, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but we seem to rub each other up the wrong way.”

  She wanted to shout at him and tell him it was him that rubbed her the wrong way, but she didn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he had hit a nerve. Instead she answered, “No. I hadn’t noticed at all. Perhaps you are a little over sensitive in your new job. Or perhaps it is a conflict of personalities. You could always find someone else to be your nanny.”

  “Nice try, but I am happy with the one I’ve got. In fact, perhaps you would like to go and get me some coffee. Mine seems to be cold.”

  He held the mug out for her to take. “You're serious?” she asked. “I am now demoted to coffee girl.”

  Douglas put the mug down. “No. But if we can’t find a way of working together, then I will have to find something else for you to do.”

  “But I already have a job to do here. If you don’t want me to do it, then let me go and work for someone who will.”

  He let out a deep breath, sounding a little exasperated. “I have told you repeatedly. You have a contract to fulfil, you are too great an asset to let go and work for a competitor. However, I could always send you to a different part of the company. We have other offices.”

  She paled, this was the first time he had mentioned this, and it jolted her. This was her hometown, her sisters all lived here, and her parents. In no way did she want to leave.

  “At last I have found your weakness, and there was me thinking you didn’t have one. Now, Anna, perhaps you could get me that coffee after all, it seems as though we are making progress.”

  Cursing under her breath she went and got his coffee, for no other reaso
n than she did not trust herself. She wanted to throttle him with her bare hands, and if she stayed in the same room with him she very well might do just that.

  She handed the cup to Janice. “Can you take a fresh one to Mr Osborne,” she said, and then went into her office and firmly shut the door. She had to count a lot higher than ten before she felt safe enough to go and sit at her desk.


  “Everything packed?” Susie asked.

  “Apart from the cyanide.” Anna zipped her case up and placed it on the floor. “Thanks for dropping me at the airport, Sus. I couldn’t bear the thought of him picking me up. The less time we spend together the better.”

  “You should let it go, Anna.”

  “I can’t, he infuriates me.”

  “Because you let him. I’ve never known a man have this effect on you. Usually you don’t let it bother you.”

  “I know. But I can’t help it.”

  “Maybe Lorraine was right; perhaps if you sleep together it might release some of the tension between you.”

  “That is never going to happen. I’m not his type.”

  Susie knew what Anna meant; all the Carpenter sisters were a little too curvy. All their lives they had lived with it, but Anna was the one who had always had a handle on it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know he had actually rejected you.”

  “He hasn't.”

  “So how do you know?”

  “He made some remark about bending me over the conference table know. But the look in his eye told me it was only a joke. That a woman like me is a joke” Anna fought to keep the tears from spilling. She never cried, not over a man.

  “So that’s where this all comes from. Oh Anna, I am sorry. But if you let it get to you like this then he wins every time.”

  “He does win every time. He might not want me over the table for sex, but he sure likes to bend me to his will in every other way. This is so unlike me, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “Why not try to be nice to him on this trip?” said Susie, choosing her words carefully. “You know, it might catch him off guard and you can find a way to work together.”

  “That’s just it. I don't want to work with him. I want him to let me go so I can move on.”

  Susie came over to her sister and put her arms around her. She pulled her close and Anna rested her head on Susie's shoulder, enjoying the comfort of her sister's embrace.

  “Thanks Susie, please don’t tell the others. I don’t like people seeing me being weak.”

  “Oh, Anna. It’s not a weakness to have feelings. You don’t always have to be strong and in control. Have you tried asking Douglas to let you go for the reasons you’ve told me. I mean if you think he is sexually harassing you by teasing you, then you could take him to court.”

  “And never work again. Come on, no one would employ me.”

  “I still think you need to be honest with him, see if you can’t work it out.”

  “His idea of working it out, if we don’t get on, is to send me to another office.”

  “Anna, no!”

  Anna buried her face in her sister's shoulder and cried, something she had not done for a very long time. Susie held her and let her cry herself out, then she fetched her some tissue, and helped her clean herself up.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Anna hiccuped, as she tried to reapply her make up.

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. I think you’ve kept yourself so tied down with your career that you’ve forgotten what its like to be a woman.”

  “I think that’s it. Suddenly I’ve realised that my life is slipping by, and seeing Rachel so happy has made me realise if I don’t change then I won’t ever have a husband and kids.”

  “You'll find someone to love you for who you are, you simply have to let them in. See you vulnerable.”

  Anna looked at her sister, and saw how hard this was for her. “And what about you?”

  “Nothing to tell here. I am sworn of men for life.”

  “Don’t say that, Susie. I’ve always admired the way you are. Don’t turn into me.”

  “Come on, Anna. Let’s get you to the airport.” She began picking up Anna’s bags. Together they carried them down to her car and put them in the trunk.

  It was a fifteen minute journey, and as if by some unspoken agreement they kept of the subject of men. Instead they put their favourite radio channel on and sang badly at the tops of their voices, as only sisters and best friends can do. By the time they reached the airport they were both feeling lighter, and Anna felt optimistic she could sort this out while they were away.

  “OK. There’s a space.” Susie parked the car and got out.

  “Thanks for the ride; I will see you when I get back.” Anna said reaching for her bags.

  “Not so fast. I am coming with you.”

  “No way. I can manage on my own.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll behave, but I think I need to check this boss of yours out. Give him the evil eye. No one upsets my sister.”

  “No. Really Susie. I appreciate everything, but this is my problem.”

  “I insist,” Susie said, picking up one of the bags and walking off towards the terminal. “Come on,” she called over her shoulder. “You don’t want to be late.”

  Anna grabbed the rest of her things and almost had to run to catch Susie up. By the time she did they were about to enter the terminal.

  “Susie, please...” Anna started to say, but then she caught sight of Douglas. What were the chances?

  He was standing having a discussion with another man, one dressed in a very expensive suit. Anna guessed men like this were attracted to each other, the same clothes, money and attitude. She was about to grab her bag from Susie when Douglas caught sight of them.

  “Ahh. There you are, and I thought you were going to stand me up.”

  “See what I mean,” Anna hissed to Susie.

  Susie turned and smiled, and Anna knew she could see why Anna found this man so attractive.

  “I’m sorry, it was my fault,” Susie said, holding her hand out to Douglas to shake. “I hope you haven't missed your flight.”

  Susie had this disarming way about her that Anna had never been able to cultivate, being the prettiest of all seven sisters helped too, men could never be cross with her. Yet Susie never used it to get her own way, in fact Anna wasn’t sure she even knew how it affected people.

  “You must be one of Anna’s sisters.” Douglas took her hand in his and shook it, smiling at Susie.

  Anna’s heart jolted, he never smiled at her like that, and she felt a pang of jealousy. Immediately this changed to guilt, she would give anything to see Susie happy again, and if Douglas was not interested in her, why should it not be Susie instead.

  “This is Susie, who very kindly gave me a lift,” Anna said putting her bag down.

  “Nice to meet you Susie.”

  “Hello, Mr Osborne.”

  “Call me, Douglas please.”

  “Douglas.” Susie smiled again, an infectious sight. Anna felt doomed.

  “If we’re doing introductions then might I be included?” said a deep voice with an English accent.

  The man who Douglas had been talking to came forward; Anna turned, but then saw it was not directed at her. Oh my, both of them were taken by Susie; it seemed she would not be short of male company after all.

  Susie turned her attention onto the newcomer, and Anna could tell by the way her cheeks turned a subtle pink that she liked him. Maybe it was the accent, or the man himself, who on closer inspection was just as good looking as Douglas, only without the conceit.

  “Nice to meet you,” Susie said, her hand being enveloped in his.

  “And you.” For a moment Anna thought he was going to press his lips to Susie's hand, but he didn’t, instead he told her his name. “Trent Powell. I am a good friend of Douglas’s.”

  “Oh dear, I hope you are more polite than Douglas is,” Susie said.

looked at Susie, unable to believe what she had said. Trent burst out laughing, and Douglas turned a thunderous look on Anna.

  “Has Anna being telling tales?” he said.

  “No. Susie was joking, right Susie?” Anna said through gritted teeth.

  Susie laughed, and the air seemed to lose all tension. “Of course I am. A man like you, Douglas would never be cruel to a woman like my sister. Would you?”

  Trent, still smiling at Susie, said, “Douglas can be a bit hard to get to know. But I can vouch for his character, and he is definitely a gentleman. Isn't that right Douglas?”

  By the look on Douglas’s face this matter was not over, Anna dreaded them being alone together, but at least they would be on a crowded plane, there was not a lot he could do or say to her until later. Then hopefully they would be straight into business and then to bed. Separate beds.

  “Thanks Trent, I am sure Susie can make an unbiased judgement, based on facts.” He looked at Anna again who remained speechless. “But right now we have to catch our plane.”

  “Susie, nice to meet you. Trent, thanks. I will speak to you in a couple of days.”

  The two men shook hands, and then Douglas picked up Anna’s bags.

  “I can carry them, thank you,” she said.

  “No. I insist.” And she did not argue.

  “Goodbye, Susie,” Anna said, glaring at her sister.

  “Bye Anna. Remember what we talked about.”

  Anna shook her head, “I am not looking forward to this one bit.”

  “Goodbye Anna,” Trent said, “Don’t worry he’s borrowing my villa, you'll have a great time.”

  “A villa.” She sounded dismayed.

  “Yes, you'll love it. Give you and Douglas some time to get to know each other.”

  Anna opened her mouth to speak, but a cross “Anna” reached her ears and she turned and followed after Douglas.

  Susie and Trent watched them leave.

  “They have no idea how perfect they are for each other do they?” Trent asked, surprising Susie.

  “No idea at all,” she agreed.

  He looked at her and smiled. “I guess Douglas hasn't even told her the business meeting was cancelled.”


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