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Page 4

by Harmony Raines

  Susie looked shocked. “No.”

  “I had to fly back to London, so I agreed to meet him here instead. I’d already told him he could use the villa; there seemed no use it going to waste.”

  “Do you think I should call Anna and tell her,” said Susie, looking at her phone.

  “No. If I were you, I would let them work it out for themselves. If they can. Is she as stubborn as Douglas?”

  Susie looked into the distance, at the two figures disappearing out of sight. “Probably. I’ve never seen her so agitated by a man in all my life.”

  Trent laughed again. “I hope they leave my villa in one piece.”

  “And each other,” Susie added, a little worried.

  “Hey, I have half an hour free before my flight. Would you like to have coffee?”

  Susie looked at Trent, it was so inviting, and he seemed so nice. But it was too soon, she did not trust her own judgement in men any more. “I’m sorry. I have to be somewhere.”

  “Oh, OK.” Trent sounded as though he didn’t get turned down very often.

  Susie decided it was time to go, and said goodbye to Trent. He looked a little crestfallen, so she added, “Maybe some other time.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he said.

  Susie smiled, knowing she would never see him again, they were from different worlds. But if she had seen the way he watched her as she walked out, she would have known this man would do whatever it took to make sure they shared that coffee some time soon.

  Chapter Four

  “Which gate are we leaving from?” Anna asked when she finally caught up with Douglas.

  “VIP,” he said shortly, and she could tell from his tone there was going to be trouble.

  “VIP? I don’t understand.”

  “We’re going on my jet. There was a last minute change of plans, as there often is. This way is more flexible.”

  “Private jet. Your private jet.” She stopped in her tracks.

  He turned back towards her seeing the horror on her face. “Is the thought of being on a plane with me that awful? There will be other people on the plane. You will be quite safe.”

  “No. It’s not that. I’ve never been on a private jet, I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone with a private jet. Does Mr Stanhope have one?”

  “Your rambling,” he sounded amused. “Did you think I was after my grandfather's business for the money?”

  She didn’t answer at first, and then she said, “I never gave it much thought. But I suppose I thought that was one of the reasons you took it on.”

  “I have several other businesses. Lucrative businesses. The only reason I took on Stanhope holdings was to make sure my grandfather did not have to worry about it on top of everything else.”

  He turned to walk away, and then turned back. She had begun to follow him again and so ended up nearly running into him.

  “I can’t believe you have such a low opinion of me.”

  She looked at the floor, unable to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  He turned and walked off, and if he had not been holding her bags still she would have turned around and run off in the opposite direction, as far away from him as possible.

  They reached the VIP area, and everything happened fast, and politely. She dug out her passport, although at one point she considered saying she had left it behind and would not be able to go. However, she was not a coward, and her strong will wouldn’t let her run away from this mess. Even if it seemed to be getting bigger by the minute.

  In a whirl they were escorted onto the plane, and Anna settled into her seat, hoping her luggage all made it on. This was so foreign to her, and her comfort zone seemed to be disappearing into the distance.

  “Would you like a drink?” the hostess asked.

  Anna didn’t know what to order, and she hesitated. Douglas looked up from the papers he was reading. “How about some coffee?” he suggested.

  That sounded perfect, she wanted to keep a clear head. “Yes, that would be great, Thank you.”

  The young woman smiled and disappeared back down the plane. Anna tried to relax, and when she looked up Douglas was smiling.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “I was remembering something you said about my having to order for “my kind of women”.”

  She looked out of the window. “I was angry with you.”

  “You’re always angry with me. I haven't figured out why yet, but I will.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s probably me, I get a little...” She didn’t know how to finish.

  “Is that an apology?”

  “If that makes you happy,” she said wearily.

  “I am not interested in what makes me happy. I only want to know what I can do to make you like me.”

  Anna looked at him directly, wondering why it mattered to him. Was she that important to his grandfather that he was worried she would say things to the old man behind his back? She would never do that. But she had done exactly that. Only to her sisters, and Susie had let that slip.

  “It’s not that I don’t like you. I’ve never had to deal with someone like you, I find it hard.”

  The plane was preparing to take off, and Anna felt a little queasy. This was a little different from a big jet, but as they approached the runway she found the whole thing smooth and quiet.

  “You OK?” he asked.

  “Yes. Thank you. It’s been a tough morning.”

  “Nothing serious I hope. You looked a little upset when you got here.”

  “I...” she hadn’t thought he would notice. “It was nothing.”

  “Boyfriend trouble?”

  She wondered if he was fishing, but answered honestly. “No boyfriend, so no trouble.”

  “Don’t you ever date?”

  “Not really. I frighten most men off. And then there are men like you who are put off by the way I look.”

  Whether it was the plane taking off or something else, she couldn’t tell but his papers went everywhere. Without taking off their seat belts they both bent down to try to gather them up.

  Then he stopped, and put his hand on her arm. “Wait a minute.” He sat up, and she did the same. “Where did you get the idea from that I don’t find you attractive?”

  “That first day. In the conference room. You made some remark about bending me over the conference table. And then you laughed. I can take a hint.”

  “Oh, god, Anna. I only laughed because I realised I had over stepped the mark. It had just slipped out, I guess because I couldn’t get the thought of what it would be like taking you over the table out of my head. Still can’t.” He gave her a crooked school boy smile.

  Anna blushed, and could no longer meet his eyes. If he was joking around again it would hurt so much, she didn’t want to know.

  The hostess came with the coffee, and they sat in silence as she poured it. If she spoke Anna didn’t hear, she was too busy trying to keep her head together, her eyes watched the land below get further and further away. It felt as though her senses were going with it. She couldn’t move, or speak. Too afraid of what might happen if she did.

  “Anna.” He paused. “Anna. Look at me.”

  Slowly she turned to face him, tears nearly blinding her. He reached forward and brushed them away, the feel of his fingers on her skin causing a feverish heat to fill her body. Could it be true that he really did want her; as much as she had wanted him from the first moment they had met?

  “I am sorry, if that is how I made you feel. It explains a lot. Is there anyway you can forgive me, and we can move on. Move forward.”

  “You’re my boss, Douglas. It would be stupid for anything to happen between us. No matter how much I want you, I do not want you to send me away when you’ve had your fun.”

  His voice was a whisper, “Is that what you think I’d do? Use you and then send you out of my sight?”

  “You threatened to send me away before.”

  “It was a heated discuss
ion, as ours normally are. I promise you I would not do that. If things didn’t work out I would let you go, if that was what you wanted. Tear your contract up and give you the best reference you could get.”

  Anna felt faint, he was asking her to let go of everything she held onto so tightly. Her job, her freedom, and her free will. Because to love a man like Douglas would be to sacrifice a bit of herself. She would not call the shots; they would be equals, something she was not used to where relationships were concerned.


  “I’ve never bothered about relationships, my career was everything.” She told him honestly, and then added very quietly, “I’m scared.”


  She looked at him, confused.

  “If you weren’t scared then you wouldn’t be taking this as seriously as I am.”

  He placed his hand on hers and squeezed it, his thumb then moving to stroke the back of it, sending small shock waves through her body.

  “I cannot tell you how many times I have fantasised about having you.” He spoke so frankly she was shocked. “Tell me you haven't done the same.”

  He was so open and direct it left her surprised, and more than a little bit turned on. The thought of this man, Douglas Osborne, having indecent thoughts about her, made her sex throb with anticipation.

  What had he fantasised about them doing? She wanted to ask, needed to know. However, she knew that this was the point of no return, if she asked him, and he told her, there would be no going back. Their relationship would change, turn into something other than business.

  Wasn't it already there?

  She looked at him, and wanted to experience everything he wanted to show her. This was one of those moments where she had to be brave, no more playing it safe, pushing people away in her personal life. This man was worth grabbing hold of and holding on tight to for the ride of her life.

  “I won’t lie to you, Douglas.”

  “I’m glad of that,” he said leaning forward and stroking the sensitive skin on the inside of her arm.

  It was not overtly sexual, yet the thrill of his fingers on her skin made her whimper with desire. He smiled, and turned to see where the hostess was, and then he turned back to Anna.

  “Shall we take this somewhere more private?”

  “Here?” she squeaked. “On the plane?”

  “Yes,” he laughed. “If you have never had sex at ten thousand feet, you have never lived.”

  She squeezed her thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing need of her clit. Anna wanted him to touch her, to kiss her body from head to toe and make her beg for mercy. At this moment she was willing to give herself over to him, and his every demand. Whatever he had intoxicated her with, she did not care. Wild abandonment beckoned, and when he left his seat and offered her his hand she accepted it, following him as meekly as a lamb.

  Heading towards the back of the plane she thought he would take her to the bathroom, or something, like you see in the movies. She worried she would not fit well into a small cubicle, not with her curves and a man like Douglas, all broad shoulders and muscles.

  To her surprised they passed through a small corridor and into a small bedroom.

  “The plane has a bed!” she exclaimed, forgetting for one moment how turned on she was by this man and the enormity of what she was about to do.

  “It sure does,” he said turning to her and kissing her neck.

  All thought left her, it felt so good to finally have him touching her and kissing her like this. Her fingers wound into his hair and she pulled him close, itching to be relieved of her clothes. All she wanted was for him to use his lips to stimulate every inch of her body.

  Her hands stroked his back, sliding down over his butt, it was as toned and firm as the rest of him. Hardness against her soft curves, and oh my, was he hard. She could feel his cock pressing against her. He truly was as turned on as she was.

  The thought making her mind spin.

  His fingers went to her jacket, slowly undoing the business suit she wore to make her feel in control. As it dropped to the floor, so did her hard mask. Her face flushed, eyes dilated in arousal, she was all woman now. No longer a woman in a man's world, but an equal in what they were about to share.

  He pushed her onto her back, the bed firm underneath her. Douglas slid down beside her and his lips touched hers for the first time; sparks seemed to explode in her head. So soft and firm, moving against hers until she opened her mouth and allowed him to slide his tongue inside to claim her.

  His hands travelled to her breasts, cupping one in his hand, kneading it gently. Anna pressed herself more firmly against him, and his thumb slid over her nipple. She thought she would explode right then. All the pent up longing and frustration of the last few weeks almost making this too much.

  “I really want to undress you right now,” Douglas said.

  “Then why don’t you?” she invited, hopefully sounding braver than she felt. Maybe her curves would put him off when he saw her completely naked.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, kissing the smooth flesh behind her ear.

  “Yes,” she said, although she was anything but. It was not the thought of sleeping with him; it was the thought of disappointing him. This man must have had some real classy ladies in his bed, and she felt unable to compete with them. Ordinary, that was how she felt.

  Douglas slid off the bed, and went to close and lock the door. “I would hate for us to be interrupted.” He leaned over her and began to unbutton her shirt, kissing her body where her skin was revealed.

  She squirmed under his touch, feeling scared when he pushed her shirt off her shoulders. She sat up and wriggled out of it, and then he turned her over. Her breasts squashed against the bed, her hard nipples aching to be touched.

  The she held her breath as his fingers worked to undo her bra, finally freeing her voluptuous breasts. Then his fingers slid down her spine, stroking her skin, his lips following in their wake until he reached the waistband of her skirt. She heard the zip being pulled down, holding her breath as he worked her skirt down over her hips and then her bottom.

  She lay face down unable to see what he was doing, and so she jumped when his finger stroked her slit through the now sopping fabric of her panties. Unbidden her thighs parted, allowing him access to her heated flesh.

  Douglas took this as a sign she wanted more, and he pushed the fabric to one side and slid a finger inside her. She closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling of bliss that washed over her. Deeper he pushed, and wider she opened her thighs, until he pushed another finger inside her, stretching her wet entrance.

  She could hear the slick sounds of her wet sex being massaged by his fingers. They slid against her inner walls, finding the spot that had eluded all men before. Anna could hold it together no longer, and she peaked, her sex pulsing and contracting around his fingers. Douglas did not stop; he made her orgasm strong and almost endless, the friction of his fingers against her g spot allowing him to command her release.

  She lay still, her face buried in the bed covers, trying to hide the tears which had sprung to her eyes. It was too intense, and she questioned whether she really had made a mistake, allowing him to see her so naked, so vulnerable.

  Anna heard him moving behind her, and after wiping her eyes she turned around to see him undressed, naked in front of her, his arousal obvious.

  “Turnover, Anna. Let me see you properly.”

  She obediently turned over, her full breasts jiggling as she moved. He watched her body, smiling at the fullness of it.

  “Take your panties off, Anna.”

  She blushed, sitting up and pushing her panties over her hips before sliding them down her legs and kicking them off. Her gaze was drawn to his thick long cock, and she licked her lips in anticipation. She wanted to taste him, to please him as he had pleased her.

  Sliding forward she wrapped her hand around his thick shaft, and her mouth covered the head of it, making him thrust forward and groa
n with approval. She sucked and licked him, feeling him harden further under her touch. His one hand fisted her hair, and the other slid down to stroke her breasts.

  Despite only experiencing her orgasm minutes before, her sex throbbed with need. She was tempted to insert her finger inside her wet sex and pleasure herself while she made him come. However, before she did he stopped her.

  “Enough Anna, I want to come inside you. Lie back down.”

  She did as he asked, feeling intensely aroused as he looked at her wet pink sex. Without taking his eyes off her he put a condom on his erect cock, rolling it down expertly. Anna watched, gulping down her panic. This was it; he was going to make love to her, here on his private jet.

  Oh, she suddenly thought, was this his thing? Fucking women on his jet. Was that the turn on. What if she were about to throw her career away simply to satisfy a kink of a billionaire.

  He watched her face change, and slid down next to her on the bed.

  “What’s wrong honey?” he asked.

  Anna looked away, but he placed a finger under her chin and turned her to him. “Tell me what’s wrong. If you’ve changed your mind just say, I do not want you to do something you'll regret.”

  “How many women have you had here?” she asked, needing to know.

  “You mean here in this bed?”

  “Yes, is this part of your seduction technique? Blind them with your wealth, and then take them to bed on your jet?”

  “Anna, Anna. When will you learn to trust me?”

  She tried to turn from him, wanting to find her clothes and get out of here, although she knew she was stranded in mid air with him until they landed. However, Douglas would not let her go; he used his upper body strength to hold her still. She struggled, panic filling her.

  “Let me go,” she said.

  “Not until you listen to me, Anna. This is too important for me to simply let you believe things that are not true.”

  She struggled against him, but they both knew she did not really want to get away from him. Anna wanted nothing more than to go back to how she felt before, but her brain would not let her. She was so scared of letting go and giving herself to him. She would find some excuse to push him away, some way to ruin this.


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