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Cowboy Save Me: By Judith Lee (Tiller Brothers Book 1)

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by Lee, Judith

  “Believe me, I understand. He really is a great guy though but I’m not here to pimp my brother. He just asked me to help him out and I agreed under the condition that he introduce me to Jared Stevens. No worry though. I did my part by asking. Let’s look at the quilts.”

  “You know Jenny, I’ve heard…things…about Jared, not that I can confirm them, but I would be careful with him if I were you.”

  “Now you sound just like my brother. Jared is just…eye candy. I’d like to eat him up but I wouldn’t ever do that. I even had to promise Cody that I’d behave, for God’s sake. I don’t think Cody knows I’m 22 years old and not a dumb little kid anymore.”

  “I like you Jenny Tiller. Listen to your brother on this one, at least until you know if there is fire with the smoke with Jared? He may be different than everyone thinks.”

  “Same goes for my brother, you know… Ah there’s my quilt. I wanted to ask you a question about my binding…” Jenny decided to change the subject and even though she was curious about what happened three years ago, Jenny wasn’t going to ask.


  “She said what? Bigger than life? That’s crazy. She’s the one that’s drop dead gorgeous.”

  “Don’t beat up the messenger. I told you everything she said Cody, word for word. She seems like a nice woman. Not sure what happened to her three years ago, but sounds like she isn’t ready for your kind of dynamics.”

  “Dynamics, bullshit! All I did was offer her a ticket to the damn rodeo. I didn’t ask her to….”

  “I know. I’m pretty sure she knew you weren’t the marrying type, Cody.” She turned her back on her brother, disgusted with his attitude. If he couldn’t see that Tammy wasn’t like all his buckle bunnies, she was done with this conversation.

  Well he didn’t give a damn if Tammy and her sexy freckles didn’t want any more to do with him. Although he wondered why she had stared at him with that challenge in her eyes? He had just tried to be polite by asking if she wanted to come to the rodeo. He hadn’t really been looking forward to seeing her sitting in the stands with his mom and sister, right? Okay, so if he admitted the truth, he was a little disappointed. He had kept looking up at the stands wondering where she was. Well, this was nothing that one of those chicks waiting for his autograph couldn’t cure in an hour or so.

  When the rodeo was over, he kissed his mom on the cheek and told her to drive home safe. The dirt road to the ranch was filled with holes, which he needed to get the plow out and fix before they got any worse.

  His grandmother had already left earlier in the day and gone to her home with one of her friends after watching her son Josh and Cameron get 2nd place in steer roping. Jenny was staying the night in town with her best friend, Jan. His dad, Matt and Cameron were loading the bulls, and would be following mom shortly. He and Dakota were staying in the horse trailer, which was more like a motor home on wheels. Dakota would probably be hitting the Honky-Tonk Bar about now, but Cody didn’t feel like joining him just yet. He decided to walk through the exhibits which would be closing soon. There was a feeling of vitality still flowing as the fair and rodeo got ready to wind down for the day, and Cody had always liked walking around and feeling the left over energy. The smells of cotton candy, fried turkey legs, and steak and onions filled his nose, and he had to step over a few puddles of vomit near some of the high flying rides.

  He found himself walking toward the 4-H and Open Exhibitors section. Maybe he would just peek in and see his mom and sister’s quilts. He hadn’t had time to see them displayed yet and he heard they had both won first place ribbons. At least that’s the reason he gave himself, as he peeked in the door and not that she might be working there late tonight.

  What he saw stopped him in his tracks. Tammy was leaning down picking something off one of the quilts. The smooth skirt was tight over her ass and she looked inviting. His heart sped up a beat. She straightened up and slowly turned around to see who had entered. She had white gloves on and an apron that was embroidered with the word, ‘Volunteer’.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey, back to ya,” she smiled at him.

  He smiled back, his eyes soaking in everything about her, her face, her body, her pleasantly surprised expression. What was it about this woman that drew him to her like a moth to a spider’s web?

  “How’d you do tonight, cowboy?”

  “Actually I disqualified myself. I’m supposed to keep both spurs touching the horse’s shoulders until the horse’s front feet hit the ground after the initial jump out of the shoot. And my left spur came off early. I have a tendency to do that. Hell, I’ve done it so many times that I get teased about it all the time from the regulars who always ride bareback. I did ride it for eight seconds just to prove I could, and then crashed and burned. Hurt my pride more than anything.” He slapped his ass with his hand to let her know where he’d crashed.

  “… My brother Dakota did okay; he made the short ride and placed in the money.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you get your buckle award this afternoon. Your sister said you won.”

  “Yeah, wish you could have been there tonight. I kinda felt like I got stood up.”

  She walked up to him and looked up into his eyes, “Why Cody? We didn’t have a date or anything.”

  “I gave the ticket to Jenny to give to you, to ask you.”

  “But you didn’t ask me in person Cody.”

  “I had to get back, but I should have asked you myself. No excuses. Are you about done here?”

  As if on cue, the security guard popped his head in the door and said he was there to lock up. She walked over and took off her apron and white gloves, put on her jacket, and grabbed her purse. She thanked the guard, before they exited the building.

  “Can I walk you to your car? Or buy you a beer? Or take you dancing?” He smiled a sheepish grin and took her hand in his as they started walking.

  She looked up at him, and looked surprised that he had taken her hand.

  “To my car, thank you.” Her eyes twinkled impishly up into his eyes.

  He had thought she would say no to everything so he was thrilled for this one small victory. He asked her which way her car was and kept a tight grip on her hand as they began walking toward the back parking lot.

  He stopped in the first parking lot section, and said, “Listen.”

  She heard someone singing Kenny Roger’s song, ‘Lady’ from the nearby bar.

  “Let’s dance.” He swung her into his arms before she could say no and pulled her close. Her copper locks rested perfectly under his chin. He moved slowly as his hand caressed her back and he held her other hand next to his shoulder. Mmmm, nice. He wanted to pull her closer so he could feel every curve of her body. Her smell, gardenia, was powerfully intoxicating and he drew his face closer to her neck. Her neck was smooth and soft like velvet, and he wanted to kiss her so much. If he didn’t think that she already believed he was a womanizer he would have lived up to his reputation. Damn, I still might.

  The words of the song surrounded them as they danced, “Lady, I’m your knight in shining armor and I love you. You have made me what I am and I’m your love.” The words blared out into the parking lot from the bar. Cody leaned in close to her ear and sang the next verse softly, “Let me hold you in my arms forever more.” She smiled up at him. They danced for a few more minutes under the moonlight.

  “For so many years I’d never thought I’d find you. You came into my life and made me whole. I’ve waited for you so long,” Cody continued to sing to her in his soft baritone voice. He heard her sweet giggle.

  “Such a cowboy,” she whispered to him.

  After a few minutes, she pulled back. She seemed overwhelmed and said in a low voice, “It’s getting late Cody.”

  Feeling the loss of her body next to his made him feel empty. They quietly started walking to the car. He scrambled to think of some way to get to see her again.

  “You know my sister is showing her r
abbits in the open class tomorrow morning at 10:00. She’s pretty proud of them, and thinks the rabbit category never gets its just recognition. Do you think you would want to go with me to support her?”

  She smiled, and he knew she knew, he was reaching with that one. Since when had he started acting like he was still in high school?

  “Alright, since you asked me in person, and I really like your sister, I will meet you there at 10:00.”

  “Then could I take you to lunch?”

  “Don’t push it cowboy,” she laughed.

  When they got to her car, she pulled her keys out of her purse. He took her keys and leaned in to unlock her door. Standing close to her, almost touching her, he ran his fingertips over her freckles.

  “Darlin’ you remind me of sunshine, so fresh and pretty.”

  “Does that line work a lot?” she smiled up at him.

  He laughed, “Don’t believe I’ve ever used that one. Corny, huh?”

  “Cody, I think you really are a nice guy, but I’m just not ready to start dating again. I have lots of issues that I don’t want to talk about. I just don’t want to lead you on or give you the impression that I’m….”

  “If you are going to say ‘easy’ I can tell you, I know, you…are…not… easy.” He spoke in a low voice. “And I mean no disrespect. I really would just like to get to know you. And just so you know, I’m kinda’ in a transition stage myself, and I don’t want to talk about it either.” He echoed her words back to her.

  After she studied him pensively, she replied, “Thank you for walking me to my car. I will come watch your sister and her rabbits tomorrow. Good night and thank you for the invite to the rodeo, too. I wish I had gone.”

  He stepped back, smiled and just as she was about to close her door, he said, “Wait. Give me your cell phone.”

  Without even thinking she handed her phone to him.

  He quickly entered his cell number. “Please text me that you got home safely. There are a lot of drunks out tonight, and I’d be worried if I didn’t know you made it home.”

  Touched by his thoughtfulness, she whispered, “Alright, good night.” And she drove off leaving him standing alone in the parking lot with just a few other cars and an uncomfortable pressure in his wranglers.

  Well it’s a start. He still regretted not kissing her. Since when had he ever waited for a woman to be ready for a kiss? At least he had an excuse to see her tomorrow. He shook his head; this isn’t what he should be thinking about. There were more important issues than him meeting Miss Sunshine. He should get his head in the game and start a plan. His family was sure going to need him to step up.

  He needed a beer and he headed over to the Honky-Tonk bar. Ten minutes later he got a text: Made it home safe. Thanks for making this day so special for me.

  Cody quickly wrote back: Pleasure was mine. Sweet dreams Miss Sunshine…see you tomorrow.

  Surely his family would forgive him these few moments of enjoyment before the responsibilities started pulling him every which direction. He had played hard and lived his dream since college. Now it was Dakota and Cameron’s time. In the future, time for romance would be at a premium, especially with what was about to happen. Maybe she was right and he should just let her go. She said she wasn’t ready. Whatever that meant? He definitely needed to get to the bottom of that. He guessed someone had hurt her pretty badly. Cody knew the responsible thing to do was just be friends with her. But damn those freckles drove him crazy.

  Chapter Three

  Tammy changed out of her clothes into a tight tank top and readied herself for bed. She couldn’t sleep. The woman in her had wanted him to kiss her so bad, just one time for God’s sake, but then the practical he’ll-break-your-heart-side of her brain said Run! He’s not interesting in the long term relationship that she really wanted.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t think she was worthy of him. These last three years had shown her what a strong woman she was. Control was now her middle name and she hardly ever had nightmares anymore. She knew she had become a talented professional business woman and could hold her own against any man or woman. Maybe she could even stand up to Marcus now if he ever dared try to come back into her life.

  Tammy just didn’t trust herself. With any encouragement from him she’d probably fall in love with Cody and she knew he couldn’t love her back. He’d be on the road again, back in the arms of the buckle bunnies. She knew this type of man. She had heard it from his many conquests while they talked about him at the beauty salon. Oh, they all drooled and declared him one fine, unselfish lover but they all said they knew he wasn’t the type of man to settle down.

  Maybe if she just had a one night stand with him to get him out of her system, she could move on and start looking for the man of her dreams. It had certainly not been her ex-husband. Hopefully they’ll never let him out on probation.

  She closed her eyes and remembered the way Cody had made her feel. Her skin had tingled and she had wanted so badly to be held and kissed by him. She could see herself and Cody sitting on his porch rocking in his swing holding their babies...

  Whoa…enough! He is not for you. He’s only interested because you are a challenge to him. It was like all the romance novels she read to help her get through those long lonely nights. Once he had her, it would be slam, bam, nice to meet you ma’am and he’d be out the door… Or would he?

  Just thinking about him was killing her. The way he had held her hand so possessively still sent chills up her body. The way his beautiful blue eyes seemed to see right into her soul. And when he had whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek at the awards ceremony, the world had stood still. And tonight when he had danced with her and sung to her, he almost made her believe anything was possible. Today was too much like a romance novel. But damn it had been mind-blowing.

  She turned over in her bed and hit her pillow. No more erotica novels for me. The real man was just too hot to touch, and her body felt all steamy, on fire, and liquid in places that hadn’t been liquid in an awfully long time. She longed to use her fingers to put her out of her misery but feared it would only make her want him more.

  He leaned in and touched his mouth to her lips, and whispered, “Time to wake up darlin’; I want to make love to you.” He rolled his naked bronzed body on top of her, and she smiled with her eyes closed.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “It was easy, you left the door unlocked. I just couldn’t get you out of my mind." He nuzzled her neck and licked at the freckles on the upper part of her chest. His fingers slid gently down her body stopping at her hardened nipples. As he flicked and caressed her pink peaks, he bit into her shoulder and licked it with his tongue. Slowly he moved his mouth to her breasts kissing, and nibbling every part of her before he blew air on her nipples and made them harden even more.

  “Suck them, Cody.”

  “With pleasure.” His mouth sealed on her breast and he sucked soft and hard and then soft again while his tongue flicked over her too sensitive tips. She felt the pull of his mouth all the way down to her swollen clit. Her cream was getting thicker. He lowered his hand to her woman’s core while he continued to suck and love both breasts. He moved his thumb in a slow circle around her nub.

  “Oh Cody, I’m so close.”

  “You smell so good, gardenia and the morning dew, and I’m going to have to taste you before you come.”

  As he was sliding his lips down her body, the phone rang. Don’t answer it she told herself. She was so close. It wouldn’t stop ringing. She opened her eyes and discovered her fingers pleasuring herself. “Damn!” she cried. Still breathing hard, she tried to get control before she picked up the phone.

  She answered, “Hello?” in a raspy voice, hoping it only sounded sleepy instead of sex charged.

  “I’m out honey, and you’re the first person I wanted to see. I’m coming, so get ready for me. I know you missed me. Even though you’re a lousy fuck, I missed you and I won’t be stopped this time.”
And he hung up.

  All her desire fled her body in an instant, and she jumped up from the bed, shaking in disbelief that he really thought he could start this with her.

  She wanted to call the police, call someone, but she didn’t know who. Her mother and father were at their Cabin in the Snowy Range Mountains and she wouldn’t be able to reach them. She didn’t even know if she still had her attorney’s phone number in Laramie. How quick can one get a restraining order, she wondered? She put on her short bathrobe and started pacing. Maybe Cody would know an attorney. She could call him. That was crazy, she had just met him. Maybe someone at work would know the name of an attorney. No, she couldn’t call her fellow workers. No one knew the hell she had been through.

  Maybe Marcus was just bluffing, trying to scare her. Could she just let this slide and hope he didn’t show up? She didn’t want the police or sheriff’s office digging into the most painful memories of her life. Reaching for the phone, she looked at the time. 5:30 am. Weren’t ranchers up at this time of the morning? She had to talk to someone. She needed to talk to Cody before she went into a full blown panic seizure. She hadn’t experience the panic attach for several years. Her breathing was becoming faster and she felt light headed. Maybe just hearing his voice would calm her down; she quickly made up her mind to dial his phone number.

  He answered quickly, “Hi Sunshine, you’re up awful early. Couldn’t sleep?”

  “Cody I need your help.” Her voice was shaking, hell her whole body was shaking. He must think she was some kind of a needy sex craved woman. “I shouldn’t have called, just forget it, I’m sorry. I’m okay, bye,” she said, sobbing. Why had she called him?

  A second later her cell phone rang. “Don’t hang up, Tammy, what’s wrong? Do you want me to come over…I’m still in town and I can be there in a few minutes. Are you in trouble or hurt?” He didn’t want her to quit talking, he wanted her to tell him why she had called. He could hear fear and the sobs in her voice.


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